Speaking Club - Session 2

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Speaking Club

Content file
Session One (26/05/2021)

1. Introduction:

- Let’s have an introduction part but because we already had a detailed one last week, this
time we will cut it short. Introduce yourselves as in Name-Class-Department-Age and tell
everyone to do the same. We do not have to go into much detail here. It will only serve as
an icebreaker but make sure that everyone is comfortable. We always have to give the
message that this is not a classroom and that we are just chatting like a group of friends so
don’t be shy.

2. 4 Words out of your Name:

- Simply, every student is going to name 3 words (These could be items, verbs, colours,
emotions etc.) starting with the first/last letter of their name. Here you can help people out
by naming the letter they should use when you call on them. This should be a fast way to
make students use their vocabulary background.

3. Who’s telling the truth?

- Every student is going to prepare 3 sentences. 2 of them will include true information, but
1 of them will be false. After the student explains all 3 sentences the other students are
going to guess which one was the lie. We all know this game already, but a tip from me
would be that you prepare your sentences beforehand 

4. Random Questions:

- To finish the session we can also ask them some random questions. Here they have to
build sentences on their own, which is a good practice for their day-to-day speaking. It’s
the same format as last week. Make sure that you keep track of all the names and ask
everyone something. No one should be silent for too long.


1. What’s the worst and best thing about being female/male? (Each student will answer for
their opposite gender/ They will make assumptions)
2. What would you do if fear was not a factor and you could not fail?
3. What are your most important rules when going on a date? (This could be for you or in
the name of your date)
4. If you had the chance to bring someone back from death who would it be? (This could be
a celebrity, or someone you knew personally or even a pet if you had one)
5. Who should write the first message? (when you like someone) How should the ideal first
message be?

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