Tuto2 - Langmuirwaves

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M2R ASEP Physique des plasmas spatiaux Module UE22

Elementary plasma waves : two-fluid theory of unmagnetized plasma waves

This problem is a first application of the two-fluid description of a plasma : seeking for elementary vibration
modes of an unmagnetized homogeneous plasma.
Let’s consider a homogeneous plasma with two populations : protons (qi , mi , Ti ) and electrons (qe , me , Te ).
The plasma density at equilibrium (plasma is at rest) is noted n0 .
The plasma is disturbed by an electromagnetic wave (E ~ 1, B
~ 1 ) so that particle density becomes n0 + ns1 for
each species s. We also note ps1 the perturbed pressure and ~us1 the perturbed velocity field induced by the
All these quantities indexed by 1 are proportional to a small parameter ε such that linearized equations may
be used.
1. Write down the linearized equations satisfied by ns1 and ~us1 .
2. Relate the electric field to the electromagnetic potentials φ1 and A
3. We are interested first by electrostatic waves characterized by a finite ∇ · ~us1 . They are also called
compressional waves since the plasma density fluctuates.
Adopting the Coulomb gauge, find a partial differential equation relating ns1 , φ1 and ps1 .
4. To relate the pressure perturbation to the density perturbation, we may use several closure equations
depending on the wave frequency.
For fast waves, we adopt an adiabatic closure equation such as Ps /nγs = cste with γ = (N + 2)/N and N
is the dimensionality of the problem.
For slow waves, heat has time to exchange between neighboring fluid particles and an isothermal closure
equation may be used : Ps /ns = cste.
In both cases, we may choose Ps /nγs = cste with γ = 1 for an isothermal process and γ = 3 for a
1D-adiabatic process.
Derive the relationship between ps1 and ns1 and insert it into the equation of the preceding question.
5. Find a second relation between ns1 and φ1 .
6. We are looking for solutions of the above system in the form of a plane wave : φ1 (t, ~r) = Φ ei(k·~r−ωt) .
Show that the electrostatic potential satisfies the following equation
" #
2 2
ωpi ωpe
1− 2 − 2 Φ = 0 ⇐⇒ (1 + χi + χe ) Φ = 0 (1)
ω − k 2 c2i ω − k 2 c2e
where ωps and cs are to be written in terms of γ, ms , Ts , n0 and some fundamental constants.
The quantity χs is the dielectric susceptibility of species s, the quantity 1 + χi + χe = εr is the relative
permittivity or dielectric constant.
7. Sketch a plot of χs versus ω/(kcs ). What happens when ω = kcs ? How do you interpret this result ?
8. In the adiabatic regime : ω/k  kB Ti,e /mi,e , simplify the dispersion relation (1) taking into account
the smallness of the mass ratio me /mi . Show that
ω 2 = ωpe
+ k 2 c2e (2)
These basic waves are called electron plasma waves or Langmuir waves.
9. In the isothermal regime : ω/k  kB Ti,e /mi,e , show that (1) becomes
1 1
1+ + =0 (3)
k 2 λ2i k 2 λ2e
with λi,e to be determined in terms of some plasma parameters.
What known phenomenon is described by (3) ?
p p
10. Discuss the intermediate case kB Ti /mi  ω/k  kB Te /me .
Show that the dispersion relation reads
k 2 c20
ω2 = (4)
1 + k 2 λ2e
with c0 = kB Te /mi is the ion acoustic velocity.

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