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Each property can only be activated once per day unless otherwise specified. Additionally, the puzzle box
can be locked or unlocked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves' tools. If the check fails,
the box resets, and you must reroll on the table to determine its properties once more.

(01-10) Luminous Beacon: The box emits a soft, soothing light, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius
and dim light for an additional 10 feet when opened. Functions as a hooded lantern.

(11-20) Arcane Scroll Holder: When unlocked, a hidden compartment reveals a scroll of a randomly
determined spell of 1st to 3rd level (DM's choice).
(21-30) Voice Recorder: The box records and plays back any sounds or voices heard within a 30-foot
radius. The box can hold up to 5 minutes of audio.
(31-40) Elemental Forge: This box can conjure a minor elemental servant (water, fire, air, or earth) that
obeys your commands for 1 hour. You can use this ability once per day.
(41-50) Teleportation Key: When opened, you can teleport to any location you have seen before. Usable
once per day.
(51-60) Knowledge Vessel: Grants proficiency in one Intelligence-based skill of your choice while the box
is in your possession.
(61-70) Coin Generator: Once per day, produces 1d10 gold pieces.

(71-80) Spectral Companions: The box projects ghostly, translucent images of your party members
within a 20-foot radius, granting advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks for 1 hour.

(81-90) Temporal Distortion: When opened, time seems to slow around you for 1 minute, granting you
advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

(91-100) Dimensional Maze: When unlocked, the box unfolds into a miniature extradimensional
labyrinth. Stepping inside transports you to a random plane of existence. You must roll a d20 at the
beginning of each turn; on a roll of 1, you return to your original location.

As with all powerful magical items, the Puzzle Box of Enigmatic Secrets may come with its own hidden
agendas or potential consequences, at the Dungeon Master's discretion, to add an element of mystery
and suspense to your D&D campaign.
Eternal Flame: A tiny, unquenchable flame burns within the box.
Mystic Compass: The box always points to a specific location or object.
Bard's Inspiration: Grants you the ability to cast one bard spell (1/2 your character level) of your choice at
its lowest level once per day.
Treasure Map: Roll a d20 once a day. If you roll a 20, a detailed map of a nearby treasure cache is
revealed when opened.
Animal Whistle: Produces the sound of a specific animal when opened.
Arcane Prodigy: Grants you one use of the "Counterspell" spell once per day.
Shapeshifter's Mirror: Allows you to change your appearance as if under the "Disguise Self" spell for 1
Enchanted Food: Produces a magically delicious meal for one when opened.
Invisibility Cloak: Grants you invisibility for 1 minute when opened.
Tome of Knowledge: Provides proficiency in a specific skill while holding.
Thieves' Secrets: Gives you proficiency with thieves' tools when opened.
Time-Turner: Allows you to reverse time by 1 round once per day.
Fearful Gaze: Casts "Cause Fear" on anyone who gazes into the open box.
Phoenix Feather: Heals the opener for 2d6 hit points when opened.

Mirror Portal: Creates a one-way portal to a random open location within 60 feet when opened.

Mimic Mimicry: Transforms into an exact replica of a nearby object when opened.
Language Comprehension: Grants the ability to understand and speak one random language for 1 hour
when opened.
Haunted Echo: Plays eerie whispers and sounds when opened.
Deceptive Illusion: Casts a minor illusion when opened.
Chalice of Water Breathing: Allows you to breathe underwater for 1 hour when opened.
Potion Brewer: Converts into a random potion when opened.
Petrifying Gaze: Casts "Flesh to Stone" on anyone who gazes into the open box.
Arcane Infusion: Adds a +1 bonus to your next attack when opened.
Weaver's Needle: Allows you to cast "Mending" once per day.
Disintegration Beam: Shoots a 1d6 damage beam in a random direction when opened. If target goes
unconscious, they disintegrate and cannot be resurrected.
Soothsayer's Orb: Allows you to cast "Augury" once per day.
Vampiric Essence: Roll a die. Even: restores 1d4 hit points Odd: drains 1d4 hit points
Feywild's Gaze: Grants the ability to see into the Feywild for 1 minute when opened.
Lucky Dice: Grants one lucky reroll for any d20 roll when opened.
Crystal Ball: Allows you to cast "Scrying" once per day.
Animate Object: Animates a nearby object of your choice when opened.
Moonlit Path: Cast Moonbeam once per day
Gravity Well: Creates a localized anti-gravity effect in a 30 foot spherewhen opened.
Dragon's Breath: Allows you to breathe a 15 foot cone of elemental energy (choose type) once per day
doing 1d6 damage per character level.
Plant Growth: Causes nearby plants to rapidly grow when opened, making a 30' square difficult terrain
with 3/4 cover.
Illusory Treasure: Creates a convincing illusion of treasure when opened.
Dreamwalker's Cloak: Allows you to enter the dreams of a willing creature when opened.

Dragon Slayer's Mark: Grants a +1 bonus to attacks and damage per character level/2 against dragons
while holding. Charisma checks against dragons are made with disadvantage.

Shadow Veil: Casts "Darkness"

Astral Projection: Allows you to enter the Astral Plane for 1 minute when opened.
Dimensional Key: Opens a random locked door or chest in a 100-foot radius when used.
Radiant Ward: Creates a protective barrier against CR2 or less undead when opened.
Searing Heat: Radiates intense heat when opened, dealing 1d6 fire damage to all creatures within 5' of
Detect Secret Doors: Allows you to detect secret doors within 30 feet when opened.
Voice Mimicry: Can mimic any voice or sound heard before when opened.
Featherfall: Grants the ability to fall safely for 1 minute when opened.
Foggy Veil: Cast Fog.

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