Examen Final Verbos Irregulares

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1ª Columna 2ª Columna 3ª Columna

____________ ____________ ____________ Llegar a Ser
Begin ____________ Begun ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ Ser / Estar
Break ____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ Brought Traer Llevar
Build ____________ Built ____________
____________ Bought ____________ Comprar
Come ____________ Come ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ Costar
____________ Cut Cut ____________
____________ ____________ Chosen Elegir
Do (Does) ____________ ____________ Hacer
____________ ____________ ____________ Beber
____________ Drove Driven Conducir
____________ ____________ Eaten ____________
Feel Felt Felt ____________
Fight ____________ ____________ Luchar
____________ Found Found ____________
____________ Flew Flown ____________
____________ ____________ Forgotten Olvidar
Get ____________ Got / Gotten Obtener, conseguir
____________ Gave Given ____________
Go (Goes) ____________ Gone ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ Haber o Tener
____________ Heard Heard Oír
Keep ____________ ____________ Conservar
Know ____________ Known Saber Conocer
Leave ____________ ____________ Dejar
____________ Lent Lent Prestar
Let Let Let ____________
____________ ____________ Lost ___________
Make ____________ Made ___________
____________ Meant Meant Significar
____________ ____________ Met Encontrar
Pay Paid ____________ ___________
Put ____________ Put Poner
____________ ____________ Read ___________
____________ Rode Ridden Montar
Run ____________ ____________ ___________
____________ Said Said ___________
____________ ____________ Seen Ver
Sell ____________ ____________ Vender
____________ Sent Sent ___________
____________ ____________ ____________ Cantar
Sit Sat Sat ___________
____________ ____________ Slept Dormir
____________ Smelt ____________ Oler
____________ ____________ Spoken ___________
Spell Spelt Spelt ___________
Spend ____________ ____________ Gastar
Steal Stole ____________ Robar
____________ Swept Swept ___________
____________ ____________ ____________ Nadar
____________ ____________ Taken Coger
____________ ____________ Taught Enseñar
Think ____________ Thought ___________
____________ Understood Understood ___________
____________ ____________ Worn Llevar puesto
Win Won Won ___________
____________ ____________ ____________ Escribir
1. Completa las oraciones afirmativas con el pasado de los verbos irregulares
en paréntesis:

a) She ...................... (go) to school on foot yesterday.

b) Paul ..................... (eat) 2 sandwiches and an apple.

c) I ...................... (get) up very early last night.

d) They ....................... (find) 50 euros in the street.

e) My dad ................... (give) me a CD for my birthday.

f) Ana ..................... (have) a bath last Sunday.

g) We ...................... (swim) in the Mediterranean sea.

h) Joe ..................... (write) a letter to Mary 2 days ago.

2. Escribe las oraciones del ejercicio anterior en negativa:

a) _______________________________________________________

b) _______________________________________________________

c) _______________________________________________________

d) _______________________________________________________

e) _______________________________________________________

f) _______________________________________________________

g) _______________________________________________________

h) _______________________________________________________

3. Ahora te toca escribirlas en interrogativa:

a) _______________________________________________________

b) _______________________________________________________

c) _______________________________________________________

d) _______________________________________________________

e) _______________________________________________________

f) _______________________________________________________
g) _______________________________________________________

h) _______________________________________________________

4. Completa con was o were:

a) They ___________ really happy.

b) My sister ___________ a college student last year.

c) Thomas ___________ on the train at three-thirty yesterday afternoon.

d) I ___________ late for my appointment.

e) The cookies ___________ delicious.

f) Many dinosaurs ___________ really huge.

g) I ___________ born in 1996.

h) My classmates ___________ in class.

5. Pasa las oraciones de la actividad anterior a negativa y a interrogativa:

a) N: __________________________________________________

I: __________________________________________________

b) N: __________________________________________________

I: __________________________________________________

c) N: __________________________________________________

I: __________________________________________________

d) N: __________________________________________________

I: __________________________________________________

e) N: __________________________________________________

I: __________________________________________________

f) N: __________________________________________________

I: __________________________________________________

g) N: __________________________________________________

I: __________________________________________________

h) N: __________________________________________________

I: __________________________________________________

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