(Print) LecA2 EE11003 starDELTA Network Theorems 05-12.01.24 DDN

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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

Electrical Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20
LecA2: Star_delta, Network Theorems: Mesh current, Nodal analysis,
Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, Maximum Power transfer

Dr. Dipankar Debnath

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Email: ddebnath@ee.iitkgp.ac.in

Disclaimer: The content of this class is prepared based on the objective and syllabus of “Electrical
Technology”, Spring Sem, 2023-24, Sec 19&20, IIT Kgp. Hence it is not meant for general usages.

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Department of Electrical Engineering

• Difference between
– Circuit and Network
– Active and passive
– Linear and Non-linear
– Unilateral and bilateral
– Dependent and independent source
– Ideal and real source
– Loop and Mesh + Loop current Vs Mesh current
– Node and Junction. What is essential node?
– Branch and element
– Series Vs parallel connection
• Equivalent R, L, C of parallel and series combination (in DC and AC)
• Combination or R,L,C in AC circuit and their equivalent Z
– Current divider and voltage divider
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Find whether the interconnection in Fig. is valid or not. If valid, find the total power
developed in the circuit. Determine whether the individual sources are delivering or
absorbing power with magnitudes. If the interconnection is not valid, explain why.

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Department of Electrical Engineering

• Shall we connect two voltage source of different magnitudes in parallel?

– What happens if we connect a voltage source in parallel to uncharged capacitor?
– What happens if we short circuit a voltage source?
• Shall we connect two current sources if unequal magnitudes in series?
– What happens if we break inductive circuits?
– What will happen if we open circuit a current source?
• A short circuit is placed in parallel to a branch: do we need to consider that
branch’s element(s) in calculation?
• A branch is followed by an open circuit: what will be the current through and
voltage across the elements in this branch?
– Some elements are connected such a way that they could not form a closed path/mesh:
what will be the current in those elements?

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath


EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

I1=? I2=?

I1=? I2=?

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

Major topics for this lecture

• Source Conversion (current ↔ Voltage)
• Mesh current analysis (with Supermesh)
• Node voltage analysis (with supernode)
• Star↔delta conversation
• Thevenin Theorem
• Norton Theorem
• Superposition Theorem
• Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Source Conversion
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Department of Electrical Engineering

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Source Conversion
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Department of Electrical Engineering

I (load) = ?

Power Absorbed by load=?

Power delivered by 10 V source=?

I (load) = ?

Power Absorbed by load=?

Power delivered by ‘Equivalent/converter’ current source=?

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Source Conversion

Power delivered by 2A source=? Power delivered by ‘converted’ 6V source=1?

Are they same?
1. Load must not ‘see/experience’ any change due to source conversation
2. Power delivered by ‘converted’ source may not be same as the power delivered by ‘original
source’. Hence, for power related calculation with sources, solve considering original sources.
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Planar Vs non-planar Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

• Planar circuits—those circuits that can be drawn on a plane with no crossing branches.

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Network Theorems Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

• Motivation
• Reduction in manual computational effort
• To have a better understanding of the ckt behavior

Two-port network: A two port network is an electrical

network model with one pair of input terminals and
one pair of output terminals

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Mesh current Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analysis: Intro Department of Electrical Engineering

• Objectives
– In a practical circuit, distinguish
between loop and mesh
– A general purpose circuit analysis
tool based on Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
• Mesh
– Any closed path in a given circuit
that does not have any element (or
branch) inside it.
– Every node in the closed path is
exactly formed with two branches of
that closed path  Mesh analysis is valid only for circuits that
– No other branches are enclosed by
the closed path. can be drawn in a 2D plane in such a way
that no element crosses over another

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Mesh current Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analysis: Steps to solve Department of Electrical Engineering

• Step 1: Draw the circuit on a flat

surface with no conductor
• Step 2: Label the mesh currents
𝐼 in a clockwise direction
• Step 3: Write the mesh equations
(KVL) by inspecting the circuit
• Note: convert all current sources
to voltage sources (if possible)

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Mesh current Analysis

• Applying KVL around Mesh 1
𝑉 −𝑉 − 𝐼 −𝐼 𝑅 − 𝐼 −𝐼 𝑅 =0
• Applying KVL around Mesh 2
−𝑉 − 𝐼 − 𝐼 𝑅 − 𝐼 − 𝐼 𝑅 = 0
• Applying KVL around Mesh 3
𝑉 −𝐼 𝑅 − 𝐼 −𝐼 𝑅 − 𝐼 −𝐼 𝑅 = 0
• In general terms this can be written as
𝑉 =− 𝐼𝑅 +𝐼𝑅

∑ 𝑉 is the algebraic sum of all voltage

sources around the 𝑖 mesh
𝑅 is the total self resistance around the 𝑖 mesh
𝑅 is the mutual resistance between the 𝑖 mesh and the 𝑗 mesh
𝐼 is the unknown mesh current to solve for
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Find three mesh currents

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Find the mesh currents using Mesh analysis

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Mesh current Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analysis: Supermesh Department of Electrical Engineering

When a current source is part of two

meshes, how to write its voltage equation?
create a kind of “supermesh” from two
meshes that have a current source as a
common element; the current source is in
the interior of the supermesh.
If the current source lies on the perimeter of
the circuit, then the single mesh in which it
is found is ignored

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Mesh current Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analysis: Supermesh Department of Electrical Engineering

Meshes 1 + 3

Mesh 2

i1 = 9 A, i2 = 2.5 A, and i3 EE11003

= 2 A. - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Mesh current Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analysis: Supermesh Department of Electrical Engineering


EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath Ans= -1.5V

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Mesh current Analysis: Example-AC

Find the current through ZL using mesh analysis


How to solve matrix equation with calculator?

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Delta (Δ) ↔Star (Y)


 Reqv=?
 Can you solve by series  Nodes are unaffected
– parallel combination?  Eqv. resistance between any 2 terminals is same
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar

Delta (Δ) ↔Star (Y) Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering
(a) A Π network consisting of
three resistors and three
unique connections.
(b) Same network drawn as a Δ

(c) A ‘T’ network consisting of

three resistors.
(d) Same network drawn as a
‘Y’ network.

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar




Get i2 from 2nd equation, and replace in 1st and 3rd equ.



Delta (Δ) ↔Star (Y)

Transformation: Comparing 4th and 6th Eq:
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar

Any resistance of Y circuit =

product of two adjacent Δ resistances
sum of 3 Δ resistances

Resistance of Δ circuit =
Sum of all products of all possible pairs of the Y resistance
EE11003 - Electrical Technologyopposite resistance
(Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c)of Y

Find Current
flwing through 40
V source

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar


Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Department of Electrical Engineering

Find the value of Vs which

supplies 2A current?

Hint: Convert the mesh abdc

and efhg to Y transformed
and simplify the circuit.

Q. Can we apply this Delta (Δ) ↔Star (Y) Transformation in ac circuits also? Any changes to be made?

Q. A star network having all equal valued R or Z. Convert this to a delta network.
R. A delta network having all equal valued R or Z. Convert this to a star network.
Q. What are your observations?
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar

Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa,
Indian Chess Grandmaster

And his Mother

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar


Node Voltage Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analysis: Intro Department of Electrical Engineering

• Objective
– Simple and powerful circuit analysis tool
based on Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL)
• Node
– Selection of one node as a reference
– Assign other nodes unknown voltage
with respect to this reference node
– Apply KCL at each of the n-1 nodes to
solve for the unknown voltages

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Node Voltage Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analysis: Steps to solve Department of Electrical Engineering

• Step 1: Identify all nodes in the

circuit. Select one node as reference,
label remaining as unknown node
voltage with respect to the reference
• Step 2: Assign branch current in each
• Step 3: Express branch current in
terms of node assigned voltages
• Step 4: Write the standard form of
node equations
• Step 5: Solve for the node voltages

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Node Voltage • Applying KCL at Node 1

𝑉 −𝑉 𝑉 −𝑉
Analysis: apply 𝐼 −𝐼 −


• Applying KCL at Node 2

𝑉 −𝑉 𝑉 −𝑉
− −𝐼 =0
• Applying KCL at Node 3
𝑉 −𝑉 𝑉 −𝑉 𝑉
𝐼 + + − =0
• In general terms this can be written as
𝐼 =− 𝑉𝐺 +𝑉𝐺

∑ 𝐼 is algebraic sum of all current sources

connected to 𝑖 node
𝐺 is the total self conductance connected to
the 𝑖 node
𝐺 is the total of conductance between the
𝑖 node and the 𝑗 node
𝑉 is the unknown node voltage to solve for

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Node Voltage Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analysis: Example-dc Department of Electrical Engineering

Determine the current flowing left to right through the 15 Ω resistor

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath
i15Ω = 0 A

Node Voltage Analysis: Super-node

Problem with voltage sources between two nodes

(without any impedance): current=?
 node b, node c, and the voltage source together: treat as a sort of supernode and apply KCL
to both nodes at the same time
 This is okay because if the total current leaving node b is zero and the total current leaving
node c is zero, then the total current leaving the combination of the two nodes is zero.

Nodal eqns at a  Current leaving: Treated as positive

8  0.15(Va  Vb )  3  0.2(Va  Vc )  0  3 unknown (node) voltages, Va, Vb, Vc

0.35Va  0.15Vb  0.2Vc  11 (1)  Needs 3 questions

Nodal eqns at supernode

3  0.15(Vb  Va )  0.05Vb  0.25Vc  25  0.2(Vc  Va )  0
0.2 S
0.35Va  0.2Vb  0.45Vc  28 (2) _

Relation between node voltages within supernode Va Vb

440 V
_+ Vc

Vb  Vc  440
0.15 S
(3) _
0.05 S 25 A
0.25 S

Reference node
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

0.35Va  0.15Vb  0.2Vc  11 (1)

0.35Va  0.2Vb  0.45Vc  28 (2)

Vb  Vc  440 (3)

 0.35 0.15 0.2   Va   11 

 0.35 0.2 0.45   V    28 
  b   
 0  1 1   V   440 
  c   

Also solve few problems on ac circuits

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Node Voltage Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Analysis: Super-node Department of Electrical Engineering

HomeWorks: Solve using nodal analysis only

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin and Norton Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Theorem: Motivation Department of Electrical Engineering

Suppose the value of one element is varying

Practical Example?
Induction Motor Eqv. Ckt.

 As Rx varies, [Req] also varies

 Assume that only iX to be determined
For each value of RX, [Req]-1 to be determined + other steps to be repeated
 How to make it simple?
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin and Norton Theorem: Motivation

 Will it help if we can convert the

circuit on left to a circuit like the
ones shown below?

• Find ix for one value of Rx

• How to Find ix for different OR

values of Rx??

Note: Vx, Ix, Rx are function of (V, R1-R5) i.e. elements of original circuit. How to get them?
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin and Norton Theorem: Motivation

 Instead replace the network with two

terminals A & B by an Eqv. circuit

• Helps to change a complex circuit (excluding the

load) into a simple equivalent circuit consisting of
• an equivalent single resistance in series with
one equivalent voltage source: Thevenin
• an equivalent single resistance in parallel with
one equivalent current source: Norton OR
Thevenin Norton’s
• Helps to solve complex linear circuits and (French engineer) Theorem
networks especially electronic networks easily and (Bell lab)
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin’s Theorem:
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Department of Electrical Engineering

Any linear active network with output

terminals AB can be
replaced by an ideal voltage source VTH in
series with a single resistor(?) RTH,

Where VTH : Open circuit voltage

measured across the terminals AB  How to find VTH and RTH

RTH :Equivalent resistance of the network at the terminals AB when all

internal sources are set equal to zero.
 For AC circuits: Replace RTH by ZTH
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin’s Theorem: Steps Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

 How to find VTH

Step-1: Disconnect the load resistance ( RL ) from the

Step-2: Calculate the open-circuit voltage, VTH at the

load terminals (A& B) after disconnecting the load
resistance (RL). In general, one can apply any of the
techniques (mesh-current, node-voltage and
superposition method) learnt in earlier lessons to
compute (experimentally just measure the voltage
across the load terminals using a voltmeter).

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin’s Theorem: Steps Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

 How to find RTH Step-3: Redraw the circuit with each practical source
replaced by its internal resistance.
 voltage sources: replace with plain wire
 current sources: just remove (open circuit).
 RL: Remove (open circuit)

Step-4: Look backward into the resulting circuit from

the open load terminals ( A& B ), as suggested by the
eye. Calculate the resistance that would exist between
the load terminals ( or equivalently one can think as if
a voltage source is applied across the load terminals
and then trace the current distribution through the
circuit (fig.8.2 (c)) in order to calculate the resistance
across the load terminals.)

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin’s Theorem: Steps Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

Step-5: Place RTH in series with VTH to form the

Thevenin’s equivalent circuit (replacing the imaginary
black-box portion or fixed part of the circuit with an
equivalent practical voltage source)

Step-6: Reconnect the original load to the Thevenin

voltage circuit;
 The load’s voltage, current and power may be
calculated by a simple arithmetic operation

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Example 1: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Find current through RL Department of Electrical Engineering

Linear Network Load Resistance Circuit to be obtained

Actual circuit with terminals A and B across RL

Thevenin Equivalent circuit

To find VTH : To find RTH :
Disconnect RL & calculate VAB Disconnect RL ,Short V source, and
IR2 = V/(R1+R2) = 36/9 = 4 A Calculate RTH as seen from load terminal
VAB= IR2 * R2 = 4 * 6 = 24 V = VTH RAB = (R1||R2) = (3 * 6)/(3+6) = 2 Ω = RTH

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Example 2:

Find Thevenin equivalent circuit as

seen from A-B terminals.

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Example 3
 A Wheatstone Bridge Can Be Thevenized.
 When the bridge is unbalanced, Thevenin’s theorem is a good choice.
 It is required to find the voltage drop across RL.
 Follow standard steps to solve

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin Theorem
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Department of Electrical Engineering
• What is Thevenin Theorem? Why to learn this (motivation)?
• What is Thevenin Voltage? How to find it?
• What is Thevenin Resistance? How to find it?
• How to draw Thevenin equivalent circuit?
• Is Thevenin’s Theorem applicable to non-linear circuits?
• Is Thevenin’s Theorem applicable to circuits with unilateral elements?
• Is Thevenin’s Theorem applicable to AC circuits?
• When a complicated dc circuit is replaced by a Thevenin equivalent
circuit, it consists of one ------- in series with one ---------
• When a Thevenin theorem is applied to a network containing a
current source; the current source is eliminated by --------- it.
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin: Example4 (AC) Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

I = 33∠ -13o A,
 find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit
to the left of terminals x-y

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin: Example4 (AC) Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

I = 33∠ -13o A,
 find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit
to the left of terminals x-y
To find VTH To find ZTH

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin: Example5 (DC+AC)

Find Thevenin’s equivalent circuit of the network

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin Theorem
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Department of Electrical Engineering
• What is Thevenin Theorem? Why to learn this (motivation)?
• What is Thevenin Voltage? How to find it?
• What is Thevenin Resistance? How to find it?
• How to draw Thevenin equivalent circuit?
• Is Thevenin’s Theorem applicable to non-linear circuits?
• Is Thevenin’s Theorem applicable to circuits with unilateral elements?
• Is Thevenin’s Theorem applicable to AC circuits?
• When a complicated dc circuit is replaced by a Thevenin equivalent
circuit, it consists of one ------- in series with one ---------
• When a Thevenin theorem is applied to a network containing a
current source; the current source is eliminated by --------- it.
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin and Norton Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Theorem: Motivation Department of Electrical Engineering

 Instead replace the network with

two terminals A & B by an Eqv. circuit

• Helps to change a complex circuit (excluding

the load) into a simple equivalent circuit
consisting of
• an equivalent single resistance in series
with one equivalent voltage source:
Thevenin Theorem
• an equivalent single resistance in OR
parallel with one equivalent current Thevenin Norton’s Theorem
source: Norton Theorem (French engineer) (Bell lab)
• Helps to solve complex linear circuits and
networks especially electronic networks
easily and quickly EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Norton Theorem: statement Department of Electrical Engineering

Norton’s theorem states that any two terminals A &

B of a network composed of linear resistances and
independent sources (voltage or current,
combination of voltage and current sources) may
be replaced by an equivalent current source and a
parallel resistance.
 The magnitude of current source is the
current measured in the short circuit placed
across the terminal pair A & B .
 The parallel resistance is the equivalent
resistance looking into the terminal pair A &
B with all independent sources has been
replaced by their internal resistances.
 Norton’s theorem is a dual of Thevenin’s theorem
Norton’s Equivalent circuit
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Norton Theorem: steps Department of Electrical Engineering

Step-1: Short the output terminal after disconnecting the load resistance (RL ) from the terminals
A & B and then calculate the short circuit current, IN.
 In general, one can apply any of the techniques (mesh-current, node-voltage and
superposition method) to compute the short-circuit current
 Or Experimentally just measure the short-circuit current using an ammeter

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Norton Theorem: steps Department of Electrical Engineering

Step-2: Redraw the circuit with each practical sources replaced by its internal resistance while the
short–circuit across the output terminals removed (note: voltage sources should be short-circuited
(just replace with plain wire) and current sources should be open-circuited (just removed)). Look
backward into the resulting circuit from the load terminals ( A& B )

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Norton Theorem: steps Department of Electrical Engineering

Step-2: Redraw the circuit with each practical sources replaced by its internal resistance while the
short–circuit across the output terminals removed (note: voltage sources should be short-circuited
(just replace with plain wire) and current sources should be open-circuited (just removed)). Look
backward into the resulting circuit from the load terminals ( A& B )

Step-3: Calculate the resistance that would exist

between the load terminals A & B.This resistance is
denoted as RN,
 It may be noted that the value of Norton’s
resistance, RN is truly same as that of
Thevenin’s resistance, RTH in a circuit.

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Norton Theorem: steps Department of Electrical Engineering

Step-4: Place RN in parallel with current IN to form the Norton’s equivalent circuit
Step-5: Reconnect the original load to the Norton current circuit;
 the load’s voltage, current and power may be calculated by a simple arithmetic operation

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Norton Theorem: Example Department of Electrical Engineering

For the circuit shown below, find the current through resistor R2= RL = 1Ω ( Ia-b branch) using Norton’s
theorem & thereafter calculate the voltage across the current source ( Vcg).

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Norton Theorem: Example Department of Electrical Engineering

For the circuit shown below, find the current through resistor R2= RL = 1Ω ( Ia-b branch) using Norton’s theorem &
thereafter calculate the voltage across the current source ( Vcg).

Ia-b = 0.39 A
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

 Vcg=?

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Norton Theorem: FAQs Department of Electrical Engineering

• What is Norton’s theorem?

 Norton Theorem is applicable to : (a) only-AC, (b) only-DC, (c) Both AC and DC
(d) Linear, (e) non-linear (f) Unilateral, (g) Bilateral network
 What is the difference between Norton Resistance and Thevenin resistance?
 How to calculate Norton Resistance? How to calculate Norton current?
 How to draw Norton’s Equivalent circuit?
 If Norton’s equivalent circuit is known, can we draw Thevenin’s equivalent circuit
from it? If yes, how?
 If Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is known, can we draw Norton’s equivalent circuit
from it? If yes, how?
 When a complicated dc circuit is replaced by a Norton equivalent circuit, it consists of ------ in -----
with one -------
 When applying Norton’s theorem, the Norton current is determined with the output terminals -------
-------, but the Norton resistance is found with the output terminals -------- -.and subsequently all
the independent sources are replaced -----------.
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin and Norton Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Theorem: Motivation Department of Electrical Engineering

1. If you know Vth and IN,

How to get Rth or RN?

2. If you know Vth and

Rth, How to get IN and
Thevenin Norton’s Theorem
(French engineer) 3. If you know IN and RN,
(Bell lab) How to get Vth and

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Thevenin+ Norton Theorem: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Example Department of Electrical Engineering

For the circuit shown below, the following measurements are taken and they are
given in table below

Find the current following through the

resistor when R = 25kΩ and voltage drop
across the resistor.

Ans: For 3rd Row: R = 5kΩ, VR = 0.54 V

4th Row: for R=25 kΩ, I=0.0354 mA, VR=0.889V

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Superposition theorem: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

• In any linear resistive network, the voltage across or the current through
any resistor or source may be calculated by adding algebraically all the
individual voltages or currents caused by the separate independent sources
acting alone, with all other independent voltage sources replaced by short
circuits and all other independent current sources replaced by open circuits
– Thus, if there are N independent sources, we must perform N
experiments/calculations, each having only one of the independent
sources active and the others inactive/turned off/zeroed out.

• Can we apply this theorem for AC circuits?

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Superposition theorem: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Voltage and Current Sources Department of Electrical Engineering

 Voltage sources should be replaced with short circuits.
 A short circuit will allow current to flow across it, but the voltage across a short circuit is
equal to 0V.
 Current sources should be replaced with open circuits.
 An open circuit can have a non-zero voltage across it, but the current is equal to 0A.

Figure: Removing a voltage source and a current source to permit the application of the
superposition theorem and Thevenin Theorem
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Superposition theorem: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering
Example 1

• Find out current through

20Ω resistor

 Step-1: Consider current in 20Ω resistor due to one source first, say 20 V source.
Replace the remaining current source by open circuit.
 use any circuit technique to get current through 20Ω resistor

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Superposition theorem: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering
Example 1
Applying Nodal Analysis


Therefore, the current flowing through

20 Ω resistor is 0.4 A, when only 20 V
voltage source is considered
 Direction of current=?

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Superposition theorem: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering
Example 1

Step 2: find the current flowing through 20

Ω resistor by considering only 4 A current
source. Replace 20 V voltage source by a
short circuit
Using Current Divider Principle:

 Therefore, the current flowing through 20 Ω resistor

is 1.6 A, when only 4 A current source is considered.
 Direction of current=?
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Superposition theorem: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering
Example 1
Step 3: get the current flowing through 20 Ω resistor by doing the addition of two
currents obtained in step 1 and step 2.

I1 I2

Thus, the current flowing through 20 Ω resistor of given circuit is 2 A

Note: Power consumed/absorbed by the 20Ω resistor is
I2 * 20= 22 * 20 = 80 W

Not (I12*20 + I22 * 20) = (0.42+1.62)20= 54.4 W

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

R1 R2

100  20 
15 V 13 V
Find out IR3
V1 10  R3 I V2
R 3

IR3 = 0.5 A VR1 =10 Volts

IR1 = 0.1 A VR2 =8 Volts
IR2 = 0.4 A VR3 =5 Volts
Where, VRi is the voltage drop across i th Resistor

Quiz time Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

• Superposition theorem valid for circuit with: (a) Linear (b)

Unilateral, (c) non-linear (d) Bilateral
• Source replacement in Superposition theorem:
– Ideal voltage source is replaced by -------
– Ideal Current source is replaced by -----
– Practical/Real (no-ideal) Voltage source is replaced by---
– Practical/Real (no-ideal) Current source is replaced by---

– Why voltage source is replaced by short circuit not by open circuit?

– Why current source is replaced by open circuit, not short circuit?

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering
DC circuits

An independent voltage source in series with a

resistance Rs, or an independent current source in
parallel with a resistance Rs, delivers maximum
power to a load resistance RL such that RL = Rs.

 Two Special cases:

 P_delivered_to_load at RL= 0 and RL=
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem: DC circuits

An independent voltage source in series with a
resistance Rs, or an independent current source in
parallel with a resistance Rs, delivers maximum
power to a load resistance RL such that RL = Rs.

 For a given Rs, and Vs:

 For what RL, Maximum power will be delivered to load? The total power delivered by the source
 For what RL, Maximum power will be delivered by the
Source load?
 Drawing maximum power from a source and delivering
maximum power to a load: Are they same? Efficiency under maximum power transfer condition
 If not same, what is the reason?
 Which one is our concern when applying Maximum
Power Transfer theorem?

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem: DC circuits

 find the value of RL that absorbs maximum power from the circuit and the corresponding power
under this condition.

VTH=5 V (=Vab)

RTH=10 Ω

RL = RTH = 10Ω

 Maximum power dissipated

to RL = 0.625 watts.

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem: AC circuits →Max. power transfer occurs from source to
load when the load impedance is equal to the complex conjugate of source impedance.

ZL = (RL+jXL)
Zs = (R+jX)

(R - jX) = (RL +jXL), i.e., ZL = Zs*

Pmax delivered to load:

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem: FAQs

 What is Maximum Power Transfer Theorem?

 Mention one practical example or use

 What are the limitations? (linear/non-linear, unilateral/bilateral)
 Is it applicable to dc-only, ac-only, both, or none?
 Maximum power transfer theorem deals with
 Maximum power absorbed by load (true/False)
 Maximum Power delivered by source (True/False)
 What is the efficiency at maximum power transfer condition?
 Can a load consume zero power but still the source delivers some power? If yes, who consumes
power delivered by the source?
 Draw the plot: y-axis= power absorbed by load, x-axis= Load R (vary it from 0 to )

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

 The dual of a voltage source is a -----------.

 For a complicated circuit, the Thevenin resistance is found by the ratio of --------
voltage and ------------ current.

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar Debnath

Delta (Δ) ↔Star (Y) Transformation: Alternate way to interpret/derive

Rab is measured by applying V across AB, keep ‘C’ open

R ( R  R3 )
Rab   R1  ( R2  R3 )  1 2
R1  R2  R3
Rab Y
 Ra  Rb
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar

Delta (Δ) ↔Star (Y) Transformation: Alternate way to interpret/derive

R1 ( R2  R3 )
Ra  Rb 
R1  R2  R3

R1 R2 R1 R3 R2 R3
 Ra  Rb  Rc 
R1  R2  R3 R1  R2  R3 R1  R2  R3

Any resistance of Y circuit = product of two adjacent Δ

resistances / sum of 3 Δ resistances

EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar


Delta (Δ) ↔Star (Y) Transformation: Alternate way to interpret/derive

Y- Δ transformation: 

Ra Rc
Rb ca Y  Rb  R1 R3
Ra  Rc Rb ca 

R1  R3

Ra Rb  Rb Rc  Ra Rc 1 1 Ra  Rc
   
Ra  Rc R1 R3 Ra Rb  Rb Rc  Ra Rc
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Department of Electrical Engineering

similarly 1  1  Ra  Rb
R2 R3 Ra Rb  Rb Rc  Rc Ra
1 1 Rb  Rc
  
R1 R2 Ra Rb  Rb Rc  Rc Ra

Ra Rb  Rb Rc  Rc Ra
R1 
Ra Rb  Rb Rc  Rc Ra Ra Rb  Rb Rc  Rc Ra
R2  R3 
Rb Ra
 Resistance of Δ circuit = Sum of all products of all possible pairs
of the Y resistance/opposite resistance of Y
EE11003 - Electrical Technology (Spring 2023-24, Sec 19&20) - (c) Dipankar

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