CAS - GERs - Fall 2024

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FALL 2024

I. History and Culture of the Arab World

Course Code Course Title Prerequisites

ARA 101 Intro to Arabic Heritage I None

ARA 102 Intro to Arabic Heritage II None

ARA 181 The Life of Muhammad (Seerah) None

ARA 205 The Language of the Qur'an Permission of the instructor

ARA 240 Arab-Islamic Culture & Civilization ARA 101 or ARA 102

ARA 303 Classical Arab/Islamic Culture WRI 102

ARA 385 Islamic Texts in Translation ENG 203 or ENG 204

ARA 402 Qur'anic Studies ARA 101, and ENG 203 or ENG 204

MTH 113 Intro to Arb/Islmc His of Math WRI 101 (prereq. /concurrent)

II. Culture in a Critical Perspective

Course Code Course Title Prerequisites

ANT 205 World Cultures WRI 102 (prereq. /concurrent)

ARA 320 The Andalusian Symbiosis Junior standing

ENG 300 Literary and Critical Theory ENG 210, and ENG 203 or ENG 204

ENG 210 or ENG 250, and ENG 203 or

ENG 305 Contemporary World Literature ENG 204

GEO 201 World Cultural Geography WRI 102 (prereq. /concurrent)

HIS 204 Modern Arab History WRI 102

HIS 205 Wrld Hst I: Ancient_Mdval Wrlds WRI 101

HIS 206 World Hst II: The Modern World WRI 101

HIS 217 The World in the 20th Century WRI 102

HIS 222 African History since 1800 WRI 102

HIS 224 History of Modern South Asia WRI 102

HIS 240 Intro to American History WRI 102


Course Code Course Title Prerequisites

HIS 29407 History of Medicine WRI 102

HIS 310 Modern Gulf History WRI 102 and junior standing

INS 120 Global Problems WRI 101 (prereq. / concurrent)

ANT 205 or HIS 206 or HIS 217 or POL 201

INS 301 Globalization or SOC 201

INS 325 Imperialism HIS 206, HIS 217, POL 201

MCM 102 Introduction to Media Literacy WRI 102 (prereq. / concurrent)

MCM 29409 Understanding Propaganda ENG 203 or ENG 204

MCM 366 Stardom and Celebrity Culture ENG 203 or ENG 204

PHI 207 Existentialism WRI 102

PHI 208 Modern Philosophy WRI 102

III. Arts and Literature

Course Code Course Title Prerequisites

ARA 104 Introduction to Arabic Poetry None

ARA 250 Intro to Arabic Digital Humanities WRI 101

Arabic Prose to the end of the Abbasid None

ARA 301 Era

ARA 101 or ARA 102, and ENG 203 or ENG

ARA 306 Arabic Travel Writings 204

WRI 101, and first year to sophomore

ENG 185 Playing with Texts standing

ENG 210 Introduction to Literature WRI 102

ENG 39409 Poetry and Poetics ENG 203 or ENG 204 or ENG 210

ENG 39411 Dgtl Approaches to Literature ENG 203 or ENG 204

MCM 378 Literary Journalism ENG 203 or ENG 204 or MCM 231

MUS 100 Music Fundamentals None

MUS 101 Class Voice and Music Notation None

MUS 102 Class Oud None

MUS 170 Class Piano I None


Course Code Course Title Prerequisites

MUS 303 American Pop ENG 203 or ENG 204

THE 101 Theatre Appreciation None

THE 102 Introduction to Acting None

THE 101 or THE 102 or THE 141 or THE

251 or ARC 201 or ART 101 or ART 111 or
THE 242 Elements of Theatrical Design DES 111.

THE 251 Rehearsal and Performance Consent of instructor based on audition

THE 361 Playwriting ENG 203 or ENG 204

WST 250 Women's Voices Across Cultures WRI 102

IV. Human Interaction and Behavior

Course Code Course Title Prerequisites

ENG 223 Introduction to Language Study WRI 102

ENG 234 Language in Society WRI 102

ENG 203 or ENG 204 or ENG 223 or ENG

ENG 321 Language and Culture 234

ENG 223 or ENG 224 and ENG 203 or ENG

ENG 405 Discourse Analysis 204

INS 140 Oil Energy in Contemporary Wrld WRI 101

INS 307 International Security POL 202

ANT 205 or HIS 208 or POL 201 or WST

INS 330 Women and Politics 240 or WST 250

BLW 301 or MCM 321 or PHI 201 or POL

INS 350 Moot Court 201, and permission of instructor

MCM 219 Global Media ENG 203 or ENG 204

MCM 320 Intercultural Communication ENG 203 or ENG 204

PHI 303 Political Philosophy ENG 203 or ENG 204

PHI 309 Ethics and the Environment ENG 203 or ENG 204

POL 201 Intro to Political Studies WRI 102

POL 202 Intro to International Relatns POL 201

POL 29402 Intro to Politics of the MENA WRI 102


Course Code Course Title Prerequisites

POL 300 Comparative Politics POL 201

POL 304 International Organizations POL 202

POL 305 Public International Law POL 202

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology WRI 101 (prereq. / concurrent)

PSY 102 Social Psychology WRI 101 (prereq. / concurrent)

PSY 250, or PSY 101 and any one of STA

PSY 301 Abnormal Psychology 201, STA 202, NGN 211 or QBA 201

PSY 250, or PSY 101 and any one of STA

PSY 306 Organizational Psychology 201, STA 202, NGN 211, or QBA 201

PSY 250, or PSY 101 and any one of STA

201, STA 202, NGN 211 or QBA 201; and
PSY 311 Biopsychology BIO 101 and BIO 101L, or BIO 103

PSY 250, or PSY 101 or PSY 102 and any

one of STA 201, STA 202, NGN 211 or
PSY 321 Cultural Psychology QBA 201

SOC 201 Introduction to Sociology WRI 102

SOC 210 Religion and Society WRI 102

ANT 205 or DES 121 or GEO 201 or

SOC 380 Urban Sociology SOC 201

Please note:
• Please check on banner for the full course schedule of Fall 2023.
• Courses included in this list may change.
• Other special topics courses (and special topics conversions) may be added when approved by UUCC.

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