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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

वो अंधेरे में भी हमारे लिए जगमगाते हैं,

हमारी खश
ु ी के लिए अपने दख
ु भि
ू जाते हैं,
कभी पढ़ने का मन न हो, तो पापा को दे खना,
ददन रात मेहनत करके भी कैसे वो मस्
ु कुराते हैं

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

An abbreviation formed from the initial Letters of other words and

pronounced us a word.
Acronym (शब्दों के पहिे अक्षर से बना शब्द )

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

A shorter from intended to stand For the whole.

Abbreviation (ककसी शब्द या वाकयांश का संक्षक्षप्त रूप )

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Belonging to long past.

Ancient (प्राचीन)

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To give up one’s authority or throne.

Abdicate (अपना अधधकार अथवा पद का त्याग करना )

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Formally put and end to a system, practice or institution.

Abolish ( ककसी ररवाज़ या स्थापपत ननयम का अंत करना )

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To encrease the speed

Accelerate (गनत बढ़ाना )

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A person who helps another to commit a crime\A partner in crime

Accomplice (सह-अपराधी )

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The scientific study of sound

Acoustics (ध्वनन पवज्ञान )

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To decide and state officially in court that somebody is not guilty of

a crime.
Acquit ( बरी कर दे ना )

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One who performs daring gymnastic feats \An entertainer who

performs difficult Physical feats
Acrobat ( हवाई करतब करने वािा )

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The ability to make good judgement and take quick

Acumen ( चािाकी)

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A person who is physically dependent on a substance.\ harmful

Addict (नशेडी )

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Someone who makes charitable donations intended to

increase human wellbeing
Altruist (परोपकारी )

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Able to use the left hand and right hand equally.

Ambidextrous ( दोनों हाथ से काम करने वािा )

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Walk or move at a show, relaxed pace/to walk aimlessly.

Amble ( धीमी गनत से चिना )

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A partial or total loss of memory

Amnesia ( भूिने की बीमारी )

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An official pardon / the formal act of liberating someone

Amnesty (क्षमादान)

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The period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood

Adolescence ( ककशोरावस्था )

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Growing\Existing\Living in air
Aerial (हवाई)

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A list of items to be discussed at a meeting

Agenda (काययसूची)

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A person belonging to a foreign country

Alien (अजनबी)

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A story , play ,picture, etc. in which each character

representing an idea.
Allegory (नीनत कथा)

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A person who is neither well experienced nor professional

Amateur (शौक़ीन व्यक्कत)

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Not following any moral rules and not caring about right
Amoral (नीनतहीन)

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A situation in a country an organization etc. in which there is

no government, order\ control
Anarchy (अराजकता)

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Link in description
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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

Quiz Time
A shorter from intended to stand For the whole
a) Abbreviation b) Ancient c) Acumen d) Alien

Belonging to long past.

a) Amateur b) Abdication c) Ancient d) Adolescence

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

3. A situation in a country an organization etc. in which there is no

government, order\ control
a) amoral b) Ancient c) Acumen d) Anarchy

4. One who works for pleasure rather than as a profession.

a) Amateur b) Abdication c) Ancient d) Adolescence

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

5. A story , play ,picture, etc. in which each character representing

an idea.
a) Acronym b) Amnesty c) Accelerate d) Allegory

6. A list of items to be discussed at a meeting

a) Amateur b) Agenda c) Ancient d) Adolescence

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

7. A person belonging to a foreign country

a) Altruist b) Acrobat c) Amnesty d) Alien

8. A Someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase

human wellbeing.
a) Acumen b) Amnesty c) Altruist d) Ambidextrous

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

9. A person who is physically dependent on a substance,harmful

a) Abbreviate b) Ancient c) Acumen d) Addict

10. The ability to make good judgement and take quick decisions.
a) Amateur b) Aerial c) Acumen d) Allegory

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

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Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir

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