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Tests – page 1

Unit Test (Unit 1)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. You should put on your . It’s cold outside.
A. polo neck B. overcoat C. tracksuit
2. I about going on a holiday to Bermuda, but I haven’t decided yet.
A. am thinking B. think C. will think
3. The shops stay open longer during the holiday season, and until after eight o’clock.
A. didn’t close B. aren’t closing C. don’t close
4. Those new trainers are so popular that everyone is wearing them.
A. trendy B. formal C. sociable
5. I’ve been so busy with work lately that I have time to watch TV.
A. usually B. often C. rarely
6. An elegant , white shirt and a smart tie would be an appropriate choice for your job interview.
A. trainer B. necklace C. suit
7. If you weren’t so , you would listen to her suggestions and go to see a doctor.
A. consistent B. stubborn C. sporty
8. I usually wear clothes, but today I think I will wear something a bit more formal.
A. casual B. unpredictable C. skinny
9. Lola can’t come to the phone right now. She her homework.
A. is doing B. does C. did
10. Her roommates are complaining about the loud music coming from the flat next door.
A. sometimes B. rarely C. always
score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, decide which word or phrase A, B, C or D best fits each space.
There is an example at the beginning (00).

Most of us usually (00) B our clothing choices based on our everyday life. We wear clothes which are
appropriate for the (1) — like a suit and tie for work, or trainers when we go to the gym. We also try
to express our personality and influence how people see us through our choices. But researchers have found
that what we wear also (2) how we feel about ourselves and how well we do.
We can see this very clearly when we look at work clothes. We associate smart clothes, like suits and jackets,
with work, and for good reason. When you are wearing these clothes, you feel more (3) and your
decision-making improves. Uniforms, whether for work or school, also strongly affect our performance. One
study found that medical researchers made fewer mistakes if they wore their lab coats, and school children
did better in tests when wearing their uniforms. Clothing can also affect mood. Are you feeling down and
depressed? Studies show that bright colours (4) our mood. This is true even for clothes which
are covered and can’t be seen, like socks. So, next time you are feeling down, (5) on something
colourful. It might give you a lift!

00 (A) made (B) make (C) making (D) are making B

1 (A) habit (B) occasion (C) residence (D) work
2 (A) changes (B) change (C) changing (D) is changing
3 (A) forgetful (B) indecisive (C) confident (D) reserved
4 (A) improve (B) improves (C) improved (D) are improving
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5 (A) putting (B) dressing (C) dress (D) put

score 5

C You have decided to start a blog and want to make a post to introduce yourself. Write a profile (100-120 words)
in which you include the following points:
• a description of yourself • why you are making the blog score 10
• your interests
total 25
• Begin like this: Hi there, score
page 2– Tests

Unit Test (Unit 2)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. During our trip to Greece, we went to Athens and visited Acropolis.
A. an B. the C. –
2. It was a _flat that was large enough for the entire family.
A. spacious B. tiny C. rural
3. Are glasses over there Steve’s?
A. this B. these C. those
4. The children made so much noise the film that their mother took them home.
A. during B. until C. on
5. In 1926, Gertrude Caroline Ederle became the first woman to swim the English Channel.
A. over B. across C. towards
6. Because the old house desperately needed , they were able to buy it for a good price.
A. ornament B. accommodation C. renovation
7. My brother usually goes to school foot, but today he took the bus.
A. by B. with C. on
8. The estate helped me find a small flat near the university.
A. tenant B. agent C. landlord
9. Go straight down the . Her office is the third door on the left.
A. corridor B. flat C. floor
10. After they started a family, they decided to leave the city centre and move to the .
A. suburbs B. bungalows C. neighbourhoods
score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, think of a word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
gap. The text tests your understanding of grammar. There is an example at the beginning (00).

Fit for a King

Located (00) in the French countryside, about 20 kilometres from the capital city of Paris,
(1) Palace of Versailles is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world. However,
the palace today is nothing like it was in the beginning. King Luis XIII asked Jacques Lemercier to build a
country house for him (2) 1624 so that he would have a place to stay when he went
hunting. Then,
(3) his father’s death, the new king, Louis XIV, decided to turn the simple house into the
beautiful palace it is today and make it the centre of the French government.
It took over fifty years, but when they finally finished, it was the largest palace in the world. Today,
(4) are 2,300 rooms, 1,252 fireplaces, 67 staircases and even (5) opera house in
the palace. It also contains the famous Hall of Mirrors, which is a 73-metre-long hall with 17 wide windows
and 357 mirrors. The gardens of the palace are just as magnificent. They cover more than 8 km2 of land, and
they are a wonderful example of French formal garden design.
score 5
Copyright © mm publications

C You have recently moved to a new town/city in your country to study there. Write an email (100-120 words) to a
friend describing it, in which you include the following points:

• a description of the area/neighbourhood, sights to see

• what you like or don’t like about it
• an invitation to your friend to visit you score 10
total 25
• Begin like this: Hi Kathy/Chris, score
Tests – page 3

Unit Test (Unit 3)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. Instead of going to university, Philip decided to go to a school to get practical skills and learn a trade.
A. vocational B. military C. night
2. The event takes place in Venice every year.
A. others B. other C. another
3. Participating in a variety of activities can increase your chances of being accepted into a top university.
A. free B. mock C. extracurricular
4. I’m afraid I can’t come to your party tonight, I’m looking after ______ kids.
A. Helen and Daniel B. Helens and Daniels C. Helen and Daniel’s
5. Even when we disagree, it is important that we respect each opinions.
A. other’s B. others C. other
6. I was so nervous the night before I the exam that I couldn’t get any sleep.
A. sat B. made C. got
7. Tom is very . He’s never late for school.
A. strict B. punctual C. patient
8. Her parents were so pleased her test results that they bought her a new computer.
A. at B. for C. with
9. Steve, if you don’t take better care of , you will end up in hospital.
A. yours B. yourself C. you
10. If you
can’t find your calculator, you can borrow . 10
A. mine B. me C. our score

Read the text below. For questions 1-5, decide which word or phrase A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an
example at the beginning (00).
Making the Grade
When I was very young, I fell and broke my leg, and had to spend some time in hospital. It was then that I
first became (00) A to be a doctor tha day. My mother likes to show a photograph she took of
(1) when I was just 4 years old — bandaging the arm of one of my dolls with toilet paper. Even in
(2) , I would tell my teachers that when I grew up I wanted to become a doctor and help children.
I knew that, to make my dream come true, I had to work hard. In high school, I never missed classes to go to
the mall as my friends often did. I preferred to study and even (3) advanced classes in biology and
chemistry. In the end, my hard work paid off. I was able to graduate a full year early from high school and got
a (4) to study medicine at a top university. Of course, medical school was even more challenging,
but I was ambitious and wanted to do my very best. After medical school, I specialised in children’s medicine.
At the hospital where I work now, my colleagues and I always help and support (5) as we do our
best to save children’s lives. Looking back, I realise that it took a lot of hard work to get where I am today, but I
don’t regret any of it. My dream really did come true!
00 (A) motivated (B) demanding (C) competent (D) systematic A
1 (A) mine (B) me (C) myself (D) hers
2 (A) kindergarten (B) college (C) academy (D) playground
3 (A) learnt (B) developed (C) attended (D) gave
4 (A) degree (B) grade (C) mark (D) scholarship
5 (A) one another (B) others (C) another (D) the others
Copyright © mm publications

score 5

C You and your class are planning to go on an educational trip together and your teacher has asked you to write to a
travel agency requesting information. Write a formal email (80-100 words), in which you include the following
• information about when/how many of you would
• ask about the costs
like to travel and for how long
• a description of what kind of things you are • Begin your email like this: Dear Sir/Madam,
looking for score 10
page 4– Tests
Tests – page 5

Unit Test (Unit 4)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. The match ends at ten o’clock, so they be home by eleven.
A. would B. have C. should
2. New York is a very popular holiday destination, so you to book your ticket as soon as possible.
A. must B. ought C. could
3. It’s not my to prepare the documents for the printer.
A. charge B. work C. responsibility
4. Many people have been forced to take a second job in order to a living.
A. make B. take C. have
5. ‘Sir, excuse me, I’m afraid you smoke here! You should go outside!’
A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. must
6. He was tired of doing clerical work, and dreamed of a job that was less and more exciting.
A. monotonous B. profitable C. skilled
7. If I go anywhere in the world, I would go to Australia.
A. should B. could C. may
8. After Jane got the , she was able to start saving money to buy a house.
A. perk B. promotion C. employment
9. Jim go to the cinema with you because he hasn’t finished his homework yet.
A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. can’t
10. Before you for the position, you should make sure you have all the necessary qualifications.
A. apply B. make C. resume
score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, think of a word which best fits the gap. Use only one word in each gap.
The text tests your understanding of grammar. There is an example at the beginning (00).

The Perfect Interview

Whether you’re just out of university applying for your first job or want to make a career change, job
interviews (00) can be stressful. However, they don’t (1) to be. There are a few simple
things that you can do that might help you get the job you want.
The first thing you ought (2) do before going to an interview is research. You should find out
about the company and, if you know the name of the person who will interview you, you should research
them too. A quick search of the company’s website, as well as social media sites, can provide you with a lot
of useful information. The next step is practice. The interviewer will definitely ask about your education,
previous work experience and skills, so you should (3) able to answer these questions easily.
Also, you (4) better be ready to discuss any gaps in your CV or difficult past experiences which
might paint a bad picture for you. For example, if you were sacked from your previous job, you should be
honest about it, and then quickly move on to discuss what you learnt from the experience.
On the day of the interview, make sure to dress smartly. You may want to show your unique personality, but
you should (5) do it through the clothes you wear. It’s always better to have a professional
appearance. Finally, don’t forget to ask questions about the responsibilities, salary and working conditions
during the interview. The more interest you show, the more likely you are to get the job you want.
Copyright © mm publications

score 5

C You have recently graduated from university and are applying for a job as a tour guide. Write an email (100-120
words) of application in which you include the following points:

• say why you are writing, introduce yourself briefly

• provide information about your qualifications and skills score 10
• say why you are suitable for the job total 25
• begin like this: Dear Sir/Madam, score
page 6– Tests

Unit Test (Unit 5)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. They are their first child in the spring and have been renovating the nursery.
A. bringing B. expecting C. resembling
2. they had finished their final exam of the year, all the students went out to celebrate.
A. When B. As soon C. While
3. Kevin the Christmas tree when the phone rang.
A. was decorating B. decorated C. used to decorate
4. After the ceremony, the reception will take place at the Downtown Plaza Hotel.
A. marriage B. bride C. wedding
5. The resemblance between the two siblings is . People often think that they are twins.
A. active B. sedentary C. striking
6. I tennis several days a week, but ever since I started my new job it’s hard to find the time.
A. was playing B. used to play C. play
7. It’s better to start saving for from a young age.
A. retirement B. foster C. adolescence
8. The little boy into the kitchen when his parents were sleeping and ate the biscuits from the jar.
A. was going B. went C. use to go
9. Eliza in a quiet village about an hour from the capital city.
A. took after B. brought up C. grew up
10. most of the kids her age were still learning the alphabet, Alexandra was reading Shakespeare.
A. As B. As soon as C. While 10
Read the text below. For questions 1-5, decide which word or phrase A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an
B example at the beginning (00).
The Wright Brothers
Wilbur and Orville Wright are well-known for inventing the first airplane in the early 20th century. In doing so,
they completely changed the history of travel.
The brothers were (00) B up by their parents, Milton Wright and Susan Koerner, in the USA. They had five
other (1) . From a young age, the children were encouraged to read widely and find out about everything
that interested them. In 1878, while the family (2) in Iowa, their father brought home a toy that could
fly. The toy was so popular with Wilbur and Orville that, (3) it finally broke, they decided to build their
own one. Years later, the brothers said their experience with the toy was one of the first things that made them
interested in flying. Though neither one finished high school, the brothers managed to start their own newspaper
and open a bicycle shop before concentrating on flight in the late 19th century. In 1903, they succeeded in building
and flying a plane. They were the first to do this and, over the next ten years, the brothers (4) side by
side to improve the designs of their aeroplanes. The Wright brothers always (5) very well and worked
together all their lives doing what they loved most.
00 (A) grew (B) brought (C) broke (D) shacked B
1 (A) relatives (B) siblings (C) families (D) parents
2 (A) is living (B) are living (C) was living (D) living
3 (A) when (B) while (C) as soon (D) and
4 (A) were working (B) had better work (C) work (D) worked
5 (A) got on (B) fell out (C) let down (D) took after
Copyright © mm publications

score 5

C Your friend has invited you to his/her 18th birthday party. Write an email (50-80 words) in which you include
the following points:
• thank them for the invitation
• explain why you are unable to go
• apologise for having to turn it • suggest doing something else score 10
down together later total 25
• begin like this: Dear Tim/Allison, score
Tests – page 7

Unit Test (Unit 6)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. There is nothing left in the fridge except for cartons of milk and some cheese.
A. a lot B. little C. a few
2. Before mixing your ingredients, you should the oven to 220 °C.
A. preheat B. bake C. overheat
3. This is ___ book I’ve ever read. I wouldn’t recommend it.
A. bad B. the worst C. worse
4. The problem with most diet food is that it’s just not very .
A. tasty B. rich C. excellent
5. How time do you think we will need to finish the project?
A. much B. little C. few
6. May I have a second of scrambled eggs, please?
A. blend B. ingredient C. helping
7. Rather than throw out bread, my grandmother would use it to make delicious stuffing.
A. smoked B. sour C. stale
8. That documentary was the interesting I have ever seen. You should definitely watch it.
A. more B. the most C. much
9. He brought a of biscuits along with him in case he got hungry on the trip.
A. packet B. jar C. bar
10. The room is spacious, but because of its small windows it doesn’t get light.
score 10
A. lots B. much C. most

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an
example at the beginning (00).
Reaching for the Stars
Having, or losing, a Michelin star can be very important for a restaurant or a chef. But how did a French tyre
company become the (00) D famous organisation in the world that reviews restaurants, and what
does it take for a restaurant to receive its highest three-star rating?
The Michelin guide was originally published in 1900 when there were fewer (1) 3,000 cars on
the roads in France. The guide provided drivers with a lot of useful information about where they could
find garages, buy petrol, get a (2) , or stay for the night. As cars grew in popularity, Michelin
began publishing the guide for other countries and in other languages. In 1931, they adopted the three-
star system when rating hotels and restaurants which is still used today. When someone goes to a
restaurant which has got a Michelin star, they know that the food will be of the highest quality.
People working for the Michelin guide review thousands of restaurants every year, and only the
(3) of them receive the full three stars. Besides the (4) , everything about a restaurant is
considered, from the politeness of the staff to the overall atmosphere. If a restaurant doesn’t pay enough
attention to detail, it definitely won’t earn (5) Michelin stars. Proud restaurant owners and chefs
who have earned stars can be confident that their restaurants will always be fully-booked.
00 (A) much (B) many (C) more (D) most D
1 (A) than (B) of (C) to (D) then
2 (A) portion (B) meal (C) tip (D) recipe
3 (A) good (B) well (C) better (D) best
4 (A) cutlery (B) additives (C) appetites (D) dishes
5 (A) few (B) a lot (C) any (D) no
Copyright © mm publications

score 5

C You recently visited a new restaurant that has opened in your neighbourhood. Write a review (100-120 words)
on a forum in which you talk about your experience. Include the following points:
• information about the restaurant
score 10
• what you liked or didn’t like about it • whether you would recommend it or not total 25
• begin like this: Hi there, score
page 8– Tests

Unit Test (Unit 7)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. I make something special for dinner tonight?
A. Will B. Would C. Shall
2. Can I one of your pens? I can’t find mine.
A. lend B. borrow C. rent
3. When I come home, I promise that I you with your homework.
A. ’m helping B. will help C. helped
4. I’m sure she a wonderful addition to the staff.
A. might make B. is making C. will make
5. If you don’t want to use your credit card, you can pay cash.
A. of B. in C. through
6. I’d like to go to the concert, but the tickets are sold .
A. on B. up C. out
7. At this time tomorrow, I on the beach in Bermuda.
A. ’ll be relaxing B. ’m relaxing C. relax
8. As soon as I finish my degree, I a long holiday somewhere warm and sunny.
A. take B. am going to take C. would take
9. The couple decided to an advertisement in the local newspaper for a part-time babysitter.
A. sell B. charge C. place
10. There is a range of products available for purchase on the Internet.
A. wide B. free C. busy score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, decide which word or phrase A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an
example at the beginning (00).
Serious Shoppers Wanted!
Do you love shopping? Do you like travelling to new places and discovering local (00) C ? Well, we’re here
to make it easier for you! Here at Johnson Travel we provide two or three-day shopping holidays in destinations
throughout Europe. Our shopping holidays are specifically designed to give you access to high-quality products
and help you find the best (1) . We will provide you with transport, accommodation and an
experienced guide who (2) you to all the city’s best shopping spots — from local (3)
markets to large shopping centres. With so many things to choose from you are sure to find exactly what you are
looking for at the best possible prices!
For destinations within England, we provide luxury coaches which leave on Saturday mornings and return on
Sunday evenings. Holidays to all other destinations, including Paris and Milan, make use of high-speed trains
as well, which leave on Friday mornings. We also provide porter service free of (4) so you can keep
shopping without worrying about carrying all your purchases.
With so many great shopping options packed together in one short trip, the only questions left is: What
(5) you going to buy first?
00 (A) receipts (B) appliances (C) shops (D) billboards C
1 (A) checkouts (B) bargains (C) cashpoints (D) counters
2 (A) took (B) will take (C) would take (D) are taking
3 (A) flea (B) label (C) sale (D) reduction
4 (A) supplier (B) promotion (C) charge (D) delivery
5 (A) will (B) do (C) have (D) are
Copyright © mm publications

score 5

C A friend of yours is asking for your advice on buying clothes in second-hand shops. Write an email to him/her (100-
120 words) in which you include the following points:
• what you think the advantages and score
disadvantages of second-hand shops total
• say if you have any experience in the topic score
• give at least one positive or negative example
• begin like this: Hi Julie/Ben,
Tests – page 9

Unit Test (Unit 8)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. Being a journalist gives her the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures.
A. widely B. greatly C. hugely
2. She has been living in that small flat 2010.
A. for B. until C. since
3. I haven’t had the chance to see that film , but I’ve heard that it’s fantastic.
A. yet B. just C. never
4. The company will cover all of the travel for your trip.
A. conditions B. expenses C. packages
5. By the time they arrived at the station, the train had left.
A. yet B. since C. already
6. Emergency services rushed to the scene after a cruise ship with a sailing boat.
A. crashed B. collided C. hit
7. After a ten-hour flight they were not pleased to find the queue at passport a two hour long
A. insurance B. reservation C. control
8. While foreign tourism has fallen in recent years, tourism has risen over fifteen percent.
A. domestic B. direct C. delayed
9. I since nine o’clock. I’m exhausted.
A. have studied B. studied C. have been studying
10. When I was in Mexico last October, I the Mayan ruins in the Yucatan peninsula.
A. visited B. have visited C. have been visiting score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, think of a word which best fits the gap. Use only one word in each gap.
The text tests your understanding of grammar. There is an example at the beginning (00).

Be a Traveller, Not a Tourist

Have you (00) been dreaming about going on a holiday that’s more than just an expensive week
lying on the beach? How long has it been (1) you took a trip where you could truly relax and
forget about your daily routine? Have you (2) wanted to experience a more traditional way of
life? A Cretan Eco-Holiday may be just the thing for you.
We are part of a generation that grew up picking tomatoes straight from the field. (3) many
years, we have lived on olive oil from our own trees, vegetables planted by ourselves and locally baked
bread. Now, we (4) combined these childhood experiences with our passion for tradition
and the environment to set up eco-tourist holidays on the island of Crete. On our holidays you will stay
in traditional stone houses, and will have the opportunity to do different activities, like making cheese,
collecting olives for olive oil and preparing Cretan dishes using fresh ingredients. More than five hundred
guests have stayed with us (5) far, and many return year after year. Why not be one of them?
score 5

C Your best friend’s family has invited you to join them on their camping holiday by the sea. Write an email (50-80
words) to your friend in which you include the following points:

• accept the invitation

• ask about the details: when, for how long, where, what to bring
• begin like this: Hi Paul/Gemma,
score 10
total 25
page 10 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 9)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. I would really like a foreign language, but I never seem to have the time.
A. learning B. to learn C. learn
2. I don’t remember the alarm that night.
A. setting B. set C. to set
3. When I was a little girl, I used to love listening to my father read me tales about princesses
and dragons.
A. biography B. fairy C. story
4. Because they find it difficult to read the , many people avoid foreign language films.
A. screenplay B. plot C. subtitles
5. That is the restaurant I first met your father.
A. where B. when C. which
6 I understand that you are angry with her, but there’s no point in so upset about it.
A. get B. getting C. to get
7. My sister has got lots of trendy clothes, but she never lets me them.
A. borrow B. to borrow C. borrowing
8. The band announced that they were going to a new album after a five-year break.
A. conduct B. direct C. release
9. The new at the Museum of Modern Art is very impressive.
A. exhibition B. scene C. institution
10. I like comedies, but I prefer films based on stories.
A. feature B. backstage C. true score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, think of a word which best fits the gap. Use only one word in each gap.
The text tests your understanding of grammar. There is an example at the beginning (00).

Music and dance have historically been an important part of street culture and this is especially true of
breakdancing. It is also sometimes referred to as breaking, b-boying or b-girling, and is an energetic type of
street dance (00) which was created by African Americans living in New York in the early 1970s.
Although breakers may choose (1) perform to a variety of music, breakdancing is usually
performed along with hip hop. For breakdancing, the music is very important and allows dancers to show
their skills. The first battles were dance competitions between two b-boys or b-girls (2) usually
performed in the middle of a circle with people gathered around them. The winner was chosen based on skill
and creativity.
There are several basic moves in breakdancing. Toprock is a series of moves done from a standing position and
is usually the way in (3) breakers begin their routine. With downrock, the moves are performed
on the ground and the dancer uses hands, feet and sometimes knees. Power moves are more acrobatic, and
often very fast, whereas in freezes, breakers must stop moving completely and balance using their upper body.
Breakdancing is still very popular in the USA (4) it originated, but it has also become
popular in other countries. Now, b-boys and b-girls from all over the world who are interested (5)
breakdancing can go and practise at local gyms. There are even international competitions, and the Youth
Olympic Games included breakdancing as an official sport in 2018.
score 5
Copyright © mm publications

C The school magazine has invited students to write reviews of an interesting film that they have recently seen.
Write a review (100-120 words) in which you include the following points:

 an introduction to the film • a description of the plot

 what you liked or didn’t like about it
 whether you would recommend it or not score 10
total 25
Tests – page 11

Unit Test (Unit 10)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. The Australian Open tennis is held every year at the end of January and hundreds of players take part.
A. match B. race C. tournament
2. Let’s go to the cinema tonight, we?
A. shall B. will C. should
3. You are less likely to yourself if you do some warm-up exercises before your workout.
A. injure B. dislocate C. sprain
4. After a foul, the player was given a red card and sent off the pitch.
A. making B. committing C. taking
5. How times do you need me to tell you that I wasn’t there?
A. much B. many C. few
6. Thousands of came from all over the world to watch the final match.
A. umpires B. referees C. spectators
7. Could you please tell me the supermarket is open at the weekend?
A. if B. that C. how
8. Lucy went to the shopping centre and bought a present her sister.
A. to B. for C. of
9. Can I borrow your tennis ? I can’t find mine.
A. racket B. club C. bat
10.She’s got a meeting tomorrow at seven o’clock, she?
A. won’t B. isn’t C. hasn’t 10

Read the text below. For questions 1-5, decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an
example at the beginning (00).
What’s your sport?
Deciding on which sport to play may seem easy because there are so many to choose from. However, too
many choices could be a part of the problem. If you’re thinking of taking up a new sport, it might help to
consider the following.
In team sports like football, players in a team play on the (00) D against another team. They have to work
together in order to beat the other team. On the other hand, in (1) sports, each person works on his/her
own. So, the first thing you should do is to decide which style is more suitable for you.
Another thing to consider is the weather and the landscape of the area you live in. People living in cold
countries might consider trying winter sports, like (2) jumping. Countries with warmer weather and
lots of beaches are perfect for water sports, like water skiing. Also, it might help to think about the types of
sports (3) that there are in your neighbourhood. Sports complexes usually offer a wide variety of
different sporting activities (4) families.
However, you can’t take up a sport without thinking about the cost, (5) you? Some sports require
expensive equipment. For example, people who are interested in windsurfing will need to buy their own
board. So, before making any decisions, you should think about what you can afford.
00 (A) court (B) track (C) slope (D) pitch D
1 (A) spectator (B) individual (C) sail (D) motor
2 (A) figure (B) ice (C) speed (D) ski
3 (A) matches (B) tournaments (C) facilities (D) championships
4 (A) for (B) with (C) about (D) around
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5 (A) can (B) do (C) have (D) will

score 5

C You have been asked to write a post on your school’s website about team and individual sports. Write 100-120
words. You must include the following points:
• comparison of the two types 10
• advice on how to choose the activity score
• how you choose/have chosen sports that suits you total 25
page 12 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 11)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. After the car accident, Steve was for three days.
A. infectious B. contagious C. unconscious
2. If better care of yourself, you would be healthier.
A. you take B. you took C. you will take
3. All new buildings are required to have special for the disabled, like access ramps.
A. facilities B. prescriptions C. posts
4. If it rains tomorrow, the match be cancelled.
A. will B. would C. were to
5. Mandy eats too many sweets. She should try to cut on them.
A. out B. down C. over
6. It’s wise to keep a first aid in the car in case of emergencies.
A. system B. treatment C. kit
7. When you don’t exercise regularly, you muscle tone.
A. would lose B. lost C. lose
8. If I were you, I would make a(n) to see the doctor before your symptoms get worse.
A. appointment B. check-up C. operation
9. I really wish I time off from work to visit you, but I just can’t.
A. might take B. could take C. would take
10. It’s time we up exercising on a regular basis.
A. took B. will take C. could take

score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, think of a word which best fits the gap. Use only one word in each gap.
The text tests your understanding of grammar. There is an example at the beginning (00).

Laughing Yourself to a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s (00) time you stopped taking life so seriously. How long ago did you have a good laugh? Today,
many people find themselves leading a stressful life. Stress can have harmful effects on your health. But
what is the best medicine to fight stress? Laughter. Studies have shown that (1) we laugh, our
mood changes. So, if you don’t feel well, try to think of something funny, something that can make you laugh.
You (2) see that your mood changes if you start laughing. Even if you (3) in
serious pain, you would feel better almost immediately.
In 1995 the first laughter club was opened in India with just five people in a park. The club soon grew
and became known as the Laughter Yoga Club. The club teaches its members to laugh for no reason.
According to a Laughter Yoga instructor, (4) you laugh for at least fifteen minutes without any
interruption, you may not see the benefits of your laughter. Today, there are over 7,000 laughter clubs in
more than 100 countries. So, (5) you’re interested in trying Laughter Yoga, you should look for
a laughter club in your area.
score 5

C Your friend has recently been living in an unhealthy way and you are worried that they might not have a well-
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balanced diet. Write an email to a diet specialist (50-80 words) in which you include the following points:

• describe your friends eating habits

• say why you are worried
• ask for advice on how your friend could change their bad eating habits score 10
• begin like this: Dear Sir/Madam total 25
Tests – page 13

Unit Test (Unit 12)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. A wide variety of research is carried on the university campus.
A. on B. out C. off
2. With the development of nanotechnology, it is now possible to huge quantities of information.
A. enclose B. install C. store
3. Two new shopping centres in my town since 2013.
A. are built B. have been built C. will be built
4. I really wish you would change your to something less annoying. That song is awful.
A. server B. screensaver C. ringtone
5. I this book when I was 9 years old.
A. am given B. have been given C. was given
6. If you can’t find the information you are looking for, you should try using a different search .
A. machine B. engine C. database
7. The technique has been perfected scientists after years of careful experiments.
A. by B. from C. with
8. The results of the physicist’s report were in a scientific journal.
A. attached B. published C. forwarded
9. I’m sure that I in the event of an emergency.
A. will be called B. am called C. have been called
10. When I was a child, I to read and write using a system that is now considered outdated.
A. have been taught B. could be taught C. was taught
score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, decide which word or phrase A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an
example at the beginning (00).
Internet Pioneers
Nowadays, we are so connected to our smartphones, tablets and laptops, that it’s hard to imagine what life
was like before the Internet. In reality, however, the Internet is a fairly recent (00) B . Before the 1960s,
multiple computers couldn’t (1) together at the same time. In 1962, J.C.R. Licklider, a highly respected
scientist, suggested connecting computers to improve communications and share information. It was not
long before other networks were created (2) a variety of institutions to provide information sharing.
Still, at this point, different networks had no way of communicating with each other. In 1983, another
important step (3) when a new communications protocol was established called Transfer Control
Protocol / Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP). This allowed different kinds of computers on different networks
to ‘talk’ to each other.
The next major (4) came in 1989 when Tim Berners-Lee created the hypertext transfer protocol or
HTTP, which gave different Internet platforms the ability to access the same site. Then, in 1990, he launched
the World Wide Web, with the first website: Since then, billions of websites (5) .

00 (A) discovery (B) invention (C) program (D) experiment B

1 (A) linked (B) have linked (C) be linked (D) have been linked
2 (A) into (B) with (C) from (D) by
3 (A) was taken (B) had taken (C) took (D) was taking
4 (A) function (B) breakthrough (C) solution (D) hardware
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5 (A) have created (B) are created (C) have been created (D) will be created
score 5

C You have been asked to write a blog post about your favourite electronic device. Write a post (100-120
words) in which you include the following points:
• a description of the device 10
• what you like / don’t like about it score
• how you got it
• whether you would recommend it or not and why total 25
page 14 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 13)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. We have to focus our attention on sources of energy in order to reduce our dependency on oil
and gas.
A. preserved B. renewable C. endangered
2. He was focused on his work that he didn’t smell the food burning in the cooker.
A. so B. such C. a lot of
3. of my efforts, my children still haven’t learned to keep their rooms clean.
A. Despite B. In spite C. Although
4. The greenhouse is considered the primary cause of global warming.
A. hole B. effect C. damage
5. She created an environmentally line of cosmetics using natural ingredients.
A. mild B. lovely C. friendly
6. He continued to write her letters the fact that she never wrote back to him.
A. in spite B. although C. despite
7. According to the weather , it is going to rain tomorrow.
A. forecast B. operation C. threat
8. After leaving the path, she soon found herself lost in the without any idea of how to get home.
A. habitat B. wilderness C. landscape
9. I didn’t go to the doctor yesterday _____ I was feeling better
A. although B. because C. besides
10. She is good skier that she is planning on taking part in the winter Olympics.
A. so B. such C. such a
score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, think of a word which best fits the gap. Use only one word in each gap.
The text tests your understanding of grammar. There is an example at the beginning (00).

Plastic Recycling
The mass production of plastic began in the 1950s and since then, scientists believe that over 8.3 billion
metric tons of plastic have been produced. Of that, 6.3 billion metric tons, over 75%, have become plastic
waste. (00) Although recycling began in the 1970s, only 9% of plastic waste has been recycled.
This is considered to be such a big problem (1) scientists and governments are calling for
global efforts to solve it. Recycling plastic is a solution that offers two major benefits. Firstly, it reduces the
damage to the environment which is caused when new plastics are produced. Secondly, it helps reduce the
problem of rubbish dumps and the dangers to animals when plastic enters their habitats.
So, what is plastic recycling? Plastic recycling is the process by which different types of plastic materials are
turned into new, usable products. (2) order to be recycled, plastic needs to go through different
processing stages for collection, sorting, cleaning and compressing. The way that plastic is recycled depends
on its type, so plastic containers today have a recycling code on them (3) help this process.
There are so many different uses for recycled plastic (4) the possibilities seem endless. For example,
old plastic bottles can be made into T-shirts or sleeping bags, and other plastic soap containers can find a
new life as something else, like a plastic table. Despite the (5) that recycling can’t solve
all of the problems that have been caused by the production of plastic, scientists agree that it’s an important
step that can have a positive impact on the environment.
score 5
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You have decided to apply for a competition called “My Dream Holiday” where you can win a holiday to your
dream destination. Your task is to write an essay (50-80 words) in which you include the following:

• the name and location of the place where you would like to spend your holiday
• say why you would like to go, what you would like to do and see there
say who you would go with score 10

total 25
Tests – page 15

Unit Test (Unit 14)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. Marius knew that he wanted to a career in politics, so he studied law at university.
A. reach B. make C. put
2. Peter said that if we him, he would come and pick us up.
A. call B. called C. would call
3. Opinion show that the majority of people are in favour of the new government proposals.
A. polls B. authorities C. councils
4. The lawyer was devastated when she lost the she had been working on for six months.
A. ransom B. court C. case
5. Frank begged anyone about the accident.
A. I don’t tell B. I didn’t tell C. me not to
6. If you want to have a chance in this business, you’re going to have to toughen up.
A. losing B. fighting C. guilty
7. Constance told me that harder if I wanted to get ahead.
A. I had to try B. I had tried C. I have to try
8. John promised to me up when we went to the police.
A. turn B. stand C. back
9. I that I would be able to finish baking the cake before the party started, but it didn’t happen.
A. would hope B. had hoped C. have hoped
10. Samuel announced he would be leaving for Morocco the day.
A. previous B. following C. last
score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, think of a word which best fits the gap. Use only one word in each gap.
The text tests your understanding of grammar. There is an example at the beginning (00).

Staying informed
(00) Before I bought my first laptop, I had always relied on television to be informed. When I was a
child, I used to watch the news with my parents and I really enjoyed the stories about local heroes and
what they (1) done to help their community. (2) the time I was a teenager, I had
become very concerned about human rights. However, I noticed that such things were never talked about on
the news. I asked my parents about this, and they (3) me one hour wasn’t enough to cover the
day’s news stories.
Now that I’m an adult, I still watch the evening news on TV, but I also use social media. This way, I know
more about what is going on around the world. Also, I chat with people on the Internet because I like getting
different opinions on important issues. Just last night I was talking with some of my friends on a social media
site about next month’s presidential elections. I wanted (4) know who they thought would win.
After they had answered that question, I asked them to give me the reason for their choice. A lot of them
(5) that they had got their information from news stories on social media.
Although we must always be careful not to believe everything we read on the Internet, I believe that today
we’ve got more access to information than ever before, and it’s up to us to stay updated on important issues.

score 5
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C Your teacher has asked you to write an essay in which you discuss the problem of bullying in schools. Write an
essay (100-120 words) in which you include the following points:
• the main reason(s) why bullying is a common problem in schools
• how the problem of bullying can be dealt with score 10
• the solutions you propose for the problem total 25
page 16 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 15)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. In many countries today, schools offer education, which means that students learn in both their
native language and a second language.
A. common B. e-learning C. bilingual
2. I know it’s strange, but of my friends like playing video games because they find them boring.
A. either B. none C. all
3. I can’t decide where to go on holiday.
A. to B. for C. on
4. The maths problems are very difficult, so Ann nor Emma know how to solve them.
A. neither B. either C. both
5. I need to have this document from English to Slovakian.
A. translated B. compared C. reported
6. My sister isn’t going to bed late so she always feels very tired after 10.00 p.m.
A. famous for B. accustomed to C. concerned about
7. Is Halloween celebrated in English-speaking countries?
A. all B. both C. either
8. My mother her car washed yesterday, but it rained today, so it got dirty again.
A. had B. has C. was having
9. John, you really should your hair cut. It’s too long!
A. to get B. get C. got
10. The American flag is often referred to as .
A. the Capitol B. Guy Fawkes the Stars and Stripes
C. score 10

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, think of a word which best fits the gap. Use only one word in each gap.
The text tests your understanding of grammar. There is an example at the beginning (00).

The USA – From East to West

Although New York and Los Angeles are (00) both very big cities in the USA, they are very different.
If you are interested in learning more about the American way of life, you can choose to visit either the one
(1) the other. However, depending on the city you end up going to, you will get a very different
New York City, which is on the East Coast, is warm during the summer months and very cold in the winter.
It is known as the city that never sleeps, and offers tourists many things to see and do such as theatres,
museums and shopping. However, (2) of these activities are really enough for those who want
‘the New York experience’. If you really want to get to know the city, you must take the time to explore it on
Los Angeles is on the West Coast, and the weather is sunny and quite warm all year round. Visitors to LA will
spend time on the beach, visiting film studios and shopping. Visitors can also take one of the many tours of
the city. All (3) these tours are very popular with tourists, especially the ones that go through
Hollywood and Beverly Hills.
Both New York (4) Los Angeles are fascinating cities, with amazing sights and many
opportunities for entertainment. Whether you choose New York or Los Angeles, one thing is for sure —
(5) of them will disappoint you.
score 5
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C Your British friend wants to visit Hungary, and he/she asks for your advice on where to go. Write an email
(100-120 words) in which you include the following points:

• the places you think he/she should visit

• what he/she can see and do there score
• advice regarding his/her travel arrangements total 25

Tests – page 17

Unit Test (Unit 16)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. I have no cash on me right now but if you give me your I will transfer you the money. rate B. cash point C. account number
2. The shirt I bought yesterday is sale today! .
A. on B. at C. for
3. Here is 50 pounds for your travel ______.
A. costs B. price C. expenses
4. Don’t carry those _____ in your pocket, they must be so heavy!
A. notes B. coins C. receipts
5. Look what you’ve done to the car! It will cost you to repair it.
A. an arm and a leg B. arms and legs C. a head and an arm
6. If you keep your money in the bank, you will ____ interest on it.
A. get B. gain C. earn
7 The training costs 20 pounds and you’ll have to pay _____.
A. the sum B. in advance C. for the bill
8. Hello! I’d like to ______ 100 dollars to euros. B. borrow C. waste
9.In Hungary it is common to leave a 10% for waiters.
A.budget B. salary C. tip
10.Our company the best service at the lowest price in town.
A.does B. gives C. provides
11. Do you _____ Visa cards?
A. accept B. exchange C. withdraw score 15
12. I so wanted to go to the concert tonight but the tickets
were ____ on the first day.
A. bought B. sold out C. taken
13. The electrician ____ us 500 pounds for a half-hour job!
A. loaned B. paid C. charged
14. Do you think Sue is not talking to you because she still
___ you money?
A. owes B. saves C. buys
15. You’ve bought this cool bag for only 10 pounds? It was
a very good ___!
A. change B. payment C. purchase

B You have been asked to write a forum post on the school website with the following title: Should kids get
pocket money for small chores? Write the post (80-100 words) in which you include:

• your general view on the topic

• pros and cons score
• some personal examples total 25
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Tests – page 18

Key to Unit Tests

Unit Test (Unit 1) Unit Test (Unit 4)
A. A.
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D B.
1. have/need
C. 2. to
Open answers 3. be
4. had
5. not
Unit Test (Unit 2)
A. C.
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B Open answers
6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. A

B. Unit Test (Unit 5)

1. the
2. in A.
3. after 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C
4. there 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C
5. an

C. B.
Open answers 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A

Unit Test (Unit 3) C.

Open answers
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A
6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. A Unit Test (Unit 6)
B. A.
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B

Open answers B.
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C
1. often/frequently/regularly
2. a
3. This C.
4. do Open answers
5. at/during
6. to
Unit Test (Unit 7)
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B
6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A
Tests – page 19

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A Unit Test (Unit 11)
C. A.
Open answers 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B
6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A

Unit Test (Unit 8) 1. when
2. will
A. 3. were
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A 4. unless
5. if

1. since C.
2. ever/always Open answers
3. For
4. have
5. so Unit Test (Unit 12)
C. 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C
6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C
Open answers

1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C
Unit Test (Unit 9)
A. C.
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A Open answers
6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. C

Unit Test (Unit 13)

1. to A.
2. who/that 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C
3. which 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C
4. where
5. in
1. that
C. 2. In
Open answers 3. to
4. that
5. fact

Unit Test (Unit 10) C.

Open answers
1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B
6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C
Unit Test (Unit 14)
B. A.
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. A 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C
6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. B
Open answers
Tests – page 20

1. had
2. By
3. told
4. to
5. said/wrote

Open answers

Unit Test (Unit 15)

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A
6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C

1. or
2. none
3. of
4. and
5. neither

Open answers

Unit Test (Unit 16)

1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C
11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. C

Open answers

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