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Date:____________ Name:___________ _____________________

Grade: 11 Subject & Level: Biology HL and SL

Topic: Theme A Unity and diversity

1. Draw a diagram to represent a water molecule. (2 marks)

The Oxygen and hydrogen should be joined by a covalent bond (solid line) and the angle between
the bonds is broadly correct. Indication of polarity not positive and negative charge.

2. Explain why the lipid tails of the plasma membrane of cells is hydrophobic. (2 marks)
Lipid molecules are non-polar.
Non-polar molecules do not dissolve in water (they are insoluble)
As an insoluble molecule lipid tails of phospholipids provide a barrier between the cell cytoplasm
and the external liquid/medium
Date:____________ Name:___________ _____________________
Grade: 11 Subject & Level: Biology HL and SL
Topic: Theme A Unity and diversity

3. Explain three physical properties of water using a specific example of the consequence of each
property to a named animal in aquatic environments. (6 marks)

4. Outline two reasons why conditions on the Earth retain water on its surface. (2 marks) HL Only
(Liquid and gaseous) water is retained on earth by gravity. The temperature of the Earths
atmosphere is just the right range for vapour to condense into liquid water (less than 100°C)

5. The presence of water is essential for life on Earth. Suggest a reason why one property of water
makes it so essential. (1 mark) HL Only
As a liquid, water is able to support life. e.g. water is a good solvent, and solutions in liquid water
can support metabolic reactions.

6. Explain, using the DNA diagram, the meaning of complimentary base pairing. (2 marks).
Date:____________ Name:___________ _____________________
Grade: 11 Subject & Level: Biology HL and SL
Topic: Theme A Unity and diversity

7. DNA is the genetic material of all living organisms. Outline how it is possible for these universal
DNA molecules to store varied genetic information both within species and between species. .
(6 marks)

8. Hershey and Chase used viral bacteriophages to demonstrate that DNA, not protein, is the genetic
material. This investigation used radioactive phosphorus to label DNA.
Date:____________ Name:___________ _____________________
Grade: 11 Subject & Level: Biology HL and SL
Topic: Theme A Unity and diversity

Outline how radioactive labelling was used in this investigation. (4 marks) HL Only

9. The Miller-Urey experiment produced organic molecules in an atmosphere that, in 1952, was
thought to have been like the atmosphere on Earth prior to the evolution of life. In which way was
the experiment’s model atmosphere different from today’s scientific understanding of the
atmosphere at the origin of life on Earth? (1 mark) HL Only

10. Explain why the conditions on Earth today make the spontaneous formation of organic carbon
compounds less likely compared to the conditions on Earth at the time of the origin of life. (4 marks)
HL Only
Date:____________ Name:___________ _____________________
Grade: 11 Subject & Level: Biology HL and SL
Topic: Theme A Unity and diversity

11. List the essential features that the first cells must have possessed to be able to live and evolve into
the life forms that followed. (4 marks) HL Only

12. Explain the importance of plasma membranes in eukaryote cells. (2 marks).

13. A red blood cell (erythrocyte) is called an atypical cell. Explain the meaning of the term “atypical cell”
and describe two features of red blood cells that are atypical. (2 marks)

14. Complete the table below to list the functions of the components of a plant cell. (5 marks)
Date:____________ Name:___________ _____________________
Grade: 11 Subject & Level: Biology HL and SL
Topic: Theme A Unity and diversity

15. The electron microscope image shows a highly magnified, transverse section of rough endoplasmic
reticulum in a secretory cell.

Describe the composition of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and its function. (4 marks)

16. Describe how eukaryotic cells are thought to have evolved from a common unicellular ancestor with
a nucleus. (4 marks) HL Only
Date:____________ Name:___________ _____________________
Grade: 11 Subject & Level: Biology HL and SL
Topic: Theme A Unity and diversity

17. Explain the process of cell differentiation in multicellular organisms. (3 marks) HL Only

18. The graph shows the known number of Ebola infections worldwide from 1976 to 2015. HL Only

a. Estimate the number of cases of Ebola in 1976-1977. (1 mark)

600 (cases). Accept 580 to 630

b. The total number of case of Ebola from 2000 to 2009 was 1194. Calculate the total number
of cases that occurred from 1990 to 1999. (1 mark)
472 (cases).
Date:____________ Name:___________ _____________________
Grade: 11 Subject & Level: Biology HL and SL
Topic: Theme A Unity and diversity

c. Calculate the percentage increase in the total number of cases from 2000 to 2009 in
comparison to 1990 to 1999. (2 marks)
increase = 1194-472 = 722 %
increase = 722/472 x 100 = 153% (accept 150 to 155%).

d. The Ebola virus first appeared in humans in 1976. Suggest how the virus first began to affect
the human population. (1 mark)
It transferred from (an original) animal host.
It is a zoonose.

e. A vaccine was trialled in 2018 and shown to be effective. It was made widely available from
2020. Suggest why a vaccine against a viral infection may prove ineffective in the long term.
(1 mark)
(Viral) mutations could make the vaccine ineffective against the mutated virus.
Note:- Do not accept that the virus becomes resistant or the host becomes resistant.

f. The genetic material of the Ebola virus is single-strand RNA. List two other forms of genetic
material found in viruses. (2 marks)
Double stranded RNA
Single stranded DNA.
Double stranded DNA.

g. The image below shows a particle of the Ebola virus.

The virus is approximately 1000 nm in length. Convert this size into µm. (1 mark)

1000nm / 1000 = 1 µm.

19. Compare and contrast the lytic cycle with the lysogenic cycle of viral infection of a host cell. (6
marks) HL Only
Date:____________ Name:___________ _____________________
Grade: 11 Subject & Level: Biology HL and SL
Topic: Theme A Unity and diversity


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