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62 Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR

Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with

the Aid of MLR
Meherunnesa Tania
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Diba Afroze
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Jesmin Akhter
Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abu Sayed Md. Mostafizur Rahaman

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Md. Imdadul Islam

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Received: 06 October 2019; Accepted: 03 February 2020; Published: 08 August 2020

Abstract: In this paper, we use three machine learning techniques: Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) along different
Eigen vectors of image, Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and Fuzzy c-mean clustering (FCM) to recognize objects and
human face. Again, Fuzzy c-mean clustering is combined with multiple linear regression (MLR) to reduce the four-
dimensional variable into two dimensional variables to get the influence of all variable on the scatterplot. To keep the
outlier within narrow range, the MLR is again applied in logistic regression. Individual method is found suitable for
particular types of object recognition but does not reveal standard range of recognition for all types of objects. For
example, LDA along Eigen vector provides high accuracy of detection for human face recognition but very poor
performance is found against discrete object like chair, butterfly etc. Finally, we combined all the method together using
entropy-based combination to get better accuracy of recognition for various types of objects.

Index Terms: Logistic regression, Eigen decomposition, objective function, scatterplot and entropy based combined

1. Introduction

Nowadays object recognition/detection is widely used in the field of computer vision, robotics, medical image,
digital signal processing (DSP) etc. Object detection and recognition are quite close techniques, where object detection
is the technique of finding whether an object is present or not. Object detection is done by combination of image
processing and computer vision. In case of recognition, the object is not only detected but also identified as a type. The
main challenge of a researcher in object recognition/detection is to design an algorithm to acquire maximum possible
accuracy with minimum process time. Huge number of research works are found in recent literature for recognition of
objects and their modifications are also available to enhance the accuracy. Still no one is able to conclude that his or her
work is superior to another work. Here, we are going to review some of those works.

Human face recognition is widely used as a parameter in in the fields of biometric identification. The researchers
in [1] applied several machine learning techniques in detecting and then recognizing face with some adverse conditions
like, illumination, lighting, pose, unconstrained surroundings and so on. In the past years many approaches are already
have been discussed, but they are not well organized. Authors collect all these techniques or methods like Principal
Component Analysis (PCA), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Feature based
62 Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR

approach, Gabor wavelet, GPU based face recognition to visualize or review those approaches in a systematic way. In
[2] authors match and recognize a scenario or a place by applying FuzzyArt. The proposed system is able to identify a
visual place taking both indoor and outdoor image as the input.

In [3], authors represented a machine learning approach for anticipation of short-term traffic system. The Linear
Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used to predict real traffic, where 93% accuracy is claimed by the author. In [4] authors
made a comparison of efficiency between LDA and an artificial neural network in diagnosing breast cancer. Both
methods gave approximately 7-5% of false negative results but reducing some insignificant parameters and introducing
deep network architecture can minimize the error also visualized from the paper. Application of three common ML
algorithms: LDA, FCM and PCA are found in [5-7] in object recognition. This papers also showed the way of
enhancement of accuracy of object recognition, considering several ML techniques. Clustering of nodes in wireless
sensor network (WSN) is essential to reduce huge flooding of data, specially for large network case. Applications of
ML are also found in wireless communication system for signal detection. In [8] a new FCM based clustering algorithm
is proposed for WSN-based IoT applications. The outcome of the algorithm is to provide optimum clustering head and
minimum overall energy consumption. Finally, comparison is made with existing Low Energy Adaptive Clustering
Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol and found better result in contest of efficiency vs. round curve. An application of FIS is
found in [9], where detection accuracy of presence or absence of primary user (PU) at fusion center (FC) is determined
by FIS considering SNR, SIR and SINR as the input variables. The model used in the paper found closed results with
theoretical values.

In this paper we extract feature vectors of images then the dimension of data vector is reduced using MLR.
Finally, all three algorithms i.e. LDA, FIS and FCM are combined together in object recognition. Rest of the paper is
organized as: section 2 provides methodologies used in this paper to recognize images, section 3 deals with results
based on analysis of section 2 and section 4 concludes entire analysis with some future works.

2. Methodology

In this paper three ML algorithms: LDA, FIS and FCM with the help of MLR are used to recognize different types
of objects. The basic theory and their combining scheme are given in this section.

2.1 Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)

There are two types of LDA technique used to deal with classification of object: class-dependent and class-
independent are discussed in [10]. Here, we only used class-independent method and their steps of operation is given

1. Given the data set, [x1, x2, x3, …xN] under c classes [s1, s2, …, sc].

2. C a l c u l a t e m e a n ( μ j ) f o r j t h c l a s s a n d m e a n ( μ) o f a l l d a t a a s :
N c
1 1 n
μ j= ∑x
nj x ∈ s i
and μ=
∑ ∑ Ni μi
x i=
i j i=1 i=1

3. Calculate between-class matrix and within-class matrix as:

c c nj
Sb= ∑ ni (μi−μ)(μi−μ)T a n d S = ∑ ∑ (¿ ¿ x ij−μ j )( x ij−μ j )T ¿¿ , w h e r e x
w ij is
i=1 j=1 i=1
the ith data point under jth class
4. −1
Apply Eigen decomposition on Sw . S b a n d sort the eigen vectors in descending order according to
the eigen values.
5. Determine projection of data points of each class on the eigen vector of highest eigen value.

6. Make probability density function (pdf) of result of each class of training data under step 5.

7. Using pdf of step 5, we have to determine the class of test data set.

2.2 Multiple Linear Regression

The step of determination of linear equation under MLR can be describe as-
62 Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR

1. G i v e n t h e d a t a m a t r i x i s X o f d i m e n s i o n o f M ×N a n d r e s p o n s e v e c t o r i s y o f M × 1 .

2. Determine the coefficient vector, β = ( X′.X)-1X′.y = [β0 β1 β2 … βN-1]

3. Now the expression of MLR will be, y = β0+ β1x1+ β2x2+ β3x3+…+ βN-1xN-1

MLR is used in data classification algorithm to reduce dimension of data vector. Its application is found in big
data analysis like [11]. To keep the outlier within narrow range we also include logistic regression with MLR.
2.3 Fuzzy Inference System (FIS)
The working principle of the FIS consists of the following three steps like [12],

1. A Fuzzification unit supports the application of numerous fuzzification methods, and converts the
crisp input into fuzzy input.
2. The Inference unit combines several Fuzzy variables (taken from the output of Fuzzification unit)
and provides Fuzzy output based on Fuzzy rules.
3. The Defuzzification unit converts the Fuzzy output of Inference unit into crisp output.

2.4 Fuzzy c-means Clustering (FCM)

Fuzzy c-Means (FCM) is a data clustering technique in which a data set is grouped into c clusters with every data
point in the dataset belonging to every cluster to a certain degree discussed in [13]. The steps of FCM is given below.

Assume Y = {y1, y2 ,..., yn} be the set of data points and V = {v1, v2, v3,…,vc} be the set of centers.

1. Randomly select ‘c’ as the cluster centers.

2. 1
μij =

( )
c 2
Calculate the fuzzy membership μij u s i n g : d ij −1
∑ d ik


w h e r e , μij r e p r e s e n t s t h e m e m b e r s h i p o f i t h d a t a t o j t h c l u s t e r c e n t e r .
c represents the number of cluster center.
dij represents the Euclidean distance between ith data and jth cluster center and m is
the fuzziness index.
3. n
C o m p u t e t h e f u z z y c e n t e r s v j u s i n g : v j= ∑ ¿¿¿
where, vj represents the jth cluster center and n is the number of data points.
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until || vj(k+1)- vjk|| < β where, k is the iteration step and β is the termination

The algorithms can be combined altogether to get better accuracy of recognition of images. The steps of entire
operation of image recognition is given below:

1. Read the image

2. Apply preprocessing (selection of region of interest, resizing and denoising) on the image

3. Extract feature vector from the image

62 Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR

4. Apply LDA, FIS, FCM and MLR + logistic regression on the vectors to recognize the category of
5. Determine probability of success, Psi in recognition of object against ith method

6. Normalize the probability vector as, [P s1 Ps2 Ps3]/( Ps1+Ps2 +Ps3).

7. Determine entropy H of probability vector

8. If Psi is above the threshold τ and H is above the threshold ε then the object is considered to be
recognized by combined method

Next section provides results based on above analysis.

3. Results and Analysis

First of all, we consider images of human face from database Face-96 as the object against the methodology of
the paper. As the preprocessing, we eliminate the background from facial images of fig.1 using Viola-Jones algorithm
then we apply the resultant images as shown in fig.2 in LDA algorithm. The profile LDA vector of images along first
four Eigen vectors are shown in fig. 3, where the vectors of images from same person are closed and vectors are found
far apart for different person hence the LDA algorithm is suitable for human face recognition like [14].

Fig.1 Facial images with background

Fig. 2 Elimination of background of Facial images

62 Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR

Fourth Eigen Vector Third Eigen Vector

0 350
Person 1 image 1
Person 1 image 2
-50 Person 1 image 3 300
Person 1 image 4
Components along Eigen vector -100

Components along Eigen vector

Person 2 image 1 250
Person 2 image 2
-150 Person 2 image 3
Person 2 image 4 200
Person 1 image 1
50 Person 1 image 2
Person 1 image 3
0 Person 1 image 4
Person 2 image 1
-50 Person 2 image 2
-450 Person 2 image 3
Person 2 image 4
-500 -100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Index Index

Second Eigen Vector First Eigen Vector

0 -50

-50 -100

-100 -150
Components along Eigen vector

Components along Eigen vector

-150 -200

-200 -250

-250 -300

-300 -350 Person 1 image 1

Person 1 image 1
Person 1 image 2
-350 Person 1 image 2 -400 Person 1 image 3
Person 1 image 3
Person 1 image 4
Person 1 image 4
-400 -450 Person 2 image 1
Person 2 image 1
Person 2 image 2
Person 2 image 2
-450 -500 Person 2 image 3
Person 2 image 3
Person 2 image 4
Person 2 image 4
-500 -550
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Index Index

Fig.3 Profile LDA vector of images along first four eigen vector

Fig.4 Images of two types of objects

Fourth Eigen Vector Third Eigen Vector

1600 2000
Chair 1
1500 Chair 2
Chair 3
1400 Chair 4
Components along Eigen vector

Components along Eigen vector

Butterfly 1
1300 Butterfly 2
Butterfly 3 1500
1200 Butterfly 4


Chair 1
1000 Chair 2
Chair 3
Chair 4
800 Butterfly 1
Butterfly 2
700 Butterfly 3
Butterfly 4
600 500
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Index Index

(a) Vector along fourth Eigen value (b) Vector along fourth Eigen value
62 Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR

Second Eigen Vector First Eigen Vector

2000 -600
Chair 1
Chair 2
1800 -800 Chair 3
Chair 4
Components along Eigen vector

Components along Eigen vector

Butterfly 1
1600 Butterfly 2
Butterfly 3
-1200 Butterfly 4
Chair 1 -1600
Chair 2
1000 Chair 3
Chair 4
Butterfly 1
800 Butterfly 2 -2000
Butterfly 3
Butterfly 4
600 -2200
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Index Index

(c) Vector along fourth Eigen value (d) Vector along fourth Eigen value
Fig.3 Profile LDA vector of images along first four eigen vector

In human face detection the LDA vector of images along first four Eigen vectors work well but for other
category of objects (for example butterfly, chair, plane, car etc.) the model does not work properly. In this paper, we use
a set of images of chair and butterfly but the curves of LDA vectors are found very closed for both types of object
shown in fig.3. In this case we include FIS of fig.4, where the output of LDA is taken as the input. We consider the
length of LDA vectors as 64 but only six components of each vector for 4 images of both types of objects (chair and
butterfly) are shown in Table I. Each row of the table corresponds to input vector of particular type of image, which are
used as the input of FIS. For example, from the Table I, the vector [2.9811 2.8033 3.0229 3.0235] is for chair and
[3.0214 2.6609 3.0242 3.0242] is for butterfly. We consider the output of FIS as 0 and 1 for chair and butterfly
respectively. First of all, we trained the FIS with 68 vectors then apply the test vectors for verification. The verification
of Fuzzy rules for vector [2.0979 2.3524 1.8622 1.7582] and [1.9648 1.6945 1.8004 1.8004] are shown in fig.5 and 6
respectively, where the output is found very closed to 0 and 1 respectively.

Input -1

Input -2 Fuzzy
Fuzzy Output
Input -3

Input -4

Fig.4 FIS of four images under two types of object (4 chairs and 4 butterfly)

Table I LDA vector of images with FIS output

Chair as the object and LDA along 1st Eigen vector
FIS output
Image-1 Image-2 Image-3 Image-4
2.9811 2.8033 3.0229 3.0235 0
2.7106 2.5474 2.9957 2.8925 0
2.2744 2.4543 2.4682 2.2770 0
2.1184 2.3935 2.0840 1.8967 0
2.0979 2.3524 1.8622 1.7582 0
2.1270 2.3229 1.7366 1.7605 0
62 Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR

Butterfly as the object and LDA along 1st Eigen vector

FIS output
Image-1 Image-2 Image-3 Image-4
3.0214 2.6609 3.0242 3.0242 1
3.0220 2.3965 3.0242 3.0242 1
3.0207 2.4741 3.0242 3.0242 1
2.9721 2.4190 3.0238 3.0238 1
2.6019 2.3699 2.9619 2.9619 1
1.9648 1.6945 1.8004 1.8004 1

Fig.5 Verification of Fuzzy rule with vector [2.0979 2.3524 1.8622 1.7582] to provide output of 0
62 Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR

Fig.6 Verification of Fuzzy rule with vector [1.9648 1.6945 1.8004 1.8004] to provide output of 1

Fig.7 Surface plot of LDA vector of images

Finally, the surface plot of LDA vector of images are shown in fig. 7, where the transition from level 0 to 1 are
found gradual instead of sharp change of crispy logic. Therefore, there is a small possibility of error at the transition
border. Working on 100 different types of object with the length of Eigen vector of 64 we get accuracy of detection of
object as 89.34%.

Taking 22 row vectors of Chair and 22 row vectors of Butterfly (Table-I only shows 6 of them) we apply Fuzzy
C-mean clustering algorithm to segregate data of two different types of image. Considering columns corresponding to
62 Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR

image 1 and 2 we get the scatterplot of fig. 8(a). Again, considering columns corresponding to image 3 and 4 we get the
scatterplot of fig. 8(b). Finally using MLR we convert four columns of table 1 to two column then applying Fuzzy C-
mean clustering algorithm we get the scatterplot of fig. 8(c). The combination of MLR and Fuzzy C-mean clustering
algorithm gives better separation of points.

3 3

2.8 2.8

2.6 2.6

2.4 2.4

2.2 2.2

2 2

1.8 1.8
1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2

(a) Image 1 and 2 (b) Image 3 and 4









0.1 data2

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

(c) MLR
Fig.8 Scattered plot of row vectors

Image 1 and 2
Image 3 and 4
12 MLR

Obj. Function

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Iteration Count

Fig.9 Convergence of objective function of Fuzzy C-mean clustering

62 Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR

The convergence of objective function from three cases: ‘Image 1 and 2’, ‘Image 3 and 4’ and MLR are shown
in fig.9, where convergence is found after 5 iteration for all the cases but variation of objective function is found
minimum for MLR case.
Table II Accuracy of Combined Method
Accuracy of detection
Type of
image Fuzzy C-mean Fuzzy C-mean LDA + FIS + FCN +
clustering Clustering + MLR MLR
Human face 78.67% 85.42% 73.44% 77.10% 92.48%
Chair 83.21% 86.04% 74.37% 78.22% 87.67%
Butterfly 82.39% 84.11% 78.09% 78.34% 91.24%
Plane 79.06% 85.19% 72.66% 76.91% 90.12%
Fan 84.47% 87.08% 78.39% 78.58% 93.26%

We worked on images of different objects from benchmark database called Caltech 101,
( and human face from another benchmark database called
Face-96. Table II reveals the results of five types of objects. Here we combined the four algorithms LDA + FIS + FCN
+ MLR using entropy based combining scheme of [15] as explained in section. The accuracy of recognition of five
types of objects are found different, as visualized from Table II. Actually, accuracy depends on quality of original
image, size of input image (process time will be longer for larger size of image) and appropriate preprocessing scheme
of image. The combined method gives accuracy of detection above 92% for all types of object.

4. Conclusion and Future Works

In this paper we use three object recognition techniques: LDA, FIS and FCM, provided they are aided with MLR.
give different results. Each technique has its own limitation, for example: LDA is appropriate for human face
recognition but has a poor performance for discrete objects. To enhance accuracy of recognition we combined LDA,
FIS, FCM and MLR and got the result above 92% for all types of object. In object recognition we also can include deep
learning techniques when we have big dataset. In this case accuracy will be high at the expense of process time. In
future we will include convolutional neural network (CNN) to observe the improvement.


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Image Recognition Using Machine Learning with the Aid of MLR 63

Authors’ Profiles

Meherunnesa Tania has completed her B.Sc. Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering from Jahangirnagar University
and pursuing her M.Sc. from the same University. Her research interests are Machine Learning, Robotics and Artificial
Intelligence, Neural Network etc.

Diba Afroze has completed her B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
in 2019. Currently, she is pursuing her M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from the same institution. She is
working in the area of Machine Learning. Her expanded Research interest is Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing
and Data Science.

Jesmin Akhter has received PhD degree in 2019 in the field of 4G wireless networks. from Department of Computer Science and
Engineering of Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh and obtained M.Sc Engineering degree in Computer Science
and Engineering from Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2012. She also received her B.Sc. Engineering
degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2004. Since 2008, she
is a faculty member having current Designation "Professor" at the Institute of Information Technology in Jahangirnagar
University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Currently her research focuses are on IoT, network traffic, complexity and algorithms and
software engineering. Being a dynamic and versatile person who is capable of merging innovative ideas, technology, knowledge,
and experience for positive contribution towards the system development in the rapidly changing scenario of Information
Technology and become a good teacher in the field of software and telecommunication systems.

Abu Sayed Md. Mostafizur Rahaman has received PhD degree in 2014 from Department of Computer Science and
Engineering of Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh and obtained M.Sc. degree from Stuttgart University at
Stuttgart, Germany in Information Technology (INFOTECH) in the branch of Embedded System Engineering in 2009. He
received his B.Sc. degree in Electronics and Computer Science, from Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh in
2003. Since 2004, he is a faculty member having current Designation "Professor" in the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering of Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. During his graduation, he worked at BOSCH (biggest
automobile company in Germany ) as Trainee engineer (Industrial internship) as part of his graduate degree in embedded
Systems. Currently his research focuses on IoT, Digital Forensics, Ethical Hacking, Web Security, Embedded Systems and S/W

Md. Imdadul Islam has completed his B.Sc. Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University
of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka in 1993 and M.Sc Engineering from the same university in 1998. He has completed CAS
program from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand in 2001. He has done Ph.D. at the department of Computer Science and
Engineering, J.U., Dhaka, in the field of Network Traffic. He worked as an Assistant Engineer in Sheba Telecom (Pvt.) LTD (A
joint venture company between Bangladesh and Malaysia) from Sept'94 to July'96. He has very good field experiences in
installation of Radio Base Station and Switching Center for WLL. He is now working as a Professor, at the department of
Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. His research field is network traffic,
wireless communications, wavelet transform, OFDMA, adaptive filter theory, neural network and machine learning. He has
more than two hundred research papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings.

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