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A car is initially at rest on a straight horizontal road.

The car then accelerates along the road with a constant acceleration of 3.2 m s−2


(a) the speed of the car after 5 s,

(b) the distance travelled by the car in the first 5 s.

(Total for question = 3 marks)

(Q01 9MA0/32, June 2023)


A car of mass 1200 kg is towing a trailer of mass 400 kg along a straight horizontal road using a tow rope,
as shown in Figure 2.
The rope is horizontal and parallel to the direction of motion of the car.

 The resistance to motion of the car is modelled as a constant force of magnitude 2R newtons

 The resistance to motion of the trailer is modelled as a constant force of magnitude R newtons

 The rope is modelled as being light and inextensible

 The acceleration of the car is modelled as a m s−2

The driving force of the engine of the car is 7400 N and the tension in the tow rope is 2400 N.

Using the model,

(a) find the value of a
In a refined model, the rope is modelled as having mass and the acceleration of the car is found to be a1 m s−2

(b) State how the value of a1 compares with the value of a

(c) State one limitation of the model used for the resistance to motion of the car.

(Total for question = 7 marks)

(Q04 8MA0/22, June 2023)


The points A and B lie 50 m apart on horizontal ground.

At time t = 0 two small balls, P and Q, are projected in the vertical plane containing AB.

Ball P is projected from A with speed 20 m s−1 at 30° to AB.

Ball Q is projected from B with speed u m s−1 at angle θ to BA, as shown in Figure 3.

At time t = 2 seconds, P and Q collide.

Until they collide, the balls are modelled as particles moving freely under gravity.

(a) Find the velocity of P at the instant before it collides with Q.

(b) Find
(i) the size of angle θ ,
(ii) the value of u.
(c) State one limitation of the model, other than air resistance, that could affect the
accuracy of your answers.

(Total for question = 13 marks)

(Q05 9MA0/32, June 2019)


Unless otherwise stated, whenever a numerical value of g is required, take g = 9.8 m s−2 and give your answer to
either 2 significant figures or 3 significant figures.

At time t seconds, where t ≥ 0, a particle P moves in the x-y plane in such a way that its velocity v m s−1 is given by
When t = 1, P is at the point A and when t = 4, P is at the point B.

Find the exact distance AB.


(Total for question = 6 marks)

(Q06 9MA0/03, June 2018)


Unless otherwise stated, whenever a numerical value of g is required, take g = 9.8 m s−2 and give your answer to
either 2 significant figures or 3 significant figures.

[In this questioniandjare horizontal unit vectors due east and due north respectively and position vectors are given
relative to the fixed point O.]

A particle P moves with constant acceleration.

At time t = 0, the particle is at O and is moving with velocity (2i − 3j) m s−1
At time t = 2 seconds, P is at the point A with position vector (7i − 10j) m.

(a) Show that the magnitude of the acceleration of P is 2.5 m s−2

At the instant when P leaves the point A, the acceleration of P changes so that P now moves with constant
acceleration (4i + 8.8j) m s−2

At the instant when P reaches the point B, the direction of motion of P is north east.

(b) Find the time it takes for P to travel from A to B.


(Total for question = 8 marks)

(Q08 9MA0/03, June 2018)


At time t = 0, a parachutist falls vertically from rest from a helicopter which is hovering
at a height of 550 m above horizontal ground.

The parachutist, who is modelled as a particle, falls for 3 seconds before her parachute opens.

While she is falling, and before her parachute opens, she is modelled as falling freely
under gravity.

The acceleration due to gravity is modelled as being 10 m s–2.

(a) Using this model, find the speed of the parachutist at the instant her parachute opens.
When her parachute is open, the parachutist continues to fall vertically.

Immediately after her parachute opens, she decelerates at 12 m s –2 for 2 seconds before
reaching a constant speed and she reaches the ground with this speed.

The total time taken by the parachutist to fall the 550 m from the helicopter to the ground
is T seconds.

(b) Sketch a speed–time graph for the motion of the parachutist for 0 ≤ t ≤ T.
(c) Find, to the nearest whole number, the value of T.
In a refinement of the model of the motion of the parachutist, the effect of air resistance
is included before her parachute opens and this refined model is now used to find a new
value of T.

(d) How would this new value of T compare with the value found, using the initial model, in part (c)?
(e) Suggest one further refinement to the model, apart from air resistance, to make the model more realistic.

(Total for question = 10 marks)

(Q01 8MA0/22, June 2019)


Two trains M and N are moving in the same direction along parallel straight horizontal tracks. At time t = 0, M
overtakes N whilst they are travelling with speeds 40 m s–1 and 30 m s–1 respectively. Train M overtakes train N as
they pass a point X at the side of the tracks.

After overtaking N, train M maintains its speed of 40 m s–1 for T seconds and then decelerates uniformly, coming to
rest next to a point Y at the side of the tracks.

After being overtaken, train N maintains its speed of 30 m s–1 for 25 s and then decelerates uniformly, also coming to
rest next to the point Y.

The times taken by the trains to travel between X and Y are the same.

(a) Sketch, on the same diagram, the speed-time graphs for the motions of the two trains between X and Y.
Given that XY = 975 m,

(b) find the value of T.


(Total for question = 12 marks)

(Q02 6677/01, June 2016)


A cyclist is moving along a straight horizontal road and passes a point A. Five seconds later, at the instant when she
is moving with speed 10 ms−1, she passes the point B. She moves with constant acceleration from A to B.

Given that AB = 40m, find

(a) the acceleration of the cyclist as she moves from A to B,

(b) the time it takes her to travel from A to the midpoint of AB.

(Total for question = 9 marks)

(Q02 6677/01, June 2017)


Two trains M and N are moving in the same direction along parallel straight horizontal tracks. At time t = 0, M
overtakes N whilst they are travelling with speeds 40 m s–1 and 30 m s–1 respectively. Train M overtakes train N as
they pass a point X at the side of the tracks.

After overtaking N, train M maintains its speed of 40 m s–1 for T seconds and then decelerates uniformly, coming to
rest next to a point Y at the side of the tracks.

After being overtaken, train N maintains its speed of 30 m s–1 for 25 s and then decelerates uniformly, also coming to
rest next to the point Y.

The times taken by the trains to travel between X and Y are the same.

(a) Sketch, on the same diagram, the speed-time graphs for the motions of the two trains between X and Y.
Given that XY = 975 m,

(b) find the value of T.


(Total for question = 12 marks)

(Q03 6677/01, June 2016)


The point A is 1.8 m vertically above horizontal ground.

At time t = 0, a small stone is projected vertically upwards with speed U m s−1 from the point A.
At time t = T seconds, the stone hits the ground.

The speed of the stone as it hits the ground is 10 m s−1

In an initial model of the motion of the stone as it moves from A to where it hits the ground

 the stone is modelled as a particle moving freely under gravity

 the acceleration due to gravity is modelled as having magnitude 10 m s−2
Using the model,

(a) find the value of U,

(b) find the value of T.
(c) Suggest one refinement, apart from including air resistance, that would make the model more realistic.
In reality the stone will not move freely under gravity and will be subject to air resistance.

(d) Explain how this would affect your answer to part (a).

(Total for question = 7 marks)

(Q01 8MA0/22, June 2022)


A train travels along a straight horizontal track from station P to station Q.

In a model of the motion of the train, at time t = 0 the train starts from rest at P, and moves with constant
acceleration until it reaches its maximum speed of 25 ms −1

The train then travels at this constant speed of 25 ms−1 before finally moving with constant deceleration until it
comes to rest at Q.

The time spent decelerating is four times the time spent accelerating.

The journey from P to Q takes 700s.

Using the model,

(a) sketch a speed-time graph for the motion of the train between the two stations P and Q.
The distance between the two stations is 15 km.

Using the model,

(b) show that the time spent accelerating by the train is 40 s,

(c) find the acceleration, in ms−2, of the train,
(d) find the speed of the train 572s after leaving P.
(e) State one limitation of the model which could affect your answers to parts (b) and (c).

(Total for question = 8 marks)

(Q02 8MA0/22, June 2022)


Figure 4

The points A and B lie 40 m apart on horizontal ground. At time t = 0 the particles P and Q are projected in the
vertical plane containing AB and move freely under gravity. Particle P is projected from A with speed 30 m s−1 at 60°
to AB and particle Q is projected from B with speed q m s−1 at angle θ to BA, as shown in Figure 4.

At t = 2 seconds, P and Q collide.

(a) Find
(i) the size of angle θ,
(ii) the value of q.
(b) Find the speed of P at the instant before it collides with Q.

(Total for question = 11 marks)

(Q08 6678/01, June 2017)


[In this question, i and j are horizontal unit vectors.]

A particle P of mass 4 kg is at rest at the point A on a smooth horizontal plane.

At time t = 0, two forces, F1 = (4i – j)N and F2 = (λi + μj)N , where λ and μ are constants, are applied to P

Given that P moves in the direction of the vector (3i + j)

(a) show that

λ – 3μ + 7 = 0
At time t = 4 seconds, P passes through the point B.

Given that λ = 2

(b) find the length of AB.


(Total for question = 9 marks)

(Q03 9MA0/32, June 2022)


A particle, P, moves with constant acceleration (2i − 3j) m s−2

At time t = 0 , the particle is at the point A and is moving with velocity (−i + 4j) m s−1

At time t = T seconds, P is moving in the direction of vector (3i − 4j)

(a) Find the value of T.

At time t = 4 seconds, P is at the point B.

(b) Find the distance AB.


(Total for question = 8 marks)

(Q02 9MA0/32, June 2019)


A particle, P, moves along a straight line such that at time t seconds, t ≥ 0, the velocity of P,
v m s–1, is modelled as

v = 12 + 4t – t2


(a) the magnitude of the acceleration of P when P is at instantaneous rest,

(b) the distance travelled by P in the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 3

(Total for question = 8 marks)

(Q03 8MA0/22, June 2019)


In this question you must show all stages of your working.

Solutions relying entirely on calculator technology are not acceptable.

A fixed point O lies on a straight line.

A particle P moves along the straight line such that at time t seconds, t ≥ 0, after passing through O,
the velocity of P, v m s−, is modelled as

v = 15 − t2 − 2t

(a) Verify that P comes to instantaneous rest when t = 3

(b) Find the magnitude of the acceleration of P when t = 3
(c) Find the total distance travelled by P in the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 4

(Total for question = 8 marks)

(Q03 8MA0/22, June 2023)


At time t seconds, where t ≥ 0, a particle P has velocity v m s−1 where


(a) the speed of P at time t = 0

(b) the value of t when P is moving parallel to (i + j)
(c) the acceleration of P at time t seconds
(d) the value of t when the direction of the acceleration of P is perpendicular to i

(Total for question = 9 marks)

(Q03 9MA0/32, June 2023)


[In this question, i is a horizontal unit vector and j is an upward vertical unit vector.]

A particle P is projected from a fixed origin O with velocity (3i + 4j)m s–1. The particle moves freely under gravity
and passes through the point A with position vector λ(i – j)m, where λ is a positive constant.

(a) Find the value of λ.

(b) Find
(i) the speed of P at the instant when it passes through A,
(ii) the direction of motion of P at the instant when it passes through A.

(Total for question = 13 marks)

(Q10 6678/01, June 2016)


A small ball is projected with speed 28 m s−1 from a point O on horizontal ground.

After moving for T seconds, the ball passes through the point A.
The point A is 40 m horizontally and 20 m vertically from the point O, as shown in Figure 2.

The motion of the ball from O to A is modelled as that of a particle moving freely under gravity.

Given that the ball is projected at an angle α to the ground, use the model to

(a) show that

(b) show that tan α − 4 tan α + 3 = 0
(c) find the greatest possible height, in metres, of the ball above the ground as the ball moves from O to A.
The model does not include air resistance.

(d) State one other limitation of the model.


(Total for question = 11 marks)

(Q05 9MA0/32, June 2023)


Unless otherwise stated, whenever a numerical value of g is required, take g = 9.8 m s−2 and give your answer to
either 2 significant figures or 3 significant figures.

Figure 4

A boy throws a ball at a target. At the instant when the ball leaves the boy's hand at the point A, the ball is 2 m above
horizontal ground and is moving with speed U at an angle α above the horizontal.

In the subsequent motion, the highest point reached by the ball is 3 m above the ground.
The target is modelled as being the point T, as shown in Figure 4.
The ball is modelled as a particle moving freely under gravity.

Using the model,

(a) show that .

The point T is at a horizontal distance of 20 m from A and is at a height of 0.75 m above the ground. The ball
reaches T without hitting the ground.

(b) Find the size of the angle α

(c) State one limitation of the model that could affect your answer to part (b).
(d) Find the time taken for the ball to travel from A to T.

(Total for question = 15 marks)

(Q10 9MA0/03, June 2018)


Unless otherwise indicated, wherever a numerical value of g is required, take g = 9.8 m s–2 and give your answer to
either 2 significant figures or 3 significant figures.

A man throws a tennis ball into the air so that, at the instant when the ball leaves his hand, the ball is 2 m above the
ground and is moving vertically upwards with speed 9 m s–1

The motion of the ball is modelled as that of a particle moving freely under gravity and the acceleration due to
gravity is modelled as being of constant magnitude 10 m s–2

The ball hits the ground T seconds after leaving the man's hand.

Using the model, find the value of T.


(Total for question = 4 marks)

(Q06 8MA0/02, June 2018)


[In this question i and j are horizontal unit vectors due east and due north respectively and position vectors are
given relative to a fixed origin O.]

Two ships, P and Q, are moving with constant velocities.

The velocity of P is (9i − 2j)km h−1 and the velocity of Q is (4i + 8j) km h−1

(a) Find the direction of motion of P, giving your answer as a bearing to the nearest degree.
When t = 0, the position vector of P is (9i + 10j)km and the position vector of Q is (i + 4j) km. At time t hours, the
position vectors of P and Q are p km and q km respectively.
(b) Find an expression for
(i) p in terms of t,
(ii) q in terms of t.
(c) Hence show that, at time t hours,

= (8 + 5t)i + (6 − 10t)j
(d) Find the values of t when the ships are 10 km apart.

(Total for question = 14 marks)

(Q04 6677/01, June 2017)


Two forces F1 and F2 act on a particle P.

The force F1 is given by F1 = (–i + 2j) N and F2 acts in the direction of the vector (i + j).

Given that the resultant of F1 and F2 acts in the direction of the vector (i + 3j),

(a) find F2
–2 –1
The acceleration of P is (3i + 9j) m s . At time t = 0, the velocity of P is (3i – 22j) m s

(b) Find the speed of P when t = 3 seconds.


(Total for question = 11 marks)

(Q06 6677/01, June 2016)


A particle P moves along a straight line. The speed of P at time t seconds (t ≥ 0) is v m s–1, where v = (pt2 + qt + r)
and p, q and r are constants. When t = 2 the speed of P has its minimum value. When t = 0, v = 11 and when t = 2 , v


(a) the acceleration of P when t = 3

(b) the distance travelled by P in the third second of the motion.
(Total for question = 13 marks)

(Q03 6678/01, June 2016)


[In this question, position vectors are given relative to a fixed origin.]

At time t seconds, where t > 0 , a particle P has velocity v m s–1 where

(a) Find the speed of P at time t = 2 seconds.

(b) Find an expression, in terms of t, i and j, for the acceleration of P at time t seconds, where t > 0
At time t = 4 seconds, the position vector of P is (i – 4j) m.

(c) Find the position vector of P at time t = 1 second.


(Total for question = 8 marks)

(Q01 9MA0/32, June 2022)


Unless otherwise indicated, wherever a numerical value of g is required, take g = 9.8 m s–2 and give your answer to
either 2 significant figures or 3 significant figures.

A train travels along a straight horizontal track between two stations, A and B.

In a model of the motion, the train starts from rest at A and moves with constant acceleration 0.3 m s–2 for 80 s.
The train then moves at constant velocity before it moves with a constant deceleration of 0.5 m s –2, coming to rest at

(a) For this model of the motion of the train between A and B,
(i) state the value of the constant velocity of the train,
(ii) state the time for which the train is decelerating,
(iii) sketch a velocity-time graph.
The total distance between the two stations is 4800 m.

(b) Using the model, find the total time taken by the train to travel from A to B.
(c) Suggest one improvement that could be made to the model of the motion of the train from A to B in order to
make the model more realistic.

(Total for question = 7 marks)

(Q07 8MA0/02, June 2018)

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