I Never Knew

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I Never Knew

I Could Fall

Authored by Nwafor Treasure

There I was in front of the camera posing just

the model I am. Then I went for an interview
in Tokyo and then Paris for a fashion show.
Hi! My name is Arianna from Canada and I
was born to super rich parents. Unlike other
rich parents who spoil their children rotten,
my parents made sure I knew how to cook,
clean up the house and sometimes they make
take a taxi instead of their car. Now I can
survive anywhere and that’s one thing I’m
proud of.
I went to LA where my parents are
recently living, for a commercial for a tech
company which just invented a beautiful and
crazy hoverboard. I was into skateboarding
before I became a model. While I was there, I
could see all the male employees staring. I
forgot to tell you, my beautiful blue eyes and
dark blue hair always attracted lots of people. I
was done with the commercial and was about
to leave in a rush to avoid any boy asking me
out. No! I’m not a kind of girl that dates only
rich guys, it’s just that I see them as distraction
at my very young age. I’m just seventeen. And
another, I’m incapable of falling in love at
least that’s what I thought, when I bumped
into an extra cute good-looking boy who
didn’t look so far from my age. I could see all
the ladies around froze up like fishes in ice
EXCEPT me! He was kind of shocked at my
expressionless face and then he smiled. He
pulled out a card, “Take this and meet me
tomorrow by 9 am at my office.”
He gave me a stern look and walked away.
What the what just happened? That was when
someone told me that he was the CEO of the
tech company. I was curious of why he wanted
me to come to his office so I had to go.
I woke up at 6 and my necessary chores that’s
cleaning my room, helping the maids in the
kitchen and watering the garden and sure has
helped me a lot. I was finally on my way to his
office. On getting there, I found out I was two
minutes late. How?! I went in and went to his
office which was on the top floor. I could see
the expression of “YOU ARE LATE MS.” On
his face so I quietly sat down on thee chair
opposite him. “You are late!” “Well, I tried.
I’m here, aren’t I? So, what’s the problem?
Why did u call me here?” “Well, I found out
that you are pretty focused. You have self-
control I like that so I was wondering if you
could be my PA until your contract is over.” I
thought over what he said and found myself
saying “Yes. I’ll start tomorrow.” “Don’t be
late!” “Got it boss!”
Now I get why he needed a strong PA because
all the girls always froze up or forgot what
they were doing whenever they were with
him. I started working as his PA and it was
exhausting! He was always working and
thinking. I have to admit, he sure is a genius.
All he designs are crazy and great. While
admiring his work, I got a text from my best
friend Iris who was also a super famous
model. You know her.
Iris: What’s up? Want to meet at our favorite

café? ☕

Arianna: I will love that. 😃

Iris: I’ll be bringing Marco over. What about
tomorrow? Meet me at 7.

Arianna: ‘Kay! ☺
I told her everything ‘bout the boy and what
happened. Oh my! I forgot to ask his name.
How could I be that forgetful? Before I left, I
asked his name. “Hey, I never got your name.
you know mine but I don’t know yours.”
“Well, if you may ask, my name is Nathaniel.”
I was about to leave to meet Iris and Marcos
when Nathan told me the worst news ever.
“We’ll be going to Tokyo today. I need to pack
up. Meet me here we’re taking off by 5pm.” I
was like ‘what the what?!’ Didn’t he know I
also have plans. I called Iris; told I had to miss
out on this one. I had to follow him and we
were on our way to Tokyo on his private jet.
He booked the finest hotel available. When the
female employees saw, the literally fainted and
he just scoffed. We went to our various rooms
and I was glad to be away from him for a
while. I wore a wig, cute hoodie and a pair of
cute boots to avoid attention from any boy and
my fans. I knew I will not be able to have a
tour with round Tokyo with Nathan or when I
came for business. Tokyo is really beautiful
and full of amazing stuffs. I was at the arcade
having the best time of my life when I bumped
into a boy mistakenly removing his cover.
“OMG! Nathan!? What are you doing here?”
“Same question for you Arianna.” “I came
here to have a beautiful tour round Tokyo
since you won’t let me.” “Same reason. Isn’t it
better if we do it together, so we’ll get back on
time?” I was shocked to hear him ask me such
question and I felt butterflies. I agreed. We had
a tour just the both of us round Tokyo and it
was awesome. He was funny, intelligent and
amazing. We talked for hours and the time we
were heading back, it was 5 minutes past
midnight. “Oh my! It’s past midnight and you
have that meeting with those business people.”
“Yeah. Time to go.” He held me by the hand
and we ran all the way to the hotel. [Pants]
“Why…why didn’t you… just call a cab?”
“Well, I have no idea on how to speak
Japanese or do you? If you have nothing to
say, I’m going to sleep.” Back to his cold
I woke up to my alarm at 6am. “It’s
morning already? Ugh!” But I knew I had to
get up. I was applying my make up when I
heard a knock on my door. “Hey Arianna,
aren’t you ready yet? It’s time to go!” “I’m
ready, I’m ready before you bite my head off.”
He gave me that cold look. “It’s just a joke.”
“The car is ready sir.” “Let’s go.” The meeting
with the Japanese guys went great and they
established their contract. “It’s nice doing
business with you Mr. Nathan.” “Thank you,
Mr. Hong. I’ve got to be going now.” I’ve got
to admit, he was amazing and I just had to tell
him. Maybe he’ll loosen up a bit.
“Hey, you were great today.” “Thanks
Arianna. We are leaving now. We have to start
working on our new project.” And he left me
with that half smile which made me blush.
Snap out of it Arianna! And here we are again,
on our way back. “Arianna, I’m having dinner
with my family today and I’ll be the cook.
You’ve worked so hard, so why not take a
break and come over?” I hesitated “I will love
to. I could help out in the kitchen if you want
me to.” “Thanks, I will love that.” I couldn’t
stop blushing or smiling when we were in the
kitchen. He really knows how to cook. It was
time to make the cookies and, in the process, I
tripped over a bag of flour on the floor and
sent both of us to the ground. He kept staring
into my eyes and mine in his until a maid
came in and we quickly stood up. “Do you
need any help sir?” “No. I already have help.”
“Your mum told me to inform you that she’s
coming home with your dad.” “Okay. That’s
great to hear.” I saw in his eyes joy when he
was told that his dad is coming back. “You
look so happy. So unusual.” “Yeah. My dad is
coming back; I’m sure u heard that. We were
so close back then and I miss him. He has not
been home for about three years.” I’ve never
seen him so happy and I couldn’t help but
stare. That moment was broken when his sister
ran into the kitchen and hugged him tight.
“Too tight…too tight!” “Sorry.” She kept
talking and talking “Hold on! You’ll tell me
everything after dinner, ‘kay?” “Fine.
Welcome home!”
We were finally done with cooking just
in time. “You must be my son’s personal
assistant. You are much more lovely than in
your commercials.” “Thank you, Mrs.
Anderson.” “I thought you were my son’s
girlfriend.” “No dad. Just like mum said, she’s
just my personal assistant.” “Hey Arianna, can
I get a picture with you. Taking a picture with
a celebrity will be super awesome.” “Hayley?”
“That’s okay Nathan. She can take a picture
with me.” She ran all the way to my seat and
took lots of pictures. Dinner was over and
Nathan offered to take me home. He dropped
me at the gate and walked me to my doorstep.
“Dinner with you was great.” “I never
expected that from you but thank you.” He
moved closer and kissed me on the lips. I was
lost for seconds then I got control and
retrieved. “I’m sorry but I can’t. Remember
you hired me to be your PA and not your
girlfriend. I’ve always seen you guys as
distractions.” And with that, I ran inside and
slammed the door shut. I felt so devastated.
What was wrong with me? He likes me and I
like him so what’s the problem? I called him;
he didn’t pick his calls. I texted no reply. Then
I got a text from his mum that tomorrow was
his birthday and I was invited. I was relieved.
At least, I could go in person and apologize
with a present. I bought him a Rolex watch
with a card in it reading “I’m very sorry”.
I was finally at the party. I could see that he
was really busy with the guests and he saw me
but avoided my eyes. I finally got his
attention. “Hold on Nathan. Before you keep
hating me, just hear me out.” “You have one
minute to say what you have to say. I have
many guests to attend to” “I really sorry. I
usually found guys as distractions to me and
it’s because I haven’t found the right one but
now, I have. I like you, Nathan. I really like
like you.” He pulled me by the waist, “I like
you too.” He kissed me and it felt magical.

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