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Module: Introduction to Community Development – CMDV101 (2024)


Your task for this assignment builds upon the collaborative work started in Assignment Three. Your group
(10 students max per group) will continue to work together, reflecting on Laura Roberts' journey as an
international community builder, as highlighted in her talk (see presentation videos posted on Moodle).

Due date: Sunday, 19 May 2024.

1. Summarize Laura's reflections on her cancer journey and her involvement in community
empowerment initiatives. [4 Marks]
2. Reflect on how Laura's experiences, principles, and insights related to community development
practice could benefit the community you selected in Tutorial Three and promote a sense of
belonging and social cohesion. Discuss the role of technology in facilitating communication and
collaboration among community members. [5 Marks]
3. Share the group's recommendations for practical strategies/activities/initiatives inspired by Laura's
journey and describe how the assets identified in Tutorial Three and the advantages of technology
can effectively address the needs identified in Assignment Three and foster inclusivity within the
community. [6 Marks]

Important note: Submission Guidelines:

• Each group must hold a 5 to 10 minute virtual meeting (using Zoom or Teams) to discuss and
record responses to each question.
• Designate roles within the meeting:
• A facilitator to guide the discussion.
• A member responsible for setting up the virtual meeting and sending invitations.
• Several group members tasked with composing a 3-page report max (half a page for each
question). This report should reflect the group's reflections and agreements reached during the
meeting, documented in the video recording.
• Submit the video recording and report as evidence of your group's collaborative effort and consensus
in the answers provided. Ensure each member has time for individual reflection, followed by
collective reflection, and finally, agreement on the conclusions during the virtual meeting.
Ensure your response is clear, well-structured, and supported by evidence or examples. Intext referencing is
essential to answer each question. Therefore, provide evidence from credible sources to validate your
arguments. Demonstrate critical reflection and application of Laura's insights to real-world community
contexts, integrating theoretical concepts of community development practice, community visioning
processes, and the role of technology.

Final Instructions

▪ Due date: Sunday, 19 May 2024.

▪ Report Length: 3 pages max including the reference list.
▪ Spacing: 1.5 & Font: Times New Roman
▪ 5 to 10 minute video as evidence of group discussion
▪ 5 Marks for video presentation/discussion and overall assignment organization

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