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Forensic Analysis of LinkedIn’s Desktop Application on Windows 10 OS

Chapter · May 2019

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-14070-0_9


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5 authors, including:

Haider Abbas Waseem Iqbal

National University of Sciences and Technology National University of Sciences and Technology


Kashif Saleem
King Saud University


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Forensic Analysis of LinkedIn’s Desktop
Application on Windows 10 OS 9
Saman Bashir, Haider Abbas, Narmeen Shafqat, Waseem Iqbal,
and Kashif Saleem

users have downloaded desktop applications of WhatsApp,

9.1 Introduction Linkedin, Facebook, Skype etc. from Windows AppStore on
their PCs so that they can directly respond to notifications.
Digital forensics is defined as the implementation of scien- Since social media applications provide a great deal of
tific methods to find potential artefacts in a digital device information, forensic investigators need to understand the
that can be used as evidence in a forensic investigation forensic analysis of Windows based apps in order to locate
[1, 2]. Digital forensics can be subdivided into three major maximum potential evidence.
domains; computer forensics, mobile forensics and network LinkedIn, being one of the most widely used platforms,
forensics. This paper pertains to computer forensics domain, as depicted in Fig. 9.2, has been chosen for experimentation
and specifically, application forensics on Windows 10 Oper- in this paper. LinkedIn, launched in 2003, now has around
ating System (OS), since it is widely used today. Windows 562 million users around the globe [9]. It is a business-
10 was able to attract almost 14 million users on the initial oriented application commonly used to find jobs, connect
day of launch in 2015 [3]. With 700 million users today [4], with people, share personal/ professional information and
Windows 10 has eclipsed the usage of Windows 8 to become private messaging etc. All these private details can be used
the second most used OS after Win 7 (Fig. 9.1). by criminals or hackers to their advantage [10], especially for
Windows 10 has brought some novel features, such as masquerading and blackmailing etc. [11]. On the other hand,
Edge browser, Cortana Personal Assistant and Notification if any digital device of a criminal is found from the crime
Database etc. [6]. From a forensic investigator’s viewpoint, scene, then its forensic analysis can help reveal important
it brought changes in Jump lists [7], System Resource Usage details regarding the offender.
Monitor (SRUM) [8] etc. Windows 10 is also available Criminal cases involving misuse of social media [13]
for mobile phones and hence its usage has considerably are registered daily. In one incident [14], a job seeker was
increased. harassed by a recruiter through private messages and images
With the introduction of Windows AppStore and its ease over LinkedIn. Interestingly, the forensic analysis of RAM
of use, users now prefer to have both social media networks and hard disks of both parties revealed evidences of users’
and work accounts on the same device. Subsequently, many activities.
The forensic analysis of applications on the Windows
Appstore is still in its infancy. The challenges include ever-
developing nature of OS and the growing size of user’s
S. Bashir · H. Abbas () · N. Shafqat · W. Iqbal
data [15]. Thus, a forensics investigator should be able to
Department of Information Security, National University of Sciences analyse the image files obtained from suspect’s system either
and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan manually or using acquisition and analysis tools tabulated in
e-mail:;; Table 9.1.;
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section
K. Saleem 9.2 deals with related work done in this field and highlights
Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA), King Saud
University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shortcomings. Section 9.3 presents our proposed methodol-
e-mail: ogy followed by its evaluation in Sect. 9.4. Section 9.5 finally
concludes the paper.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 57

S. Latifi (ed.), 16th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations (ITNG 2019),
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 800,
58 S. Bashir et al.

Win 8.1 Others 9.2 Related Work

7.8% 11.63%
The applications available on Windows AppStore mimic the
Win 8
user-friendly mobile applications, while retaining traditional
2.09% Win 7 inputs from keyboard and mouse. These applications with
Win XP 47.01% APPX extension are found in %ProgramFiles\WindowsApps
10.34% folder.
Win 10 In 2011, N. Muttawa et al. tried to recover artefacts of
21.13% Facebook from Win XP’s hard disk [26]. They performed
the test on Internet Explorer (IE), Chrome and Firefox and
Fig. 9.1 Statistics of Windows OS [5]
concluded that more artefacts can be recovered from IE.
In 2011, extensive research [27] focused on the forensic
Number of LinkedIn users (million) analysis of Windows registry from physical memory was
carried out on Windows 7, XP and Vista. An algorithm for
extracting the hives and pertinent files from memory was
SOUTH ASIA 20 In 2013, Saidi [28] defined ways to investigate illicit
ASIA 105 activities and unauthorized access by studying registry of
EUROPE, AFRICA 258 Windows 7 using FTK Imager.
In 2014, Kumar, Majeed and Pundir [29] searched for sen-
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 sitive information on physical memory of Windows server
2008 in various states like sleep, logoff, soft and hard reboot.
Fig. 9.2 Demographics of LinkedIn app [12]
In 2015, Asma et al. [30] explored artefacts of Facebook,
Skype and Viber on Windows 10 using an entire disk image.

Table 9.1 Acquisition and analysis tools

Name Type Issues
RAM image acquisition tools [16, 17]
Dumpit Open source Sometimes de-allocates data
FTK imager Open source Cannot perform multi-tasking, deallocates memory data
Madiant memoryze Open source Difficult to use
Blekasoft live RAM capture Open source Tool needs to be reinstalled after image capture
RAM analysis tools [18–20]
Hex editor Free tool Stability inconsistency
Blekasoft evidence center Open source Runs on a system that has python installed
Autopsy Free tool Little bit slow
Volatility Open source Crucial commands (cmd) can be missed
Storage image acquisition tools [21, 22]
FTK imager Open source No multitasking, deallocates data
HDD raw copy tool Freeware It cannot lock a drive and close any open programs
Linux “dd” Freeware Ownership issues with dd cmd
Storage image analysis tools [23]
FTK imager Open source No multitasking, search is laborious, deallocates data,
WinHex Freeware Manual search, time taking
Encase Freeware Often gives “job failed” error. Need to be reinstalled
X-ways Free, paid (full) Requires considerable experience to use
Autopsy Free Misses files sometimes
Registry analysis tools [24, 25]
Reg edit IIn windows Often hangs on find cmd
Registry viewer Free, paid (full) Restarts after giving an error when lots of keys are open
9 Forensic Analysis of LinkedIn’s Desktop Application on Windows 10 OS 59

Table 9.2 Summary of related work

Paper OS Memory Summary
Muttawa et al. [26] Win XP Non-volatile More Facebook artefacts recovered from IE than Chrome
Zhang [27] Win XP, 7, Vista Volatile Recovered artefacts from hives of Windows registry
Saidi [28] Win 7 Volatile, non volatile Registry analysis for detection of malicious behaviour
Kumar [29] Server 2008 Volatile, non- volatile Recovered artefacts based on different modes of device
Majeed [30] Win 10 Non-volatile Recovered artefacts of Facebook, Viber, Skype
Lee [31] Win 8 Non-volatile Recovered artefacts from Viber and Line
Dija [32] Win 7 Volatile Framework proposed to recover.exe file
Yang [33] Win 8.1 Volatile, non-volatile Recovered artefacts and network analysis of Facebook and Skype
Choudhary et al. [34] Win 10 Volatile Recovered artefacts of Facebook (Didn’t find deleted artefacts)
Ababneh [35] Win 8 Volatile Recovered artefacts from IMO
Meyers [36] Win 10 Volatile Propose automated tool for quick analysis of Windows 10 RAM

They were able to find various artefacts and their potential lo-
cations. Even deleted artefacts were recovered using Easeus Load apps in Login from
Apps from
software. memory the app
Win AppStore
In 2015, Lee and Chung [31] studied the third-party Viber
and Line apps on Windows 8 and identified that the package
identifications (IDs) could be found by analysing the app
Take a dump
caches. They also located records of account logins, contacts, Logout from Perform
of memory
chats, and transferred files. However, it was limited to dead the app Acvies
and store it
analysis of hard disk.
In 2016, a research [32] focused on reconstruction of arte-
facts from physical memory of Windows 7 was carried out.
Take Bit by Analyze both
This was challenging, since the sections reside in different Report the
Bit image of images to
pages and physical location. results
storage find artefacts
In 2016, Yang et al. [33] conducted live and storage
analysis of Facebook and Skype on Windows 8.1 and found Fig. 9.3 Steps for Application Analysis
contact lists, messages and conversations etc. The network
analysis of these applications was also presented.
In 2016, Pankaj et al. [34] performed forensic analysis of 9.3 Proposed Methodology
Facebook on Windows 10 and found contact list, newsfeed,
messages etc. in SQLite files. However, deleted artefacts In this section, we provide a generic forensic analysis
were ignored. methodology in order to analyse artefacts of APXX files
In 2017, Ababneh et al. [35] carried out forensic study of downloaded from Windows AppStore. The suggested
IMO on mobile and Windows 8. Volatility and Windbg were scenarios for this research are as follows.
used to capture volatile memory image of the OS and search
for artefacts respectively. • Tracking artefacts stored by live analysis of RAM,
In 2017, researchers [36] proposed an automated tool • Analysing of artefacts stored in disk after logging in,
“Plugin for Autopsy” to extract image from volatile memory. • Locating artefacts stored in the registry,
All literature review carried out in this section has been • Manually finding artefacts in the main folder where appli-
summarized in Table 9.2. cations from the Windows AppStore and other folders are
The literature review done above is a blend of live and stored as well.
storage forensic analysis of Windows OS, artefacts recovery
and their potential locations. The forensic analysis of Face- As per the proposed methodology, depicted in Fig. 9.3,
book, Skype and Viber [30, 33, 34] carried out on Windows the application is first downloaded from Windows Appstore
10 is limited in approach. Thus, it is concluded that minimal on a laptop running Windows 10 OS. In our case, LinkedIn
work has been done with regards to forensic analysis of is downloaded and used for some time to generate sufficient
applications on Windows AppStore. Also, major researches user activity. When a user is signed in, the activities per-
are conducted using tools for artefact’s extraction but very formed are stored in RAM. To analyse these activities, we
few have been conducted manually. need to take dump of memory using Dumpit tool. The image
60 S. Bashir et al.

can be analysed using WinHex in order to gather artefacts may not be compatible with all Operating systems and appli-
and their timestamps. cations. Hence, the investigator needs to apply his intellect in
Similarly, for storage analysis, the LinkedIn application order to find all potential evidences [37].
was signed out and then memory dump was taken again using For validation of our proposed technique, we have
FTK imager and analysed carefully. The artefacts can also be tested our methodology on LinkedIn. Few dummy
recovered from registry using captured dumps. accounts were created and activities such as job search,
messaging, invitation, comments and image exchange
etc. were performed. Initial results of RAM, stor-
9.4 Evaluation and Validation age and registry artefacts obtained after analyzing
LinkedIn app show that artefacts were stored in main
The proposed technique follows manual analysis using Hex folder i.e. DiskDrive/Users/System/AppData/Local/Pack-
Editor and manual exploration of artefacts files in order ages/7EE7776C.LinkedInforWindows_w1wdnht996qgy.
to provide in-depth analysis of the selected application on After manual analysis of the images taken in WinHex and
Windows OS. Contrary to this, majority of the techniques FTK imager, it was observed that artefacts were also found in
mentioned in Sect. 9.2 use forensic tools to gather required various other folders outside main folder such as Microsoft
artefacts, which may be incomplete or wrong. These tools edge browser folder, Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository,

Table 9.3 Artefacts and their potential locations

Artefacts Location
RAM analysis
Credentials In Main folder found using WinHex
Image sent Main folder\AC\INetCache\Y6HVKNWO
Private info Main folder\LocalState\linkedIn.db
Notifications AppData\local\Microsoft\Windows\Notifications\Wpndatabase file
Job search INetCache folder, Microsoft Edge folder
Connections Main folder\AC\INetCache\language.html
Install time Microsoft\Windows\Apprepository\Linkedinforwindows.XML
DP of sender and receiver AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Notifications\ActionCenterCache folder
App run count Prefetch files
Storage analysis
Credentials Only username found using WinHex
Image sent Mainfolder\AC\INetCache\Y6HVKNWO
Message Not found manually
App info Microsoft\install agent\checkpoints
Sender and receiver’s DP AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Notifications\wpnidm folder
Job search Main Folder\INetCache folder
Connections Main folder\AC\INetCache\language.html
Member Id Main folder\INetCache\li-evergreen-jobs-ad.html
Transferred/downloaded files Mainfolder\Ac\INetCache\cacheID, AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer (checking images ADS
Deleted data Unallocated folder
Uninstallation ProgramFiles\WindowsApps\Deleted
Registry analysis
App model ID NTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\authentication\LogonUI\Notifications\Background
App info Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\InstallAgent\Categorycache
Msg sender’s DP NTUSER\software\Microsoft\Windows\currentversion\pushnotifications\wpnidm\7821a69d
Contact photos Computer\HKEY_ClASSES_ROOT\Localsettings\software\Microsoft\mangedbyApp\Specified container
App install time Computer\HKEY_ClASSES_ROOT\Localsettings\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel
9 Forensic Analysis of LinkedIn’s Desktop Application on Windows 10 OS 61

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