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From : taous s i
taous s i elhous s ine (Financial Department)
s idi maarouf awlad hdou hay njah bloc i num 29
20190 cas ablanca

To : B.V.
O os terdoks kade 163
1011 DL Ams terdam
The Netherlands
VAT number: NL805734958B01

Date: 07-02-2024
Note number: hs nl023523
Ref.: affiliate fee
Partner id: 997759
VAT number: bk504106

Description Fee

3 s tayed bookings from 2023-12-01 to 2023-12-31 EUR 20.86

T o t al EUR 20,86

The total repres ents your confirmed earnings for the period mentioned above.
The final payment will be made if your balance has reached the EUR 100 thres hold.

Paypal email: taous s i.elhous s

**This invoice is is s ued by the purchas er of the s ervice.

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