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Watch Me 1st Edition Lola Steele

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Copyright © 2023 by Lola Steele
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without
written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a
book review.
For all the naughty girls with wicked fantasies who would never act
on them in real life, but love reading about them…
This one’s for you.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
About the Author
Also by Lola Steele

I've been keeping a secret from my family.

I'm a cam girl. A very successful one at that.

And I've fallen for one of my viewers. He's followed me from the
beginning and been my biggest financial supporter. He also brings
me pleasure beyond belief during our private one-on-one chats, and
I've finally found the courage to suggest we meet in person. I need
to feel his touch in real life, to see if he’s everything I've been
looking for in a partner.

He agrees, on one condition: I must wear a blindfold the entire time.

But as our night of pleasure goes on and on, I realize, I can't go the
rest of my life not seeing his face. So, I rip the blindfold off only to
be confronted with a man who's no stranger at all.

This is a very steamy taboo romance with forbidden themes.

Please read the content warning at the front of the book
before reading. For 18+ only!

This book contains taboo themes including sex between 🩸 relations

(uncle and niece).

If that’s not your kink, then you should stop reading now.

You’ve been warned.


My heart races as I click go live, instantly transporting myself into

the fantasy I've created for my viewers. Their excitement floods the
chat, spurring me on as I sway my hips to the sultry music I’ve got
playing on my phone.
"Take it off, baby," someone types. I grin, trailing a finger down
my neck and between my breasts. They want a show? I'll give them
one they'll never forget.
I unclasp my bra, letting the straps slide down my arms. My
breasts bounce free, nipples already stiff from the excitement and
attention. Men go wild, typing furiously and sending tips and gifts
my way. Their desire fuels my own, a familiar ache growing between
my legs.
I glance at the viewer count and shiver. So many eyes on me,
watching my every move. Fantasizing, enjoying, craving. I cup my
breasts, squeezing and pinching my nipples just the way I like. A
moan slips out as sparks of pleasure shoot through me.
"So sexy," another message pops up. "Wish I was there with
I dance closer to the camera giving them more of what they
want. My hips sway to the music, my legs parting to give a glimpse
of the tiny thong I'm wearing. So close yet so untouchable. It's
intoxicating, this power I have over them. Knowing I can make them
feel, make them want in a way no one else can.
"Take it off." The demands in the chat grow more urgent. I grin,
hooking my fingers under the sides of my thong. With a shimmy and
a twirl, I pull the scrap of lace down my toned legs, baring me
completely to their view.
A rush of arousal floods my senses as they go wild, blowing up
the chat and showering me in gifts and tips. I move to my bed
where I rest on the edge, making sure the camera has the perfect
few as I slide a hand between my legs, fingers gliding through my
slick folds. A jolt of pleasure shoots through me and I gasp, giving
them the reaction they crave. I move my fingers faster, pushing
myself higher as the pleasure builds. My breathing becomes shallow
and erratic as I teeter on the edge. It’s hard to keep my eyes open,
but I want to know what they’re saying in the chat so I can give
them exactly what they want.
"Come for us baby," someone types. And that’s all the permission
I need. My fingers pick up the pace and I'm taken over the edge
with a cry of bliss. My body shakes with pleasure, every cell alive
with euphoria.
I sag against the bed, allowing myself only a second to enjoy the
pleasure still coursing through me before I turn back to my
"That's all for tonight. See you all next time," I say with a wink
and a wave.
The viewers disperse to their own private pleasures, some
leaving goodbye messages, thank yous, or naughty notes for next
time. But one remains.
A message pops up requesting a private video chat, the familiar
username making my heart skip.
"Another amazing performance. You looked stunning tonight," he
says, the autotune making his voice somewhat distorted, but still
"Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it."
I don't know what it is about this man—OnlyYourS23—but
something about him is different than all my other regular viewers.
He's followed me since the beginning, quickly becoming my biggest
financial supporter. He was my first private cam performance and
maybe that's why I've always had a soft spot for him. Or maybe it's
because of the filthy, naughty words he whispers when we chat. Or
the way he makes my body come alive like no man ever has. Even
the autotune he uses to hide the real sound of his voice can't stymie
the affect he has on me. There have been so many nights I wished
he would show his face so I could know exactly who I’m fantasizing
about in the middle of the night as I touch myself.
"I always do. You drive me wild, Lia."
A flush creeps over my skin at his words. He's the only one I've
ever given my real name to and maybe it was reckless, but the way
it rolls off his tongue and sends pulsing heat racing through me is
worth it. "Do I now?"
"You know you do. The way you move, the sounds you make. I
can't stop thinking about you."
"What are you thinking about now?" I ask, pulse racing.
He hums. "How gorgeous you'd look writhing beneath me. I
imagine my tongue sliding over the curve of your hipbone then
gliding along the flat plane of your stomach. The sweet nectar of
your pussy would be an addictive drug. But I wouldn't start there.
I'd start by tasting your lips, using your mouth the way I'll use your
body and kissing you as a promise of how it will feel when I kiss that
delectable cunt. I imagine my hands cupping your breasts, your pale
pink nipples eager for my touch. I want to squeeze, to play, to suck,
and then I'll make my way down your sinfully perfect body to finally
taste your sweet pussy on my tongue."
I suck in a sharp breath, heat flooding my core. "More," I
whisper. "Tell me more."
"I'd spread your thighs wide, feasting on your dripping cunt until
you came screaming my name. Then I'd fill you up, fucking you hard
and deep all night long. His voice drops to a whisper and he adds in
a darker tone, "Or until you can't take anymore."
My breaths are coming hard and fast now as my arousal reaches
a fever pitch. All the naughty talk takes over my mind and body as
images of what he described floods my thoughts. I can almost feel
his hands on me, his mouth devouring my pussy, his cock pounding
into me with relentless pleasure.
A moan slips out as I envision the fantasy, fingers sliding
between my legs to rub my aching clit. "God yes, I need you inside
"I wish I was there with you now, giving you everything you
desire. You're the only one for me, Lia."
No one has ever made me feel the way he does. Made me want
the way I want him. "You're the only one I think of," I confess. I
probably shouldn't. It's dangerous to buy into the fantasy when
that's all it can ever be. But God, how I wish it didn't have to be only
a fantasy. "You're the only one I dream about, the only one I crave,"
I breathe out on a moan as pleasure blooms between my legs from
my ministrations.
"Lia," he groans. "Come for me. I need to hear you again and
know this time it’s just for me."
His command sends me over the edge, pleasure erupting through
my body in waves. "Yes, yes!" I cry out, back arching off the bed as
I come harder than earlier.
When I finally catch my breath, a single message awaits.
"Goodnight, my sweet Lia."
He exits out of the chat before I've fully caught my breath and I
sag against the bed, my heart racing and despite coming twice, my
body hungry for more of him.
I can feel the heat of my skin, flushed and sensitive from arousal.
As I close my laptop, my thoughts drift to the patron, wondering
who he could be in real life. What kind of man would he be outside
of this online persona? Would he be just as captivating and
As I lay there, my mind races with possibilities. A successful
businessman, a charming artist, or perhaps someone I've already
encountered in my daily life. It's thrilling and maddening all at once.
The more I think about him, the more my body hungers for his
presence. If I thought giving him my real name was reckless, it's
nothing compared to the dangerous idea that grows with every
encounter we have.
"Focus, Lia," I tell myself, trying to regain control over my racing
thoughts. But it's impossible, my body still buzzing with pleasure and
anticipation for our next encounter. I close my eyes and try to
imagine his face, his voice echoing through my ears as if he were
right beside me.
As sleep finally begins to claim me, I hold onto the thought of
him, clutching it close to my chest. In the depths of my dreams, I
search for the answers to the questions that haunt me. Who is this
mysterious man? Could it be possible for us to meet? For him to
bring me all the pleasures he promises? Does it have to remain a
As the days go by, I find myself daydreaming about him more
and more, longing for our next virtual encounter. That reckless idea
growing stronger with each interaction.
"Tell me, Lia," his voice is deep, even with the awkward pitch of
the autotune, "what's your favorite fantasy?"
My heart races at the question, but I take a deep breath before
typing back, "I've always wanted to be taken control of, to be
completely at the mercy of someone I trust."
"Ah, a submissive streak, huh?" he replies, teasingly. "How would
you like me to dominate you, sweet girl?"
A surge of excitement fills me, and my body reacts to his words.
My nipples tighten, pressing against the fabric of my lingerie, and
my core throbs with need. I speak my deepest fantasy out loud, not
caring how graphic my words are, knowing he wants this just as
much as I do.
"I want you to tie me up, blindfold me, and tease me until I'm
begging for release. Then, when you think I can't take it any longer,
you'll give me what I crave – your hard, thick cock filling me
"God, Lia..." he groans, his own arousal evident in his voice. "You
have no idea what you do to me. I wish I could be there right now,
sinking my fingers into your wet pussy, feeling how ready you are for
me. You'd take me so well, even though I'd stretch that tight little
cunt so wide you'd feel me for days afterward."
My breath catches in my throat, and I can't help but touch
myself, stroking my clit gently in time with our explicit conversation.
Heat pools between my legs, growing with each word we exchange.
"Please," I beg. "I need you to take me, to make me yours
"Trust me, Lia," he replies, "when the time comes, I will. And it'll
be even better than either of us could possibly imagine."
My fingers halt briefly as his words penetrate the overwhelming
pleasure brewing between my legs. Could it be possible that he
wants what I want? That reckless idea grows until the words are
sitting right on the edge of my tongue. But I let them go as his dirty
demands pull me under his thrall.
"Fill that pretty cunt with your fingers. Pretend it's my thick
cock," he growls and I quickly obey, shoving two fingers inside.
"You'll have to do better than that sweet girl. Two fingers doesn't
come anywhere close. Four might."
I shiver and then try to fit four fingers inside my tight heat, but
even with how dripping wet I am, it's a stretch.
"Fuck, baby. I'm dying to feel you squeeze my cock with that
pretty cunt."
"I want you to fill me up," I choke out over the increasing
pleasure as my fingers ease their way inside of me. The suggestion
hangs in the air, waiting for his response. His answer comes fast and
it's filled with a hunger that matches my own.
"Yes, Lia," he groans, his voice thick with desire. "I'm going to
fuck you so hard you'll never forget it." He pauses for a moment and
I can imagine him adjusting himself in his chair as he imagines what
he wants to do to me. "You know what I want?" His voice is softer
now, taking on a tone of ownership that makes my heart race.
"Tell me," I whisper, already anticipating what he's about to say.
A shiver of excitement runs through me as he orders me to strip
off my lingerie, leaving not a single inch of my body hidden. His
words send waves of pleasure coursing through me and I can feel
the tight hardness of my nipples beneath the fabric. I can barely
contain my need as I begin to undress.
"Now slip those pretty fingers back in that gorgeous cunt and
then show me how wet you are," he commands, and I obey without
hesitation. When I pull my fingers out, they're covered with my
arousal, and I hold them up to the camera for him to see before I
rub my wet hand all over my nipples. His breathing comes faster
then and I can almost feel his gaze on me as if we were in the same
room together instead of miles apart.
"Fuck, Lia," he growls out and I know he's getting close. I love
that I do this to him, that I make him come apart the same way he
makes me. My hand slides seductively down my body before
meeting my clit once more and I'm too on edge to drag this out any
longer. I rub quick, light circles until my orgasm rises and breaks as I
cry out, wishing desperately that I knew his name so I could scream
it as I come.
He lets out a low, deep groan and I know he's coming with me.
His pleasure only enhances my own.
"I want to meet." The words are out of my mouth before I can
hold them back. My heart races now for an entirely different reason.
What if he rejects me? What if that makes it too real?
There's silence on the other side of the screen and I wish—not
for the first time—that I could see him, but he always leaves his
camera off.
The silence stretches so long, I worry that he's not even there
But then he finally speaks, and I know my world will never be the
same. "On two conditions. You wear a blindfold the entire time and
you follow any other instructions I have for you to the letter."

The smell of freshly brewed coffee mingles in the air with the scent
of my father's favorite cologne, creating a comforting aroma that
instantly transports me back to my childhood. My mother used to
buy it for him every Christmas until she died when I was eight. Then
I started buying it for him, with my Uncle Seb's help, of course, since
I didn't have any money of my own.
"Hey, Dad!" I greet him enthusiastically, my eyes scanning the
room for any changes since my last visit. It's been too long since I've
been home; the pressures of work and life have kept me busy. "It's
so good to see you."
"Hi, sweetheart," my dad, Mark, responds with a warm smile, his
strong arms enveloping me in a tight hug. I can feel the love
radiating off him, and it warms me from the inside out.
We chat about life and how things have been going for both of
us. He asks about my work, and I manage to keep things vague
enough to maintain the secret of my profession. We talk about the
weather, friends we haven't seen in a while, and the upcoming
holidays. It's an easy and comfortable conversation, one we've had
countless times before.
"Sebastian should be here any minute," Dad mentions casually,
and a smile breaks across my face. My uncle Sebastian has always
held a special place in my heart, and I can't help but feel excited at
the prospect of seeing him again. We try to get together once a
week for coffee and catching up, but he's been busier lately and it's
been a few weeks since I've seen him.
The front door opens, and there he stands, looking just as
handsome and charming as ever. His dark hair is slightly disheveled,
and his blue eyes twinkle from the sunlight.
"Princess!" he says, his voice deep and filled with affection. I
move into his open arms and he wraps me in a bear hug. I melt into
his embrace, feeling safe and protected. There's something about
being near him that always makes me feel like everything will be
okay. He just has that kind of presence and always has. He was a
rock for us when my mom died and my dad fell apart. I don’t know
how I would’ve managed without him in our life.
"Uncle Seb, it's so good to see you," I murmur, my voice muffled
by his strong chest. He chuckles and releases me, his eyes roaming
over my face as if trying to memorize every detail.
"Look at you. I swear you've gotten even more beautiful since I
last saw you," he teases, winking playfully. I can't help but blush at
his words; it's hard not to feel flattered when they come from
someone who means so much to me.
As we sit down to catch up over a cup of coffee, I find myself
feeling more content with my life than ever before. I've got a
wonderful family, a job I love, and tonight I'll finally get to meet the
man who makes my body come to life.
I'm just walking out to my car at the end of our visit when I hear
my name and spin around to find Uncle Seb just a few feet behind
"Are you okay?" he asks. "You seemed a little distracted toward
the end there." His eyes glint in the sunshine and for a moment my
heart stutters. He couldn't possibly know anything about my secret
life, but there's a knowing look in his gaze that has my breath
coming out quicker.
No, I’m just imagining it.
"Y-yeah," I stammer, attempting to regain my composure. "I'm
just tired from work; it's been a long week." He doesn't need to
know I was distracted wondering about what dirty things my
mystery man would do to me tonight.
"Princess, don't overwork yourself," he says, pulling me into a
hug. His chest is warm and firm against my cheek, and I inhale his
familiar scent—woodsy cologne mixed with the lingering aroma of
"Thanks, Uncle Seb," I murmur, forcing myself not to linger in his
embrace. "I promise I'll take it easy."
He releases me, and I reluctantly pull away, my body protesting
the loss of warmth and closeness. But I need to go. I have to get
ready for my date tonight.
"Take care, Princess," Uncle Sebastian says, pressing a kiss to my
forehead. "And remember, I'm always here for you."
"Thank you," I whisper, my heart swelling at his words.
My biggest fear is that those words will ring false if he or my dad
ever learn what I actually do for a living.
As soon as I get in my car, my phone buzzes with an incoming
call from my best friend, Ava. I swipe to answer, grateful for the
"Hey girl!" Ava chirps, her bubbly tone instantly lifting my spirits.
"How's your day going?"
"Hey," I say, trying to sound upbeat. "It's been… interesting. I
just left my dad's place, saw Uncle Sebastian too."
"Oooh," she groans. "You should've called me immediately and
invited me over. You know I think your Uncle Seb is sex on a stick."
"Please, Ava, don't start," I groan, feeling a blush creep up my
cheeks, and a weird tightness in my chest. I know my uncle is
attractive. You'd have to be blind not to notice, but it bothers me
when she tries to flirt with him. Or even talk about flirting with him.
"Sorry, sorry," she giggles. "But seriously, how are you holding
up? It must be hard keeping your work life separate from your family
life. I know how close you are to your dad and uncle."
"Tell me about it," I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "It's
like living a double life sometimes. But I appreciate having you in my
corner, Ava. You're the best friend and confidant a girl could ask for."
"Anytime," Ava says warmly. "I've got your back, and remember,
we cam girls have to stick together. So, what's next on the agenda?"
"Actually," I say, a mischievous grin spreading across my face, "I
have a very important meeting tonight with someone special."
"Ooh, do tell!" Ava exclaims, her excitement contagious.
"Let's just say," I tease, "it's going to be a night to remember."

The anticipation builds as I approach the luxurious hotel where I'll

finally meet OnlyYourS23, my mysterious and generous supporter.
My pulse races as excitement courses through me, making me feel
giddy and alive. I can't believe this is really happening.
"Deep breaths, Lia," I whisper to myself, stepping out of the taxi
and smoothing down my long coat that hugs my curves. It does a
good job of covering every inch of my body between my neck and
my knees, concealing the fact that beneath it, I'm wearing nothing
but my most seductive lingerie.
As I enter the hotel lobby, I feel a thrill at the thought of our
impending rendezvous. The marble floors, high ceilings, and
glittering chandeliers only add to the sense of opulence and
decadence. This is a world far removed from my everyday life, and
for tonight, I can allow myself to be completely lost in it.
After getting my key, I make my way to the suite, my heels
clicking on the polished floor with each step. This hotel is beyond
what I imagined. It's luxury and opulence and more than I expected
for our first encounter. Not that I thought he'd book a by-the-hour
place, but this is high end and I'm feeling very spoiled.
When I reach the room, I take another deep breath and open the
door, stepping inside. The room is dimly lit, creating an intimate
atmosphere that sends shivers down my spine. I swallow hard,
feeling both nervous and exhilarated. I can't believe I'm doing this,
but there's no way I'm turning back now. I'm so close to meeting
him. To feeling his lips on my body, his fingers, hearing his real
My pussy throbs with desire at how badly I ache to hear his
Then I walk into the bedroom and my desire skyrockets. There,
on the plush king-sized bed, lies a black silk blindfold. Next to it, a
printed card catches my eye. Picking it up, I read the explicit
"I want you on the bed, on your hands and knees, with that
blindfold over your eyes and your legs spread wide apart. Your
beautiful ass should be raised high, inviting me to explore your wet,
aching pussy. Make sure to wear the red lace lingerie I told you to. I
can't wait to rip it off and claim what's mine."
My face flushes with heat as I read his words, arousal pooling
between my thighs. He's the only man who's ever spoken to me like
this and made me wet from it. The thought of submitting to him
sends a powerful thrill through me. I can't deny the desire that
courses through me, urging me to do exactly as he says.
Peeling off my coat, I reveal the red lace lingerie set beneath. I
wore it once during one of my cam performances and afterwards his
filthy words brought me three more orgasms. He told me I was too
sexy in this set and to only wear it for him, which was something I
was more than willing to do with how hot he made me feel. The bra
cups my breasts perfectly, creating enticing cleavage, while the
matching panties hug my hips, leaving little to the imagination. I
glance at myself in the mirror, feeling like a goddess ready to be
Following the instructions on the card, I place the blindfold over
my eyes and tie it securely. The darkness is disorienting, heightening
my other senses, making me acutely aware of every detail—the
softness of the bed beneath me, the scent of fresh roses in the
room, the sound of my own breathing.
On trembling hands and knees, I position myself as directed, my
ass raised high, legs spread wide apart, and my heart pounding in
my chest. I've never felt so vulnerable and exposed, yet at the same
time, so incredibly aroused.
"OnlyYourS23," I whisper his screen name like a prayer,
anticipation surging through me. "I'm ready for you."
And now, all I can do is wait and imagine the moment when he
finally claims me as his own.

My heart races under the blindfold, the darkness heightening my

senses. The silk is cool against my skin, and my stomach tightens
with anticipation. The vulnerability is a thrill, almost as addictive as
my mystery man himself. I wait on the edge of the bed, feeling a
mixture of excitement and anxiety coursing through me. It's so quiet
that I can hear my own breathing, shallow and staccato.
The faintest creak of the door causes my body to tense up in
He's here.
The air shifts around me, an invisible current swirling with his
"Hello, Lia," he murmurs, his voice deep and velvety. It sends
shivers down my spine, and I can't help but squirm at the sound of
it. "Fuck, if you could see how beautiful you look right now." There's
something familiar about his voice, but maybe that's just because
I've imagined what he'd really sound like without the voice distortion
he uses when we’re in the private chat room.
"Thank you," I manage, my voice barely audible. I can't see him,
but I know he's watching me, I can practically feel his eyes traveling
down every inch of my body, admiring me displayed for him. The
thought makes my pulse quicken.
Without warning, his hands are on me, fingertips grazing my
ankles as they drift up the back my legs. His touch is gentle yet firm,
leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. I shiver, and he chuckles
softly. "Do you like that?"
"Y-yes," I stammer, caught off guard by the intensity of my
reaction. My mind races, trying to focus on anything but the growing
heat between my legs. It's futile, though—his touch has ignited
something within me, a primal need that threatens to consume me.
"Spread your legs wider for me, Lia," he commands, and I
comply without hesitation. The cool air brushes against my exposed
flesh, making me ache with desire. His hands slide up my thighs,
moving closer and closer to the part of me that craves his touch the
"Please," I whisper, unable to contain my desperation any longer.
"Touch me."
"I am touching you."
"Make me come," I plead. I’m already so wet and achy that I'm
worried I'll detonate the second he grazes my clit with this thick
"Patience, beautiful," he chides, his fingers teasingly skimming
the edges of my arousal. "We have all night."
"Please," I repeat, willing him to give in to my pleas. My body
quivers in anticipation, my thoughts consumed by the need for his
"Hmm, if you insist," he concedes, but he still doesn't touch me
where I want him most. Instead, his hands glide up to the edge of
my red lace panties. He slides them painfully slowly down to my
knees. I lift my knees off the bed just enough for him to pull them
down until they’re past my ankles. I hear a deep inhale once they're
off and my clit throbs with the knowledge that he's sniffing my
soaked panties.
"Fuck, Lia. You have no idea how long I've waited for this," he
says, his voice so deep and ragged, it's practically a growl.
He slowly slides his fingers back up my legs until he finally dips
into the wetness between my thighs. I gasp, the sensation
overwhelming me as he begins to explore my pussy, taking his time
as if savoring every inch of me. And as his skilled hands work their
magic, I can't help but give myself over to the ecstasy, letting the
pleasure wash over me like a tidal wave.
"Oh my God!" I moan as his fingers find my swollen clit and
begin to rub it in slow, deliberate circles. The sensation is electric,
igniting my nerves and sending sparks through my body. My chest
heaves with each ragged breath, my heart pounding in my chest.
"You like that, don't you?" he asks, his voice a mixture of hunger
and satisfaction.
"Y-yes," I stammer, barely able to form words as the pleasure
continues to build inside me.
With a wicked chuckle, he moves his free hand up to my breasts,
cupping one gently as his thumb and forefinger close around my
already hard nipple. He teases the sensitive nub, rolling it between
his fingers and sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body.
"Please... more," I beg, my hips starting to move involuntarily
against his hand.
"Patience, Lia," he scolds playfully, but I can hear the lust in his
voice. "I want to enjoy every moment of this."
My back arches as he peppers my spine with kisses before
unclasping my bra and letting it fall to my wrists. "Take that off and
lie on your back," he murmurs. I do what he says with no hesitation.
He groans and then his hot mouth is on my breast, taking my
nipple into his mouth. He sucks on it firmly, occasionally flicking it
with his tongue, and the combination of sensations sends my arousal
"God, you taste amazing," he murmurs against my skin. "I could
do this for hours." He moves to the other breast, lavishing it with the
same attention and my body feels like it's on fire.
"Please, don't stop," I whisper, my hands gripping the sheets as I
struggle to keep myself grounded. The intensity of the pleasure
threatens to consume me, but I know deep down that I want—no,
need—to experience everything this mystery man has to offer.
As his skilled fingers continue to work their magic on my clit, and
his mouth lavishes attention on my nipples, I feel myself teetering
on the edge of ecstasy. Every touch, every kiss, every caress feels
like it's been crafted specifically for me, and I know without a doubt
that I'll never experience anything like this again.
"Please," I whimper, the word barely more than a breath as my
body trembles with need. "Please... make me come. I'm so close."
"Fuck, my beautiful girl, you make me crazy with how much
pleasure I want to give you. Come. Come all over my fingers," he
growls, his fingers increasing their pace and pressure until I can't
hold back any longer.
My orgasm crashes over me in waves that leave me breathless
and shaking against the mattress. But I barely have any time to
recover before his mouth is on my pussy, kissing me in the most
salacious of kisses. His tongue thrusts into me before gliding up and
swirling around my clit.
"O-oh God," I pant, my voice shaking from tremors as the
pleasure builds again quickly.
He alternates between teasing me with slow, languid licks and
pressing his tongue firmly against me, making my entire body
shudder with pleasure. The heat of his breath adds an extra layer of
sensation that has me gripping the sheets even tighter, desperate to
maintain some semblance of control.
"Ah, fuck," I moan, my hips involuntarily bucking toward his face
as he continues his relentless assault on my senses. "You're so good
at this."
"Your taste is intoxicating," he says, his deep, gruff voice
vibrating against my sensitive flesh. Again, that sensation that
there's something familiar about his voice hits me, but I'm too lost in
the throes of passion to think about it further. Everything he's doing
to me feels so fucking good.
"More," I beg, wanting nothing more than to surrender myself
completely to this man who seems to know exactly what I need.
"Such a greedy girl," he chuckles darkly, and the sound of his
voice sends another wave of desire coursing through me. Without
warning, he thrusts two fingers inside me, curling them upward as
his tongue continues its delicious torment of my clit. I can feel the
pressure building inside me, the pleasure threatening to overwhelm
me completely.
"God, I'm close again," I pant, my body tensing as the first
sparks of ecstasy begin to ignite. "Please don't stop."
"Come for me again, Lia," he growls, and hearing him say my
name in that commanding tone sends me tumbling over the edge.
My orgasm crashes through me like a tidal wave, my body
convulsing as I cry out in pleasure.
"Such a good girl," he murmurs against my clit as it still throbs
from latest release.
"Oh my god" I gasp, struggling to catch my breath as the last
tremors of my climax subside. "That was... amazing."
"Are you ready for more, my lovely Lia?" the mystery man's deep
voice rumbles in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Fuck, the
way he says my name and calls me his makes my heart squeeze
with want. I want to be his in all ways. I want this man to pleasure
me like this every day. I've never had such earth-shattering sex in
my life.
"God, yes," I breathe out, still reeling from the multiple orgasms
he's already given me. Each one has been more intense than the
last, and I can't help but crave even more of his skilled touch.
"Good girl," he praises, and the words make my heart swell with
pride. It's clear that he enjoys my willingness to submit to him, and
that knowledge only adds fuel to the fire that burns within me.
As he positions himself between my legs, I feel the head of his
cock pressing against my entrance, teasing me with the promise of
what's to come. My body aches for him, every muscle tensing in
anticipation of the sweet release that only he can provide.
"Please," I whimper, desperate for the feel of him inside me. "I
need you."
"Patience," he chides gently, rubbing the tip of his cock against
my clit, making me shudder with pleasure. "I want to savor this
moment," he says gruffly. "I want to relish the way your tight little
body will grip my thick cock."
But I can't wait any longer. My body hungers for him, and I need
to feel the fullness of his cock filling me. As if reading my thoughts,
he slides into me, slowly at first and then with one deep thrust, he's
buried to the hilt. The sensation is so overwhelming that I gasp,
unable to form coherent words.
"God, you're so tight," he groans, his breath hot against my neck
as he begins to thrust into me with a rhythm that matches the
pounding of my heart. The way his cock fills me completely, touching
places inside me that have never been reached before, is
indescribable. It's like his cock was made for my pussy and mine
alone. I cling to him, my nails digging into his shoulders as the
pleasure builds once again.
"More," I beg, needing him to push me over the edge. "I want to
come with you."
"Such a demanding little thing," he chuckles, but the sound is
warm and affectionate. He increases his pace, his cock slamming
into me with wild abandon, and I know that we're both close to our
climax. "Fuck, Lia. You feel so good. Better than I ever imagined.
God, your body is perfection. Let me feel your tight little cunt
convulsing around my cock while I make you come."
"Yes," I whimper as he moves his thumb down to rub relentless
circles on my clit.
The orgasm that rips through me is like nothing I've ever
experienced before, my body shaking uncontrollably as I scream out,
wishing I knew his name so it could be his name on my lips instead
of just a cry of pleasure.
"Fuck!" he shouts, his voice strained with pleasure as he finds his
own release. We collapse against each other, our bodies slick with
sweat and trembling from the aftershocks of our shared orgasm.
"Thank you," I whisper, pressing my lips against his shoulder, still
reeling from how combustible our sex was. I lift my arm to remove
the blindfold, curiosity getting the best of me, but he grips my wrist.
"I'm not done with you yet, sexy girl. Keep that blindfold right
where it is."
"I want to see you," I whisper, my heart aching for how badly I
want to put a face to this man who's given me the greatest pleasure
I've ever known.
"I know you do, but I need you to follow my rules. Blindfold stays
on or no more pleasure."
I nibble my lip, torn between the two things I want with a crazy
desperation, but eventually I relax my hand, showing him I won't try
to take the blindfold off.
At least not yet.

The waves of pleasure continue to crash over me, as intense and

relentless as a stormy sea. We've been fucking for hours and every
time I think there's no way I can come again, he proves me wrong,
bringing my body to the edge of release over and over again.
My legs tremble as my climax builds once again. "Fuck," I moan.
"Right there. Don't stop. That feels so fucking good." I shudder as
his thick, heavy cock pounds into me, hitting an angle that makes
my toes curl and my stomach tighten.
I can't take this anymore. I make an impulsive decision—one
driven by the overwhelming desire to know who has brought me to
the edge of ecstasy time and time again.
With a swift motion, I rip off the blindfold, my vision momentarily
blurred from the sudden influx of dim light after so long under the
black blindfold. Blinking rapidly, I focus on the face above me—and
the revelation leaves me breathless.
"Uncle Seb?" I whisper, the word tasting foreign and unfamiliar
on my tongue. The shock of his identity sends tremors through my
body, but it isn't enough to drown out the flood of pleasure that
accompanies his furious thrusts.
"Princess," he growls, leaning down to press his lips against
mine. I put my hands on his chest to push him back, my mind
reeling, but then he changes the angle of his thrusts and that
orgasm that was right on the edge explodes through me. Instead of
pushing him away, my hands grip his shoulders as my body
convulses around him. Our tongues dance together, mirroring the
rhythm of our bodies as they move in perfect harmony. The taboo
nature shouldn't fuel my desire, but it does, dragging out my orgasm
until tears slip from eyes from the pleasure overload.
"God, you feel so good," he groans, his thrusts growing more
erratic. "I've been dreaming about what it would feel like to fuck you
raw, to feel your tight pussy clench around me as you come. It's
better than I ever imagined."
My mind is still a mess. This shouldn't feel so good. This is my
uncle! And worse than that, it just registers that he said in
no condoms. I'm on birth control, so I'm not worried about getting
pregnant, but the reality of his cum inside me just adds another
complicated layer to this taboo encounter.
As if he can read my mind, he stares deep into my eyes, no
apology to be found in his gaze and then his finger moves between
us, rubbing against my clit. I suck in a sharp breath while my heart
"Come for me again, Lia," he urges, his voice rough with need.
"Let yourself go."
"I can't," I whimper even as my body rises to the challenge. That
telltale tightening in my core telling me I absolutely can. "This is
His eyes flash and then he's kissing me again. His lips bruising
and possessive. When he pulls away, we're both panting for breath.
"It doesn't feel wrong to me. Feeling you like this...being buried
deep in your pretty pink cunt feels like fucking heaven. I know you
love it, Princess. I can feel the way your pussy squeezed me when
you saw my face, the way it squeezes me now while I tell you how
good it feels to fuck my gorgeous niece."
The intensity of his words—and the truth behind them—pushes
me over the edge, and I surrender to the pleasure that courses
through my veins like liquid fire. My body convulses around him,
every cell singing with ecstasy as we reach our peak together.
"Seb," I moan, fingers clutching at his sweat-slicked skin as the
last of my orgasm ebbs away. He groans deep at the sound of his
name on my lips and comes, his hot seed filling me up. The world
outside fades into oblivion, leaving nothing but the two of us,
tangled together in a web of passion and desire.

I lie on my bed, staring at the ceiling with wide eyes. My heart races
as I try to make sense of what happened last night. I snuck out
while Seb was in the shower because once I wasn't surrounded by
his heat anymore, all I kept thinking about was how bad this was—
how wrong.
It feels like a storm is raging inside me, my mind in utter turmoil.
I can't believe I had sex with my uncle. What's even worse is I loved
My body shivers as flashes of our intense encounter invade my
thoughts. I remember the way his hands felt on my skin, how his
lips tasted on mine, and the way he whispered my name as he
brought me to heights of pleasure I'd never experienced before. I
feel ashamed that I allowed it to happen, especially the orgasms
that came after I ripped that blindfold off, but my body still craves
his touch. It hums with the reminder of the pleasure he gave and an
ache for more grows deep in my belly.
"God, what is wrong with me?" I whisper, my voice choked with
My phone buzzes next to me, pulling me out of my shame spiral.
I glance over to see a text from Uncle Seb, and my stomach tightens
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5. The Shaft, and its Summit magnified.
ERICA verticillata.


Erica, antheris aristatis, inclusis; corollis pollicaribus, cernuis, ventricoso-

cylindracis, saturate rubris, pedunculis longissimis; foliis quaternis.


Caulis erectus, bipedalis, basi simplicissimus, rami verticillati,

subsimplices, erecto-patentes.
Folia quaterna, glabra, lineari, acuta, subtus sulcata, recta.
Flores in apicibus ramorum verticillati, nutantes, conferti; pedunculi
longissimi, bracteis tribus ad basin instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lato-ovatis, acuminatis, apice
dilute rubris, basi viridis.
Corolla ventricoso-cylindrica, pollicaris, ad basin-tetragona, profunde
costata; ore arctata, tenuissime laciniata; saturate rubentia.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen globosum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis longitudine
corollæ. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mensi Julii, in Novembrem.


1. Calyx, et Corolla.
2. Calyx, lente auctus.
3. Stamina, et Pistillum.
4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta.
5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta.

Heath, with bearded tips, within the blossoms, which are an inch long,
hanging downward, of the shape of an inflated cylinder, deep red, and very
long foot-stalks; leaves growing by fours.


Stem upright, grows two feet high, simple at the bottom, the branches
growing in whorls, nearly simple, upright, and spreading.
Leaves grow by fours, smooth, linear, sharp-pointed, furrowed on the
under part, and growing straight out from the stem.
Flowers grow in whorls, at the upper part of the branches, hanging
downward, and close together, with long foot-stalks, that have three floral
leaves just at their base.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, which are of a broad-oval shape, sharp-
pointed, the upper part of a light red, the bottom of a green colour.
Blossom is of a swelled-cylindrical shape, an inch long, four-cornered at
the base, and deeply ribbed; the mouth is narrowed, and very slightly cut; of
a deep red colour.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads; the tips are bearded, and within the
Pointal. Seed-vessel round, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, the
length of the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from July, till November.


1. The Empalement, and Blossom.

2. The Empalement, magnified.
3. The Chives, and Pointal.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified.
5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified.
ERICA versicolor.


Erica, antheris muticis, subinclusis; stylo exserto; corollis subcylindraceis,

costatis, variè coloratis; foliis ternis.


Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus, attenuatus in apicem; ramis

Folia terna, linearia, subulata, supra plana, subtus sulcata, glabra,
saturate viridia; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores plures, subcernui, tres quatuorve ramuli terminantes prope caulis
summitatem; pedunculi brevissimi.
Calyx. Perianthium duplex, interius tetraphyllum, foliolis aurantiis,
apice sulcatis, adpressis; exterius triphyllum, priori brevior, apice virescens.
Corolla subcylindracea, medio paulula arctata, costata, ima parte
aurantia, apice virescens; laciniis reflexis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, ima parte spathulata, summa linearia,
receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ, subinclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen orbiculatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus.
Stigma tetragonum, virescens.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Octobris, in Aprilem.


1. Calyx, et Corolla.
2. Calyx lente auctus.
3. Stamina et Pistillum.
4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; et stamen unum lente auctum.
5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta.


Heath with beardless tips, just within the blossom, the pointal without; the
blossoms are nearly cylindrical, ribbed, and variously coloured; leaves grow
by threes.


Stem shrubby, grows two feet high, erect, tapering to the top; the
branches are nearly simple.
Leaves grow by threes, linear, awl-shaped, flat on the upper, and
furrowed on the under surface, smooth, and of a deep green; with very short
foot-stalks pressed to the branches.
The Flowers are numerous, bending a little downward, terminating the
small branches by threes or fours, near the top of the stem; the foot-stalks
being very short.
Empalement. The Cup is double, the inner is four-leaved, which are
orange-coloured, furrowed at the point, and pressed to the blossom; the
outer is three-leaved, shorter than the inner, and greenish at the point.
The Blossom is nearly cylindrical, a little narrowed at the middle,
ribbed, the lower part orange colour, the mouth greenish, whose segments
are reflexed.
Chives. Eight threads, whose lower parts are spatula-shaped, and upper
linear, fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, and almost within the
Pointal. Seed-vessel globe-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped,
and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered and greenish.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from October, till April.

1. The Empalement, and Blossom.
2. The Empalement magnified.
3. The Chives and Pointal.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip with its thread, magnified.
5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified.
ERICA vestita alba.


Erica, antheris muticis, sub-inclusis; folia sena, tremulenta, linearia,

conferta, attenuata in petiolos capillares; floribus clavatis, albidis.


Caulis tripedalis, laxus, erectus, basi simplicissimus, ramis simplicibus

Folia sena, conferta, glabra, linearia, tremulenta, subtus sulcata,
attenuata in petioles capillares semiunguiculares.
Flores in ramulis verticillati, erecto-patentes; pedunculis brevibus
bracteis tribus instructis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, adpressis, glabris,
Corolla clavata, pollicaris, alba, pubescens; oris laciniis patentibus.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ muticæ, subinclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, summum pilis longis coronatum. Stylus
filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Julii in Decembrem.


1. Calyx et Corolla.
2. Calyx lente auctus.
3. Stamina et Pistillum.
4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta.
5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucti.

Heath, with beardless tips, just within the blossoms; leaves grow by sixes,
are tremulous, linear, and crowded together, tapering into hair-like foot-
stalks; the flowers are club-shaped, and white.


Stem grows three feet high, loose and upright, simple at the base, with
simple ascending branches.
Leaves grow by sixes, crowded together, smooth, linear, tremulous,
furrowed underneath, and tapering into hair-like foot-stalks a quarter of an
inch in length.
Flowers grow in whorls upon the smaller branches, upright, and
spreading; with short foot-stalks having three floral leaves.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, which are awl-shaped, pressed to the
blossom, smooth, and clammy.
Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, white and downy, the segments of
the mouth are spread outward.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, tips beardless, and just within the
Pointal. Seed-vessel turban-shaped, the top-being crowned with long
hairs. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from July till December.


1. The Empalement and Blossom.

2. The Empalement magnified.
3. The Chives and Pointal.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified.
5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified.
ERICA vestita purpurea.


Erica, antheris muticis, subexsertis; foliis senis, linearibus, tremulentibus,

attenuata in petiolos capillares, semiunguiculares; floribus axillaribus,
clavatis, purpureis.


Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus, basi simplicissimus, dein

verticillatim ramosus, ramis simplicibus, adscendentibus.
Folia sena, linearia, tremulanta, acuta, glabra, subtus leviter sulcata,
attenuata in petiolos capillares, semiunguiculares.
Flores in ramulis mediis verticillati, recti; pedunculis brevibus, bracteis
tribus instructis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanciolatis, basi serratis,
viridis, glabris.
Corolla clavata, pollicaria, obtusa, recta, purpurea, ore arctato, limbo
quadrifido, reflexo.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ
muticæ, subexsertæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, apice, pilis longis, plumosis, octofarium
coronatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mensi Julii in Januarium.


1. Folium unum cum petiolo.

2. Calyx et Corolla.
3. Calyx lente auctus.
4. Stamina et Pistillum.
5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta.
6. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta.


Heath, with beardless tips, almost without the blossom; leaves grow by
sixes, linear, tremulous, and tapering into hair-like foot-stalks a quarter of an
inch long; the flowers grow from the base of the leaves, are club-shaped,
and purple.


Stem shrubby, grows two feet high, and upright, simple at the base, then
branching out from a whorl into simple ascending branches.
Leaves grow by sixes, are linear, tremulous, sharp-pointed, smooth,
lightly furrowed on the under part, and tapering into hair-like leaf-stems a
quarter of an inch in length.
Flowers are in whorls about the middle of the branches, straight out,
having short foot-stalks with three floral leaves.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, which are lance-shaped, sawed at the
base, green, and smooth.
Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, blunt, straight, and purple,
compressed at the mouth, with a four-lobed, reflexed border.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless,
and nearly of a length with the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-vessel turban-shaped, the top crowned by eight plumes of
long hairs. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from July till January.

1. A leaf with its foot-stalk.

2. The Empalement and Blossom.
3. The Empalement magnified.
4. The Chives and Pointal.
5. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified.
6. The Shaft and its Summit magnified.
ERICA vestita coccinea.


Erica, antheris muticis, sub-exsertis; foliis senis, tremulis, linearibus,

attenuatis in petiolos capillares; corollis clavatis, pollicaribus, coccineis.


Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis, parum ramosus, ramulis simplicibus, foliis

Folia sena, linearia, tremula, glabra, subtus sulcata, attenuata in petiolos
capillares semiunguiculares.
Flores in ramulis mediis conferti, numerosi, erecto-patentes, pedunculis
brevibus, bracteis tribus linearibus adpressis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis adpressis glabris.
Corolla clavata, pollicaris, coccinea, oris laciniis revolutis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta; antheris muticis,
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spæi.
Floret a mense Augusto in Novembrem.


1. Calyx et Corolla.
2. Calyx lente auctus.
3. Stamina et Pistillum.
4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; antherâ unâ lente auctâ.
5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucti.

Heath, with beardless tips just without the blossom; the leaves grow by
sixes, are tremulous, linear, and taper into hair-like foot-stalks; the blossoms
are club-shaped, an inch long, and deep scarlet.


Stem upright, grows a foot and a half high, branching but little; the
smaller branches are simple, and covered with leaves.
Leaves grow by sixes, are linear, tremulous, smooth, furrowed
underneath, and tapering into hair-like foot-stalks half an inch long.
Flowers are clustered together about the middle of the branches, are
numerous, spreading upwards, having short foot-stalks, with three linear
floral leaves pressed to the cup.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, which are awl-shaped, pressed to the
blossom, and smooth.
Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, and of a deep scarlet colour; the
segments of the mouth are rolled back.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, fixed into the receptacle; tips beardless,
and just without the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-vessel turban-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped.
Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August till November.


1. The Empalement and Blossom.

2. The Empalement magnified.
3. The Chives and Pointal.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified.
5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified.

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