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Loot Table rolls: A: 8 B: 34 C: 16 D: 6 F: 22 G: 10 H: 4 I: 1

 Kestrel: Thazsyra- Dragonborn Paladin

 Fishing story-introduced to Storm Queen and Princess
 Lately, your sleep is haunted by a particular dream over and over, every night. In the recurring dream, you are in
a precarious position in dire need of rescue. At the last second, someone swoops in and saves you.
 The Dream: In your transformation to become Dragonborn, you are inside the egg and cannot escape the break
the shell to escape. You wonder if this is a final test to see if you are strong enough. It is utterly dark. You can’t
move and soon, you start to suffocate. You panic as you realize something went terribly wrong! This can’t be
part of the ritual! There must be some mistake. Maniacal laughter fills your head. The voice you somehow know
is Tiamat! She says, “Silly human. You are ALL so easy to fool. Now you will suffer until you swear fealty and bow
down to me! You will be a servant of Tiamat!” Just when you think you are about to pass out, you hear a
cracking noise as light fills your vision. The shell is being peeled away by… someone. Your lungs devour the fresh
air as you scramble out of the shell. Your rescuer helps you stand. The voice in your head says, “So close…we will
meet again, servant of Bahamut!
 The dream is the same each time you sleep, save for one detail. The person who rescues you is different. First, it
is a human with an Abe Lincoln beard and a harpoon-like spear. Then a human wearing a fancy cloak, outlined in
a crackling, nearly uncontrolled magical aura. You can’t quite ever see his hooded face. Then a human with the
complete top of his head bleached blond. He’s also wearing a pair of mirrored goggles. Then a gnome wearing
commoner’s clothing and smelling earthy. He’s looking around nervously as he helps you. Then a half-elf with a
bow who smells of both the forest and the sea. Then an elf in robes, with a strange scimitar decorated in elvish
runes that glow. Then another being you can’t quite make out.
 Each time you dream this, you wake in a cold sweat.
 Nick: Human Fighter
 Yak folk slave
 w/ Halani Meliamne-moon elf princess-brothers killed and she was enslaved
 Cleaning and something breaks
 One of Kartha-Kaya’s wives is enraged and asks who did it?
 Take the blame or not
 Fire Giant shows up and you are led away
 Cinderheld wants to play
 Asks about the outside world
 Sneaks out with you
 Passphrase at the door: “By Surtur’s flame, I command these doors to open!”
 Jump over the waterfall to freedom
 Lately, your sleep is haunted by a particular dream over and over, every night. In the recurring dream, you are in
a precarious position in dire need of rescue. At the last second, someone swoops in and saves you.
 The Dream: You are out whaling, looking for a famed but elusive white whale which you eventually find and
harpoon many times. In a series of unfortunate events, you and the captain of your ship end up tightly bound in
the harpoon ropes lashed around the largest beast you have ever hunted. You feel the whale suck in a breath.
He’s preparing to dive deep, to take you to your death. Just before the whale submerges and you think doom is
upon you, someone cut the ropes. How, you aren’t sure. Maybe a well-placed arrow, or a sword, or a spell. The
captain is not as fortunate as the great beast takes him to Davy Jones’ Locker.
 The dream is the same each time you sleep, save for one detail. The person who rescues you is different. First, it
is a human wearing a fancy cloak, outlined in a crackling, nearly uncontrolled magical aura. You can’t quite ever
see his hooded face. Then a human with the complete top of his head bleached blond. He’s also wearing a pair
of mirrored goggles. Then a gnome wearing commoner’s clothing and smelling earthy. He’s looking around
nervously as he helps you. Then a half-elf with a bow who smells of both the forest and the sea. Then an elf in
robes, with a strange scimitar decorated in elvish runes that glow. Then another being you can’t quite make out.
Then a Dragonborn with platinum scales. She’s wearing a holy symbol.
 Each time you dream this, you wake in a cold sweat.
 Larry: Logan-protector aasimar sorcerer
 Cave exploring in a tomb-Harshnag
 Lately, your sleep is haunted by a particular dream over and over, every night. In the recurring dream, you are in
a precarious position in dire need of rescue. At the last second, someone swoops in and saves you.
 The Dream: You are being led to the gallows. Peasants gesture and scream obscenities at you and throw rotten
vegetables at you. You smell the bad breath of a hooded hangman who smiles a nasty, snaggle-toothed grin. He
puts the noose on you tightly. Your windpipe is constricted enough that you will soon pass out before the trap
door opens. If only you were that lucky. Each time you pass out, you are slapped awake or splashed with cold
water. As the orator finishes listing crimes, you know you didn’t commit, you are given a chance to speak. You
want to yell out your innocence, but your lungs burn and the noose is so tight. Try as you might, you cannot
form words. Probably part of someone’s evil plan. Just as the hangman pulls a lever, you hear a loud thunk as
the rope is cut. How, you aren’t sure. Maybe a well-placed arrow, or a sword, or a spell. You fall 10 feet to the
ground. Your rescuer yells to you that they know you are innocent as you make your escape on a horse that was
hidden underneath the gallows.
 The dream is the same each time you sleep, save for one detail. The person who rescues you is different. First, it
is a human with an Abe Lincoln beard and a harpoon-like spear. Then a human with the complete top of his head
bleached blond. He’s also wearing a pair of mirrored goggles. Then a gnome wearing commoner’s clothing and
smelling earthy. He’s looking around nervously as he helps you. Then a half-elf with a bow who smells of both
the forest and the sea. Then an elf in robes, with a strange scimitar decorated in elvish runes that glow. Then
another being you can’t quite make out. Then a Dragonborn with platinum scales. She’s wearing a holy symbol.
 Each time you dream this, you wake in a cold sweat.
 Terry: Gene-Human Fighter
 Dragon’s lair
 With Thwip Ironbottom, Beldora, and plebes (p40)
 Captured
 Iymrith turns some to stone
 Hands of stone—advantage on strength checks with your hands
 Artus Cimber, Zaldar Floshin and Arrow, Darianna Yelrannis rescue.
 Artus uses “Blood of the Lady!” and the Ring of Winter-10 foot ice shards, globe of ice around him
 Steal a silver ring with an eye. The eye is white with a red cat’s eye pupil. It seems to always look at you,
even from different angles.
 Lately, your sleep is haunted by a particular dream over and over, every night. In the recurring dream, you are in
a precarious position in dire need of rescue. At the last second, someone swoops in and saves you.
 The Dream: You are surrounded by undead in a small hut in the dead of night. They are breaking through the
windows, doors and even walls. You swing your sword so much your arms have gone numb with exhaustion.
They keep coming. Hundreds on all sides. You accept your fate relishing in the fact that you never stopped
fighting. As the gore ridden bony hands reach for you, you can no longer fight. You close your eyes, envisioning a
heroic death, though painful it may be. You then wonder if you will come back as a zombie…If you did, you bet
your sweet ass that you’d make the baddest-ass zombie anyone has ever seen. HARROOOOOO! Just then, a
noise outside breaks your reverie. It’s someone on horseback…on a warhorse, plowing through the horde! They
kick at the shack which is falling down as the zombies swarm. You scoot through a hole in the roof, leaving the
host of undead to wriggle under the collapsed roof. You reach for a friendly hand and swing up onto the horse.
Luckily, you rescued yourself. But you do admire the fact that someone was around to give you a lift.
 The dream is the same each time you sleep, save for one detail. The person who rescues you is different. First, it
is a human with an Abe Lincoln beard and a harpoon-like spear. Then a human wearing a fancy cloak, outlined in
a crackling, nearly uncontrolled magical aura. You can’t quite ever see his hooded face. Then a gnome wearing
commoner’s clothing and smelling earthy. He’s looking around nervously as he helps you. Then a half-elf with a
bow who smells of both the forest and the sea. Then an elf in robes, with a strange scimitar decorated in elvish
runes that glow. Then another being you can’t quite make out. Then a Dragonborn with platinum scales. She’s
wearing a holy symbol.
 Each time you dream this, you wake in a cold sweat.
 Robert: Foobar-Gnome Druid
 Hill Giant Fast Food
 Dumb & wants to eat you
 Zhentarim rescue?
 Lately, your sleep is haunted by a particular dream over and over, every night. In the recurring dream, you are in
a precarious position in dire need of rescue. At the last second, someone swoops in and saves you.
 The Dream: You have been caught by a hill giant. He’s smelly and apparently hungry. He’s deciding on whether
he can wait to roast you alive, or just eat you alive. The look on his face says the latter. He grabs a pitchfork and
a longsword for silverware. You are tied up on a platter on a table in a mud den. You have an apple in your
mouth. The stinky fat giant is drooling as he steps towards you. You close your eyes in anticipation of the
pitchfork piercing your skin before the long sword cuts you up into bite-sized chunks. Suddenly, someone yells
out! The giant is distracted. Your bindings suddenly loosen. You spring away and catch a glimpse of your rescuer.
You try to convey thanks, to this new, but surely lifelong friend, but you forgot to take the apple out of your
 The dream is the same each time you sleep, save for one detail. The person who rescues you is different. First, it
is a human with an Abe Lincoln beard and a harpoon-like spear. Then a human wearing a fancy cloak, outlined in
a crackling, nearly uncontrolled magical aura. You can’t quite ever see his hooded face. Then a human with the
complete top of his head bleached blond. He’s also wearing a pair of mirrored goggles. Then a half-elf with a
bow who smells of both the forest and the sea. Then an elf in robes, with a strange scimitar decorated in elvish
runes that glow. Then another being you can’t quite make out. Then a Dragonborn with platinum scales. She’s
wearing a holy symbol.
 Each time you dream this, you wake in a cold sweat.
 Alex: Wildan-Half elf Ranger-sailor
 Cabin Boy
 Out of Waterdeep on a run to Luskan, Cabin steward on a ship attacked by a Frost Giant boat with a white
 Survive icy waters (titanic) but no one believes you
 You start to believe you made it up due to your delirium in the icy water.
 Resist cold
 Lately, your sleep is haunted by a particular dream over and over, every night. In the recurring dream, you are in
a precarious position in dire need of rescue. At the last second, someone swoops in and saves you.
 The Dream: You are out foraging for food in the forest. Normally, a task you take pleasure in. This time there is a
dark foreboding you have never experienced before in the woods. You are ambushed and caught by orcs! There
are too many to dodge and outrun. You can’t get to the trees to climb your way to safety. You are captured!
They want to burn you at the stake for killing their ancestors as they surely believe you have done them any
number of injustices throughout your life, being a half elf. You might as well be a full-blooded elf. As they pile
kindling, they take turns spitting in your face as you stand tied up on what surely will be your funeral pyre. The
orc-ish celebration of your imminent murder goes long into the night. Finally, after offering a prayer to
Gruumsh-One-Eye, the chieftain lights the pyre. The heat rises as your clothes singe and take fire. You smell
burning hair as the wisps of smoke turn to tendrils, then full billowing clouds. As you prepare for the real pain of
the burning, something makes a loud sound and the ropes binding you go slack. You are free, but can barely
move for the smoke. Suddenly, someone tackles you, forcefully driving you and themselves off the pyre. You
catch a glimpse of this welcome savior as you roll to put the flames out while they hold the Orcs at bay. The
rescuer gets you to your feet as you scramble into the forest to safety. You wonder if you will ever smell
anything besides smoke again.
 The dream is the same each time you sleep, save for one detail. The person who rescues you is different. First, it
is a human with an Abe Lincoln beard and a harpoon-like spear. Then a human wearing a fancy cloak, outlined in
a crackling, nearly uncontrolled magical aura. You can’t quite ever see his hooded face. Then a human with the
complete top of his head bleached blond. He’s also wearing a pair of mirrored goggles. Then a gnome wearing
commoner’s clothing and smelling earthy. He’s looking around nervously as he helps you. Then an elf in robes,
with a strange scimitar decorated in elvish runes that glow. You recognize the face, but not the name. Then
another being you can’t quite make out. Then a Dragonborn with platinum scales. She’s wearing a holy symbol.
 Each time you dream this, you wake in a cold sweat.
 Josh: Quel-Elf Bladesinger
 Mad Dragon
 Aveiaturace w/ frozen corpse with gleam in its eye
 Frozen north hunting
 Dragon is weeping telling master his ring fell off
 Whole hand fell off
 Steal the ring or help?
 Chased off
 Lately, your sleep is haunted by a particular dream over and over, every night. In the recurring dream, you are in
a precarious position in dire need of rescue. At the last second, someone swoops in and saves you.
 The Dream: You have at last found the thief that stole your order’s Moonblade, a sacred weapon that you have
searched your entire life to find. The blue skinned doppelganger laughs at you in defiance, the Moonblade
secured at his belt. Your expressionless face betrays the fact that you will deal swift vengeance upon this
creature! As you move to draw your scimitar and step towards it, you have already choreographed the entire
battle, ending with a miscue on the creature’s part and your spell empowered scimitar sneak-attacking,
skewering your foe. But something is wrong. Your feet seem to stick to the floor. Your entire body goes rigid as if
you cramp up and cannot move. You are in excruciating pain. The doppelganger casually unsheathes the
Moonblade and advances with the obvious intent to use it against you! Such blasphemy! You try to fight the
effect, but are utterly frozen. You can’t even close your eyes as your enemy reaches back to deal a fatal strike.
Suddenly, his eyes grow wide as someone moves behind you to intercept. The creature suddenly falls limp at
your feet, slain. The person who saved you waits patiently as you regain movement in your limbs. The
Moonblade fades away in the doppelganger’s hand. A voice rings out in your head, “Not Yet”. It, alas, is still out
of your grasp…for now.
 The dream is the same each time you sleep, save for one detail. The person who rescues you is different. First, it
is a human with an Abe Lincoln beard and a harpoon-like spear. Then a human wearing a fancy cloak, outlined in
a crackling, nearly uncontrolled magical aura. You can’t quite ever see his hooded face. Then a human with the
complete top of his head bleached blond. He’s also wearing a pair of mirrored goggles. Then a gnome wearing
commoner’s clothing and smelling earthy. He’s looking around nervously as he helps you. Then a half-elf with a
bow who smells of both the forest and the sea. You recognize the face, but not the name. Then another being
you can’t quite make out. Then a Dragonborn with platinum scales. She’s wearing a holy symbol.
 Each time you dream this, you wake in a cold sweat.
 Session 0
 DM stuff:
 There is stuff way too powerful for you to fight directly, in some cases.
 Chris Perkins: like the Walking Dead. You are low level characters and you must survive.
 Be prepared to run away or think your way through it.
 I would like a magic item wish list from you
 There is an optional rule on Crit for PCs. You may roll a d100 and get an effect instead of straight double
 Intro Narrative
It is a troubling time in Faerun. For the little folk, in recent days, giants have not only been seen, there are
reports of unprovoked aggression towards smaller races. In an effort to figure out why, seers were consulted...
They revealed that in the time long before man walked Faerun, the gods created creatures in an attempt to
show their power. Many abominations were created in this reckless game the gods played. Soon, dragons, the
greatest and terrible of these creatures were borne into the world.
One god, Annom, the All Father, saw the dragons as dangerous. They would soon destroy the world if allowed to
roam free. He created a new race to keep the dragons in check. And thus Giants were born into the world. After
a time, the gods grew tired of the game and found other distractions. The giants flourished, and created a great
empire named Ostoria. Some dragons became jealous of the glorious and greatest empire and waged war that
lasted 1000 years.
It is said that the war never ended. Rather, both dragonkind and giantkind were attritted so much, they simply
had dwindling battles until only skirmishes remained between enemies who no longer remembered why they
were fighting. Giant-kind was scattered to wander the world after Ostoria fell. The land thus became known as…
the Savage Frontier.
Instead of fighting dragons, the different races of giants fought each other for supremacy, a sad state for a race
created to counter the threat of dragonkind. The All Father, to solve this problem created the Ordning, to rank
giant kind in a caste system. Due to the All Father's intervention, the giants stopped in-fighting. Like Ostoria, the
glory of Giants was lost...until...
Recent efforts by evil dragons, to bring Tiamat out of the 9 hells and into the world were thwarted by the “little
folk”. It is rumored that Annam was upset that Giants did not take up the mantle for which they were created.
So rage brought him out of his apathy to take action…
 On the way to Nightstone
 You know it is a small noble retreat town surrounded by a moat with a keep that the Lord lives in and it is
near the Ardeep Forest
 Why would your character be going to Nightstone?
 You all find the Double Deuce about a day’s journey from Nightstone.
 It is an Inn with a large back area (you gather some gambling type activity goes on there)
 As each of you arrive, you notice muscular men all around wearing sleeveless black tunics.
 There are locals here too, who nervously exit as more of you come in
 The barkeep seems skittish as well. He keeps looking from you to a big burly man who is staring at you from
the bar, surrounded by these thugs.
 The thug tells you that you are chasing his customers away and that the Zhentarim don’t like that
 The fact that 20 or so other bad guys are watching make drawing weapons a bad idea. You might be able to
talk your way out, or fight your way to gain their respect.
 Leader dude and one for each party steps up cracking knuckles. What do you do?
 If a PC is associated with the Zhentarim, he goes first
 If PCs run away, the thugs let them go
 If a caster tries, one of the thugs grabs him and in a firm but non attacking tone tells him that would be a
bad idea
 If a weapon is pulled, the others stand up and draw weapons. Lots of weapons.
 The leader and one person for each PC starts a brawl
 When the party is in bad shape, or when they flee, Xolkin Alassandar shows up with many of the 7 snakes.
 He helps the party up
 Has a snake with wings
 “If it isn’t excuses of mythical dragon attacks, its imposters running a gambling den using Zhentarim Credentials.
I tell you, it’s getting to where an honest thief can’t make coin these days!”
 PCs free to leave-pushed out if they don’t
 Outside they find a home-made looking bounty poster for Kella Darkhope, a Zhentarim Spy
 Chapter 1: Trouble in Nightstone
 Nightstone entry
 Level 2
 Seven Snakes
 Felgolos makes an appearance about when the 7 Snakes get ready to fight.
 Crash into church area 5
 Steeple sent towards the group
 Critical hits and misses are enhanced
 After the battle, Felgolos changes to Halfling and befriends the party
 He tells them Giants are wreaking havoc
 Points out that all dragons are potential allies, even chromatic
 Orcs&Elves
 Make Level 3
 After they rest, Felgolos leaves
 Rescue villagers
 Make Level 4
 Where to send them?
 Bryn Shander
 Looking for Markham and Duvessa
 Tower of Zephyros
 Air Giant Rune
 Make L5 at end
 Chapter 2: Rumblings
 Bryn Shander
 Looking for Markham and Duvessa
 Hear “Blood of the Lady!”. It’s not Artuc Cimber, but his son Sirac of Suzail is saying it. At first says he doesn’t
know, then admits and asks PCs to keep it quiet
 Sir Baric approaches on horseback and asks if any are the “Weevil” (p249). Apoligizes after realizing they are
not him. Weevil is causing trouble. Offers a yeti-skin coat made “from the finest yeti”.
 Yeti Skin coat-Put on lots of stupid compliments/facts (MM 306). “My cousin Bort said that the voices of
loved ones killed in avalanches and blizzards sound out in the wails of yetis, crying warnings of ill omen”
 PCs notice someone watching them. Hooded figure from the alley. It’s Beldora (p249).
 Terry’s character should be told he recognizes her. She lies (fault) and tries to hide Harper affiliation.
 She has weird gear
 Modified crossbow, boots with spiked soles, metal claws on her wrists, and lots of thin rope
 Going giant hunting and wants to fire crossbow at a giant with rope line, then reel in at tremendous
speed. Then use the claws and spikes to stab/climb the giant
 She’s never done it yet
 She hasn’t been very successful and offers the gear to the PCs
 Markham (248) He buries emotions and is stoic
 PCs notice Augrek (248) watching with concern. She tries to console, but he rebuffs her with extreme
 Duvessa comes over and is concerned about the giants all over the place causing problems
 Frost Giant attack from book
 Appropriate Giant Rune
 Giant lord names
 3 Quests
 Markham Southwell’s Quest-patrol Icewind Dale-Investigate & report on Giant Activity
 Beldora’s Quest-Hundelstone-say hi to Thwip Ironbottom
 Duvessa’s Quest-Waterdeep
 Sirac’s Quest-Waterdeep
 (Level 6)
 Chapter 3: The Savage Frontier
 Icewind dale
 Caravan smashed-people dead. 2 giants attacked looking for the ring of winter
 Yeti-spot a yeti with unusuall fur pattern. Can track, hunt and kill it to sell fur for a hefty sum if not damaged
too bad
 Dragon Fight-Avereiaturace fighting a frost giant. (Guide to SKT pg 56)
 Storm and another giant (Guide 57)
 Back to Bryn Shander
 Trip to Waterdeep is 600 miles
 Larry knows Neverwinter (Sandyse Thunderquill (pg 118)) might be able to help
 If they decide/want to travel by ships: pg 220-Frost Giant attack
 Towards Hundelstone near the Klauthen vale
 Cultists show up on airship (pg 132) to tease/question the group as an intro
 How players react determines how they will be treated later
 Frost Giant shows up and they along with cultists defeat it (Guide pg 57) (rune)
 Klauth shows up, impressed with the group.
 Asks what they know about the giants
 Tells them he believes the ordning is shattered and giants scrambling to be the new top race
 Hundelstone: Thwip ironbottom “by the clocks of neverwinter”
 On the way to Luskin: (3-4 days travel) Ogre goblin huckers (pg 50) launch goblins at them OUT OF
 At dark one night: Camping in Ruins (guide pg 58)
 Luskin: (Pg 98) Get there after a Frost Giant Attack
 Dead frost giants in the water (rune)
 Burning ships
 Towards Port Llast (3 days)
 Horse-drawn wagon encounter (pg 71)
 Drunk, loud guys
 Hill Giant with Haug Rune
 Food or attack it
 Chief Guh wants to marry, so he’s running away
 Port Llast (pg 104): Being attacked and plundered by Frost Giants (from their ship)
 Sneak on ship and steal loot
 Fight giants?
 Felgolos shows up to help?
 Critical hit/failure luck aura
 Firsherman tell the group of the legend of Slarkrethel, a spellcasting kraken. He hopes to catch it someday
 Neverwinter:
 Sandyse Thunderquill (pg 118)
 Fallen Tower Tavern
 Bar fight (Sandyse being harassed or wins drinking contest and sore loser picks a fight)
 Neutral ground for Orcs and Humans as customers. Spirits of the dead swirl around in here-harmless-an
after effect of the spell plague
 Sandyse is impressed and decides to bring the group to the Harper Tower using the teleport circle
 Moongleam tower
 Meet Moonlord Davianna Yalrannis (pg 82) and Krowen Valharrow (pg 60)
 Krowen rambles about the sequester spell and how he wants it to hide his treasures (to foreshadow
Iymrith’s treasure sequestered in her lair)
 Harpers can teleport PCs to Waterdeep
 Waterdeep
 2 quests/goals:
 Find loot from the wrecked ship
 Talk to Lord Roaringhorn about the Ring of Winter
 Cloud giant castle floating above the city (people are worried)
 At Roaringhorn’s party, they meet goofy wizard named Flabbergast who has a cat named Mr. Snibly.
 Gets really drunk and slip out of the party
 Once Roaringhorn is dealt with, have Mr Snibly urgently try to get the group to follow it
 Leads to a dark street
 Flabbergast is standing there waiting for something.
 The cloud giant castle is floating overhead
 He’s planted all of a bag of beans (DMG 153) at once
 All effects go off
 Bulette (MM pg 34)
 8 Shrieks appear
 A fruit tree grows with fruit that has powers of magic potions
 4 water breathing potions (DMG 188)
 1 Invisibility potion(DMG 188)
 1 invulnerability potion(DMG 188)
 1 vitality potion(DMG 188)
 D4+8 pink toads appear
 Touching them turns them into a monster of the DMs choice
 Rust monsters MM 262
 Beanstalk grows and rises to the castle
 Guards can help if needed
 They all have magic helmets that make their voices sound the same
 Flabbergast is drunk-poisoned
 Cloud giants (pg 113) Runes
 Laeral Silverhand ruler of Waterdeep
 She wants to know what they learned
 Tells them to seek legendary adventurer-Harshnag the Frost Giant (he’s good)
 They can probably find Harshnag near Yartar. Hand of Yartar might know where he is (pg 115)
 Teleport network to Yartar
 Yartar
 Hand says he can arrange a meeting with Harshnag in a couple of days
 Felgolos in Halfling form is in Yartar
 Says there are Zhentarim up to no good on a Gambling Ship called The Grand Dame (pg 216)
 Felgolos wants groups help
 Zhent scoundrels on board (but not Lord Drylund)-they are going to rob Pow Ming
 If PCs cheat at games, Pow Ming detect thoughts on them
 Felgolos’s luck kicks in and he hits a massive jackpot
 Pow Ming thinks he’s cheating but not sure how
 Felgolos’s bad luck kicks in drinking weird fruit drink that he’s allergic to
 Barfs and turns dragon form
 Prime target of Scoundrels
 People panic/dive overboard/faint
 Zhents attack
 Party fights them
 Felgolos can find Harshang near Dessarin Hills to the south the next day
 Harshnag fighting Barbarians perhaps?
 Harshnag has one eye perhaps?
 Harshnag wants to take them to the Oracle
 Level 7
 Chapter 4: The Chosen Path (L8)
 Felgolos uses (old edition-Frame Teleport) to get the party to Mirabar and leaves for fighting some Zhentarim
bad guys
 Travel to Spine of the World (pg 121)
 Battlefield Encounter (pg 69)
 Dead giants & barbarians
 Zombie Giants
 Get party to like Harshnag:
 Tell them stories about grey hands
 Work out cool battle maneuvers like throwing them into giants
 Explain giant runes (rune magic items as well)
 Wymrskull Throne (237)
 Linked to korolnor scepter
 Can be paralyzed if you don’t have the scepter
 Gurt’s Greataxe (p 234) glows in really cold places
 Eye of the All Father (pg 121)
 Commune with oracle:
 Get an item from each giant clan
 Need to figure out what else from others
 Negotiate or fight or heist
 For negotiate, giants send party to a mound to get something for them
 Possible they are betrayed
 Airship (pg 134)
 Chapter 5: Den of the Hill Giants(L8)
 Chapter 6: Canyon of the Stone Giants(L8)
 Chapter 7: Berg of the Frost Giants(L8)
 Severed head of Aveiaturace’s dead master in 1G
 Aveiaturace might be able to be contacted through the head to show up and help
 Chapter 8: Forge of the Fire Giants(L8)
 At the end of this chapter, they hear Felgolos being tortured from the cloud giant castle (pg 187)
 Chapter 9: Castle of the Cloud Giants(L8)
 Oracle gives the party a conch shell for transport to the Storm Giant lair
 Chapter 10: Hold of the Storm Giants(L9)
 Chapter 11: Caught in the Tentacles(L10)
 Chapter 12: Doom of the Desert
 Replace 2 giants with Felgolos and Harshnag

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