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Computer Marks-40 ll semester

Q1 Fill in the Blanks (10M)

1)Bullets can added via the_____

2)Themes the for Slides are available on the_______

3)The _______ contains everything that has been cut or copied in that session.

4)IN Software application developed By Microsoft is ________

5) you can change the things that get automatically corrected in the presentation by changing

6)The image is displayed on the _____ in Photoshop

7)The _______Menu Contains options to Save a program or to exit QBasic

8)A popular free sites for creating blogs developed by google is _______

9)QBasic programs are made up of ________ that get executed in the order They are typed.

10) The ________ Tool is used to Select objects in photo shop

Q2A) Match the Column (8m)



2)Video Call

3)redo Editing group

4) copy and paste Font
5) replace

6) Font colour

7) send Edit
8) Spell check
Q2A)True or false (6m)

1) Themes for slides are available on the theme tab-

2) The immediate window is used to execute Code directly-

3) you can press Ctrl+w to close all the open files at once.-

4) Print cannot be used to Print numbers and variable-

5) The Find and Replace commands are found In the clipboard group of the tab-

6) The save option is found in the file Menu-

Q3A) Answer in one word (4m)

1) The default font for the text in Ms PowerPoint-

2) Application or Apps used to keep in touch with as Many of our friends -

3) it is used to check spelling Mistake in presentation-

4) The Basic formatting option can be found in group-

Q3 B) Answer in one Sentence. (6m)

1)what are the uses of REM Command?

2) what is adobe Photoshop in your words?

3) what are the uses of Skype?

4] what is blog?

5) What is CLS Command ?

6) which commands used for Moving text ?

4] Answer in Brief (Any 3) (6m)

1) write any three Basic font formatting Option in is PowerPoint

2) what ore Auto correct options available in Ms PowerPoint?

3) How do you exit Photoshop?

4)Write a note on Social Media.

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