Bepin Choudury's Lapse of Memory

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7 olol2020

Depun choualhwnys
Depin oMemory
Nalle khat: Unnecssary, ronine Connnsalon.
She was havrng ldle chat with her
an he
fnend gesoddy.
mak qiet, hombly
new classmaie id ery meek.

3 utin diskelieh emplet surprise.

e Looked at mytiend arilth atis aakelekp
she accuted mu othaft

A adheeled: he was shockrd and sonkused

Myhead huledas honght akrul haw
hohldselae the malh cgualion

b osina hismind My uend scheamt _as

Ahengh hu a s Aonj hen mind.

G. imhmale:ny onal amd rurate

Mu riend. knlss beme inimale delals abrnt
m - amd cododn' rgwne aut Ao.


Sracing klimulathng
he din was racihg n hekkad

8 govmg uls: qavng mad mau

honghT has going nel starnng
at h bopk.

geltmgnlo peoples hai:The nw i l

headly good at gelting ainló Peoples

10.slewhing neshgating
was Buspiieud Ahat my sislés was
leuthsing abwd the misking ookie.
Canty n Cnlnue
lel te my rotheh Ao tarry
wih his wsA.

12 omsuenious Lanenl and oAect

bepin balu had a
Aeutahsm keuny
Condeienhens 1werhes.
huad was m a whirk:
mable Ao thunkk Conkused And
haad wat an a hll olue to h


I4 athr ks wit togethoa: make an

beeome calm and think clarly
hadto gathr my wit together h
Sove this problem.

IShaving a
nongh Time having a lat
m havng a nau u m e mamagm9
my time Yable.

l6.Amning up Aike akad penmnyappeaning

ot aláce. whene onu Asretédcomey
he anmayin neighboun.kept appeaep-np
itke h had DemmY
andn heat_about the Arush : Ome grod
Aothes a s hat he
ali akm my_
didnlkeal. _abeut he kuh
JMeanim4 Laie khacgh 6 he point.

18. oniHoand hen
play haskeltall oamd On


19.-hrow youh mind bach hink. back and

rucall a past event.
asked my mam o throw hu mind
back amd member whvre she was
Aast month.

must see abrut consulng : hre) may kare

To conswld
My riena dolal me hat she mnst s u
aboit ConsmbManq..

o.Tamguiliseh: a medacine o Aedmee shus

Myaunt hak keen takinq nan uilisusk
Auducuhv srs

o9procumeol got/3ih Rth daHiuly a

My encle, hankhlly, 4rocukeda

Rket to Mumbal.
Came / noma
aY3. tqnineotonscovwtnets AAganed tonsuouun
end was ALlhd aniConkussan
shen she Name nouna.

4.Am rersbutiom o i aas_a punishnent

got detenhon Aelrilbthon talkin

m ass.

lmesinen and Answehd

1 hyoha th man slae a
att epin Baru
Ans he man slared at Bepn babn n
olisbebeth ecanse Bépin Ban da no
ALCognie him
him emn hiorghh a s r e
that he knew him amd h a d met himn
Am Ramch.

a where oidl Bepin Balm kay he went sn

Ans Bepim Bak Baidhat huspent Ahe
Paja hohdays A.

in Kampn!

3.Menhon any hree meve) hings that

knew alrrnk Depin abu..
Panima khose
rs:Paimal khose Anew thu odloreing aborul
bepin Dakru:
e had n o chilohen
We haodA Ris 1rihe ten yeans ago.

u i s anly Arothur
had oicbd imshne, ohich
want M6vrsit the
was hy hi oio mot
aentad hoapitál in
print eKcel

A.syokol Bepm Bal uoiry alvnt hat

Pahumal hose had sand
Ans: Bepin Balrt Corinamedy veiriud abrt
shalt Parimal hhosu had sand becanse
he Mad shos Ahat hu Kne man
i n m e l facs abmt kim. Ae Aruus
asout Ahl bag Aroks, Ris 1wikek
diath amd thers Ansanay. konaolesing
Faruinal_Aphose hnw m u che-
abonlAum BepnBaln Cenkoln
h Convuchom Ahal he Jas mahin
a mistaku abaut tha Ranchi i p

er ohd he iy oodecide ho as ighs

hs mumay lsA. Parnmal hose
ns: tnid ducile whuths hss_momes
Was ughk eParimal hose yAookid
a hus ightknee. hvhe Parilalhal
elaimed ha_Ahoe 1mdd ke aCu
hunu rlaunly a s a marh o A
lol cawt pbwener, huonld hot dec
the snt was Ahe resmdt his had
A Ranchi Ancvdél

din hidchiddheod. hen, k decded

osk Dinish Mukhvjee who accondn
rind ecel
as wibh m

Ranch.e l t that asking hin

wmld Put
put a n "end 6 his conuAion.
6. hy olio Bepir Baln Aesilat to i s i
n.unkuryi 9 hy did he inall
hinally oducide
phene Yhin
Ans: Bepin Babu husitakd to risit Mn Dinesh
ukuji Ancamse he was akrasd o the
Susthlss sancasnmh pmld harn o
acede olt Ahak , sholi Ary
akrrt_ Ranchn has talseAhen Ln
Muknyis ulalAhnkthat Ahad
ond BeingConstantly rnbed
hu incidont a shu szoklhop amd
Mariing no dthv means wyng
thu dhasims Parunal lyhoke, Bepin Babu
nally- oleckded ask Mh. hukuryjis.
owehe h deeided phone hih
AAcause that ayhas.embamassm.ent
onldr'Eke viktbleto Ahu datter.

hat dhd r.luknjs sayY Qd st

Comfost Bepriv Bab a d d to Ris
Ars . ukujn Aandl that hey had indeed
gone ohanchi an S8. Thus added t

Bepun Bakus w us as he Conld not
wre et hos he Crnlo fposiby hare
rgotten about the Aip.
1ho was Chunilal?
hat did he
want om Bepin BalnY
thunili was an otol schormate o
Cepin Balw. e had been having
ouah timu lately and had keln
coming seesee bepin Bar ajob.
.1hy was handa. pugled 1hat
was nnmsna alrnt_Bjn Balris dss
m 4 Chanadh was pukd emse he ha
Muth dealt itd LAse meh as Bepin
Balrs. t ontuide is pelo o
enpernemee. The msual thina abow
Bedn Dalus ase was hat e Aememe Aeme
ehry thing mhis pas
parlienlan eacepl lor ou

incident. owemerolm Ao
unhnown huason, hu inhru epsod
had Aipped nd his nind
na psode


10. a d Befuin Babu eally lost his memoy

and ogstten all albut a rip
Babw had nol rualy lest
Ans Yo, Bepin
his mumory and wgshen all lalmt

Das a brick
rp o Ranchu.
payed ky Chunidal.

hy odo you think Chunilalohd
11 hel olsa chunilal sayh he hak _ne
MoNey Ihat t ha hu does
hare 2
as Lhumilok biol ghatt Ae alid kecamse
Bepin Balr olho not helphm al
t i m v s h m . hu had mo maney
ALgmired a J o b . l o s e r e n ,
Bepih Babu.
alkd mot ol anything ihim
that h did mok ha
Lunilal said
e w e n e h hu Mad imaginaiom.

descuus Berum Babu As a
1. Biricas_amdhasoloskine
ma . m-the
man. h a t
eniolene Cam nd
AaKupport tis 2
Bepin Babn-
Ans h authe hasdesoribes
Svunndsmdhard wesking man.
as a
1sked daily iv hs c Aa
Anavm dnd he was Olhemg a

rusponsibe fob. We had keen ith

yars. e had a eptat
eing a ineless, consientiioris

13 1h_diol Bepin Balu chanas his mimd
arat micting Ahumilal 1? 1hat ve
the husmlt otl this meelimg
Bepin Balru changeol his mad abrst
mim hunnlal Y Aeeause hu honht
that1 it might be osible thab the
Rater Aemembened Sorhething akout he
Ranchi thdp. hen, Chunila conkirmed
h a t Bepin Daru had been o
Bepin Pan olecided Ao Aee aa Apecialist
Ip.Bepn Bal ost. Conscdosniss a u a
l%. shatolo yu Ahink Aad the
Lasn Ahis 2
Ans bepim Balru Aost tonsciausne at ud
l ecause he had a a l l e
had noken i s talL. e
15 w do yon think Bepin Balre. eacted
when heownd ut h a l chunilal
had icked him ?
nd: Ades inding out Ahat chunilal had
ucked him, Bepin Babre m u s t hare
ken lled hPumorsu his

uniina kehariw Aowanas. an

olet bnddlosn om his uck tle
mld haeruakistd that:. hu. tinhad
imdeed eon arichm. e getalness
aA he had engottenthe ieaning
niendehd Linalinu ence



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