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International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011 27

KM Approach for Improving

the Labor Productivity of
Vietnamese Enterprise
Quoc Trung Pham, Kyoto University, Japan
Yoshinori Hara, Kyoto University, Japan

In knowledge society, knowledge management (KM) is considered the best strategy for improving the labor
productivity of an enterprise. However, the effectiveness of KM on labor productivity is not known exactly,
especially since it depends on the development level of a country. To find a solution based on KM approach
for improving the labor productivity of Vietnamese enterprise, a new model is proposed, which includes
knowledge capability, technology capability, KM, employee satisfaction, and labor productivity. By analyzing
data from Vietnamese enterprises, the model is tested and suggestions for improving the labor productivity of
Vietnamese enterprises are made. Some results of data analysis are: employee satisfaction positively affects
the labor productivity and that KM has a strong effect on employee satisfaction. Further, some suggestions for
improving the labor productivity of Vietnamese enterprises are: organizing frequent meetings for shortening
cultural gap between managers and employees, replacing old machines combined with improving employees’
self learning skill, improving innovation capability by creating an open culture for encouraging employees
to voice their opinions.

Keywords: Business Management, Employee Satisfaction, Information Systems, Knowledge Management,

Labor Productivity, Vietnamese Enterprise

INTRODUCTION In the wake of the global financial crisis,

Vietnamese enterprises meet a lot of difficul-
Currently, human resource management is ties in the struggle to survive and develop in
widely recognized as a major determinant of an a more changeable and competitive environ-
enterprise’s competitive advantage. Increasing ment. Recently, the high rate of the movement
levels of global competition are already affect- of skilled employees makes the businesses
ing Vietnam and other developing countries. become unstable and forces them to have a
The enterprise manager in these countries can more effective strategy for human resource
no longer compete based on low labor costs and management to stabilize staff and improve their
is trying to find other solutions for improving labor productivity.
labor productivity. According to World Economic Forum
(Schwab & Porter, 2008), three most problem-
DOI: 10.4018/jkm.2011070103 atic factors for doing business in Vietnam are

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28 International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011

Figure 1. Labor productivity of Vietnam and some other countries (Data source: World Bank)

inflation, inadequate supply of infrastructure, on labor productivity. It aims to find the rela-
and inadequately educated workforce. In terms tionship between KM and labor productivity
of this report, four weak points of Vietnam of Vietnamese enterprises and to suggest the
economy are infrastructure, higher education, solution for improving their labor productivity
technological readiness and innovation. based on KM. The research plan is: first, a model
Moreover, according to our previous study is specified; then, data collection and analysis
of measuring the Information Communication are conducted for testing that model; based on
Technology (ICT) maturity of Vietnamese this test, some suggestions for improving labor
enterprises (Pham, 2010), the quality of Viet- productivity of Vietnamese enterprises are
namese human resource is very low for most made. The structure of this paper is organized
types and fields of enterprise. Other statistics in as follows: (2) Definitions and related works;
Vietnam also show the same result that skilled (3) KM-oriented model and research design;
laborers are insufficient. In comparison with (4) Data collection from Vietnam; (5) Data
other countries in Southeast Asia region, labor analysis and results; (6) Solution for improving
productivity of Vietnam is at a low level (VPC, labor productivity of Vietnamese enterprise;
2009) as shown in Figure 1: (7) Conclusion.
Above facts and figure show that the most
important question for Vietnamese enterprises
today is how to improve the labor productivity. DEFINITIONS AND
This problem should be solved by an adaptive RELATED WORKS
method to ensure the sustainable development
Knowledge Capability and
of those enterprises as well as the whole
Knowledge Management
economy toward a knowledge society.
In today’s knowledge age, knowledge There are many definitions of ‘Knowledge capa-
management is considered the best strategy for bility’. In this paper we use a simple definition
improving the performance and productivity of Ning et al. (2006), which states “Knowledge
of any enterprise. However, the exact rela- capability includes Core knowledge resource
tionship between KM and labor productivity (both explicit and tacit knowledge) and Knowl-
is not known. So, the purpose of this paper edge operating capabilities (learning capability,
is to explore the effectiveness of KM activity culture capability, communication capability

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International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011 29

Figure 2. A research model: Knowledge capability and Organization Performance (Adapted

from Ning et al., 2006)

and innovation capability)”. This definition is to be used for a quantitative measurement in

illustrated in Figure 2: practice. Moreover, knowledge management,
Core knowledge resource: the core tech- an important management activity mutually
nologies, tacit and explicit knowledge that can affecting knowledge capability, is not included
be used by an organization to create competitive in this model.
advantages. Knowledge operating capability:
a set of management methods that make the Labor Productivity
knowledge resource become effective and
profitable. According to Ning et al. (2006), for According to OECD (2001), labor productivity
simplification, knowledge resources can be a is defined as output per unit of labor input. In
part of learning capability. Therefore, knowl- general, labor productivity can be measured as
edge capability can be measured by only average real output per hour of labor. Labor pro-
knowledge operating capability: (a) Learning ductivity can be measured for a firm, a process
capability: knowledge resources, the ability to or a country. The driving forces behind improve-
learn new knowledge by employees and train- ments in labor productivity are: the accumulation
ing activities; (b) Cultural capability: whether of machinery and equipment, improvements
the working environment accepts new ideas, is in organization and infrastructures, improved
able to renew itself, shares and cooperates eas- health and skills of workers and the generation
ily; (c) Communication capability: encourages of new technology.
idea exchange, brings together various ideas However, labor productivity is hard to
often, uses IT to facilitate communication; (d) measure exactly because both input and output
Innovation capability: flexible organizational factors contain intangible values, especially in
structure, flexible management system, pro- knowledge work (Talisayon, 2008). Employee
vides adapted product/service for customer. satisfaction and KM, which are considered
Knowledge management, according to important factors in motivating people to work,
Salleh et al. (2002), aims to apply human- will help to supplement to the measurement of
oriented strategy and modern technology in labor productivity toward human dimension.
facilitating knowledge processes, such as: ac- Employee behavior decides how input factors can
cumulation, sharing, utilizing and creating, in be turned into output factors, while KM affects
the organization. business processes. For that reason, employee
Although the above model shows a rela- behavior and KM activities should be monitored
tionship between knowledge capabilities and because they both affect labor productivity.
organization performance, it is not clear enough Therefore, labor productivity should be combined

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30 International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011

Figure 3. Employee satisfaction and ICT maturity of Vietnamese enterprise (Graphed based on
survey data of Pham, 2010)

with employee satisfaction and KM effectiveness Problem To Be Solved

for a more accurately measurement.
The model in Figure 2 is a good starting point
Previous Works Related to for finding the relationship between knowledge
Labor Productivity and KM capability and final output of an enterprise,
such as labor productivity, but this model does
According to motivation theory of Maslow not include KM, an important factor in turning
(1943), an important factor motivating people to knowledge capability into a real output. Besides,
work is the satisfaction. But, employee satisfac- technology capability and employee satisfac-
tion depends on employee need, which depends tion, two important factors affecting both KM
on the development level of the individual and and labor productivity of an enterprise, are
the organization. Therefore, at different devel- not included in this model. So, a new model is
opment levels, organization should focus on needed to measure the effectiveness of KM on
different ways to increase employee satisfaction labor productivity more exactly.
as well as labor productivity. Moreover, there is a lack of quantitative
Besides, according to Heskett et al. (2008), research towards measuring the effect of KM on
enhancing internal capability of an organiza- labor productivity (Talisayon, 2008), especially
tion (which includes Knowledge capability and for developing countries like Vietnam. There-
Technology capability) will raise employee sat- fore, a practical data collection is needed to test
isfaction, which will fuel labor productivity. So, the model and to know about the real effect of
internal capability could play an important role KM on the labor productivity of Vietnamese
in employee satisfaction and labor productivity. enterprises.
Moreover, based on data of our previous In fact, there are many suggested solu-
research about the Information Communication tions for improving the labor productivity of
Technology (ICT) maturity of Vietnamese en- Vietnamese enterprises, but those solutions
terprises (Pham, 2010), a relationship between are not specified clearly enough to be put into
employee satisfaction and ICT maturity of practice (VPC, 2009). In this research, we fo-
Vietnamese enterprises is shown in the figure cus on the KM approach because knowledge
below. This figure shows that enterprises with is increasingly considered an important factor
high ICT maturity, which related to KM level in raising the labor productivity of modern
in that research context, get a higher employee organizations. Therefore, some practical sug-
satisfaction than those with low ICT maturity. gestions for improving the labor productivity
Therefore, KM level and employee satisfaction of Vietnamese enterprises based on the KM
must have a correlation (Figure 3). approach are also required.

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International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011 31

Figure 4. Research model: Knowledge, Technology capability and Labor productivity

KM-ORIENTED MODEL technology level and ICT maturity level. Em-

AND RESEARCH DESIGN ployee satisfaction is measured by employees’
feelings about their working environment. Labor
KM-Oriented Model productivity is measured by average income and
hours worked per month.
From above analysis, two new modifications Compared with the original model, this
are made to the original model as follows: (1) model is more detailed and applicable to
Technology capability is added to the internal quantitative measurement. Some new factors,
capability of an enterprise for emphasizing its such as: knowledge management, technology
importance on the success of KM and its ef- capability, employee satisfaction and labor
fectiveness on labor productivity; and (2) KM productivity, are clearly stated. This model can
and employee satisfaction are added to the also be used for finding suitable actions towards
output value for more accurately measuring improving the employee satisfaction and labor
labor productivity by other dimensions. As a productivity of Vietnamese enterprises based
result, some assumptions could be made as on the KM approach.
follows: KM connects knowledge capability,
technology capability and labor productivity Research Design
(Salleh et al., 2002; Ning et al., 2006; Pham,
2010); Knowledge capability and technology To use this model in practice, the following
capability affect employee satisfaction, which hypotheses need to be tested:
affects labor productivity (Maslow, 1943; Hes-
kett et al., 2008); KM and employee satisfaction H1: Knowledge management activity deter-
mutually affect each other (Pham, 2010); and mines the satisfaction of employees.
Technology capability affects labor productivity H2: Learning, Culture, Communication, In-
(OECD, 2001). novation, Technology capability and
Based on those assumptions, a new model Employees’ satisfaction have a positive
for improving labor productivity of Vietnamese effect on Knowledge management activity.
enterprises is proposed as in Figure 4: H3: Learning, Culture, Communication, In-
Knowledge capability is measured by learn- novation, Technology capability and KM
ing capability, cultural capability, communication have a positive effect on the satisfaction
capability, and innovation capability. Knowledge of employees.
management is measured by four main KM H4: KM, Employee Satisfaction and Technol-
processes: knowledge acquisition, knowledge ogy capability have a positive effect on
sharing, knowledge utilization, and knowledge Labor Productivity of an organization.
creation. Technology capability is measured by

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32 International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011

In order to test this model, a question- salary, working hours, and satisfaction of re-
naire is built up to collect data from various sponders. Those figures show a similar structure
employees, who are now working in those between sample data and overall Vietnamese
enterprises located in Vietnam. The variables enterprises (GSO, 2009; VPC, 2009). So, the
for data collection are elements of the above sample data (Figures 5 through 7) can be used to
model using 5-point Likert scale measurement. represent for the whole Vietnamese enterprises.
In this model, eight variables are calculated From the survey result, the average salary
by the average of their elements. Those vari- (Figure 8) level of Vietnamese laborers is low
ables are: Learning capability (LC), Cultural for most enterprises. The highest salary is in
capability (CC), Communication capability Industry sector.
(MC), Innovation capability (IC), Technol- The working hour of (Figure 9) Vietnam-
ogy capability (TC), Knowledge Management ese laborers is little higher than average level
(KM), Employee Satisfaction (ES) and Labor (8hours x 5days x 4weeks = 160hours) for most
Productivity (LP). The sample size is intended enterprises. Employees in Industry sector have
to be 400 randomly selected employees from highest working hours.
those enterprises located in Ho Chi Minh City The satisfaction of Vietnamese laborers
(HCMC) of Vietnam. (Figure 10) is around average level (3) for most
The collected data will be used for mean types and fields of enterprise. This means em-
comparison, correlation and regression analysis. ployee satisfaction should be improved for a
H1 is tested using One-way ANOVA compari- better labor productivity. The highest level is
son method. This test is to compare means of in Agriculture sector.
employee satisfaction between three groups of
enterprises divided by KM levels. H2, H3 and
H4 are tested using Correlation and Regression DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
analysis. Those tests are to find the relationship
Mean Comparison Result
between above variables, to eliminate insignifi-
cant variables from the model, and to calculate To test the hypothesis 1, collected data (from
weights of those effects on dependent variables. 287 validated responders) is divided into three
Based on data analysis results and interviews, groups by KM variable (KM<=2.5, 2.5<KM<4
suggestions will be made for improving the and KM>=4) to compare the difference in ES
labor productivity of Vietnamese enterprises. variable (employee satisfaction) by using one-
way ANOVA analysis. The result is shown in
Data Collection from
Table 1:
Vietnamese Enterprises
At the significance level 0.05, the satisfac-
Based on the model in Figure 4, a questionnaire tion of employees is clearly different between
(see appendix) was made to get data about those 3 groups of knowledge management level (0-
factors related to knowledge capability, technol- low, 1-medium, 2-high). This proves that
ogy capability, KM, employee satisfaction and knowledge management activities of an enter-
labor productivity. Using this questionnaire, a prise determine the satisfaction of its employ-
survey was conducted to collect data from those ees. The more KM activities enterprises do, the
enterprises located in HCMC of Vietnam dur- higher their employee satisfaction will be.
ing two months (4 Jan, 2010 – 27 Feb, 2010).
Correlation Analysis Result
The response rate was 71.6% with 287
validated responders. Following figures are To know the relationship between variables of
description statistics of collected data by (1) the model in Figure 4, a correlation analysis is
gender and employee level of responders, (2) used. Those variables to be examined are: Learn-
size, field and type of enterprises, (3) monthly ing Capability (LC), Cultural Capability (CC),

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International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011 33

Figure 5. Description of collected data by gender and position of responders

Figure 6. Description of collected data by size, field and type of business

Figure 7. Description of collected data by salary, working hour and satisfaction of responders

Communication Capability (MC), Innovation REGRESSION

Capability (IC), Technology Capability (TC), ANALYSIS RESULT
Knowledge Management (KM), Employee Sat-
isfaction (ES), and Labor Productivity (LP). The After running regression analysis using SPSS
correlation analysis result is shown in Table 2: to test hypotheses 2, 3, and 4, the final model
Through this table, some correlations in could be summarized as follows (numbers on
the model have been proved, such as: KM has arrows are factors’ weights):
strong relationship with LC, CC, MC, IC, TC, According to Figure 11, hypothesis 1 and 2
ES; ES has relationship with LC, CC, MC, IC, are satisfactorily proven, and part of hypotheses
TC, KM, LP; and LP has relationship with TC, 3 and 4 are proven. The final model is a little
ES. However, some relationships are weak and different from the original model in Figure 4,
some independent variables have correlation such as: Employee satisfaction is only affected
with each other.

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34 International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011

Figure 8. Average salary of Vietnamese enterprises by field and type

Figure 9. Amount of working hours of Vietnamese enterprises by field and type

Figure 10. Employee satisfaction level of Vietnamese enterprises

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International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011 35

Table 1. Mean comparison of ES by KM_flag using One-way ANOVA (Tukey HSD)

Mean 95% Confidence Interval

(I) KM_ (J) KM_ Difference
flag flag (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 -.589* .098 .000 -.82 -.36
2 -1.209* .101 .000 -1.45 -.97
0 .589* .098 .000 .36 .82
2 -.620* .072 .000 -.79 -.45
0 1.209* .101 .000 .97 1.45
1 .620* .072 .000 .45 .79
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

by KM and Technology capability; KM does to raise the labor productivity, Vietnamese

not have a direct effect on Labor productivity. enterprises should focus on improving the sat-
isfaction of their employees based on the KM
Solution for Improving Labor approach. This approach will stimulate KM
Productivity processes, such as: Knowledge Accumulation,
Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Utilizing and
Based on above results, the most important Knowledge Creating. Those processes could be
capability affecting the KM of Vietnamese executed with or without ICT support, but they
enterprises is technology capability (TC). So, will be more effective with the support of ICT
applying modern technology and improving infrastructure. Social software could be a useful
ICT maturity level will help in implementing tool for both KM and employee satisfaction. An
a KMS successfully. By comparison between adaptive KM approach should aim at applying
2 parts of TC (Techno-ware and ICT-ware), modern ICT gradually to maximize the effec-
an interesting finding is that Techno-ware has tiveness of KM processes toward increasing
more impact on Satisfaction and Labor Pro- employee satisfaction in the enterprise.
ductivity, while ICT-ware has more impact on However, there are other factors outside
KM. Therefore, raising ICT maturity is very of this model, which also affect the labor pro-
important for Vietnamese enterprises before ductivity of Vietnamese enterprises at this time.
they can apply a KM solution. Another research (Tran et al., 2008) showed that
Besides, at different ICT maturity levels, some of those factors are: assessment system,
Vietnamese enterprises should focus on differ- organizational structure, managerial methods,
ent KM aspects. At this time, with low level etc. Correspondingly, from this research’s sur-
in ICT maturity (Pham, 2010), Vietnamese vey, those factors are also in the top suggestions
enterprises should focus on modernizing for a better labor productivity of the enterprise
techno-ware to increase employee satisfaction as shown in Table 3:
and labor productivity. For long term purposes, From above results, the most prominent
they should gradually improve ICT-ware to reason for the low labor productivity of Viet-
further increase employee satisfaction and KM namese enterprises is the lack of standardized
effectiveness, which will ensure the sustainable assessment systems, which is also the main
development of their enterprises in the future. cause for inequality in salary, and the dissatis-
According to this model, labor productivity faction of employees. In order to improve as-
is affected mostly by employee satisfaction, sessment systems as well as other disadvan-
which is affected mostly by KM. Therefore, tages, Vietnamese enterprises should apply

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36 International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011

Table 2. Correlation between internal capabilities, KM, ES and labor productivity

Correlations LC CC MC IC TC KM ES LP
Pearson Correla-
LC 1 .616** .607** .447** .363** .617** .480** .204**
Pearson Correla-
CC .616** 1 .668** .530** .300** .616** .485** .246**
Pearson Correla-
MC .607** .668** 1 .529** .339** .604** .467** .194**
Pearson Correla-
IC .447** .530** .529** 1 .350** .557** .414** .150*
Pearson Correla-
TC .363** .300** .339** .350** 1 .522** .537** .362**
Pearson Correla-
KM .617** .616** .604** .557** .522** 1 .670** .223**
Pearson Correla-
ES .480** .485** .467** .414** .537** .670** 1 .457**
Pearson Correla-
LP .204** .246** .194** .150* .362** .223** .457** 1
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Figure 11. Final model: Knowledge, Technology capability and Labor productivity

modern information systems, such as: Enterprise processes. It can be used as a means to exter-
Resources Planning (ERP), Supply Chain nalize their tacit knowledge in doing business,
Management (SCM), or Knowledge Manage- to standardize their management methods, and
ment System (KMS). The reason is these in- to turn their enterprises toward a knowledge-
formation systems will help standardize busi- oriented one. In this way, necessary conditions
ness processes and supply more information for implementing a KMS are established.
for assessment and decision making. Further, according to survey responses
Another solution for Vietnamese enter- of this research, top 5 reasons of employees’
prises to solve their current problems is to dissatisfaction in Vietnamese enterprises are
apply business process modeling software, e.g. shown in Table 4:
ADONIS (Hall et al., 2005), which can help According to this table, the top two dis-
managers monitor and optimize their business satisfaction reasons are caused by the low labor

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International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011 37

Table 3. Top suggestions for improving labor productivity of Vietnamese enterprises

ID Suggestions Count
1. Improve assessment system 22
2. Focus on training system 15
3. Improve management method 14
4. Improve interrelationship 10
5. Clarify job assignment, job rearrangement 9

productivity of Vietnamese enterprise. The next labor productivity, with the contribution of
three reasons are concerned with management knowledge capability, technology capability
activities. From Figure 11, the three most im- and employee satisfaction. By analyzing data
portant capabilities which should be improved from Vietnamese enterprises, two hypotheses
are technology capability, learning capability, satisfactorily confirmed are: (1) Knowledge
and innovation capability. Improving these management activity determines the satisfac-
capabilities will enable operation to become tion of employees; (2) Learning, culture, com-
easier. As a result, work pressure will decrease munication, innovation, technology capability,
and salary will increase. Moreover, high in- and employee satisfaction have a strong effect
novation capability with the support of modern on knowledge management activity. Other
ICT will promote a more effective management hypotheses are partly confirmed and could be
method, and finally, the satisfaction of employ- revised as follows: (3) Knowledge management
ees and the labor productivity will also increase. and technology capability have a positive effect
In general, to improve the labor produc- on satisfaction of employees; (4) Technology
tivity of Vietnamese enterprises, there are two capability and employee satisfaction positively
sectors to be improved as follows: affect the labor productivity of an organization.
Through this research, technology capabil-
(1) Knowledge Management approach (focus- ity is determined to be an important factor for
ing on improving knowledge capability and knowledge management, employee satisfac-
technology capability) and; tion and labor productivity. In general, using
(2) Other managerial aspects (management technology capability to gain momentum, a
style, recruitment system, role of labor comprehensive KM approach could be ap-
union, etc). plied to improve the internal capabilities of
the enterprise. Improving those capabilities
From the results analysis and noting will gradually turn the enterprise toward a
comments and ideas of Vietnamese managers knowledge-oriented one, which will increase
through some interviews, the suggestion for the satisfaction of its employees, stabilize its
Vietnamese enterprises to improve their labor workforce, and finally improve its labor pro-
productivity is summarized in Table 5. ductivity. Further, based on data analysis and
interviews, some suggestions for improving the
labor productivity of Vietnamese enterprises
CONCLUSION are also provided.
However, there are a few limitations to
In summary, based on the original model of this research, such as: limited data sample, the
Ning et al. (2006), this paper proposes a new model is not generalized… The implication for
model for measuring the influence of KM on future works could be as follows:

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38 International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011

Table 4. Top reasons of employee dissatisfaction of Vietnamese enterprises

ID Reasons Count
1. Work pressure 11
2. Low salary, lack of incentive 10
3. Ineffective management 7
4. Strict, non-creative working environment 7
5. Ineffective HRM policies 5

Table 5. Suggestions for improving labor productivity of Vietnamese enterprises

Type Characteristic KM approach Other managerial aspects

Private KM level: lowest They should invest more on replacing Being a member of supply chain
enter- Weakest point: tech- old manufacturing machines and improv- with other partners from FDI sec-
prise nology capability ing their ICT infrastructure gradually. tors will help increase technology
Strongest point: com- At the same time, human resource skills level of private enterprises. More-
munication capability should be relatively improved. A com- over, the family-controlled style of
plete principle for improving employee management should be avoided as
skills should be made, from recruiting, it tends to create interest groups in-
training, and encouragement. A useful side the company who will hinder
and cheap solution is to train employees the employee from making the best
self-learning skills and to encourage contribution.
them to join evening classes for improv-
ing their skills.
For- KM level: highest They should improve communication The labor union should take initia-
eign Weakest point: cul- and cross-cultural management through tives in creating discussions or
Direct tural capability organizing many social events and connections with private or public
Invest- Strongest point: tech- frequent meetings which help shorten companies which will provide
ment nology capability the cultural gap and increase mutual various working environments for
enter- understanding between managers and the employees to realize the strong
prise employees. Periodically, reallocating points of their enterprises.
employees throughout the enterprise will
help sharing knowledge and exchanging
State KM level: medium They should create an open culture Using internal social network to
owned Weakest point: inno- which accepts new ideas, adopt a more encourage employees to voice their
enter- vation capability flexible structure and invest more on opinion on any problem is another
prise Strongest point: R&D. Outsourcing some functions to solution. Besides, innovation of
learning capability private companies will help simplify management style should also be
organizational structure, focus on core a focus. Currently, most managers
business and increase innovation. Ap- are appointed more on their experi-
plying SCM, ERP or other information ence or connections than on their
systems will help in creating an equal talents and capabilities.
assessment system. As a result, it will
stimulate communication and innovation.

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International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011 39

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40 International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011

Quoc Trung Pham is a lecturer at School of Industrial Management of Hochiminh City (HCMC)
University of Technology, Vietnam. Pham has been working in Department of Management
Information System since April 2005. From 2004 to 2008, Pham was a visiting lecturer at sev-
eral universities of Vietnam, such as: HCMC University of Foreign Language and Information
Technology, HCMC National University, Lotus University. His current research focus includes
information retrieval system, management information system, decision support system, knowl-
edge management system, etc. He has published and spoken on topics in information technology
and knowledge management. Pham has a B.S. in Mathematics-Informatics, M.S. in Information
Technology of HCMC University of Natural Science, and is presently a doctoral candidate at
Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University.

Yoshinori Hara is Head of Center for Research in Business Administration, Graduate School of
Management, Kyoto University, Japan. Dr. Yoshinori Hara serves as professor, Graduate School
of Management, Kyoto University, since April 2006, when the graduate school was established.
His current research focus includes innovation management, service and design management,
and open innovation with IT frameworks. Prior to joining Kyoto University, he held various
research and key management positions at R&D organizations in NEC Corporation, for 13 years
in Japan, and for 10 years in the Silicon Valley, California, USA. He was responsible for conduct-
ing research and development on advanced ubiquitous computing including Web/Hypermedia
systems, mobile & embedded systems, adaptive user interfaces, advanced information retrieval
technologies, system security & reliable systems, etc. From 1990 to 1991, he was a Visiting
Researcher at the Department of Computer Science, Stanford University. He received his B.E.
and M.E. from University of Tokyo, and his Ph.D. from Kyoto University.

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International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011 41


Table A 1.

Strongly Strongly
disagree ↔ agree
Learning capability
Your enterprise’ s explicit knowledge is stored for supporting business work 1 2 3 4 5
Your enterprise has many specialists for supporting various works 1 2 3 4 5
A new problem in your company can be solved quickly with current knowledge 1 2 3 4 5
Your company encourages self learning and has an effective training system 1 2 3 4 5
Cultural capability
Your company has an open culture, which accepts new ideas and innovation. 1 2 3 4 5
Your company has ability to review itself and see things in a different manner. 1 2 3 4 5
Your company’s culture creates trust for cooperation between employees. 1 2 3 4 5
Communication capability
Your company applies IT & modern IS for facilitating communication. 1 2 3 4 5
Idea exchange methods for creative ideas are encouraged. 1 2 3 4 5
Your company often organizes meetings for employees to share knowledge. 1 2 3 4 5
Innovation capability
Your company has ability to make change of its management system. 1 2 3 4 5
Your company has a flexible structure, which can be changed if necessary. 1 2 3 4 5
Your company can create adapted products/services for various customers. 1 2 3 4 5
Knowledge management activity
Your company acquires and stores knowledge in knowledge base for later use 1 2 3 4 5
Your company can share and disseminate knowledge to anyone in need. 1 2 3 4 5
Your company has ability to apply knowledge in solving business problems. 1 2 3 4 5
Your company’s research activities can create new knowledge effectively. 1 2 3 4 5


Part A: Mark your suitable choice from following statements (Table A1):
Part B: General information about you and your company

1. Your company name:

2. Your company head office location:
3. Type of your company (owner of the majority capital):
❑State owned company ❑FDI company ❑Private company
4. Your company main field of business:
❑Industry ❑Agriculture ❑Trade ❑Service ❑Others
5. Your company size (number of full-time employees):

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42 International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(3), 27-42, July-September 2011

❑<50 ❑50-249 ❑250-499 ❑500-999 ❑>=1000

6. Technology level of your company within your industry:
❑Very low ❑Low ❑Medium ❑High ❑Very high
7. Information and communication technology (ICT) level of your company:
❑Inactive ❑Basic ❑Substantial ❑Web-based ❑Knowledge-oriented
8. Your name: ❑Male ❑Female
9. Your name: Your position: ❑Male ❑Female
10. Your average salary/ month (USD):
❑<200 ❑200 – 499 ❑500 – 999 ❑1000–1999 ❑>=2000
11. Your average working hours/ month:
❑<150 ❑150 – 199 ❑200 – 249 ❑250 – 299 ❑>=300
12. Your satisfaction about working environment:
❑Very unsatisfied ❑Unsatisfied ❑So-so ❑Satisfied ❑Very satisfied
13. If (very) unsatisfied, please give the reasons:
14. Suggestions for improving the labor productivity of your company:

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