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Biology exam 3nd assessment

1º What is heterotrophic nutrition?

Is the process in which animals get subtances provided from

plants and animals

2º What are nutrients?

They are sustances that are used to live and grow.

3º which are the processes of heterotrophic nutrition?

They are five:

digestion, respiration, transport, metabolism, egestion.

4º What is digestion?

It is the process where the food is converted into nutrients.

5º What is respiration?

It is the process where oxigen taken and CO2 is expulsed.

6º What is transport?

It is the process where nutrients are distributed to cells.

7º what is metabolism?

It is the process where chemical reactions that takes place in

our cells.

8º What is egestion?

It is the process where whaste products are expelled. (carbon

dioxide and others)

9º what are the stages of the digestive process?

They are four:

Ingestion, digestion, absorption and egestion.

10º Relate:

Ingestion A Nutrients are transferred to blood A

Digestion B Food taken from enviroment B

Absorption C Waste products and matter not digested is expelled C

Egestion D
Nutrients are extracted from food

Intracelular: Inside cell D

Extracelular: Inside a digestive tube

11º What types of respiration are there?

They are four:

Cutaneous, branchial, tracheal and pulmonary.

12º Relate:

Cutaneous A Gas Exchange through the lungs A

branchial B Gas Exchange through the gills B

tracheal C Gas Exchange through tubes or tracheac. C

pulmonary D
Gas Exchange through skin D
13º Relate:

Cutaneous A Earthworms A

branchial B Fish, molluses, crustaceans B

tracheal C Most of terrestrial vertebrates and some invertebrates C

pulmonary D
Terrestrial arthrpods D

14º What elements make up the circulatory system?

The circulatory liquid and blood vessels.

15º What are the blood vessels?

Arteries, veins and capillares and heart.

16º Relate:

Annelids and vertebrates A A hydrolymph

Molluses and arthrpods B B hemolymph

Echinoderms C C blood

17º What is the function of the heart?

Pumps blood to the rest of the body

18º Parts of the excretory system in vertebrates

Kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.

19º true or false

The urethra filter blood and store waste products.

20º What is the function of the excretory system?

Expel waste products.

21º What is a receptor?

An organ or cell able to respond to light, heat, or other external

stimulus and transmit a signal to a sensory nerve.

22ºWhat type of receptors are there?

They are four:

Photoreceptors, mechanoreceptor, chemoreceptors and


23º Relate:

Photoreceptors A Function: detect movement, touch, pressure, pain and

sound. Example: Tactile haires in insects A
Mechanoreceptors B
Funtion: Detec chemical substances. They are 2 types:
Chemoreceptors C Olfactory and gustatory. B

Thermoreceptors D Funtion: Detect light. C

Funtion: Detect temperature changes.

Example: bit organs in snakes

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