Worksheet 4.2a Sampling and Sampling Techniques

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Sampling and Sampling Techniques 2. Questionaire.

This method is referred to as the

indirect method of gathring beacause this makes use
SAMPLE is a part of the population that is subject to of written questions to be answered by the
research and used to represent the entire population as a respondent.
whole. 3. Observation. This method makes use of the different
human senses in gathering information.
4. Registration or Census. This method requires the
1. RANDOM SAMPLING - each member of the enactment of law to take effect bacause it needs the
population has an equally likely chance of being participation of a large, if not the entire, population.
selected. 5. Experimentation. This method is usually conducted
Ex: Fish bowl procedure, Lottery in laboratories where specimens are subjected to
2. CONVENIENCE SAMPLING - it is a sample that is some aspects of control to find out cause and effect
chosen so that it is easy for the researcher. Least relationships.
expensive, least time consuming.
Ex: complete a survey using the students handled.
Data gathered may be classified as primary and
population is divided into subgroups (Strata), so that
each population member is in only one subgroup.  Primary Data- are information gathered directly
Ex: the company has 800 female employees and 200 from the source.
male employees. You want to ensure that the sample  Secondary Data – are gathered from the
reflects the gender balance of the company, so you secondary sources, such as: books, journals,
sort the population into two strata based on gender. magazines, or thesis of other reserchers .
Then you use random sampling on each group,
selecting 80 women and 20 men, which gives you a In data gathering, information is usually taken from
representative sample of 100. a sample. The number of samples is determined by
4. CLUSTER SAMPLING - it is a sample that involves using the Slovin’s Formula.
dividing the population into subgroups, but each
subgroup should have similar characteristics to the
whole sample. It is consists of items in a group such Slovin’s Formula
as a neighbourhood or a household. The group may
be chosen at random. n=
1+ Ne 2
5. SYSTEMATIC SAMPLING - is obtained using an Example: What is the sample size if the population is
ordered list of the population, thus selecting 3000 and the marginwhere,
of errornis=set
at : of samples
a. 5%
members systematically from the list. Every member N = number of population
b. 3%
of the population is listed with a number, but instead e = margin of error
of randomly generating numbers, individuals are Solution:
chosen at regular intervals.
a) The margin of error is 5% or 0.05. Thus,
n = __3000________
1 + (3000)(0.05)2
The first step in any statistical work after the formulation the sample size at 5% margin of error is 353.
of the problem is the collection of data. Data may be
gathered by the following methods: b) the margin of error is 3% or 0.03 . Hence,
n = ________3000____
1. Interview. This method is reffered to as the direct 1 + (3000)(0.03)2
method of gathering data because this requires a n = 810.81
face-to-face inquiry with the respondent. the sample size at 3% margin of error is 811.
number from 1 to 100. Then the numbers 1 to 100
Worksheets 4.2 are written on separate pieces of paper and shuffled.
Finally, the researcher picks 25 slips of paper and
A. Identify the most appropriate method(s) of collecting the numbers on the paper determine the 25
data to be used in each of the following research participants.
1. The effectiveness of Filipino as medium of
instruction in Mathematics. 4. A sociologist conducts an opinion survey in a major
2. The changes of behavior of drug dependents. city. Part of the research plan calls for describing
3. The physical and behavioral changes in a Guinea pig and comparing the opinions of four different ethnic
subjected to a new medicine for SARS. groups: African Americans, Asian Americans,
4. The number of private and public utility vehicles in European Americans, and Native Americans. For a
the country. total sample of 300, the researcher selects 75
5. The reaction of some celebrities to the participants from each of the four predetermined
announcement of the presidential bid of an actor. subgroups.
6. The recreational activities of third year students and 5. A researcher is interested in political attitudes of
its relative effects to their study habits. individuals within a particular state. The researcher
7. The values that are acquired by some teachers from uses the following procedure to obtain a sample: (a)
watching telenovelas. a random sample of counties is drawn, (b) within the
8. The learning style of students. counties selected, districts are randomly drawn, (c)
9. The characteristics, problems, and needs of the within each district, blocks are randomly sampled,
Filipino people. (d) within blocks selected, building are randomly
10. The average temperature in Baguio City from drawn, and (d) all residents within the buildings
December 1 to February 1. selected comprise the sample.

B. In each of the following examples, identify the

sampling method being used. 6. Instructors teaching research methods are interested
in knowing what study techniques their students are
1. A sample of 2,000 was sought to estimate the utilizing. Rather than assessing all students, the
average achievement in science of fifth graders in a researchers randomly select 10 students from each of
city’s public schools. The average fifth grade the sections to comprise their sample.
enrollment in the city’s elementary schools is 100
students. Thus, 20 schools were randomly selected
and within each of those schools all fifth graders 7. A researcher is interested in maximum-security
were tested. inmates. She groups maximum-security prisons by
state, randomly selects 10 states, and, from those 10,
selects three prisons. She includes all the inmates in
2. A researcher is interested in maximum-security those three prisons in her sample.
inmates. She groups inmates by the type of crime
committed, determines the percentage of the total in 8. To study the efficiency of a telephone company,
each crime category, and uses that percentage to Judy selects every 20th subscriber listed in the
determine the number of inmates randomly selected telephone directory for her sample.
from each group.
9. Annette wants to study the annual salaries of
professors in a certain university. She divides the
3. A researcher has a population of 100 third grade population according to their academic ranks and
children from a local school district from which a then selects a sample within these ranks.
sample of 25 children is to be selected. Each child’s
name is put on a list, and each child is assigned a
10. A researcher wants to know the relationships
between smoking and death rate by making a
nationwide survey on this matter. He selects the 13
regions of the country and picks 25 persons at
random from each region for interview.
C. Identify the type of data being described.

1) Scott is researching opinions on uniform in his school.

He asks a sample of pupils whether they believe the
uniform in the school should be changed.

2) Lauren is trying to find out about the percentage

employment rates for certain degrees. She does some
research on the internet on different employment and
university websites.

3) Kwame is interested in the number of goals that

different players score in the different football leagues.
He checks the Wikipedia pages of each player to try and
find out the values.

4) Alex wants to know about whether the school lunches

provide good value for money. She asks a sample of
pupils in the lunch hall how much they paid for their

5) Conor wants to find out about the history of Second

World War. One of the things he does is look up online
the number of people who died from each of the
countries who fought in the war.

6) Leanne is doing a geography project. As part of her

project she is looking at the population density of
different urban areas. She looks this up on a website.

7) Will is in maths class doing a practical lesson where

he measures the lengths of different objects in the

8) Sam is carrying out a readability test in her English

lesson. As part of her test she counts the word length of
each word on a randomly selected page.

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