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Izmir Bakircay University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Management
Information Systems Undergraduate Program

Creating Our Own Brand

(Marketing Principles Course Term Paper)

Prepared By:
Yağmur Şahin
Cemil Türksel
Gamze Sağlam
Ayşegül Varlık
Umut Osman Altıok

Assistant Professor Merve Coşkun Ekinci


Week 2----Page 3

Week 3----Page 3&4

Week 4----Page 4&5

Week 5----Page 5&6

Week 6----Page 6&7

Week 10----Page 8

Week 12----Page 8

Week 13----Page 9
Week 14----Page 9

Week 2
We will mainly produce skin care products. We will produce content that respects personal
problems and skin sensitivities in the products we will produce. Some of our planned products
are: facial cleansing gels, moisturizers, acne spot removal creams, sunscreens, moisturizing
creams for acne treatment, under-eye wrinkle creams, under-eye bruise creams, body lotions,
anti-aging creams and various serums. In our products, which will be divided according to age
groups, our grouping is youth, young adults and adults, and we plan to expand our customer
base by producing some men's products in the future. Our products, which will not be tested
on animals, can be used easily by vegans and animal lovers. The name of our brand will be
The Glow. The first of our reasons for choosing this name is we are producing skincare
products and having shiny skin is important in skincare. At the same time The Glow sounds
very soft. Short and clear. It is very compatible with the aims of the brand. Our goal with this
brand name is to satisfy our customers with our products, to make them shine and to give
confidence. The most important value we offer is to go beyond just selling the product and
work with dermatologists to analyze the skin type and problems of our customers and to
choose the product that can get the maximum efficiency for them. By using our products, they
have a healthy, young and beautiful skin. They both increase their self-confidence and have a
healthy skin. We offer a healthy and new future with our products.
Week 3
-Management: We are experienced in product and business.
-Marketing: We have an exact strategy and clear goals.
-Speed: As we are smaller, we can act faster.
-New: We are new, so we do not have reputation or enough money to grow.
-Limited : Only acted in a narrow area.
-Wide-range market: There is a high interest for our products.
-Fast-growing: With correct steps, our growing can be faster than others.
-Competitive market: This is a huge industry, there are too many competitors.
-Alternatives: There is a huge variety of alternatives.
•Increase brand awareness
•Increase customer value
•Local dominancy
•Increased online marketing
•Make company different than competitors
We are established as a local business and we will keep being local for these two reasons:
1. To take position as a local business is a great opportunity to create strong foundations. As
our strategy, we will not expand our brand globally for a while so we keep taking the
advantage of positioning.
2. Being local also can benefit to create differentiation advantage. Our products focuses on
protecting sensitive skins and carefully desinged not to harm. We have skin analysis centers in
local and, if we can increase product value via these elements, our differentiation advantage
can be done.
We focus on women as customers, as our target market is already huge, until we have enough
profit, we will not expand our market to sell products to men.
Week 4
Elements that affect our brand in the micro environment include the company, suppliers,
marketing intermediaries, competitors, publics and customers. We would like to explain how
they affect you in turn.
The Company:
Of course, our brand allocates a budget for marketing. The finance department takes care of
it. We also use information systems so that we can meet our customers with products that may
be more suitable for them. For example, we can make better progress by developing more
successful products based on the skin type or typical complaints we receive from users.
Our suppliers are successful people who develop our products in laboratories recommended
by our dermatologists. We not only supply products from them, but also value their ideas.
Marketing Intermediaries:
In our physical stores, we both provide dermatological services to our consumers and sell our
products. Since we have online sales, cargo companies can also be among our intermediaries.
Our customers can also reach us through our website.
We know that we have big and strong competitors. Brands that have been in the store longer
than us are our strong competitors in the beginning. But since we set out by seeing our market
research and the shortcomings of our competitors, it will not take long to catch up with our
Brands such as Nirvana, Garnier, Simple, The Purest etc. have been in the market for years
and are competitors for us.
For us, influencers who follow innovations in skin care and try existing products on the
market and introduce them to potential customers. As an example, we can say Çisem Çakır.
The customer markets we are interested in are consumer markets and international markets.
We buy our products individually and use people who are interested in skin care, and we aim
to reach a wide customer base by taking our place in the international market.
Factors that affect our products in the macro environment include: demographic, natural,
economic, technological, political and cultural factors.
Demographics affect our products as follows; Acne creams will be more demanded in
countries with a high young population, and at the same time, wrinkle creams etc. will be in
greater demand in countries with a larger elderly population. Demographic structure will
affect the product range.
The most important of the natural factors is the climate. While sunny areas will prefer
sunscreens, moisturizing creams will attract more attention in cold areas.
Our products will mainly appeal to middle and upper class consumers, and the frequency of
consumption will decrease and increase economically according to the skin care routine.
Technological factors have a positive effect on us, as they allow our products to be sold
online and to introduce products to customers in the digital environment. By creating a virtual
card, the consumer can accumulate points and thus have an extra discount on their products
according to their consumption.
Since there is no political interference with skin care products, consumers in our country will
be able to use our products comfortably.
Since our products are not tested on animals and do not contain ingredients that are not
suitable for our culture, they can be used with peace of mind.
The main purpose of use of our products is to repair, beautify and eliminate negative
conditions on the skin. Therefore, all women with the right age and skin type analysis can
safely use our products. Due to structural differences in female and male skin types, we
currently only serve women. The most important purpose of our products and our brand; It is
to deliver the right product to the right user in an environment where there is excessive
information pollution. The content of skin care products consists of natural ingredients and
should be supported by using chemicals for some problematic skin. For this reason, we
produce every product we produce in a hygienic laboratory environment with a team of
dermatologists and chemists who are experts in their fields. The R&D department, which is a
part of our team, also makes researches, surveys and studies on our potential customers with
feedback, making our brand more beneficial to all consumers day by day.
One of our brand goals is that our customers enjoy our brand and continue to be our
customers for a cause. To find out what this enjoyable goal is, we first form a focused group
with the data we have. Then, with the focus group supported by data, we obtain a list of why
customers use our brand and we interview a separate group. By asking this group more
specifically, we will have correctly completed the research we want. Our brand wants to
delight customers and give them an authentic experience. While doing this, we pay attention
to our ethical principles.
Our most assertive and positive feature is that we do not look at the consumer as a customer,
but act with the awareness of the value of their skin. For this, we perform a "skin analysis
test" with state-of-the-art tools. Thus, by examining the problems under the skin, its layer or
surface, we present to the consumer which treatment method and which product will be
beneficial. For our customers who have skin type analysis done in different clinics, the most
appropriate skin care routine is created as a result of the analyzes made by our dermatologists
and our products are sent.
In addition to all these positive features, the fact that we are new to the skin care market and
that we have only offered our service that includes "skin analysis test" in İzmir can be
evaluated negatively for our brand. But we believe that as long as our users are satisfied, we
will grow and expand our centers.
Week 6
There are two points that we base on when creating our target audience for our products:
people who are at a suitable age for treatment and who want to take good care of their skin.
Anyone who cares and values their skin can be our customer because we determine products
according to our customers, not customers according to our products. This allows us to appeal
to all ages and all people. The main features of consumers who will use our products are to
take care of skincare, to spare time for skin care, and to be consistent in this regard. Because
we do not promise anything miraculous to our customers, such that once you use our product,
there will be no problem on your skin, nor can we. Therefore, our customers should be people
who can use the products we have determined according to their skin type regularly and
correctly. When skincare is done with a certain routine, it gives more effective results, so we
are sure that those who can spare time and maintain the skincare routine we have prepared for
our customers will benefit 100%.
To give an example; We recommend arbutin to lighten spots, vitamin C for tonal inequalities
and shine, and hyaluronic acid to purify the skin from tiredness during the day and saturate it
with moisture clients with normal skin type who has sunspots and skin tone inequalities on
her skin. In addition, the use of sunscreen, facial cleansing gel, and tonic suitable for the skin
type will be included in the package we offer. Apart from that, acne, etc. on the skin.
Appropriate skin treatments, creams, and drug treatments are also offered by our
dermatologists for our clients with problems.
Week 7
-Our Segments
-Developed areas.
-High pricing as a quality.
-Attractive by being eco-friendly.
- People who care much about sensitive skins.
- Age group 15 to 50.

-Target Markets:
* We are better to focus on people from developed countries and young. As they are easily
can afford our products, and our policies can attract them.

-Targeting Strategy:
* As we are a small-mid sized company, we follow Concentrated targeting strategy. Our
targeted audience is already precise and small, but as we care about trends and being flexible,
we expand our targeting to be able to attract the people who only uses eco-friendly products.

* We position our products as a special category. There are several Skin-care products but we
are better for some specific groups and because of our small size, consumer can communicate
with us better. Our products make consumer feels softer and special. Among the other
companies, customers would position us as high quality and special.
-Competitive Advantage:
* Our competitive advantage comes from product differentiation. Mainly, skin-care products
make your skin better, that is the point. But most of the time side effects can occur and if you
have a sensitive, oily skin or you have a health problem that about your skin, this can be really
bad for you. Our products are focused on sensitive skins and our aim is to be the best in this.
Week 10
First of all, our product is a special product. We listen to our customers' complaints one-on-
one, and in this direction, after the skin analysis with our professional team, we offer an
individual service by suggesting to people their skin types, what they should pay attention to
when caring for this skin type, what their skin needs right now and which product they should
choose to solve it as soon as possible.
Our product is an augmented product with the free skin analysis opportunity we provide. We
not only produce and sell a product, but also provide a free service to our customers. Thanks
to this skin analysis service, our customers are more satisfied with our brand by buying the
most suitable product for them, and at the same time, we become our long-term customers by
getting to know the needs of their skin more closely. This makes our product an augmented
Our current products are face wash gels, moisturizers, and sunscreens that we produce
according to skin types. Our new additions to the product line are serums and tonics. The
price of serums will be more expensive than all our other products because they are more
expensive and special products for problems. Our toners will be less than moisturizers but
more than face wash gels.
Week 12
While determining our pricing strategy, we have taken into consideration that our brand is a
new brand and that we produce quality products. First of all, we researched the pricing of our
competitors in the market we will enter. Thus, we determined the price ranges suitable for the
market. We evaluated our expenses with the help of our in-house numerical reports. We have
determined our profit margin in order to maintain the total income and expense balance. As a
brand that has just entered the market, we wanted to keep our prices low, but we did not want
to move away from the perception of quality created by high prices. For this reason, we mixed
penetration and high pricing strategies for our brand. With the psychological pricing
technique, we appealed to the emotions of our customers and showed the prices as if they
were lower. In order to be recognized, we have offered our customers the following special
- 10% discount for the first membership.
- Sending a tester to support and promote the product purchased.
- Free skin type test for those who come with Influencer advertisement.
Among the factors we consider; There were important factors such as the quality of the
content we use, the extra care we take in the health sector, and the promise of a high impact to
our consumers. Our aim is to create pricing based on quality products instead of poor-quality
products sold at affordable prices.
Week 13
We will follow the following path while delivering our products to our customers. First of all,
we only take orders for our products through our own website. We think that this is to provide
a more special service. Also possible cargo, service, etc. They will be able to contact us
directly with their questions or problems. The absence of an intermediary will therefore help
us build rapport with customers and our awareness will be more assured. After becoming a
member, our customers can shop from their accounts and benefit from special discounts. We
prefer the direct-to-consumer route as the distribution channel. We do not need intermediaries
at this time. We use the special distribution policy as the distribution policy. Our customers
can obtain our products directly from our center. Our customers who are not in the same city
can also shop online. In this way, all our customers can easily access our products.
Week 14
Since the creative element is important for every brand, it is also an issue because we
attach great importance to it. We want to reach as many people as possible and touch their
lives. As Advertising, we are trying to reach potential customers online and mobile and
establish a news network. In this way, our potential customers can have information about our
products. After reaching our potential customers, we apply discount coupons so that they can
easily access the test kits with the Sales Promotion method and encourage them to buy the
products they like. Thus, when they want to try our products or not to miss the opportunity to
buy them much cheaper than they are, they become our customers and try our products. At the
points we decide on in terms of personal selling, we carry out individual brand trials and
informing about the brand. We make a joint decision with the influencers that we agree or do
not agree to shoot videos and supply products for them to use in their videos. In this way, our
PR efforts are also successful, we can reach more people and touch more people's lives.
Although old-school, some of our managers insist that customers check their e-mails in their
spare time. For this reason, we send e-mails to our customers who are registered to our E-
News program, full of up-to-date products and information. We aim to reach more people by
sending free products to social media influencers. In this way, we think that we have
successfully completed both direct and digital marketing. We enjoy listening to the opinions
of our customers who contact us and express their requests and complaints. This causes us to
improve ourselves and stay up to date.

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