DNB Papers

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Anaesthesia historical equipment library links. May be helpful for practical exams especially if old medical colleges
where all the equipment are still present

Sheffield museum
Historical anesthesia museum
Posted by lokesh at 10:00 AM 1 comments
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Saturday, August 13, 2011
This is a site which can help you prepare for the exams better.
A compilation of seminar topics from JJMC Davangere Karnataka. nformative but dont substitute this to Miller

Download the notes in PDF form from here

Posted by lokesh at 12:25 PM 0 comments
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Sunday, August 1, 2010
We are starting a revolution to weed out quackery in medical practice in ndiahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif.
Please join the communities and voice your vote against quackery.


Posted by lokesh at 12:00 PM 1 comments
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010
year wise question papers from 2001-2006
JUNE 2001
1. Discuss the problems, pre-operative preparation and anaesthetic management of a
neonate posted for repair of gastrochiasis
a. Acute lung injury
b. Recent advances in intra-operative paediatric fluid management
c. nfections related to anaesthetic practice
d. Assessment of risk factor for patient with moderate to severe liver disease
e. Post-operative nausea and vomiting for Ophthalmology

1. Describe physiologic changes occuring during pregnancy and clinical implications
to the anaesthesiologist
a. Role of anaesthetist in multiple trauma
b. WHO - three step ladder pattern for pain relief in advanced cancer
c. Venturi principle and its application
d. Plasma expanders
e. ndications and contraindications for regional anaesthesia

1. Discuss preanaesthetic assessment, preparation and management of a 16 years
male, kept for pheochromocytoma excision. How will you manage post anaesthetic
a. Anaesthetic management of a case with COAD
b. Principles of total parentral nutrition
c. Anaesthesia for burnt patient
d. Anaesthetic management of 80 years old male, kept for TURP
e. Neonatal resuscitation

1. What are the various routes of administration of opioids? Discuss the merits and
demerits of each
a. Regulation of cerebral blood flow
b. Pre - hospital trauma care
c. Assessment of pain in children
d. Capnography
e. 'Three in one' Block

DEC 2001
1. Define multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. How do you plan to manage such a
a. Anaesthesia for day stay surgery
b. Mapelson's breathing system
c. Remifentanyl in clinical practice
d. Management of one day old neonate posted for correction of gastrochiasis
e. Control of nosocomial infections in post-operative and intensive care unit

1. Discuss in detail the anaesthetic management of patients with reactive airway
a. Total intravenous anaesthesia
b. Occupational hazards to anaesthetist
c. Occulocardiac reflex
d. Anaesthetic problems in dental chair
e. Rocuronium

1. Discuss pre-anaesthetic assessment, preparation, anaesthetic management and post
operative complications in a 20 year old female with myasthenia gravis posted for
a. Modern trends in obstetrical analgesia
b. nvasive intra-operative monitoring
c. Management of spinal injury
d. Post traumatic fat embolism
e. Anaesthesia for intraocular surgery

1. Discuss the pathophysiology and management of anaphylactoid reactions in
a. Post operative jaundice
b. Weaning modes of ventilation
c. Regulation of ntracranial tension
d. Transoesophageal echocardiography
e. Ageing and organ function

JUNE 2002
1. Describe the anatomy of larynx with difference in adult and children. What
is importance of recurrent laryngeal nerve in anaesthesia Practice
a. Hydrocephalus and its various methods of management
b. Pulmonary edema in intra operative and immediate post operative
c. Anatomy of brachial plexus and its importance to the Anesthetists
d. Thyroid crisis
e. Broncho-pleural fistula

1. How is the diagnosis of dilutional hyponatraemia made? What is its
significance in anaesthesia?
a. Clinical use of blood
b. MR and anaesthesia
c. Post tonsillectomy bleeding
d. Pacemakers
e. Disinfection

1. Discuss the pharmacological principles of measuring the depth of
anaesthesia and techniques for monitoring the depth of anaesthesia
a. Comparative evaluation of Ringer lactate, low molecular Dextran and
3.5% Polygeatine as spinal preloading
b. Anaesthesia for day stay surgery
c. Effect of intrathecal neostigmine on spinal anaesthesia
d. ndications and methods of stellate ganglion block
e. Adenosine and its clinical uses

1. What is malignant hyperthermia? Discuss its clinical features and laboratory
finding. Why it is important for the anesthetist to know about this syndrome?
a. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pregnant women
b. What is meant by end tidal C02 concentration
c. Treatment of hyperkalaemia
d. Combined spinal epidural block
e. Principles of management of diabetic ketoacidosis

DEC 2002
1. A Child with tetralogy of fallot is posted for corrective surgery. Discuss the pre-
operative evaluation and anesthetic management of this case
a. Anesthetic management of a case with post-tonsillectomy bleeding
b. Glasgow - Coma Scale
c. Prevention of fire and explosion hazards in operation theaters
d. Anesthetic problems in laser surgery
e. Myxoedematous Coma

1. Discuss in Detail the Etiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and treatment of Fat
Embolism Syndrome.
a. Preemptive Analgesia
b. Coaxial Circuits
c. The Golden Hour
d. Jugular Venous Oximetry
e. Ropivacaine

1. An 80 Years old male is posted for total hip replacement. Discuss the Pre-operative
evaluation, preparation and anesthetic management of this case
a. Pre-Operative Evaluation of a case with Chronic renal failure posted for
renal transplant
b. Evaluation of difficult airway
c. Role of anesthetist in the management of a case with thromboangitis
d. Merits and demerits of Retro bulbar vs. Peri-bulbar block
e. Air Embolism under anesthesia

1. Discuss the regulation of body temperature. How will you prevent hypothermic in a
neonate posted for major abdominal surgery
a. Factors affecting coronary circulation
b. Aetiopathology of Acute respiratory distress syndrome
c. Blood component therapy
d. Role of Regional analgesia in Pediatric Surgery
e. Pre-operative evaluation of Autonomic function

JUNE 2003
1. Discuss the Aetiology and Management of various Cardiac Arrhythmias
occurring during anaesthesia
a. Respiratory Monitoring in Anaesthesia
b. Pollution in Anaesthesia
c. Venous air embolism
d. ntravenous regional anaesthesia
e. Difficult intubation

1. A 35 weeks pregnant patient with BP:200/100 mm Hg, Oedema And
albuminuria is to be prepared for elective caesarean section. Discuss
preparation and preferred anaesthesia technique (regional or general)
a. Trachesotomy techniques and complications
b. High frequency ventilation
c. soflurane Vs. Sevuflurane
d. Crystalloids Vs Colloids
e. Central Venous cannulation

1. Discuss the preoperative assessment and the method of anaesthesia in
Patient with T M Ankylosis for the Release of Ankylosis
a. Weaning Modes of Ventilation
b. Anaphylactoid Reaction during Anaesthesia
c. Management of Mismatched Blood Transfusion
d. Discharge criteria for Day Care surgery
e. Occupational Hazards to Anesthetist

1. Describe the countercurrent mechanism in the kidney. Discuss the renal
protection strategies during preoperative period.
a. Human Albumin
b. ntra cranial Pressure
c. TVA
d. Defibrillation
e. Malignant Hyperthermia

DEC 2003
1. Describe the anatomy and physiology of various types of Tracheo- Oesphageal
fistula. Discuss the anaesthetic management
a. Hydro-Pneumothorax
b. Caudal block
c. Venturi principle and its importance to anesthesia
d. Horner's syndrome
e. Myasthenia gravis and its anaesthetic management

1. How will you do anaesthetic management in 10 years old child with
multiple injuries
a. Predictive factors & intubation difficulty
b. Medical aspects & obstetrics
c. Central anticholinergic syndrome in the post operative period
d. Transdermal opioids
e. HV and anaesthesia

1. Discuss the principles, assessment and methods of analgesia for pain relief in
a. PCA (Patient controlled analgesia)
b. Stress management in anaesthesia practice
c. Recognition and management of anaphylaxis during general
d. Effect of esmolol pretreatment on cardiovascular system, neuro-
muscular junction and intraocular pressure
e. Modified combined spinal and epidural analgesia.
1. Describe obesity and problems related to this. How would you manage the
anaesthesia and choice of anaesthetic agent
a. Treatment of systemic toxicity of local anaesthetic drugs
b. Causes of airway obstruction following thyroid surgery and its
c. Massive blood transfusion
d. Minimum monitoring for post spinal fusion in scoliosis
e. Criteria for selection of patients for ambulatory surgery

JUNE 2004
1. Anaesthetic management of a patient with suspected posterior fossa tumour with BP
l80/90mmHg, HR -45/mt and signs of raised intra-cranial tension
a. Myocardial preservation
b. Gullian Barre Syndrome
c. Septic shock
d. Thyroid storm
e. Post-OP shivering
1. Anaesthetic management of a 4 year old with foreign body in right main bronchus.
Discuss the problems.
a. M.R.
b. Acute pain relief in opioid dependent pain
c. Mannitol in surgery
d. Auto transfusion
e. Characteristics of ideal vaporizer
1. Pathophysiology of C.A.D. Discuss anaesthetic management of a patient with
a) Malignant hyperthermia
b) A..D.S
c) D.K.A
d) Brain death
e) Carcinoid tumour.

1. Discuss the anaesthetic management of a patient posted for pneumonectomy Ca.
Right bronchus.
a. O2 toxicity
b. Cardiac evaluation for non-cardiac surgery
c. Pressure support ventilation
d. Pharmacokinetics of .V Thiopentone
e. Ethics in anaesthesia.

DEC 2004
1. Preoperative assessment of autonomic functions
2. Venturi principle and its application
3. Role of kidney in acid base balance
4. Complication of canulation of internal jugular vein
5. Autologous blood transfusion
6. Temperature regulation in neonate and prevention of hypothermia in neonate during
peri operative period
7. Oxygen toxicity
8. llustrate with diagram fetal circulation, and delineate the differences from adult
9. Methods of monitoring of neuromuscular transmission during anaesthesia
10. Role of magnesium in anesthesia and CU

1. Discuss briefly
a. Pre anaesthetic evaluation and preparation of patient for pheochromocytoma
b. Anaesthetic management of an adult patient with permanent pacemaker
posted for TURP
2. Discuss briefly
a. Anaesthetic problems in laser surgery
b. ndications and hazards of parentral nutrition
c. One lung anaesthesia- problems and management
d. Pre-emptive analgesia
3. Write short notes on
a. Hepatitis B and anaesthesiologist
b. Discharge criteria for day care surgery
c. Management of an adult with smoke inhalational injury
d. Pre operative management of diabetic ketoacidosis

1. Monitored anaesthetic care in 80 years old man with ischaemic heart disease for
cataract surgery
2. Myxedematous coma
3. Supine hypotensive syndrome
4. ntra operative bronchospasm
5. Discuss the anaesthetic problems in a patient undergoing lieno-renal shunt
6. Morbid obesity- anaesthetic problems
7. Patient controlled analgesia
8. Anaesthetic problems of repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in a neonate
9. Clinical use of alpha 2 agonists in anaesthesia
10. 'Enzyme induction' - its role in anaesthesia with examples

1. Recent advances in the management of acute lung injury
2. Newer modes of ventilation
3. Possible causes of delayed recovery from general anaesthesia
4. Current concepts in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
5. Assessment of an adult who sustained multiple trauma of few hours duration
6. Caudal epidural analgesia in anaesthetic practice
7. Etiology and management of cardiac arrhythmias during anaesthesia
8. 'Ventilator associated pneumonia' what are the causes and preventive measures
9. Role of vasopressors in septic shock
10. HELLP syndromeJUNE 2005
1. Oxygen cascade, Oxygen transport and Oxygen dissociation curve
2. Methods of Central Venous Cannulation, Uses, Limitations and Complications of
CVP monitoring
3. Anatomy of larynx. Enumerate with diagrams the types of vocal cord palsies
4. Blood component therapy
5. Temperature regulation in adults, Predisposing factors, diagnosis and management
of malignant hyperpyrexia
6. Methods of ntracranial Pressure (CP) monitoring, uses and complication of CP
7. Plasma volume expanders
8. Classify Congenital Heart Diseases. Explain with diagrams the blood flow before
and after delivery in Patient Ductus Arteriosus
9. Causes, diagnosis and treatment of hypo and hyperkalemia
10. Describe PEEP (Positive End Expiratory Pressure) its mechanism of action, uses
and complications

1. Preoperative considerations in paediatric patients
2. Preoperative preparation of a case of myasthenia gravis scheduled for thymectomy
3. Anaesthetic management of emergency appendicectomy ina 16 weeks pregnant
4. Anaesthetic management of a case of essential hypertension scheduled for upper
abdominal surgery
5. Anaesthetic problems of liver transplantation surgery
6. Anaesthetic considerations in obesity
7. Medical management of head injured patient
8. ADS and the anaesthesiologist
9. Airway assessment
10. Problems of anaesthesia in dental chair

1. What are the potential causes of delayed resumption of spontaneous ventilation
after abdominal surgery with general anaesthesia. Discuss the problem, its diagnosis
and management
2. List and brief statement and effectiveness of each ofthe means available for
detecting awareness during anaesthesia
3. Describe the criteria and neurological test for brainstem death and preparing the
patient for organ donation
4. Clinical features of nfective Endocarditis, principle guidelines to use antibiotics as
prophylaxis against, during surgery
5. What are the indication and contra-indication for use of arterial tourniquet. What
complication may arise from the use of such tourniquet
6. Preoperative assessment preparation specific to thoraco abdominal.
oesophagectomy. Describe your anaesthetic problem during operation 7. List the bed side test available to predict the
difficult intubations. Comment on their
8. lO months old baby for hernia repair anaesthetic and postoperative pain
management discuss
9. Problems and management of pregnant patient with dilated cardio myopathy on
treatment for emergency LSCS
10. Discuss in brief the problems of adult patient with Downs syndrome for multiple
teeth extraction
1. Name the adrenergic agonists and antagonists. Describe in detail their uses in
anaesthesia practice
2. What is cerebral protection. Explain the methods adopted in clinical practice for the
cerebral protection
3. The role of sedation in intensive care unit patients
4. Problems encountered by anaesthetists during the orthopaedic operative procedures
5. What are the ways by which you can measure the depth of anaesthesia during the
intra-operative period
6. Discuss the Physiology of Hemostasis and its significance
7. Anaesthetic implications in neonatal anaesthesia
8. Physical principles of Pulse Oximetry
9. Stress and the Anaesthesiologists
10. What are the methods adopted by the anaesthetist to reduce the need for allogenic
blood transfusionsDEC 2005
1. Pre-anaesthetic evaluation of a patient of Mitral Stenosis for medical Termination
of pregnancy (MTP) and sterilization.
2. Preoperative preparation of a diabetic patient with history of bleeding varices lino-
renal shunt operation.
3. Management of a patient who is not maintaining oxygen saturation after an elective
abdominal surgery.
4. Role of anaesthesiologist in an obstetric unit.
5. Third space loss - its importance to Anaesthesiologist
6. Anaphylactic reaction on the operation table.
Discuss the anaesthetic considerations in
7. A neonate for repair of cervical meningo-myelocoele.
8. A patient on pacemaker for TURP (Transurethral Resection of Prostate).
9. A patient for surgery for fracture neck of femur, one year after CABG (Coronary
Artery Bypass Graft).
10. A patient with bronchopleural fistula for repair.

1. Pre anaesthetic evaluation of thyrotoxic patient scheduled for thyroidectomy
2. Preoperative evaluation of a patient with valvular heart disease.
3. Anaesthetic management of a case of diabetes scheduled for open
4. ntra operative anaesthetic considerations in COPD patient scheduled for upper
abdominal surgery
5. Anaesthetic considerations in chronic liver failure.
6. Anaesthetic problems of total hip replacement in elderly patients.
7. Recent advances in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
8. Postoperative elective ventilation.
9. Regional versus GA in obstetric surgery.
10. Peri-operative fluid requirements in small paediatric patients.

1. How is ultrasound useful in Anaesthesia and ntensive care medicine and explain
the usefulness of Transoesophageal Echo Cardiograph (TEE) during Cardiac
2. Discuss the Ventilatory Management of ARDS (Adult Respiratory) Distress
3. Discuss the Peri-operative Management of Cerebral AVM (ArterioVenous
4. Risk factors for Venous Thrombo Emolism and classify the current method of
prevention with examples.
5. Anaesthetic Management of two years old child who is scheduled for Therapeutic
Bronchoscopy following inhalation of foreign body 2 days ago child could not
exhibit any sign of airway obstruction
6. A patient who has undergone Heart Transplant requires non-cardiac surgery. What precautions must be
undertaken by an anaesthesiologist for this surgery?
7. What are the Therapeutic uses of Magnesium? How does it work?
8. What are the problems in monitoring an anaesthetized patient in Magnetic
Resonance maging?
9. What are the diagnostic features that would lead to identify Malignant
Hyperthermia during (or) immediately after Anaesthesia and state the guidelines of
10. What are the problems associated with Anaesthesia for an Elective Surgery in a
patient of chronic renal failure

1. Applied physiology of intermittent positive pressure ventilation
2. Pre-emptive analgesia
3. Anaesthesia for a pregnant woman for non-obstetric surgery
4. Assessment of intra operative awareness
5. Anaesthetists role in pain and palliative care
6. Enumerate the problems with the muscle relaxants
7. Operation theatre safety
8. Define perioperative hypertension. Describe the causes and management
9. Describe in detail the occupational hazards to Anaesthesiologists
10. What is minimum monitoring standard? Describe the objectives and methods.JUNE 2006
1. Acute Pain Management Service
2. Anaesthesia for Electro Convulsive Therapy
3. Anaesthetic management of Post Tonsillectomy Bleed.
4. Resuscitation of 60% burns in an adult patient
5. Anaesthetic consideration for Magnetic Resonance maging (MR)
6. Post-operative Pulmonary Complications
7. Modified guidelines of Cardio-pulmonary Brain Resuscitation- 2005
8. Thyrotoxic patient for subtotal thyroidectomy
9. Diabetic patient with Autonomic Neuropathy for Abdominal Hysterectomy
10. Laparoscopy surgery in a pregnant patient

1. Myasthenic Syndrome
2. Anti-thrombotic Prophylaxis and Neuraxial Anaesthesia
3. Diagnosis and management of an acute attack of Malignant Hyperthermia
4. Artificial Blood (Synthetic oxygen carrying substances)
5. Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring
6. Spinal Anaesthesia in children
7. Pre-operative evaluation and preparation of a patient with Fallot's Tetrology
8. Total ntravenous Anaesthesia
9. Anaesthetic management of a case of Pituitary Adenoma who is planned for
excision of adenoma (transsphenoidal hypophysectomy)
10. Anaesthetic problems in scoliosis, surgery

1. Discuss the causes of delayed recovery from anaesthesia and 10 the management
2. Complications of Extradural Anaesthesia
3. Regional anaesthesia in day care surgery
4. What do you mean by the term Golden Hour in Trauma? Discuss the role of
anaesthetist in resuscitation of a trauma patient
5. Discuss the management of an unconscious young patient with history of drowning
6. What do you mean by awareness during anaesthesia? Mention the monitors in use
to measure the depth of anesthesia
7. Describe the intrathecal and epidural opioids in clinical practice and their
8. What are the causes of hypercarbia during the intraoperative period. Discuss the
effects and management
9. Anaesthetic problems in a patient with extreme obesity
10. Describe the different anaesthesia techniques practiced for cataract surgery and
their complications

1. Stress response to trauma and surgery
2. Describe innervation of Female Genital Tract with a diagram and discuss methods
of producing painless labour
3. Lung Compliance
4. Role of Kidney in Acid-base Regulation
5. HELLP Syndrome
6. Adrenergic Agonists
7. Drug nteractions
8. Phantom Limb Pain
9. Hyperkalemia
Role of magnesium in anaesthesia and ntensive Care Unit.
Posted by lokesh at 10:50 PM 0 comments
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year wise question papers from 96-2000
1. Describe the anaesthetic management and postoperative care in a patient with
uncontrolled hypertension (B.P. 180/120 mmHg) for emergency Laparotomy
for perforated duodenal ulcer. (25 marks)


Briefly describe the following:

a. Double lumen endotracheal tubes
b. Anaesthetic management of a 2 days Neonate for primary repair of
tracheo-oesophageal fistula
d. Air embolism during anaesthesia
e. Complications and sequalae of blood transfusion
f. Problems during anaesthesia for laser surgery

3. Discuss the anaesthetic techniques and postoperative problems in an obese
patient for large hernia of interior abdominal wall. (25 marks)


Briefly describe the following:
a. Complications of cannulation of internal jugular vein.
b. Cardiac arrhythmias during anaesthesia.
c. Total intravenous anaesthesia.
e. Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC).
f. Hauffman degradation.


5. A young man is suffering from pheochromocytoma. Discuss the preoperative
preparation and anaesthetic management for removal of the tumor. (25 marks)


Write short notes on:

a. Hazards of smoking relevant to Anaesthetists
b. Weaning modes of ventilation
c. Mechanism of reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
d. Complication of blood transfusion.
e. Hepato-renal syndrome in anaesthesia practice aetiology and management.

7. Discuss the preoperative evaluation and anaesthetic management of an
emergency abdominal operation in a 60 year old man who had myocardial
infarction six weeks back. (25 marks)

8. Write short notes on: (5x15=75)
a. Problems of laparoscopic surgery and monitoring techniques used
during the procedure
b. Somatosensory evoked potential
c. Anaesthesia for squint surgery.
d. Midazolam
e. Positional hazards under anesthesia

9. Discuss the aetiology and management of supra ventricular arrythmia's during
surgical procedures

10. Write short notes on: (5x15=75)
a. Volutrauma
b. Disseminated intra-vascular coagulation
c. Pulmonary artery catheter
d. Monitored care
e. Remifentanyl

11. A ten year old child suffering from tetrology for fallot is diagnosed to have brain
abscess. Outline the per-operative management. (25 marks)


Write short notes on:
a. Pressure controlled ventilation
b. naesthetic problems in an anemic patient A
c. Functional residual capacity
d. Patient controlled analgesia
e. Rocuronium


13. Describe the nerve innervation of the foot with diagram and discuss the local
anaesthetic block at the ankle for the amputation of gangrenous toes in a patient


Write short notes on:

(5 x 15 = 75)
a. Pulmonary function changes following central neuroaxis blockade
b. Hepatorenal shut down - etiology and prevention
c. Use of muscle relaxants in intensive care unit
d. The factors influencing tissue oxygenation
e. The plasma volume expansion

15. Discuss the pre-operative investigations, preparation and anaesthetic
management of a 50 years old diabetic patient presenting for an exploratory
laparotomy for a lump in the abdomen. (25 marks)

16. Write short notes on: (5x15=75)
a. Preanalytical consideration of arterial blood gas measurement
b. Factors influencing tissue oxygenation
c. Plasma volume expansion
d. Role of Nitric Oxide in CU
e. Post Operative analgesia in paediatric patients
17. Write briefly on Newer modes of ventilation. Discuss each of these ventilatory
modality with reference to an established case of A.R.D.S. (25 marks)

18. Give a concise summary on:

a. Role of magnesium in anaesthesia practice
b. Present trend of blood component therapy
c. Prevention and treatment of intra-operative myocardial infarction
d. Total intravenous anaesthesia
e. Nitric Oxide in clinical practice

19. How do you plan for renal transplant surgery draw plan for an operation
theatre exclusively for renal transplant surgery. (25 marks)



a. Peripheral nerve injury under anesthesia is a preventable complication
b. Risk and management of pulmonary aspiration.
c. Pharmacology of Fentanyl congenial
d. Application of venturi principle in anaesthetic practice
e. Present day concept of intravenous alimentation PART-
1. Describe preop evaluation and preparation of a patient of thyrotoxicosis.
Describe anaesthetic and postoperative management of such a case.


Briefly describe the following:

a. Glasgow coma scale
b. Newer modes of ventilation
c. Diagnosis and management of "HELLP" syndrome
d. Role of capnography during anaesthesia
e. Preoperative preparation and evaluation of a patient with history of
exertional angina for surgery under general anesthesia

3. Describe anaesthetic and post-operative management of a patient
Undergoing intra-cranial aneurysm surgery. (25 marks)


Briefly describe the following:

a. Continuous subarachnoid block.
b. Patient controlled analgesia
c. Anaesthesia for perforating injury of the eye in a 3 year old child
d. Describe airway management of a patient of Anyklosing spondylitis with
severe restriction of neck movement posted for total hip replacement
e. Anaesthesia for multiple dental extractions in a child with tetrology of

5. A female patient aged 32, with 5 months amenorrhea suffered from Koch's
mid dorsal spine developed paraplegia. She is scheduled for aneterolateral
decompression surgery. Discuss pre-operative preparation, anaesthetic
management and post operative care. (25 marks)


Briefly describe the following:
a. Discuss the management of a case of 40% bums
b. Anaesthesia for laser surgery for larynx
c. ntravenous regional anaesthesia
d. Problems and management in one lung anaesthesia
e. Management of intra-operative bronchospasm


7. Discuss the pathophysiological changes in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia.
Discuss your choice of anaesthetic technique for such a patient for emergency
caesarian section. (25 marks)

8. Briefly describe the following: (5x15=75)
a. Pathophysiology of venous air embolism. Mention the methods of
detection, prevention and treatment.
b. Obesity: Anaesthetic problems
c. atrogenic complications in anaesthesia
d. Anaesthesia for radiotherapy
e.Recent trends in blood transfusion and blood products

9. A 45 years old man with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and mild hypertension is
admitted with upper intestinal obstruction for emergency laparotomy. Discuss the
pre-operative evaluation, preparation and anaesthetic management of the case.
10. Write briefly on
a. Somatosensory evoked potential
b. Autologous blood transfusion
c. Narcotic antagonists
d. Sterlization of anaesthesia equipments e. Patient controlled analgesia

11. Discuss the various methods of post op pain relief in paediatric surgery.


Write briefly on:
a. Coaxial circuits
b. Awareness during anaesthesia
c. Hypokalemia
d. Anaesthesia for total Laryngectomy
e. Blood component therapy


13. Discuss your anaesthetic management of strangulated inguinal
hernia in a patient with a recent myocardial infarction. (25 marks)


Write briefly on:
a. Anaesthesia for day care surgery
b . Venturi principle and its use in anaesthesia
c. Central venous pressure
d. Water intoxication
e. Postdural puncture headache


15. A patient of coarctation of aorta is scheduled for caesarean section.
Discuss the pre-operative preparation, anaesthetic management and post-
operative care of the patient. (25 marks)
16. Write briefly on:
a. Crystalloid and colloid
b. Safe anaesthetic procedure
c. Pre-operative visits
d. Oxygen therapy
e. Bronchospasm during anaesthesia and immediate post-operative period and
its management

17. A 25 years old primigravida in 34- weeks of pregnency with PH presented
with a BP of 200/100 mmHg for an elective LSCS. Discuss the problems
involved and the anaesthetic management. (25 marks)

18. Write briefly on:
a. Autologus blood transfusion
b. Anaethesia for drainage of empyema thoracis
c. Management of local anaesthetic toxicity
d. Day-care anaesthesia
e. Hypokalemia


19. A 35 years old lady with huge thyroid presenting with thyrotoxicosis is posted
for subtotal thyroidectomy. Discuss the pre-operative preparation and
anaesthetic management. (25 marks)

20. Write briefly on: (5x15=75)
a. TURP Syndrome
b. Attenuation of Laryngoscopic reaction to intubation
c. Magnesium sulphate therapy
d. Paediatric circuit
e. Relevance of pulmonary function tests

1. Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features and management of
Mendelson's syndrome. (25 Marks)

2. Briefly describe the following:


a. Autologous blood transfusion
b. Aetiology and management of hypotension during anaesthesia
c. Beta receptor blockade its relationship in anaesthesia
d. Draw a neat labeled diagram of foetal circulation and delineate the
difference from adult.
e. Occupational hazards for Anaesthesiologist
3. Enumerate various positions in relation to anaesthesia and discuss in
detail the problems associated with them. (25 Marks)

4. Briefly discuss the following:
a. Total parenteral nutrition
b. Pipecuronium
c. Central venous pressure, its application in anaesthesia
d. Post anaesthetic vomiting
e. nverse ratio ventilation


5. Describe the pathogenesis and management of adult respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS). (25 marks)

6. Briefly describe the following:


a. Monitored anaesthesia care.
b. Simulator in anaesthesia education
c. Monitoring and control of raised intra-cranial pressure in head injury.
d. World Health Organization regimen of chronic pain management
e. Pre-operative management of a neonate for meningomyelocoele surgery
7. Discuss the current concepts in the management of a case of chronic
obstructive airway disease in respiratory failure. (25 marks)

8. Briefly describe the following:


a. Regional analgesia in children
b. Computer - based patient record for anaesthesia
c. APACHE score (acute Physiology and chronic health evaluation)
d. Discharge criteria in out patient anaesthesia (day-stay surgery)
e. Advanced life support 9. What is myesthenia gravis? What are its clinical features? Discuss the preoperative
investigations, preparation and anaesthetic management of such a case presenting
for an interval appendisectomy and management of the likely complications. (25

10. Write briefly:


a. Management of multi focal ventricular ectopics during anaesthesia
b. Criteria for recovery from anaesthesia in day care surgery
c. Minimum patient monitoring during anaesthesia
d. Long term ventilation and its complications
e. ntravenous alimentation in intensive care unit
11. What is phaeochromocytoma? What are its clinical features? Discuss preoperative
investigations, preparation and anesthetic management of
such a case for surgical removal. (25 Marks)

12.Write briefly:


a. Malignant hyperthermia
b. Management of diabetic ketoacidosis
c. ntravenous regional anaesthesia
d. Care of organophosphorous poisioning in intensive care unit
e. Embolisms during anaesthesia

13.Discuss the current concepts and modified guidelines of
cardiopulmonary brain resuscitation.
14. Write short notes on:

(25 Marks)

a. Total Parenteral nutrition
b. Current concepts in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant
c. Awareness and wakefullneSS under anaesthesia
d. Operating room pollution
e. Autologus blood transfusion
15. Discuss the assessment, preparation and problems of anesthesia in a
chronic smoker for cholecystectomy. (25 marks)

16. Write briefly:


a. Aspiration prophylaxis in obstetric
b. Problems and role of anaesthetists in a dental anaesthesia
c. Plasma proteins and anaesthesia
d. Etiopathology and management of thyroid crisis
e. Anaesthetic management of laser surgery on tracheobronchial tract. 17. Define morbid obesity. Enumerate the
changes that occur in the respiratory,
cardiovascular and metabolic systems in obesity. A 40 years old patient with a
height of 158 cms. And weighing 150 kgs. s scheduled for pyelothotomy. How
will you evaluate this patient preoperatively. Discuss the anaesthetic management
and the expected problems in such a case. (25 marks)

18. Write short notes on:


a. Monitored anaesthesia case in a 75 years old man with ischaemic heart
disease for Cataract surgery.
b. Supine Hypotension Syndrome
c. Pre-operative preparation and surgical risk assessment in a patient with
cirrhosis of liver.
d. Weaning criteria in a patient of COPD on ventilator.
e. Methods of decreasing increased intracranial pressure.
19.Define hypertension. How will you evaluate and prepare pre-operatively a 40 year
old female patient scheduled for abdominal hysterectomy. Discuss the anaesthetic
and post-operative management of such a case. (25 marks)

20.Write short notes on:


a. Hepatitis "B" and the anaesthesiologist
b. Management of Mendelson's syndrome
c. Perioperative blood conservation
d. Resuscitation of a patient with 60% deep burns injury.
e. Management of a 4 years old child scheduled for computerised
tomographic scanning a brain using an iodine containing solution. PART V
1. What are the various routes of admninistration of morphine. Discuss the
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic of epidural morphine.
(25 marks)

2. Briefly describe the following:


a. Nephrotoxicity of halogenated anaesthetics
b. Coronary circulation
c. Propofol
d. Merits and demerits of laryngeal mask
e. nteractions of pre-existing drug therapy with the anaesthetic agents and
3. Describe the problems, complications and the anaesthetic management of
caesarean section in a patient with pre-eclamptic toxaemia.
(25 marks)

4. Briefly describe the following:-


a. Trigeminal Neuralgia, clinical features and management.
b. Heat loss during abdominal surgery in a new born child. c.
Epidural analgesia for post-operative pain relief.
d. Water and electrolyte disturbances and their pre-anaesthestic correction
in small gut obstruction.
e. Enzyme induction: Describe the mechanism with routine anaesthesia examples.
5. Draw diagrams wherever appropriate.
Describe the basic life support (BLS) measures in an adult, who has been brought
into the emergency room of the hospital in a state of cardiac
arrest. (25 marks)

6. Write short notes on:

(5 x 15=75)

a. Closing volume of the lungs and its measurement.
b. Mechanism of action of local anaesthetic agents.
c. Manifestations and treatment of beta adrenergic against toxicity.
d. Post-operative analgesia in an infant for circumcision.
e. Sevoflurane.
7. Draw diagrams wherever appropriate.
Describe the pathophysiology of adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
(ARDS). What are the diagnostic criteria. (25 marks) 8. Write short notes on:


a. Myocardial protection during cardiopulmonary bypass.
b. Oxygen therapy
c. Untoward effects of intravenous sodium bicarbonate
d. Hepatotoxicity of halothane
e. The World Health Organisation - three - step ladder pattern for pain relief in
advanced cancer.
9. Discuss the pathophysiology, preventive and corrective measures of
irreversible shock.. (25 marks)

l0.Write short notes:

(5x 15 = 75)

a. Airway management in an unconscious patient
b. Oxygen therapy in post operative period
c. Uses, advantages and disadvantages of plasma expanders
d. Use of muscle relaxants in ntensive Care Unit
e. Post operative analgesia in children for nguinal hernia
11. Discuss the patho-physiology and management of inhalational injury. (25 marks)

12.Write short notes on:


a. Calcium channel blockers and anaesthesia
b. Nitric Oxide for management of pulmonary hypertension
c. Peribulbar block
d. Epidural pressure and the various factors affecting the same.
e. Hypotension during anaesthesia
13. Write down the physiology of sleep. How does it differ from anaesthesia?
What phases occur in various stages of anaesthesia? (25 marks)

14.Write short notes on:

a. Compare propofol with Midazolam
b. Tracheo-bronchial tree with diagram
c. Evolution of rotameter
d. Complications of local anaesthetics
e. P.E.E.P. and its application in modern ventilators


15.Discuss anatomy of the diaphragm with a diagram. How does it behave
under different stages of anaesthesia? (25 marks) 16.Write short notes on :
a. Spinal opiate receptors
b. Neuro-muscular transmission
c. Propofol as compared to thiopentone
d. Physiological changes associated with .P.P.V.
e. Elimination of atracurium from the body.


17.Describe the arterial circulation of the heart with the aid of a diagram mentioning the
unique features of coronary blood flow. Explain the Goldman's cardiac risk index and
its importance to the anaesthesiologist. (25 marks)

18. Write short notes on:


a. Brain death
b. Capnography
c. Check out procedure to be followed routinely before using an
anaesthesia machine and other monitoring equipment.
d. Role of corticosteroids in the practice of anaesthesiology
e. Sevoflurane Vs. Desflurane
19. Discuss the pathophysiology of adult respiratory distress syndrome.
Describe the current trends in the management of A.R.D.S.
(25 marks)

20.Write short notes on:


a. Specific problems and their prevention during anaesthesia in a patient
with artificial pacemaker.
b. nformed consent.
C. Vocal cord palsies with the aid of diagrams of direct laryngoscopic view.
d. Pulse oxyimetry
e. Awareness during anaesthesia.

Minimum mandatory monitoring of anaesthesia

Anatomy of larynx

Pulmonary functions tests

Safety in anaesthesia equipment

Management of unconscious patient

Neonatal Resuscitation

Physiology and Mangament of Pain

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Oxygen therapy

Recovery from Anaesthesia

Effect of Positioning

Characteristic and functional specification of vaporizers

Acid base and electrolyte balance

Measurement of Intracranial pressure

Hypotensive Anaestheisa

Obstetric Analgesia

Day Care Anaestheisa

Anaesthesia and Pacemaker

Resuscitation of Trauma patient and Mass Casuality

Anaesthesia implication in Phecochromocytoma

Co-agulation disorders and Anaesthesia


Management of Shock

Chronic pain therapy

Neonatal ventilation

Principles of one lung anaesthesia

Anaesthesia in a patient with burns

Sterilization of Anaesthesia equipment

Therapeutic nerve blocks

Organ Harvestation

Cardiac output monitoring

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