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PC software for InteliGen and InteliSys controllers

WinEdit 6.2
MultiEdit 6.2
Revision 1

Software version IG-6.1, IS-3.1 and below, May 2004

User guide

ComAp, spol. s r.o.

Copyright © 2004 ComAp s.r.o. Světova 7, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Written by Ladislav Kadanik Tel: +420 2 66316661, Fax: +420 2 66316647
Prague, Czech Republic E-mail:,
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...............................................................................................................................................2
General guidelines..............................................................................................................................................5
What describes this manual? .........................................................................................................................5
What is WinEdit? ............................................................................................................................................5
What is MultiEdit? ..........................................................................................................................................5
How to install WinEdit / MultiEdit ? ................................................................................................................5
PC Hardware requirements............................................................................................................................6
How to check WinEdit version?......................................................................................................................6
Open and close the communication ...................................................................................................................7
Different types of connection .....................................................................................................................7
Sites (Create, Delete, Edit, Copy) ................................................................................................................10
Genset (Create, Delete, Edit).......................................................................................................................10
Archives (Delete, Rename, Select) ..............................................................................................................10
Communication setup ..................................................................................................................................11
Enter or change the address of the gen-set (Controller) .............................................................................11
Directory structure of the sites and gen-set in your computer .....................................................................11
Open direct communication .........................................................................................................................12
Open the modem communication ................................................................................................................12
Open the Internet communication................................................................................................................12
Open the off-line connection ........................................................................................................................13
Open the active call communication ............................................................................................................13
Notification ...............................................................................................................................................13
Notifying email via Outlook ......................................................................................................................13
Modem callback ...........................................................................................................................................14
Internet callback ...........................................................................................................................................14
Close connection..........................................................................................................................................15
DDE Server ..................................................................................................................................................16
WinEdit status ..............................................................................................................................................16
Configuration file type: .............................................................................................................................16
DDE Server Status...................................................................................................................................16
DDE server messages .................................................................................................................................17
Window with a message: “Error communication” ....................................................................................17
Red bottom line with a message “Error communication”.........................................................................17
Timeout (continuous) ..............................................................................................................................17
Timeout (sometimes) ..............................................................................................................................17
TAPI: requested modem (#) not found ....................................................................................................17
TAPI: unavailable modem........................................................................................................................17
TAPI: Line unexpectedly closed ..............................................................................................................17
TAPI: Can’t create connection .................................................................................................................17
Multiple IG controllers connection............................................................................................................17
NV RAM error ..........................................................................................................................................17
It is not possible to open Active call connection ......................................................................................17
Control window .................................................................................................................................................18
Control window.............................................................................................................................................18
Customized reading .................................................................................................................................19
Setpoints adjustments..................................................................................................................................19
Setpoints download from another archive ...............................................................................................19
Values window .............................................................................................................................................20
History window .............................................................................................................................................21
Number records settings..........................................................................................................................21
History window modification ....................................................................................................................22
Cylinders window .........................................................................................................................................22

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Password and access code..............................................................................................................................24
Enter the password ......................................................................................................................................24
Change the password ..................................................................................................................................24
Access code .................................................................................................................................................24
Enter the access code..................................................................................................................................24
Change the access code..............................................................................................................................24
InteliGen configuration......................................................................................................................................25
Change Controller configuration ..................................................................................................................25
Modify Controller configuration ....................................................................................................................25
Binary inputs configuration ......................................................................................................................25
Binary outputs configuration. ...................................................................................................................25
RA15 configuration ..................................................................................................................................25
Analog inputs configuration .....................................................................................................................26
Setpoints password protection.................................................................................................................26
Commands protection..............................................................................................................................27
Last modification ..........................................................................................................................................27
InteliSys configuration ......................................................................................................................................28
Controller configuration overview.................................................................................................................28
External modules address............................................................................................................................28
Cylinders ..................................................................................................................................................29
iGL-RA15 configuration for IS-CU ...........................................................................................................29
IGS-PTM configuration for IS-CU ............................................................................................................30
i-CB values configuration .............................................................................................................................30
Binary inputs configuration...........................................................................................................................30
Binary outputs configuration.........................................................................................................................32
Analog inputs configuration..........................................................................................................................33
Sensor characteristics modification .............................................................................................................35
Analog output configuration .........................................................................................................................37
Impulse inputs configuration ........................................................................................................................37
History file modificaton .................................................................................................................................38
Dimension list modification...........................................................................................................................38
Password, command protection...................................................................................................................39
Commands protection..............................................................................................................................39
Date / Time format modification...............................................................................................................39
Programmable functions ..............................................................................................................................39
Prg switch ................................................................................................................................................40
Regulator .................................................................................................................................................41
Programmable Binary Logic function.......................................................................................................42
Programmable timers ..............................................................................................................................43
Arithmetic functions..................................................................................................................................43
Protection .....................................................................................................................................................44
Programming example .................................................................................................................................45
Task .........................................................................................................................................................45
Solution ....................................................................................................................................................45
Logical inputs ...............................................................................................................................................46
Auxiliary functions.............................................................................................................................................48
Translator .....................................................................................................................................................48
1-st step ...................................................................................................................................................48
2-nd step ..................................................................................................................................................48
3-rd step...................................................................................................................................................49
Notes ............................................................................................................................................................50
Export data ...................................................................................................................................................50
Modbus communication object list ...............................................................................................................51
Set statistics .................................................................................................................................................51
Reset controller from Init state .....................................................................................................................52
Changing of sites directory...........................................................................................................................53
Dialog modification...................................................................................................................................53
Fonts setting ............................................................................................................................................54
Number of history records visible in WinEdit ...........................................................................................55
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Active Call ................................................................................................................................................55
RemCompSwitch .........................................................................................................................................56
Firmware upgrade ............................................................................................................................................58
Archives data structure ................................................................................................................................58
Firmware and archive files ...........................................................................................................................58
WinEdit files upgrade - iwe files...............................................................................................................58
IG firmware programming ........................................................................................................................59
Controller upgrade ...................................................................................................................................60
Upgrade procedures ................................................................................................................................61
Multiple application firmware upgrade .....................................................................................................62
IS firmware programming – ipt files .............................................................................................................62
IS sw upgrading procedure......................................................................................................................62
Remote software upgrade............................................................................................................................63
Unsuccessful programming..........................................................................................................................63
InteliSys Boot load programming.............................................................................................................64
MultiEdit software .............................................................................................................................................65
MultiEdit settings ..........................................................................................................................................65
Open connection ..........................................................................................................................................66
Configuration window...................................................................................................................................67
COM port selection: COM1 to COM8 ......................................................................................................67
Controller address and directory selection ..............................................................................................67
MultiEdit – synoptic diagram selection.........................................................................................................67
MultiEdit screen .......................................................................................................................................68
MultiEdit version info................................................................................................................................69
MultiEdit values modification........................................................................................................................70
Multi-write setpoints… .............................................................................................................................71
Multi-Write setpoints setting.....................................................................................................................71
Alternative setpoints copy........................................................................................................................72

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General guidelines
What describes this manual?
This manual describes PC software WinEdit.
This manual describes PC software MultiEdit.
This manual describes InteliGen and InteliSys controllers configuration.

What is WinEdit?
WinEdit is the Windows 95 / 98 / NT / ME / 2000 / XP based software.
WinEdit provides following functions:
• Direct, off-line, modem or CAN communication
• Controller configuration
• Software download
• Read / write / adjust all setpoints
• Read all values
• Read the history file
• Export/Import data

WinEdit supports InteliGen, InteliMains and InteliSys controllers.

What is MultiEdit?
MultiEdit is the Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP based software.
MultiEdit software provides direct or modem connection to group of gensets.
It is possible to start separate WinEdit and use all functions for each genset from MultiEdit.

How to install WinEdit / MultiEdit ?

Insert a CD.
Select items, which are to be installed.
When installation is completed, a new folder “WinEdit” is created. This folder has following structure:
..Program files\ComAp\WinEdit\
Directory File
WinEdit WinEdit.exe
MultiEdit.exe (O)
Igs_log.exe (O)
Supervisor.exe (O)
CfgImport.exe (O)
App *.mhx
Default *.aig
Dictionary *.trn
Sites Examples SPM *.aig
SSB *.aig

Examples IS SPM *.ais
SSB *.ais

...customer.. … *.aig or *.ais


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GM_SETUP Gm_setup.exe
ICBEDIT iCBEdit.exe Ver. 1.0

Gm_setup from version 1.4 supports GSM modem TC35.
(O) optional, not necessary to install

PC Hardware requirements
WinEdit is based on Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP or higher platform. Use PC suitable for this platform.
No other special requirements are necessary.
WinEdit requires 5 Mbyte of hard disc free space.
Standard modem without special requirements can be used.

How to check WinEdit version?

Use Help – About to display current WinEdit version window.

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Open and close the communication

Open connection - window

Different types of connection

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Direct connection

Modem connection

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Internet connection

Sites (Create, Delete, Edit, Copy)

To add a new site click on the New site button in the Open connection dialog box. Enter the
name of the site and the name of the first gen-set on site.

To delete a site, select a site and click on the Delete site button.

To edit a site, select a site and click on the Edit site button.

Copy site.

Communication setup.

The IG or IS controller type must be specified when new site is created.

Genset (Create, Delete, Edit)

To add a new gen-set, click on the New genset button in the Open connection dialog box.
Enter the name of the genset.

To delete a genset, select one and click on the Delete genset button.

To edit a site, select a site and click on the Edit genset button.

Archives (Delete, Rename, Select)

Delete selected archive.

Rename selected archive.

Open archive from different disc or directory.

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Open default archive

Communication setup
Each site has a local communication setup, which can be modified for this site only. To modify
local setup click on the Communication setup button in the Open connection dialog box

Enter or change the address of the gen-set (Controller)

For multiset application each gen-set has to have its own unique address. Address in the WinEdit has to be
equal with the address of the Controller (setpoint Contr.addr in the Basic settings group)
To assign the address click on the Communication setup button in the Open connection dialog box.
1. Select Controller (IGS 1-IGS 32)
2. To enable the communication with this Controller double click in ENABLE column to change

ENABLE from to .
3. To assign Controller with the gen-set directory double click in DIRECTORY column.

Directory structure of the sites and gen-set in your computer

WinEdit creates (or updates if previous version is found) following directory structure in your computer:

Site 1-----
Gen-set 1------
List of AIG or AIS files
Gen-set 2
List of AIG or AIS files
Site 2-----
Gen-set 1------
List of AIG or AIS files
Gen-set 2
List of AIG or AIS files
Gen-set 3
List of AIG or AIS files
Site 3-----
Gen-set 1------
List of AIG or AIS files

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To change the location of this directory structure use Options | Settings.

Open direct communication

Use Connection | Open to open the communication with the single controller.
Dialog box Open Connection appears.
1) In Sites section select the directory (installation). Each site or installation contains one or more gen-
2) In Genset section select the required gen-set. Each gen-set contains all .AIG files archives related to
that engine.
3) Set Type connection to “Direct”.
4) Archives section shows all files in the selected gen-set directory. Files are created and stored for
archive purposes. When opening a direct communication, always actual archive from Controller is
loaded in WinEdit. Archive can be stored by WinEdit command Controller - Save or Save as or when
closing connection.
5) Click on OK

Open the modem communication

Use Connection | Open to open the communication with the controller.

Dialog box Open Connection appears.
1) In Sites section select the directory (installation). Each site or installation contains one or more gen-
2) In Genset section select the required gen-set. Each gen-set contains all .AIG archive files related to that
3) In Communication setup set Type connection to “Modem” and select type of Modem.
4) Archives section shows all files in the selected gen-set directory. Files are created and stored for
archive purposes. When opening a modem communication, always a new file is created.
5) Type a Telephone number.
6) Type the Access code
7) Click on OK

“Controller address” is important for multi set applications, if IG-MU is used.
Access code is necessary for modem connection.

Open the Internet communication

Use Connection | Open to open the communication with the controller.
Dialog box Open Connection appears.
1) In Sites section select the directory (installation). Each site or installation contains one or more gen-
2) In Genset section select the required gen-set. Each gen-set contains all .AIG archive files related to that
3) In Communication setup set Type connection to “Internet“.
4) Archives section shows all files in the selected gen-set directory. Files are created and stored for
archive purposes.
5) Type a IG-IB IP address .
6) Type the Access code
7) Connection via CAN – check if CAN connection to IG-IB is used
8) Click on OK

Note that IP address you set in WinEdit can be different from the IP address of IG-IB (when the IG-IB IP
address is not public). It depends on gateway setting.

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IP address
IG-IB IP address Gateway IP address from WinEdit
Internet PC


More detail see in Communication guide.

Open the off-line connection

To prepare or demonstrate data without Controller open the off-line connection.

Use Connection | Open to open the communication with the controller.

Dialog box Open Connection appears.
1) In Sites section select the directory – selected site has blue background. Each site or installation
contains one or more gen-sets.
2) In Genset section select the required gen-set - selected gen-set has blue background. Each gen-set
contains all .AIG archives files related to that engine.
3) Set Type connection to “Off-line”.
4) Select Archives files you would like to work with - selected site has blue background.
5) Click on OK

To select any archive from different disk or directory use Open archive button.

Open the active call communication

When selected and enabled alarms are activated on site (warning, shut-down…) Controller calls to the
preselected telephone number and sends the AIG or AIS archive file.
To be able to accept these calls from Controller open the Active call communication.

1. In Sites section select the directory (installation), where incoming AIG or AIS files will be automatically
2. In Genset section select the required gen-set, where incoming AIG or AIS files will be automatically
3. Set Type connection to “Active calls”.
4. Archives section shows all files in the selected gen-set directory. Files are created and stored for
archive purposes. When opening active call communication, all incoming files will be stored in this
5. Click on OK

Received file has the name of the sender (setpoint Gen-set name in the Basic settings group)
Following by the suffix 0-999. That means max. 1000 files from one Controller can be received. Afterwards
the oldest files will be replaced.

It is possible to activate notification Window when Active call comes (Option-Settings-Active call).
Example: When Active call window (connection) is opened and operator is just working on another job (e.g.
writing Word document) Notification message appears on screen to notice Active call was received.

Notifying email via Outlook

It is possible to send e-mail to selected e-mail address when Active call is received. There must be both
Active call window (connection) opened and Outlook running. Function is activated in Option-Settings-Active

When any modem is connected to single controller the Controller address has to be set to 1!!!
When Controller address has different value than 1 Active call is not activated.

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Modem callback
It is necessary to use IG-MU for Modem callback function. IG-COM is not needed for InteliSys controller.
Callback Telephone Access
number number code

RS232 RS232 CAN

1. Open Modem callback connection in WinEdit and set:

Access code
Telephone number
Call back phone number

2. WinEdit sends message with Callback phone number to controller and stays in Waiting for callback

3. Controller opens connection data connection and then operator sees standard WinEdit screens.
This connection type transfers connection costs from operator to controller side.

Internet callback

Telephone Access
number code



1. Open Internet callback connection in WinEdit and set:

Access code
Telephone number
Call back email

2. WinEdit (PC) sends message with Call back email address to IG-IB. Then IG-IB opens connection and
via modem (Internet Service Provider) sends “empty” email containing actual IP address to PC. IG-IB
stays in Waiting for callback mode for 300 sec.
Note: IP address of the same genset site can be different from case to case.

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3. Operator copies IP address to Waiting screen and Opens connection on charge to local ISP (Internet
Service Provider). Then operator sees standard WinEdit screens.

IG-MU (modem unit) is used for multi set applications. IG-MU is the bridge between several controllers and
one modem.
To open connection via IG-MU select “Connection via IG-MU” in Open connection – Type connection box.

SW version up to 1.6 supports GSM data communication, not SMS.

SW Version up to 1.6 does not support Modbus protocol, ISDN data and RS485 communication.
Number of rings is default fix configured to 3, not depends on Num rings AA setpoint.
IG-MU software version see in MultiEdit – Help – About window.
For more details see Controller manuals SPM, SSB, SPTM, MEXT or MINT.
Use IG-MU for “two terminals” connection to one controller. The first terminal = PC is connected directly via
RS232 and the second terminal = modem is connected via CAN bus and IG-MU.

Close connection
Use Connection | Close to close the communication with the controller.
When direct or modem connection is closed, you are prompted by a “Save project Data?” question. Answer
yes, if you want to store all setpoints, history and configuration into an archive file. If no file had been opened
before with SAVE or SAVE AS commands, a new file is created.
Name of the file is DDMMYYVV.AIG for IntelliGen controller or DDMMYYVV.AIS for IntelliSys controller.
VV...number in the day

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DDE Server





DDE Server provides the communication interface between PC and Controller.

When direct or modem or internet communication is opened, DDE server has to run.
Use ALT-TAB (or click on the Communication status), select “DDE Server” and see message box.
DDE Server can communicate with up to 32 Controllers at once and DDE Server message box displays
communication statuses.
1. Click on “Stop“… to stop communication.
2. Click on “Last errors“… to get report of the last error message.
3. Real communication rate indication
4. Connection identification

WinEdit status
Bottom line shows the following communication status:

Type of connection (Direct / Off line / Modem / Active call / Internet bridge)

Configuration file type:

Selected software configuration (SPM / SSB / MEXT / SPTM / MINT / …) .

DDE Server Status

Status of the DDE Server (Running / Preparing / Error / Stopped / Programming). Double click or use
Connection | Information to get the detailed communication status.

If there were no yellow setpoints field, change any Setpoint (e.g. change IG Mode to OFF) and use WinEdit
command Controller- Reset IG or switch Controller power supply to OFF and back ON.

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DDE server messages
Window with a message: “Error communication”
Use ALT-TAB (or click on the Communication status), select DDE Server and have a look at the status. If
DDE Server reports “ Can’t open COM”, select different COM port.

Red bottom line with a message “Error communication”

Use ALT-TAB (or click on the Communication status), select DDE Server and have a look at the status. If
selected controller channel is red with message “Error”, check if the Controller is switched on, or cable
properly connected between COM port and Controller.

Timeout (continuous)
Connected IG controller does not answer to DDE server request. Probable reasons:
• IG controller is not connected
• Wrong communication cable
• IG controller failure
• Different controller address in IG and DDE server is adjusted.
• Wrong PC COM port adjusting
• Wrong setting of Basic settings: RS232 mode setpoint (Standard, Modbus)
• Damaged IG RS232 port – check PC–IG ground connection.

Timeout (sometimes)
Occasional timeouts can be caused by your operating system. It is recommended to use Windows NT
instead of Windows 9x for industrial purposes.

TAPI: requested modem (#) not found

Modem is not configured in Windows or it has not required parameters.

TAPI: unavailable modem

Communication port is engaged by other communication device.

TAPI: Line unexpectedly closed

Modem is configured in Windows, but it is not connected or it is failed.

TAPI: Can’t create connection

It is not possible to open connection. Probable reasons:
• When ringing is audible during start of the connection
o On the selected phone number is incompatible type of modem.
• When engaged tone is audible during start of connection
o Selected phone number is engaged.
o DDE server is connecting to itself (when call his own number)
• When no tone is audible
o Phone line is not connected to the Modem

Multiple IG controllers connection

To accelerate software loading to selected controller, stop the communication to other controllers (if
possible) in DDE server window.

NV RAM error
Checksum of statistic values is wrong. In version IG SW V4.0 and previous select WinEdit command
“Controller –Clear” statistic. From IG SW V4.2 is NV RAM checksum automatically repaired while updating
of any statistic value (e.g.kWh ).

It is not possible to open Active call connection

When any modem is connected to single controller the Controller address has to be set to 1!!!
When Controller address has different value than 1 Active call is not activated.
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Control window
Control window
Setpoints adjustments
Values window
History window
RA15 window – actual values
Cylinders window – actual values
Password setting and indication which level is opened
Open default archive
Archive Configuration

Control window
Use Controller | Control to control controller from your PC.
At the Control window you can see the most important values and quantities. As well as it is possible to
control the gen-set.
Different applications have different WinEdit Control window – following example is for IS-SSB and SPtM

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Customized reading
Click “left mouse” on + at the Binary inputs and outputs section to see inputs and outputs names.
Click “right mouse” to selected line (Engine speed and below or RunHours and below field) and change
value (Com Obj.).
Com Obj 2 is for special cases e.g. when Com Obj = Pwr factor set Com Obj.2 to Load char (Capacitive or
Inductive Load character).

Setpoints adjustments
Use Controller | Setpoints to see and adjust all setpoints.
Double click at the selected setpoint to change. Changes are immediately updated in the Controller.

If the communication is cut off, modified setpoints not written into Controller have the gray background.
When the communication is restored, all modified setpoints are automatically written into the controller.
If the setpoints has yellow background, the value is out of the allowed limits and must be adjusted.

Setpoints download from another archive

Select: Setpoints – Open alternative setpoints. Then select required archive file.

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Alternative setpoints values include Alternative names are now visible in Setpoints window.
Setpoints in „bold“ are different from actual values. Setpoints on shadow background are not overwritten
when Import alternative setpoint command is selected.
Select “Import alternative setpoints” for import of all (white background) setpoints.
Click on one setpoint value and select “Import selected setpoints” for import single setpoint import.

Values window
During direct (on-line) connection displays actual measured values from Controller.
In Off-line connection displays values stored in selected archive.

Binary values can be displayed in table form after click on button.

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History window
Number records settings
During direct (on-line) connection displays actual history from Controller. It is possible to set number of
history records visible from in WinEdit history screen. Use commands Option – Settings – History.

Automatic means all history records from controller reading always after opening connection.
WinEdit displays history records automatically stored by DDE server in PC when Explicit number of history
records requires more records than is available in controller. Each controller has its separate directory for
history records in WinEdit. Directory name is equal controller serial number.

Settings “Always read history after opening connection” means unconditional reading of complete
(Automatic) or Explicit number of records from controller during Connection open procedure.
Differential history reading (new records compare to PC disk) is activated when “Always read history after
opening connection” is not selected.

In Off-line connection displays history file stored in selected archive.

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Selecting of History – Read history command forces immediate history download when history window is
opened in on-line connection. During connection at the bottom in DDE Server screen appears message
“History reading” in the case of History reading only.

History window modification

It is possible to Lock or Hide selected columns in History window.
Click right mouse button on selected column and select command:

Or use Columns… Ctrl-H command and tick or untick required items:

Cylinders window
It is possible to measure and indicate up to 32 cylinders temperature. Cylinders are separated into two
groups I. and II., sixteen cylinders each. Average temperature is calculated for each group I. and II.

Cylinders temperature on IS “average temperature screen” are displayed

in one column

in two columns

For proper Cylinder bar graph range at first set Low and High value limit range on all corresponding Analog

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Cylinder group I. Indication.

Setpoint Engine protect: Max T cyl stp

(red) level.

Setpoint Engine protect: Max T cyl wrn

(yellow) level.

Engine cylinders average temperature.

Cylinders temperature.

Average temperature and cylinders

temperature deviation bars.

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Password and access code
Password disables unauthorized users to change any protected information in Controller or InteliSys.
Password is number in the range 0 to 9999.
Without password you cannot:
Adjust password-protected setpoints
Modify the configuration
Write the configuration into Controller
Clear statistic
Reset Controller
Change access code

Controllers are delivered with default all levels password “0”.

There are three level password protections available.

Enter the password

To enter the password use Controller | Enter password or the password icon.

Controller is locked.
Password level 1 was accepted.
Password level 2 was accepted.
Password level 3 was accepted.

Change the password

Password has to be entered before the function is enabled.
To change the password use Controller | Change password.

Access code
Access code disables any access to Controller via remote control. Without knowledge of the access code
modem or SMS communication can not be opened.
From sw version IG5.3 and IS2.2 can be set Access code up to 15 ASCII characters (Internet bridge

Enter the access code

Use Connection | Open to open the communication with the controller. Dialog box Open Connection
appears. Type the Access code. (only when modem connection is opened)

Change the access code

Password has to be entered before change access code is enabled.
To change the access code use Controller | Change access code.

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InteliGen configuration
Password has to be entered before access to software configuration is enabled.

Change Controller configuration

Use Controller | Software configuration | Select (or Modify)
Dialog box Select software configuration shows the default configuration (archives SPM - SSB – SPtM –
MINT -MEXT - ) stored in PC in ..\ DEFAULT \ APP \ directory.
Dialog box Modify shows actual configuration from direct (on-line) connected Controller.
Software configuration includes:
Set of binary and analog inputs
Set of binary outputs
Set of setpoints and commands password protection
Sensor characteristic

If you would like to select a software configuration from user archive, click on Open archive.

Modify Controller configuration

After the software configuration (default or actual) is selected, you have the possibility to modify the software
Use Controller | Software configuration | Modify.
The dialog box includes four sheets – Binary Inputs, Binary outputs, Analog inputs and Setpoints.
When additional InteliGen modules (IG-PCM, IG-PCLSM or IG-IOM) are significant for selected application –
all inputs, outputs and setpoints of these modules are displayed and can be configured as well.

Binary inputs configuration

Editable columns are of a white background; fixed ones are of a gray background.

Order : Number of the binary input.

Module : Input module name (IG-CU, IG-PCM, IG-PCLSM, IG-IOM).
Function : Click to select the function of the input from the list.
Name : If the input function is Alarm, type the name.
Inverted : Select input signal polarity (close or open to activate).
Alarm type : If the input function is Alarm, select alarm type (Warning, Slow stop, Unloading, Shut
down, History record).
Alarm active : If the input function is Alarm , select alarm activity (All the time, Engine running only).

Binary outputs configuration.

Editable columns are of a white background, fixed ones are of a gray background.
Order : Number of the binary ouput.
Module : Output module name (IG-CU, IG-PCM, IG-PCLSM, IG-IOM).
Function : Click to select the function of the output from the list.

RA15 configuration

Is available when button is pressed in Binary output cfg screen. Before configuration tick
then select outputs from the list.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 25

Analog inputs configuration
Editable columns are of a white background, fixed ones are of a gray background.
Order : Number of the analog input terminal
Module : Input module name (IG-CU, IG-IOM).
Name : Name of the input (max. 14 ASCII characters).
Abbr : Abbreviation of the name used in history record.
Sensor type : Select the type of the input: (Analog, binary, tri-state).
Dim : Type the dimension of the quantity (bar, psi, °C)
Active : Alarm activity (over, under, over+Fls, under+Fls)
Inverted : If input is binary or three-state, select the polarity (close or open to activate).
Alarm type : Alarm type of the input (None, Sensor fail, Wrn+Slow stop, Wrn+Shut down,Wrn+Unload)
Alarm active : Alarm activity (All the time, Engine running only).
Sensor : Selection of sensor characteristic (curve) from the list.
Decimals : Number of decimal points of displayed value (e.g. 70%; 3,6bar).

Setpoints password protection

In the list of all setpoints select which setpoints at which level are password protected. Selected level is in
RED color.

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Password – All items in the group: allows adjust the same level for selected group.

Commands protection
Commands password protection protects following commands from WinEdit / MultiEdit direct, modem or
GSM modem connection:
Start, Stop, Horn reset, Fault reset, GCB close/open, MCB close/open.
Selected Command password level 0, 1, 2, 3 is valid for all commands. Selected level is in RED color.

When the configuration is completed, click on Write to IG to write modified software configuration into the

!!!!! VERY IMPORTANT !!!!!!

While writing the new software configuration, Controller must be in OFF mode, (otherwise “programming was
not correct” message is announced).

Sensor characteristics: Curve A, Curve B, Curve C modification.

Last modification
When it is not possible (from any reason) to write configuration to controller select
Controller | Software configuration | Last modify to restore the last modified configuration.
Selected configuration can be changed in Off-line mode as well. In this case it is stored to PC.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 27

InteliSys configuration
Controller configuration overview

Config item Selection Note

External modules IS-BIN and IS- Bin inputs, Bin outputs, Analog
AIN CAN addresses selection inputs

Dimension selection Bar, psi, °C

History modification Which values are stored in

history recors

Sensor characteristics Transfer characteristics between

modification Analog input voltage, current or
resistance and output value.
Configuration of programmable In PLUS applications only

Setpoints password protection Three level password

Logical inputs list Enables Internal connections

between logical (physical) I/O.
Configuration of IS-CU and Selection from input list and/or
IS-BIN16/8 Binary inputs Alarm adjustment
Configuration of IS-CU and Selection from output list
IS-BIN16/8 Binary outputs
Configuration of IS-CU and IS- Selection from input list and/or
AIN8 Analog inputs Alarm adjustment
Configuration of IS-CU Analog Selection from values list
Configuration of IS-BIN16/8 Pulse counter or frequency
Impulse inputs meter configuration

External modules address

1) Open WinEdit Direct connection to IS-CU or Off line connection to selected archive.
2) Open configuration window: Select Controller – Software configuration – Modify
3) Click on Address selection button and Click on address items according picture below.
4) On line configuration is Password protected.

External modules IS-BIN, IS-AIN, IGL-RA15, IGS-PTM, I-CB CAN bus addresses selection

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 28

All configured modules values are automatically added to history record when is ticked Auto insert to history
Remove not used default VDO sensor characteristics when there is not enough memory for all external
modules configuration.

Tick when IS-AIN8 is used for Cylinder temperature measuring. In this case are not active and visible
corresponding protection (e.g. Warning and Shut down) limits (memory save). Alarm type must be set to
Cylinder in corresponding Analog inputs configuration window.
CAN bus messages are organized in groups of eight inputs or outputs length. Because one IS-BIN16/8 unit
has two times eight inputs two addresses 1. and 2. are selected. Binary outputs and analog inputs has one
address only.

Table of recommended CAN1 address setting

CAN 1 Adress CAN1 Address

1. IS-AIN8 1 Inputs Outputs
2. IS-AIN8 2 1. IS-BIN16/8 1,2 1
3. IS-AIN8 3 2. IS-BIN16/8 3,4 2
4. IS-AIN8 4 3. IS-BIN16/8 5,6 3
5. IS-AIN8 5 4. IS-BIN16/8 7,8 4
6. IS-AIN8 6 5. IS-BIN16/8 9,10 5
7. IS-AIN8 7 6. IS-BIN16/8 11,12 6
8. IS-AIN8 8 7. IS-BIN16/8 13,14 7

Setting of inputs / outputs CAN bus addresses increases list of inputs / outputs. IS controller displays only
External modules inputs and outputs, which CAN bus address, is selected .
Inputs outputs names and functions are configured in following steps.

iGL-RA15 configuration for IS-CU

• Put jumper in position A to iGL-RA15 unit.
• Configure CAN addresses of Binary outputs to 5 and 6 for IGL-RA15 hw version 1.2 or to addresses
13 and 14 for IGL-RA15 of hw version 1.1 and 1.0.
In the case of InteliSys controller the unit has to be configured as two binary output modules.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 29

IGS-PTM configuration for IS-CU
IGS-PTM behaves like independent modules IS-AIN8 and IS-BIN16 from the IS point of view. In that
way you can configure IGS-PTM as one address of eight binary inputs, one CAN address of eight binary
outputs and one address of four analog inputs. These modules have the same address offset
configured by jumpers ADR1 and ADR2. You can connect up to four IGS-PTM modules on CAN bus
thanks to four possible address offsets which are set by jumpers on IGS-PTM unit.

Following see configuration example for IS-CU with two IGS-PTM, two IS-BIN16/8, one IS-AIN8 ans one

CAN Bin. Bin. Anl.

address inputs outputs inputs
1 1-st IGS-PTM
2 2-nd IGS-PTM
3 1-st IS-BIN16/8 and 1-st IS-AIN8
6 IGL-RA15 of HW version 1.2
14 or IGL-RA15 of HW version 1.1 ( 1.0 )

IGL-RA15 version 1.0 and 1.1 works on addresses of BO modules 13 and 14, from version 1.2 it works on
addresses 5 and 6. Only one IGL-RA15 can be configured to InteliSys controller.

i-CB values configuration

1. Configure I-CB using I-CBEdit software. Configured I-CB behaves like IS-AIN and IS-BIN unit. I-CB
configuration associates selected values received from Engine Control Unit to selected IS-AIN, IS-BIN
inputs and outputs.
2. Configure IS-CU CAN addresses: tick and set corresponding fictive IS-AIN and IS-BIN
addresses associated with i-CB.
3. Configure separate inputs and outputs in corresponding Analog, Binary inputs, outputs window.

Binary inputs configuration

Configuration window contains windows for configuration of Binary inputs, Binary outputs, Analog inputs
and Analog outputs.
Binary inputs window contains list of all Binary inputs terminals – of IS-CU and all IS-BIN16/8 extension
units, which have assigned CAN bus addresses see drawing below.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 30

More functions can be configured at one binary input terminal.
At each binary input can be configured following items:
Config item Selection Note
Module CU1 to CU8: IS-CU BI1 to 8
CU9 to CU16: IS-CU BI9 to 16
Group1: 1.IS-BIN16/8 BI1 to 8
Group2: 1.IS-BIN16/8 BI9 to 16
Name Up to 14 ASCII characters
Active Closed Active when closed
Opened Active when opened
Alarm type No protection No action
Warning Only indication
Shutdown Opens GCB, skip cooling
Slow Stop Opens GCB, cools and stop
El protection Unloading, cooling and stop
Off load GCB trip only, GCB can be
closed again without Fault reset.
Block type All the time All the time active alarm
ProtDel group 1 Engine protection delay 1
ProtDel group 2 Engine protection delay 2
ProtDel group 3 Engine protection delay 3
Function See following note
Click on
Click on button opens list of all logic (internal) binary inputs include inputs of programmable functions.

Tick on selected item. More functions can be assigned to one binary input.
One or more Logical binary inputs can be configured on one controller input terminal together with protection

Inversion tick is active even if the logical input is not configured (connected) to input terminal !!!

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 31

Binary outputs configuration
Assigns selected functions to output terminal of IS-CU and, IS-BIN16/8.

Click on button to open list of all binary values. There are three lists:
• Logical (internal) binary outputs (include outputs of programmable functions)
• Binary inputs IS-CU
• Binary inputs of extension modules (e.g. IS-BIN16/8)
In column Function is visible connected function or logic formula. See chapter Settings – Formula.

Any logical or programmable function output (Log bin out) can be connected to binary output terminals.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 32

Any IS-CU physical input (Bin inputs CU) can be connected to binary output terminals.

Any external IS-BIN16/8 binary input terminal (Bin inputs) can be connected to binary output terminals.

Only one Binary value can be configured to one controller output terminal.

Analog inputs configuration

Select Analog inputs window.

Config item Selection list Note

Order 1.CU to 4.CU Number of the analog input on IS-CU
Module 1.Group1 to 8.Group1 Number of analog input on 1.IS-AIN8
1.Group2 to 8.Group2 Number of analog input on 2.IS-AIN8
… …
1.Group8 to 8.Group8 Number of analog input on 8.IS-AIN8
Name Up to14 ASCII characters
Dimension Select from dimension list
Use button to create new dimension.
Sensor VDO Press IS-CU Default characteristic for measuring in bars
IS-CU VDO Press psi Default characteristic for measuring in psi
VDO Temp IS-CU Default characteristic for measuring in °C
VDO Temp °F Default characteristic for measuring in °F
Sensor None
IS-AIN8 I-CB analogue Value is received from I-CB
Ni100/°C Use button to create new sensor
WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 33
Ni1000/°C characteristic.
Thermocouple J/°C
Thermocouple K/°C
Thermocouple L/°C Adjust Range = maximal measured value
4 to 20 mA passive Adjust Range
4 to 20 mA active Adjust Range
0 to 20 mA passive Adjust Range
0 ± 20 mA active Adjust Range
0-250 ohm Adjust Range
0-2400 ohm Adjust Range
0 – 2,4 V
±1 V
0 - 10 V
0 - 100mV
Thermocouple J/°F
Thermocouple K/°F
Thermocouple L/°F
Range E.g. what value corresponds to 250 ohm.
Decimals Number of decimal points
Active Over Direction of Alarm detection
Alarm type None No alarm indication
Sensor fault Sensor fail warning
Warning Warning only for both levels
Wrn + sd Warning and shutdown
Wrn + stp Warning and slow stop
Wrn + ElProt Warning and Electric protection
Cylinder Cylinder temperature measuring
Block type All the time Configuration of alarm activity.
RunOnly Group1 See Engine protect:
RunOnly Group2 ProtDel Group1, ..2, ..3
RunOnly Group3
Select from Logical analog List of Logic analog inputs connected to IS-CU or
Function inputs list IS-AIN analog input terminal.
Adjusting of Analog input and Value Low and High limit defines range of measure
Value corresponding setpoints device.
names and limits. Setpoints Low and High limit defines range for
setpoint adjusting.
Any Alarm type listed above is recorded to Alarm list and History file.
Click on button to open list of Logic analog inputs.

Tick on selected item.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 34
It is possible to use the same Analog input as protection and functional (e.g. Warming Temp) input.
More functions can be assigned to one Analog input.

Value setting window defines Analog input name and limits, setpoints names and limits.
Value Low and High limit is range for IS screen bar graph.
Setpoints Low and High limits are limits for setpoints adjusting.

Sensor characteristics modification

Press button to open sensor configuration window.

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Config item Selection Note
HW configuration IS-CU Only resistive sensors

IS-CU CURR Valid for IS firmware V 3.0 and above

IS-CU VOLT Corresponding jumper must be set on
± 100mV
0 to + 2.5V Selected item influences hardware
0 to + 10V connection of IS-AIN analog input
0 to 2500 ohm connection.
± 20 mA active No jumper setting is needed.
0 to 20 mA passive

Name Up to14 ASCII characters

Sensor characteristics
Points specification

To add new sensor characteristic click button.

To specify new sensor characteristic click on button.

Primary value means input voltage, resistance or current.

Converted means output value.

Define of sensor characteristic. Use buttons to add or remove number of points.

Use buttons to import or export sensor characteristic.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 36

Analog output configuration

Only one analog output 0 to 20 mA is available on IS-CU.

Config item Selection Note

Value Select from list of analog values
Low limit Value level for 0 mA
High limit Value level for 20 mA

Impulse inputs configuration

IS-BIN16/8 impulse inputs can be configured as follows

Config item Selection Note
Function Integral (60 Hz max) IS-BIN16/8 RPM1 input
Frequency (8kHz max) IS-BIN16/8 RPM2 input
Name Up to14 ASCII characters
Dimension Selection from the list
Decimals Number of decimal points
Conversion constant Value per pulse
Value per Hertz

Only four Impulse inputs can be configured from the first two IS-BIN16/8 even if more IS-BIN16/8 units is
Configured Impulse inputs values are visible on controller screen.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 37

History file modificaton

Click on button to modify history file. History configuration window contains list of all recorded values.
Use buttons to add or remove selected history item.
Bottom bar graph indicates history record capacity in %.

Dimension list modification

Click on button to open dimension window. Each dimension item contain overview where is used

Use buttons to add or remove dimension item.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 38

Password, command protection

Click on button to open password protection change window. Sign setpoints, which are to be

Password – All items in the group: allows adjust the same level for selected group.

Commands protection
Commands password protection protects following commands from WinEdit / MultiEdit direct, modem or
GSM modem connection:
Start, Stop, Horn reset, Fault reset, GCB close/open, MCB close/open.
Selected Command password level 0, 1, 2, 3 is valid for all commands. Selected level is in RED color.

When the configuration is completed, click on Write to IG to write modified software configuration into the

Date / Time format modification

This selection modifies data format on controller screen.

Programmable functions
Programmable functions are available only in PLUS application archives.

Click on button to open programmable function map.

There are following programmable functions
• Prg switch 1 to Prg switch 16 16x Programmable switches
• Regulator 1 to Regulator 4 4x PID regulators
• Function 1 to Function 16 16x Binary Logic Functions

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 39

• Timer 1 to Timer 8 8x Timer functions
• Arithmetic 1 to Arithmetic 4 4x Analog inputs arithmetic functions

To configure any of them click on button.

Prg switch

Config item Selection Note

Input From Analog values list Analog input
Level on Up to14 ASCII characters Name of setpoint
Level off Up to14 ASCII characters Name of setpoint
Output Binary output
Name of output Up to14 ASCII characters

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Config item Selection Note

Input Controlled Analog value Select from the Analog value list
Gain Control loop gain
Int Control loop integration factor
Der Control loop derivation factor
Period Output pulse period
Actuator time Time to move from close to open
Requested value Required value which has to be
Output 1 IS-CU or IS-BIN16/8 output
Name of output 1 Up to14 ASCII characters
Output 2 IS-CU or IS-BIN16/8 output
Name of output 2 Up to14 ASCII characters

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Programmable Binary Logic function

Config item Selection Note

Input 1 (SET) Any binary value Select from the list
Input 2 (RESET) Any binary value Select from the list
Function Select from the list AND, OR, XOR, R-S
Output inverted Output inversion
Output Terminal of IS-CU or IS-BIN16/8 Configure in Binary output
Name of output Up to14 ASCII characters

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Programmable timers

Config item Selection Note

Input Any binary value Select from the list
Time A Up to14 ASCII characters Setpoint name
Time B Up to14 ASCII characters
Timer function Select from the list
Output Terminal of IS-CU or IS-BIN16/8 Configure in Binary output
Name of output Up to14 ASCII characters

Arithmetic functions
Available from IS firmware version 2.4
Enables following Arithmetic relations between two analog inputs
Function Output value
Addition Sum of input values Input1 + Input2
Subtraction Subtraction of Input1 – Input2 values
Subtraction absolute Absolute value of subtraction of Input1 – Input2
Average Arithmetic average (Input1+Input2) / 2
Maximum Maximum from Input1 and Input2
Minimum Minimum from Input1 and Input2

Decimal values are ignored.
When Input1 = 100 V and Input2 = 24,5 V then
Input1 + Input2 = 124 V
Input1 - Input2 = 76 V
Average = 62 V, Maximum = 100 V, Minimum = 24

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Config item Selection Note
Input 1 Any analog value Select from the list
Input 2 Any analog value Select from the list
Functions Addition, Subtraction, Sub abs, Select from the list
Average, Maximum, Minimum
Output IS-CU analog output or other Configure in Analog output
Programmable function window or in Progr.function
Name of output Up to14 ASCII characters


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Config item Selection Note
Input 1 Any analog value Select from the list
Setpoint names Up to14 ASCII characters
Active Over Select from the list
Alarm type No protection Select from the list
Shut down
Slow stop
Off load
Block type All the time Select from the list
RunOnly group 1
RunOnly group 2
RunOnly group 3
Name of output Up to14 ASCII characters

Programming example
Close for three seconds Binary output BO16 when
3.1. Genset power is higher than 200 kW and
3.2. BI16 is closed

This task requires one logic function, one programmable switch and one timer.
It is possible to configure Programmable functions in Direct connection as well as in Off line.

Function 1 Timer 1
Prg func1 A Prg timer1 Prg timer1
Prg func1 in Pulse on out
Prg func1 B AND edge

Timer1 Ta
Timer1 Tb
Prg. Switch 1
Prg switch1
Prg switch1 in Switch 1 ON out
analogue Switch 1 OFF

1) Open Controller – Software configuration window.

Use PLUS archive and set password of level three.

2) Click on Programmable function button to open Programmable functions window

3) Select Edit Function 1, set function AND.
4) Connect Function1 Input1 to IS-CU binary input 16:
a) Click on Input1 button,
b) Open list of Binary Inputs of IS-CU “Bin inputs CU”,
c) Select BI16 and press OK button.
Note: The BI16 name is changed in the following step
5) Connect Function1 Input2 to Prg.switch1 output:
a) Click on Input2 button,
b) Open list of all Logical binary outputs “Log bin out”,
c) Select “PrgSwitch1” and Press OK button.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 45

6) Press Function1 OK button to leave this window. Function1 Inputs names can’t be changed but Output
name can be changed in Function window.
7) Select Edit Prg.switch1, select from Inputs list “Act.power”. Note that there is visible Output connection to
PrgFunc 1-B. Setpoints and output names can be changed in Prg.switch window.
8) Press Prg.switch OK button to leave this window.
9) Select Edit Timer1, select Timer function “Pulse on the edge” from the list.
10) Connect Timer1 Input to Function1 output:
a) Click on Input button,
b) Open list of all Logical binary outputs “Log bin out”,
c) Select “PrgFunc1” and Press OK button.
11) Connect Timer1 output to IS-CU binary output 16:
a) Click Close button in Programmable function window.
b) Select Binary outputs in configuration window,
c) Click on IS-CU BO16 button
d) Select Timer1 output „PrgTimer1“ from “Log bin out” list
e) Output and setpoint names can be changed in Timer1 config window.
12) Press Write to controller or OK button to accept all changes. Save archive as … before WinEdit
connection is closed.
13) Adjust setpoints Timer1 Ta = 3 (s), Timer1 Tb = 0, Switch 1 ON = 200 (kW), Switch 1 OFF = e.g. 180

Final configuration is on following drawing.

Binary inputs Function Timer
BI16 Prg timer1 Prg timer1 Controller
Prg func1 A
Prg func1 in out Binary output
Pulse on
Prg func1 B AND edge BO16
Timer1 Ta
Timer1 Tb
Prg. switch
Prg switch1
Act power Switch 1 ON out
Switch 1 OFF

Logical inputs

Click on button to open Binary or Analog Logical inputs list. In this window it is possible to make
internal (sw) connection between Logical input and selected source.

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In Example above the row 11. means that PrgTimer 4 output is connected to PrgFunc 1-A input, etc…

PrgTimer 4 PrgTimer 4 Function 1

in out PrgFunc 1-A
Timer 4 Prg func1
PrgFunc 1-B

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 47

Auxiliary functions
Following tools provides translations of all texts in controller (on line connection) or in archive (off line

1-st step
Select: Controller | Software configuration | Translator

Texts are arranged in groups. Each group has separate text length limit.
Untranslated Default texts are in Cyan background, translated texts changes to Gray background.
Cyan Group of texts name background changes to Gray when all group items are translated
Green background indicates that translated text is shortened e.g. to 14 characters.

2-nd step
Load and select the dictionary. Following picture is an example only. WinEdit installation contains no

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 48

Select dictionary buttons

Delete dictionary.
Rename dictionary.
Join dictionary. Create one dictionary from two.
Revert dictionary. E.g. from English-German create German-English dictionary.
Create cross-languages dictionary (transitive)

Import dictionary.
Export dictionary.
Show dictionary. Dictionary list.

3-rd step
Check translation. Translated items and groups are Gray back grounded.

Translate untranslated Items and Save the dictionary.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 49

Following selection enables translate all the same source words.

Names dictionary buttons

New dictionary

Open dictionary

Close dictionary

Edit item or double click on selected item.

Set Item to be translated.

Set Item to be untranslated.

Set Group to be translated.

Set Group to be untranslated.

Find text. (Ctrl-F)

Take care to respect the length of the names and check the result on controller screens.

Each connection has separate Controller – Notes window for operator notes.

Export data
Use Controller | Software configuration | Export data.
Dialog box Export data allow separately save to PC tables of Setpoints, Values, History or Software
configuration in MS EXCEL or DOC format.
WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 50
Programmable function list export is available in InteliSys controller.

Modbus communication object list

To generate communication object list select Controller – Generate Cfg Image command.

Set statistics
Use Controller | Set statistics… to set or clear statistic values (values in the group Statistics ).
Password has to be entered before access to this function is enabled.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 51

Reset controller from Init state
Use Controller | Reset from Init state to reset controller. Change some setpoint e.g. Controller mode when
Reset command is not accepted and Command error message appears.

If communication is interrupted during the writing of configuration into Controller, then Controller has invalid
configuration. It is necessary to reset the unit and write the configuration again.

When EEPROM or NVRAM setpoints error occurs after new application downloading, Controller stays in Init
state (visible on IG screen), use Reset command to start program.

Password has to be entered before access to this function is enabled.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 52

There are available following settings in WinEdit.

Changing of sites directory

Select Options – Settings to change default sites directory.

Dialog modification

Save archive dialog

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 53

Configuration Overwrite dialog

Fonts setting
Option window enables selection of Application and Controller fonts.

Application font Application font defines font used in WinEdit itself (windows, functions,
buttons, dialog etc. texts) e.g. Basic, Configuration, Fonts, History, … see
picture above.
Controller font Defines font for all texts, which are downloaded from controller, e.g. Setpoint
and Values names. This selection is active only when Auto-change charset is
not ticked.
Auto-change charset Controller font is set according to controller setting (is the same as in

• West European fonts (characters) can be set only in InteliGen controllers of serial numbers xx2xxxxx
(the third number from the left is 2).
• China fonts (characters) can be set only in InteliGen controllers of serial numbers xx3xxxxx (the third
number from the left is 3).

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 54

Number of history records visible in WinEdit

Automatic = all from on-line controller

Explicit = from controller and the rest from PC.
Always reads history after opening connection.

Active Call

Following message is sent to selected address when Test button is pressed: „This is a test message
from WinEdit“. Success or Failure confirmation appears on PC WinEdit screen.

Show notification
It is possible to activate notification Window when Active call comes.
Example: When Active call window (connection) is opened and operator is just working on another job (e.g.
writing Word document) Notification message appears on screen to notice Active call was received.
Send notifying email
E-mail is sent to selected address when Active call is received. Archive can be attached to e-mail.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 55

• Via Outlook
There must be both Active call window (connection) opened and Outlook running.
• Via SMTP server (setting in picture above is for example only)


This setting defines equations of programmable logic, which are visible in Binary output configuration

Suppose following example of programmable logic: Indication = Starter OR Fuel

Prg func1
16.CU2 : Indication
Fuel OR
Binary output 16
Binary inputs IS-CU
Then depends on setting following equations are visible on IS-CU Binary output line 16:

Operators in formula:
Formula type: Yes As function
IS-system names Starter OR Fuel OR1 (Starter, Fuel)
User def.names Selection has no sense Indication (Starter, Fuel)


Four remote comparator-switches RCS are available on IG-IOM only up to IG firmware version 5.5.

It is possible to Set/Reset Binary outputs RCS out remotely from WinEdit.

To open Remote Comparator Switch (RCS) control an indication window select:
Controller | Remote Comparator/Switch

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 56

RCS control and indication panel in WinEdit

There are four RCS panels visible in WinEdit.

RCS binary out is closed when Analog switch (comparator) is closed or RS is closed (OR function).
RS can be Set/Reset from Binary input RSC toggle or remotely from WinEdit S / R button .
When Analog switch is closed the RS state is not important (RCS out can’t be opened by RS).

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 57

Firmware upgrade
Password level 3 has to be entered before access to firmware upgrade is enabled.

Archives data structure

Following drawing (left side) describes which parts of InteliGen, InteliSys controller memory are stored in aig
or ais archive file.
The next draving (right side) describes where are stored texts (setpoints, i/o, etc… names) and where are
stored measured, setpoints and statistic values.


FLASH ig_5_x.mhx
FLASH ig_5_x.mhx
Gear teeth = 120
Archive file
Controller I/O, Setpoints Controller
. Names configuration
history . Records history
EEPROM Values of
setpoints . SETPOINTS
Oil pressure = 5,3 bar
RAM values .
RAM values
NVRAM statistic VALUES NVRAM statistic
PC InteliGen memory Num starts = 37
Controller memory

Firmware and archive files

There are three types of software files.

Inteligen InteliSys
Firmware mhx 1.mhx = application
2.mhx = terminal
Archive aig ais

Standard location of all mhx files is in directory C:\PROGRAM FILES\COMAP\WINEDIT\APP.

Standard location of aig, ais files is in directory C:\PROGRAM FILES\COMAP\WINEDIT\APP\DEFAULT.
Software files are stored in WinEdit directories during installation.

WinEdit files upgrade - iwe files

Iwe file is sw pack for simple import of new SW version to WinEdit directories. Iwe sw pack contains one
or more mhx file(s) and one or more aig or ais archive(s).
It is possible to import Dictionary file as well.
Use Options | Import firmware command to open Import window.

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Use button to select directory (or Floppy disk) where iwe file is.
Click Import button to store files to WinEdit directories.
In example above iwe pack contains IM41.mhx and two archives and

IG firmware programming
Use Controller | Programming.

Select firmware version to be programmed and then OK button.

Click Open file button to select mhx file from other directory.

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Controller upgrade



Controller - Save as
Store old aig

Controller - 2.step
Programming Firmware, mhx
Controller - Software V5.x aig
configuration - Select selection

I/O, Alarms,
I/O configuration
Sensor char.

Write to IG 5.step
see step 1. SETPOINTS new

Open Alt Setpoint 6.step

Write Alt Setpoints Manual setpoints Setpoints values
Manual adjusting of adjusting adjusting
the new setpoints

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 60

Upgrade procedures

FIRMWARE Controller configuration is changed during

FLASH upgrade
firmware upgrading.

Default configuration which contains mhx file is

RAM values
NVRAM statistic

WinEdit setting:
FLASH do not overwrite setpoints
Do not overwrite setpoints
values only archive is upgraded (no setpoint values)
Controller Archive aig
configuration upgrade

RAM values
NVRAM statistic

WinEdit setting:
FLASH overwrite setpoints
Overwrite setpoints values archive and setpoint values are upgraded
Archive aig
history upgrade
RAM values
NVRAM statistic

WinEdit setting:
FLASH Write alt setpoints

Overwrites setpoints values only

(e.g. from other archive)

EEPROM Write alt
setpoints setpoints
RAM values
NVRAM statistic

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 61

Multiple application firmware upgrade
Before MINT or MEXT controller application upgrade (e.g. from SW V 4.x to 5.x) disconnect CAN bus
communication between controllers and program each controller directly not via IG-MU.
Direct firmware programming is recommended even if IG-MU is used in system.

IS firmware programming – ipt files

InteliSys firmware contains two mhx files. One is application mhx the second is terminal mhx.
Those two files compatibility is protected by *.ipt file. Ipt file is list of mhx files of the same version which can
be programmed to IS controller. See following example for IS –Std-2.0 sw version.

Use Controller | Programming. List of compatible mhx files is in programming window.

The first one is application mhx file
The second and the third are two different terminal mhx files. This way are supported different Code pages
(character sets) used on IS display.

It is not possible to select both IS and Terminal firmware for programming during Boot downloading.

IS sw upgrading procedure
Select (double click on the tick.) one or two mhx files, which have to be programmed. In example above are
selected (green tick) two mhx files:
IS-Std-2.0 and Terminal (Code page0). Both selected mhx files are programmed to IS controller in one step.
It is possible to select only one file.
There is automatic check of mhx file in controller. When in controller is the same version as selected mhx is
not programmed.

!!!!! VERY IMPORTANT !!!!!!

While programming, Controller must be in OFF mode!

While programming, the communication must not be interrupted!
It is strongly recommended to upgrade InteliSys application and terminal firmware indirect connection only,
not via Modem or IG-MU.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 62

Remote software upgrade
Use software Symantec pcANYWHERE for remote modem connection from one PC to another PC.

PC Modem


Modem PC


This way you can remote handle local PC and remotely start WinEdit/MultiEdit software on local computer
and make local software upgrade or another procedures.
See website Symantec Enterprise Solutions

Unsuccessful programming
If the programming is not successful and controller does not respond:

1. Close connection
2. Reopen direct connection (Warning DDE server message is displayed)
Use Controller | Programming,
Controller address should be set to 1 for Boot download.
3. Select firmware mhx file
4. Following message is displayed (because of not running DDE server):

5. Select controller type: InteliGen or InteliSys

6. Switch off controller
7. Remove rear cover of controller, close the jumper BOOT LOADER
8. Check the connection PC- controller

9. Switch on controller, and the new firmware is automatically programming into.

10. When programming is finished, switch off Controller.
11. Open the jumper BOOT LOADER
12. Place back the rear cover.

InteliGen boot jumper location

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 63

Ig Vg Vm BI




InteliSys Boot load programming

Boot load jumper is accessible via back panel opening. There are two firmware (mhx) files - application and
display to download. Those two files must be compatible (from the same sw version) – see corresponding ipt
Application mhx is downloaded using Boot load procedure.
Display mhx is downloaded using standard Programming procedure (close connection, remove Boot jumper,
open connection).

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 64

MultiEdit software
Different types of single or multiple controller connection see in Communication guide.

MultiEdit settings

Sites directory setting

Application and Controller fonts settings

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 65

Visibility settings

Open connection

Following multiple gensets connections are available: Direct, Modem, Internet, Off line, Modem, callback,
Internet callback.
For more detail see chapter WinEdit – Open connection.

button opens configuration window.

Select Modem and set phone number before Modem connection.
Set IP address before Internet connection.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 66

Configuration window

Types of connection:

COM port selection: COM1 to COM8

Controller address and directory selection
There is 32 rows: to . Each row means one Controller controller address from 1 to 32. Set

(or ) for selected controller addresses in column . Selected addresses have to be

adjusted in connected controllers Basic settings:Contr.address. In Example four controllers of Addresses 1,

2, 3 and 4 are selected. Archive files will be stored in selected directories - column . Directory

selection can be changed when button is pressed. Password can be set separately in

MultiEdit – synoptic diagram selection

It is possible to modify MultiEdit synoptic diagram by following selection (devices visibility)
• MCB used
• InteliMains used + InteliMains Controller address

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 67

• Import/Export measurement
• Show Total gens power
• Show actual reserve
• Show common grid

Total gens power Actual reserve

InteliMains used Common grid

MultiEdit screen
MultiEdit screen contains separate gen-set panels containing basic informations. It is possible to change
operational mode (OFF-MAN-AUT) and gen-set priority from each gen-set panel.
When more detail information is needed it is possible to start WinEdit software by pressing

button on the bottom of gen-set panel.

Use horizontal scroll bar or MultiEdit status panel when more gen-sets has to be visible on the MultiEdit

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 68

Click on button to display MultiEdit status panel. Click on selected genset in MultiEdit
status panel and MultiEdit jump directly on selected gen-set panel.

MultiEdit version info

Click on Help – About button to open About window.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 69

MultiEdit values modification
Each MultiEdit genset panel contains eight values which can be separately customized. It is possible to
select any value from the list to be displayed.

1. To open Value configuration window click Left Mouse to value item which should be customized.
Genset power from IG2 genset panel is selected in following example.

2. In Value configuration window change Name of value and select corresponding value from the list.
Value dimension (e.g. V, A, … is changed automatically)

In one row is possible to display up to six values.
Take care about Apply to … selection.

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Multi-write setpoints…
button enables check and set selected setpoints to be the same in all controllers.

Multi-Write setpoints setting

Setpoints are automatically changed in selected controllers when is changed setpoint value in „Replication
master“ controller.
There is visible Hint on Mouse position (see CT ratio in drawing above) which contains all setpoint values.

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 71

Double click on selected genset signs “Replication master” –displayed in
Bold – source setpoint values.
Tick – select gensets which are taken in account for setpoint comparison
and where are setpoints copied from Replication master.
Actual setpoint value in Bold means there is a difference between selected
Actual setpoint value in Normal font means selected gensets have the
same setpoints.

Alternative setpoints copy

Function enables to use off-line archive for selected setpoints import, similar to WinEdit function.

Alternative values in gray background are equivalent. There is possible to Import all or selected setpoints

WinEdit-6.2-MultiEdit-6.2, ©ComAp – May 2004 72


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