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Speaking Club

Content file
Session Four (09/06/2021)

1. Introduction: A simple and fast introduction so everyone can get comfortable. In the
case where all the guest are already people we know you can skip this part and start
directly with the game.

2. Odd word out! : Name 5 thinks but 1 of these items is going to be different form the
other 4. Than the other students will try to find that 1 outstanding word. You can also ask
him or her to explain why the object is different from the rest on the list To give an
example to the students you can use these word here:

 Banana, apple, orange, carrot, peach

 Dentist, teacher, wheel, actor, lawyer

3. Random Questions: You know the drill guys, no long and extra explanation needed 
1. What do you do to feel good when you are unhappy?
2. What annoys you the most when someone does it? For example people shouting in
public transport
3. Describe ‘the internet’ with one sentence or less? For example ‘Chaotic!’
4. Would you like to be your own friend? Why and why not?
5. Where would you like to live in future?
6. How do we know that the other person is the right person in a relationship?
7. What are the most common lies? Tell one of them. Why do people lie?

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