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I like to take the subway to work. It’s very fast and it’s never late.

We’re not flying together.

Pedro likes to fly. He travels by plane a lot!
Bob is traveling by boat to England.
How many rivers are there in this country?
Do you usually travel by plane to New York?
Where can I buy a ticket?
She takes the subway to work.
Is there a hospital near here?
The store is near the bank.
Is there a bus stop near here?
There are many stores in this town.
Where’s the computer store?
John works in a big factory. Every day he takes the bus to work. The factory is
behind the supermarket, in front of the bank.
The bus stop is near the factory.
Is there a hospital in this town?
The factory closed in 2010.
Both factories are old.
We work in both countries.
My home is near London, England. There are two big universities near here. Both
universities are very famous, and both are very expensive.
We’re visiting our family in Canada.
The museum is near the zoo.
All museums in the city are close today.
All universities are closed on holiday.
Jennifer takes the subway to work every day.
Fred is at the airport with Sarah. They have all their bags and their passports.
They want to fly to Brazil, but Fred doesn’t have a ticket!
Can I get there by boat?
I want to fly to Canada.
There is a boat on the river.
There is no subway in this city.
Is there a bank near here?
Are there a lot of nice places to visit here? Is there a famous park or museum?
We’re visiting our family in Canada.
I never travel by boat.
Can you see what is under your chairs?
All universities are closed on holidays.
Let’s go home
Do you want to cook tonight? – No. Let’s go to a restaurant.
Can fish hear?
What do you want to do now? – Let’s go to a coffee shop.
Your cat wants to eat my fish!
Can Bruno watch the game on TV?
Can Elisa come to the game today?
Does your roommate really have a fish?
Can we go to the movie theater now? (CINE)
Let’s watch a movie!
I love this music, let’s dance!
I need a few dollars.
We have a few exams this week.
I need a long shower!
Sundays with my family are always long!
This week is a short week.
Can we meet at the airport?
Are you busy this afternoon? – No. Let’s meet at the park.
I’m thirsty, I need a break!
Mondays are long days for me!
Mr. Smith can’t see the TV well. He needs to wear glasses.
She’s not here yet!
Are you free tonight? – Yes, I’m free tonight! I can come to your party!
What time do the buses leave?
Oh no! The buses aren’t here yet! Where are they?
Stephen cannot find his friend.
The students cannot find their teacher.
What is Julia doing?
I don’t often have tea. NO SUELO TOMA TE.
I need a glass of wine!
I never have a glass of wine with lunch!
OK, we’re ready to start!
What would you like to drink?
I want to go to the park today. – OK. What time would you like to go?
Mom, can I invite Lisa to the party?
I want to invite Max, but he isn’t free.
Who would you like to invite to your party on Saturday?
One coffee for you, Eduardo! But it isn’t ready to drink yet. It’s too hot!
The man with the red coat wants a coffee.
What do your parents do in the evening?
Do you have time for a short break?
The cake isn’t ready to eat yet!
Let’s have coffee on Wednesday.
Her concerts are short, but they’re good!
Where’s the computer store?
How many cities are there near the river?
Do you have time for a short break?
Dad, I have tickets for the movie theater tonight, but I can’t go. Do you and mom
want to go? You can have my tickets.
Mom, do you want to sit here?
Do you want a different color?
What would you like to do tonight?
We never meet at your apartment.
It’s 9 o’clock in the morning, but Fred isn’t at the office yet. He’s sleeping in his
bet. He doesn’t want to get up. He’s happy and warm!
The boy cannot find his parents!
I’m tired, but this class is short.
How is the weather?
It’s windy there in the spring.
Amy, let’s go to the game tonight? Our friends are going!
The man with the red coat wants a coffee.
I want to go to New York this fall.
I want to go to that town.
Two glasses of wine, please.
She loves to walk in the park.
We go to the beach every summer.
I go to the supermarket every Saturday.
We play basketball in the summer.
There is a restaurant at the museum.
What is Julia doing?
He usually has a cup of tea with breakfast.
What town are you from?
One glass of wine and one coffee, please.
Would you like to have a coffee?
We cannot find my brother Fred. My mom usually finds Fred under his bed, but
not today.
Which hat do you like? The red hat? How much is it?
How much is this T-shirt? How many T-shirts can I buy for twenty dollars?
I’m on vacation this week.
How many rivers are there in this country?
Do you want to invite your brother?
I’m visiting my friend in the UK.
What sports do you like?
Do you want to have a picnic this weekend?
It snows here in the winter.
It’s raining.
Is it warm today?
Do you want to play tennis?
Can I see that green blouse? And those gray shoes?
A beautiful garden.
Mom, my friend Elisa is going to the movie theater. Let’s go, too.
Is there a bank near here?
You can pay here.
They play baseball in the spring.
I never wear hats.
I’m at the bus stop.
I like that orange hat! And those green pants are nice, too!
Today is a long day, I have three exams!
How much are the shoes? Which shoes are seventeen dollars? The blue shoes?
Is it cloudy today?
Sorry, I want to go, but I’m not free.
Dad, do fish sleep?
Dad, when can we go?
Can you see Anna?
My coffee isn’t very hot.
Do you have time for a short break?
Where’s your bus? Where do you need to go?
Can you stay for a few days? Can you stay some days?
Do you want to go shopping today?
Are there good universities here?
Is this restaurant famous?
It’s sunny, but it isn’t hot.
These dresses are the same color.
It’s hot and sunny.
The restaurant is behind the hotel.
Jennifer sees well with glasses. When she doesn’t wear glasses, she can’t see
the food on her plate!
Is this a different jacket?
Do you want a different color?
When would you like to leave?
I really like that Chinese restaurant. Would you like to go there with me?
Let’s meet at the hotel.
Which pants do you want?
Let’s go to the supermarket.
I love this music. Let’s dance.
Is this tea ready to drink?
I can’t see the picture!
We never meet at your apartment!
It’s very windy today.
Fred isn’t at the office yet.
These dresses are the same color.
There are some big fish at the park.
What time do the buses leave?
Do those buses go to the airport?
Do fish drink water?
All universities are closed on holidays.
Would you like to have a coffee?
Let’s have coffee on Wednesday.
Do you want to go to a museum?
Her concerts are short, but they’re good!
It’s not too cold this weekend.
It’s spring
How is the weather this weekend? Is it nice, or is it too hot?
We go to the beach every summer. I love to play in the water when it’s really hot.
The weather in the spring is beautiful!
The weather is nice here in the spring, but our summers are very hot.
The summers aren’t very hot here.
My friends are at the beach this weekend. The weather is perfect!
My favorite weather is in the fall.
It’s sunny and not too hot. It’s a perfect day for a picnic in the park.
Is it raining? When it rains, we can’t go to the park.
Oh no! It’s raining! We can’t have a picnic when it rains.
I love warm weather!
What sports do you do in the summer?
It’s cold and windy today.
It’s snowing in Chicago, How’s the weather in New York?
It’s very windy here, How’s the weather there?
I don’t like dark, cloudy days.
Can I have a vegetable salad with my meat?
Can I have some vegetables?
Look at those beautiful fish!
Would you like something to drink?
Can I have more vegetables?
I would like a cheese pizza.
My father works at an old factory in our town.
Excuse me, is there a store near here? I really need to buy a coat!
We’re behind the red car.
Are there good universities here?
There are many countries in Africa.
Zoos are really interesting places to visit.
I like to take the subway to work. It’s very fast, and it’s never late.
What town are you from?
Where can I buy a ticket?
I’m sorry, we’re not open on Mondays.
Do you want to go to a museum?
Eddy touches Junior’s head. – You don’t have a fever. – But my ear hurts! I want
to go to the doctor’s office.
It’s nice to see you again, Junior.
Junior are you here because I always give you candy?
Are you free to go to the concert?
The boy cannot find his parents!
How many pizzas would you like?
He usually has a cup of tea with breakfast.
What kind of soup is this?
The sugar is on the table.
Carmen is going to Madrid on vacation this year.
I’m hungry! I’d like some break and cheese, please.
One hundred and seventy-five dollars.
Would you like to invite some friends?
Does it rain a lot there?
Can you wait for fifty minutes?
Your mom is coming on Friday. She wants to stay for a few weeks!
Is this tea ready to drink?
Who is the woman with the big glasses?
Let’s walk to the movie theater.
Can we meet at the airport?
Can we meet in a few minutes?
Fred isn’t at the office yet.
She would like coffee with milk.
It’s cold and dark, today.
I would like something cold to drink.
Her daughter also has red hair.
Does he also have brown eyes?
Her hair is brown, and her eyes are also brown.
Is he fat or thin?
There are a lot of people at the party!
I look like my brother.
My mom and dad aren’t rich. They don’t drive a very expensive car.
They both love their families.
They both come from rich families.
He has very short hair.
Bea, look at my short hair in this picture!
Which brother is older?
Which person is shorter?
Those girls are shorter than me.
He’s nicer than me.
Is Antonio shorter than me?
Is she taller than you?
Who is the boy? He’s taller than my dad!
You’re a little thin!
Does he also have brown eyes?
I’m very poor now.
Who are those women?
My brother is tall with brown hair. I also have brown hair, but I’m short.
There are a lot of people at the party.
You can wait here.
Does Hans drink beer or wine?
I would like a cake, please.
A glass of beer is two dollars and sixty cents.
Welcome to our new pizza restaurant! Would you like some pizza? The pizza is
five dollars and fifty cents. The beer is two dollars.
Would you like cheese on your pizza?
I’d like some fish soup, please.
We’ve seventy kinds of cheese.
I’m older than you.
His wife is tall and thin.
I don’t know many people at this party, but I know one person. I know the fat man
by the TV. He is watching Beyoncé. He is my husband.
Ninety minutes.
How many pizzas would you like?
Anna looks like her sister.
I have three fish at home.
We have no food in the fridge.
There are some big fish at the park.
Mom, can you come to my baseball game on Thursday?
Can your sister come to the soccer game?
Let’s meet at the station next to the hotel.
Her concerts are short, but they’re good.
Can you stay for a few days?
Excuse me, do these buses go to the city?
Who is the woman with the big glasses?
The train is not at the station yet.
Help, I cannot find my daughter.
I’m a little thirsty. – Would you like a glass of water?
I’m ready to find a new job.
I have a glass of milk every night.
Is this tea ready to drink?
I never have a glass of wine with lunch!
My cat has a fish in its mouth.
My brother has a fish in his mouth.
Our friends are going to Paris right now.
Where are Sofia’s keys?
This is the teacher’s apple.
I like my car, its doors are white.
Today, she’s talking to her friend.
What’s your phone number, Emma?
This is my friend Paul and he’s a teacher.
Where’s Julia’s camera?
The dog’s mouth, the cat’s ears.
We have Julia’s books. We have her books.
Where is my brother’s car?
Is this your friend’s book?
Your cat is sleeping on my shoes.
I have nine children. My children are interesting.
This is my sister’s pet.
My teacher speaks three languages.
We’re going to Julia’s apartment.
Look at the woman in the black dress! She looks like my sister Anna.
They are both short, and they both have black hair and brown eyes.
What color are your eyes?
John looks like his brother.
No, I don’t know that person.
Is your brother also tall?
She looks like her mother.
Three hundred people visit this museum every day.
I don’t know many people in this party, but I know one person. I know the fat man
by the TV. He’s watching Beyoncé. He is my husband.
Those men are from Brazil.
There are twenty women here.
Who is that?
I don’t look like my sisters.
A tall, thin person.
Juan and Kristy are friends. His family is poor, and her family is rich, but that’s
OK. The people in both families are very friendly.
They both love their families.
They’re not really poor.
Your sister looks like your mom.
They’re not very friendly.
He’s a very rich man.
My brother is taller than me.
I’m older than you.
Mary is nicer than Monica.
Is Antonio shorter than me?
My name is Tom, I look like my dad, Bruce. He has red hair and he’s not very tall.
My mom, Wendy, is taller than me and taller than my dad.
A girl with short hair.
Does he also have brown eyes?
Dad, I need your car for an hour!
Would you like to have a coffee?
I’m thirsty, I need a break!
Which brother is older?
She’s not here yet!
I’m so scared! I can’t find my diary!
I write about Miguel in my diary!
They look for the diary in the hall. Ellas buscan el diario en el pasillo.
But you name is on it.
Don’t worry, I can’t read you handwriting.
The cake isn’t ready to eat yet.
There are six hundred people on the ship.
Fifty dollars for a glass of wine is little expensive!
My roommate is cleaning the toilet, and I’m cleaning the floor.
We need more paint.
Green grass. Césped verde.
She’s closing all the windows now.
What kind of drink do you want? What kind of drink would you like?
Would you like to invite a few friends?
I don’t know those people, but that thin person with glasses is in my business
Oh no! There is paint on the floor in the bathroom.
There are no trees behind my house, but there is a tree in front of the house.
George opens the doors to the store at eight o’clock. The store is open from eight
to five.
I like the light blue paint on the walls in the kitchen!
Daniel is waiting for his food, but he’s very hungry. He wants something to eat
They both have red hair.
This is my sister’s pet.
We both have brown hair.
The door of refrigerator isn’t closed. Please close the door, Jose.
The food is in the kitchen.
He likes expensive cameras.
There are no cameras in this store.
What color are your eyes?
What are you looking at?

Look at es un verbo frasal, o sea, verbo más preposición. Se usan mucho en ingles y hay
muchos. Este significa mirar algo específico. El "to see" es ver, cuando abres los ojos las
cosas están allí, digamos que llegan a tus ojos. El "look at" es cuando buscas con la
mirada algo: mira ese cuadro en la pared! y tu mirada busca el cuadro, nada más. El
"watch" es observar algo especialmente que tenga movimiento y durante un tiempo: tv,
deportes, etc.
What are you looking at? – Que estas mirando (at para algo especifico).
What are you looking for? – Que estas buscando (for para buscar algo)
What are you looking in? – Que estas mirando dentro (in para mirar dentro de

The food is in the fridge/refrigerator.

There is a clock on the wall in my bedroom, but there are no clocks in the kitchen.
I always put the keys here.
I have a lot of plants.
Can you clean the toilet?
The plant is on the floor.
How much is the wine?
She’s putting in the refrigerator.
They’re cleaning the floor.
The grass in the park.
There are two pictures on the wall.
Can you put the food in the fridge?
Would you like butter with that?
Do you have the car keys?
I’d like some bread and cheese.
How many rooms are there?
This is Mike’s room, but where’s Mike?
She’s closing all the windows now.
No, you can’t play Emma’s doll! Emma wants to play with it.
There’s a knife next to your dish.
There are a lot of people at the party.
Is your brother also tall?
Ok, see you at three o’clock!
What’s on the floor?
Does Monica have short hair?
My brother has a new pet. It’s a dog. His dog’s name is Fido.
What’s that?
My ears are cold.
Where’s your dog?
What kind of animal is that?
Can you catch the ball?
Are you catching a lot of fish today, Mr. Bear?
There is a little hat on his head.
Can you come to the school play tonight? I don’t want to go to the school play!
Where can we do karaoke in this town?
Yes, I would love to do that!
Lisa is getting the tickets now, right?
Do pigs eat crackers?
The cow can’t kick the ball.
Do you like the black horse? No, I like the other horse.
On our farm, we have a horse, a cow, and a few other animals.
She leaves in the morning.
The horse is leaving the farm.
The horse and the cow are eating together.
Too much salt.
Can dogs cook?
Do cats eat potatoes?
Oh, that horse is painting!
My dog always listens to me.
My sister listens to me play the flute.
My cat is drawing a picture.
My cat often plays with her red ball.
Do animals listen to music?
She often paints pictures of horses.
My cat draws very well.
The pigs are cooking potatoes.
What are the pigs cooking now?
Oh, you don’t play the flute very well.
There is a little hat on his head.
Luis walks his hat in the morning.
Can cats swim?
Can you ride a horse?
My cat wants to catch your fish. Oh no! I love my fish!
The cat is sitting on my legs.
Do you see the cows, Maria? One cow is black, and the other cow is brown.
They’re watching us, Let’s go and say hello!
You look like my brother.
Do all animals here need a home? Yes, each animal needs a home.
She’s friendly and funny.
I’m very poor now.
Marco is taller than Daniel.
Is he tall or short?
The bird is eating a cracker.
One cow is watching the other cow.
Each dog has a ball.
What color are the walls?
What’s that on the floor? They really need to clean this bathroom! Let’s go, I don’t
want to stay in this hotel for one more minute!
We have light blue paint.
Do you have the key to the door?
She’s putting the food in the fridge.
Do you have the car keys?
She’s closing all the windows now.
Look at this old photo!
Those are expensive dictionaries.

I don’t like this house, Mary! There is no grass, and there are no trees, I don’t
want to buy this house. I want the house with the garden.
There are no Spanish dictionaries here.
They’re sitting under a tree.
There is a clock on the wall.
This is the Mike’s room, but where is Mike?
Can you put the plant next to the window?
This is Emma’s room. Sorry, there are a lot of dolls on the floor. She never cleans
her room! Let’s go and see my room now. It’s very clean.
There is a plant in the kitchen.
Daniel’s knife.
Who is your singing teacher?
Yes, I would love to do that!
I would love to do karaoke with you.
Yes, I would love to watch Jenna’s singing competition!
Can you come to the tennis competition?
Would you like to go to the singing competition?
Dear Eve, would you like to go to a concert?
We need to find our seats.
Let’s do karaoke on Friday!
What do you want to do on Sunday? Let’s watch a movie!
Is this your brother’s ticket?
The restaurant has three floors.
Oh, our seats are on the same floor!
This is a big theater, we’re in seat numbers 132 and 133.
Mary’s seat is on a different floor.
Are you hearing voices?
Who is making that noise?
I can’t hear you, There’s too much noise!
Hector’s seat is over here.
Where’s Bob’s seat? It’s over here near the door.
The concert is starting now.
Shh, who is eating crackers?
Oh, that actor lives near me!
I’m walking to the window now.
Oh, that actor has a really good voice!
Oh, what an actor!
I always do this wrong!
You need some new clothes for the play.
The school play has some hip-hop music.
Fred is getting our jackets.
Diego is getting the tickets right now.
This play is awful, let’s leave.
The actors are awful, I want to leave!
Now he thinks that he loves me!
I think that the play is too short.
Ok, I’m ready to go, but I need to get my blue bag.
I think that I love Diego, but his voice is really awful!
Now he thinks that he loves me!
Where can we do karaoke in this town?
Is the seat number on your ticket?
Oh, Daniel’s seat is over here too.
Are our seats on this floor?
Do you use a computer at school?
We are the Smith family! In our house, we have six cats, four dogs a fish, We’re
very busy at our house!
Is there an animal in the garden?
Dogs don’t usually catch fish. Our dog catches a fish every week.
She leaves in the morning.
The horse is leaving the farm.
Can you kick the ball?
Do you want to leave now?
The dog has something in its mouth.
Where is the other dog?
Don’t walk behind the horse. It can kick! Its legs are long!
The cat has a fish in its mouth.
What is in your mouth?
Elisa often draws pictures of birds, but today she’s drawing a picture of Henry the
horse. Henry is a big, beautiful black horse.
She often paints pictures of horses.
I cook potato soup often. It doesn’t too much salt. It’s delicious.
The horses want more salt.
My dog always listens to me.
My sister listens to me play the flute.
My cat wants to catch a fish.
Oh, what is in your ear?
Oh no, this bus doesn’t have a bathroom!
What are the pigs cooking now?
Oh, you have the wrong email address.
Can your dog ride a bike?
Um, can you understand this play?
Are you hearing voices?
That actor always wears nice clothes.
Let’s watch the game together on Sunday.
Are you kicking the table?
Where are the car keys, Bob? I always put the keys on the table near the door,
but they aren’t there now, and they’re not in the car.
Noe, he thinks that he loves me!
Your brother’s seat is over here!
I can’t find you!
Good, the play is starting, but who is making that noise? Oh, it’s Bob! Bob shh,
you seat is over here, next to us!
Yes, Emma, I think that the actors are awful, but what a play! It’s really funny.
Can we come next week, too?
Rachel’s jacket is over here!
I see the John’s jacket on his seat, but where is john? The concert is stating now!
Fred usually gets the car and waits in front of the movie theater. I think that he’s
getting the car right now.
George opens the door to the store at eight o’clock. The store is open from eight
to five.
Can you come to my singing class?
I would love to do that.
Do you like singing competitions?
You never read the words wrong.
You always make my coffee wrong!
One cow is watching the other cow.
Do you have the key to open this door?
Oh! Can you buy some food for dinner?
They’re putting the food on the table.
Can you put the newspaper on my desk?
Laura’s mom really likes plants. She puts plants in every room of the house!
My friends and I are the same age.
Both feet.
Who is fatter?
Which dog is bigger?
Look at Hans! His arms are bigger than my legs!
Which person is tinner?
Is your dog fatter than my dog? No, he’s tinner than my dog.
Andres has a beard.
Oh! What’s wrong?
Who is more famous?
What are you excited about?
Who is more excited about their green pants, Hector or Jesus?
Does Daniel like his job? No, he’s never excited about work.
Mike’s new job is very interesting, but he’s also very busy.
Which job is easier?
My English homework is easier than my Spanish homework.
Your job is not easy!
This homework is very easy.
You’re busier than me.
Patricia is busier than Maria.
Which animals are more friendly?
Which person is friendlier?
My parents aren’t the same age.
The baby has one tooth.
He’s washing his hands.
Are dogs friendlier than cats?
He has a very short beard.
One tooth, two teeth.
Her mother’s arms.
Where are all the plants?
My father likes old cameras.
Those are beautiful trees.
I like old clocks.
Can you close this box?
Does the baby look like her mom?
I like light colors.
I don’t feel sick.
She’s sitting on the grass.
Which class is easier?
Your cat is thinner than my cat.
My mom is busier than my dad.
What’s on the floor?
Which movie is more interesting?
I’m not very hungry.
Which shoes are bigger?
Which cow is fatter?
The baby has one tooth.
The walls are light gray.
Can you put the keys on my desk?
How many rooms are there?
I would like to take a singing class.
Do you like singing competitions?
There is a school competition today.
Dear Eve, would you like to go to a concert?
Can you come to the school play tonight?
Oh, our seats are on the same floor.
I can’t hear you, there’s too much noise!
Your friend is walking to the door.
Sorry, I always write your name wrong!
You always make my coffee wrong.
Oh, I think that I love you.
I would love to look like Shakira.
I would love to come to the soccer game.
Let’s meet on Thursday to have a coffee.
What are you excited about?
I love babies.
I feel very tired! I’m more tired than I usually am.
Let’s dance! One foot goes here, and now both feet go there!
I can’t hear the actors, shh!
We have light blue paint.
This homework is easy. It’s easier than the homework from my other teachers.
This doctor is busier than that doctor.
The baby has a new tooth! how many teeth does she have now?
Which doctor is busier?
Is this your brother’s ticket?
Are you excited for the game?
There’s a knife next to your plate.
He’s excited about his party.
Let’s watch the game together on Sunday.
I don’t have much money this month.
Can you come to my singing class?
Yes, I would love to do that!
The concert is awful, can we leave?
I’m not very hungry.
Which movie is more interesting?
Shh, you’re making noise!
Dear Tom, let’s do something tonight.
They’re walking to their seats.
Mrs. Brown is my son’s teacher.
Can I ask you something? Yes, you can always ask me questions.
She wants to meet your teacher.
Can I call you at eleven o’clock? No, can you call us this evening?
Please call them.
Mr. Smith wants to meet them.
I’m checking my email.
I want to invite him too.
Please invite them to the party.
Don’t send that email to her.
Please send an email about the party.
An important holiday.
Could you help me, please?
Could you read this? It’s an important letter from the bank.
Welcome to the hotel, can I help you? Thanks, could you help us find a bank near
He’s not answering me.
Do you know her?
Do you know Mr. Turner’s email address?
Please don’t smoke in the hotel.
Please call us when you get home.
I always kick with this foot.
This is Eve. She drinks milk and sleeps a lot. She has little feet and no teeth. She
has no hair yet. She looks like her father!
How many adults are there?
They’re not the same age.
Can I put my foot on the chair?
The baby’s little feet.
All ages.
Are your feet clean?
My friends and I are the same age.
Tha baby has no hair.
My hands are cold.
Which dog is bigger?
Which person is thinner?
What are you excited about?
These shoes are more expensive.
I’m really hungry.
Which job is easier?
Rio is a student in London. He likes to study Spanish, and he thinks that it is
easy. He thinks that English and business are more difficult.
Are dogs friendlier than cats?
Which animals are friendlier?
I need summer clothes.
You’re busier than me.
Are you feeling good?
Would you like to go to karaoke competition? Yes, I’d love to go!
Yes, I’d love to watch Jenna’s singing competition!
When can we watch the play?
I want to eat crackers, but they make noise!
I cannot hear you, there’s too much noise!
I always do this wrong!
Write a note on this paper.
Don’t send too many messages.
Don’t invite too many people.
My wife is friendlier than me.
We’re excited about our vacation.
Can you help us?
He loves her.
My sons ask a lot of questions.
This letter is for Ms. White.
She is going to ask him to marry her.
Can we go to the bookstore?
The bus is turning right.
The end of the street.
Turn right here. Our house is at the end of the street.
A safe place
Ok Mr. Cat, you need to go back to his home now.
Wait! Don’t go! It isn’t safe!
Inside each room.
Show us your photos.
The zoo is close to the river.
The hotel is between two restaurants.
He’s showing her the house right now.
There’s a bank inside the supermarket.
Don’t go outside.
Go past the hospital.
Is the hotel past the hospital?
The roads aren’t safe.
Don’t go into that room.
Go into the train station and buy a ticket.
A village, a town, a city.
Our farm is close to the village.
Street noise.
I hear a noise outside.
Don’t go up there.
There are no trees here.
Don’t go down there.
We need to go down this street and turn right.
We only have one car.
All of the roads are bad.
All of the trains are fast.
Can I walk to the bookstore from here?
The farm is at the end of this road.
Mr. Turner doesn’t work on Fridays.
Hans calls me every day, but I don’t love him. Eduardo never calls me, But I
really love him. I want to meet him tonight.
Do you understand the question?
I can’t see them.
I’m sending an email right now.
Please call us.
Don’t send too many messages.
Please, invite all your friends.
Emma, could you get some paper for me, please? I want to write a note for Mr.
and Mrs. Smith.
He’s not answering me.
Could you write a note to Mr. Turner?
Could you open the door, please?
I’m writing a note to my son.
He’s writing a letter to his family.
I can’t answer their question.
Can I ask you a question?
Don’t ask me questions.
We can’t find our hotel!
Turn right here.
Miss Smith isn’t at school today.
We’re going into the zoo now.
The note is on the yellow paper.
I can show you the world.
I can wait outside.
Go up and go into the room.
There’s a store inside the museum.
Turn left and go down the street.
I see John’s jacket on his set, but where is John? The concert is starting now!
Please invite them to the party!
Jose likes to show me his favorite places. Today he is showing he is showing me
his favorite park.
Please don’t smoke in the hotel.
Your brother is writing a letter to your grandparents. Could you write a letter to
them, too?
I want to see the world.
The bookstore is at the end of the street.
Where is he? I need to ask him a question.
The bookstore is close to the bank.
Which bus stop is closer?
Do you think that this is funny?
There are many people in the world.
How many countries are there in the world?
My son asks a lot of questions.
There’s a note on the table.
Where’s that street?
Which restaurant is closer?
Write a note on this paper.
Wow, you have very big hands! Your hands are bigger than your face!
Are you busy Saturday tonight? Can you come to my school play?
Which plane is faster?
Which city is safer?
I don’t want to meet him.
I’m calling my sister now.
What’s the problem? / What’s the matter?
We need to turn right at the end of this street.
Doctor, both my feet feel bad, but this foot feels awful!
She’s not ready to go.
What is that noise?
Our farm is close to the village.
We never ask questions.
Ms. White doesn’t have children.
I’m reading the message from Bruno / I’m reading Bruno’s message.
The bus is turning right.
There’s no hospital in the village.
There’s a lot of noise in the city.
Drive past the museum. The bank is on the left. When you go into the bank,
please talk to Ms. Turner.
Walk past the bus stop and go into the store on the left.
Dad, I need some money for the ticket!
She’s not excited for the class / She isn’t excited about the class.
There is garden between those restaurants.
The bathroom is between two bedrooms.
I can go down and meet them.
They’re tired and hungry.
You can ask me questions.
Go down and go outside.
Is the dog outside?
Are you going up or down?
Leo is going back to the park, let’s go to him.
What are you excited about?
We’re going out for dinner!
They’re going out with some friends.
Oh, the animals are leaving the zoo!
What kind of the book do you enjoy reading?
Michael really loves swimming at the beach.
All of my friends enjoy listening to music.
I love playing music with a group.
I love listening to the birds in the morning.
I don’t like watching television.
She practices soccer every weekend.
Do you enjoy reading?
I always kick with this foot.
Emma loves playing soccer. She plays every day with a group of her friends.
My husband and I are the same age.
Enjoy the party!
Playing tennis is fun.
Is the baby sleeping?
You’re busier than me.
A conversation in English.
Your job is not easy!
Don’t stop running!
I love watching funny movies.
This bird is fatter than the other bird.
My English homework is easier than my Spanish homework.
I like listening to music.
This homework is very difficult.
No running.
She buys cheap clothes.
He’s excited about this party.
I’m very hungry now!
I’m reading an interesting book.
Learning English is interesting.
Smoking is bad for you.
Emma goes out every Friday.
Are your teeth clean?
Are your feet clean?
I don’t know this dance!
We need to stop swimming now.
I don’t enjoy watching the news.
Some of my friends like sports.
Which animals are friendlier?
Swimming is more fun1 than running.
I’m reading an interesting book.

Hay excepciones como: Good - Better , Bad - Wars, Far - Farther, Much - More, Little - Less, Fun - More Fun, Clever - More
I enjoy singing with you.
My father’s name is Giuseppe. He has big hands and a long beard on his face,
he is funny, and he makes delicious pizzas. I love my father.
The car is turning left.
Ok Julia, I’m ready! We can go to the bookstore now and get that book. Are you
ready to go, too?
She needs to turn left.
They’re not ready to go.
The bookstore is on this street.
That car is turning left.
Turn left at the end of the street.
Is your family ready?
The bus is turning right.
How can I get to the bookstore?
Our house is at the end of the street.
You need to turn right next to the hospital.
These streets aren’t safe at night.
Paul is on vacation in Spain, there’s a problem, He is in a small village, and he
can’t find a place with a TV.
Don’t go outside.
We’re going into the zoo now.
Is the dog outside?
Go past the hospital.
There’s no road to that village.
Don’t go into that room.
I work at the airport, you can get there by bus, but the trains are faster. All of the
buses are really old and slow.
Are you going up or down?
A fast train.
There’s only one road to the village.
This is the only bookstore in our town.
Do you want to come to our party? Yes! Can you send us a message with your
Please don’t smoke in the hotel.
Could you speak more slowly, please? I’m writing some notes.
Do you want me to look at all those papers right now, Mr. Smith?
Could you write a note to Mr. Turner?
You aren’t answering me. Could you answer the question, please?
Do you know Mr. Turner’s email address?
He never calls me.
He’s showing her the house right now.
Taxis are faster than buses.
Walk past the bus stop and turn right.
Go past the school and turn left.
Go up that street and find a taxi.
Go into the train station and buy a ticket.
We’re going out for dinner.
A boring conversation.
He’s practicing guitar in his bedroom.
When do you practice dancing?
Is something wrong?
I’m taking a test today.
Go up to the third floor.
Go down to the second floor.
He’s carrying a lot of books.
I worry about my job sometimes.
There are no classrooms on the first floor.
There are no bathrooms on the third floor.
Daniel worries a lot.
My mom worries a lot, but my dad never worries.
An important subject.
Patricia studies music.
Can you see the blackboard?
Students, can you see the blackboard from the back of the classroom?
Do you take dancing lessons?
Do you want to use the whiteboard?
He always carries his guitar to class.
My teacher usually carries a box of pencils to class.
Lorena has to check her email.
Both od these pens are red.
Do you need both of those pens? I need something to write with.
I’m enjoying all of my courses.
Um, I can tell you the answer, Ms. Smith!
Do I have to take that course?
I want to tell my friends the answers.
Look at page eleven.
Ok, let’s read this page together, Luca!
I need a bigger bookcase.
Each of the lessons is important.
Our teacher always gives us homework.
Ms. White gives us a test every Friday.
I can’t say the second word in this sentence.
Please, give each of them a pencil.
I want to stop smoking.
Do you want to go out for dinner?
He’s going out with a group of friends.
Watching sports on television is boring.
No smoking in the school.
They often go out for lunch.
We need to stop swimming now.
Where can we buy chocolate?
The drinks are really expensive at that café.
I want to buy some chocolate for my husband.
There’s only one bookcase in our classroom.
The answer is on page eighty-five.
I want to take guitar lessons.
Hoe many new words are in this lesson?
Can you say a sentence in Spanish?
Both of these pens are red / Both pens are red.
Tell me which dog you want.
Which subject is more difficult?
I always carry my lunch to school.
My brothers don’t enjoy singing.
My son loves reading.
Learning is difficult for him.
Patricia always carries a lot of books to class.
The bathrooms are on the second floor.
We go fishing every summer.
His mom is sick, and he worries every day.
Some people enjoy smoking.
He’s carrying a lot of books.
Don’t tell them the answer!
I have to tell you something.
Is the bathroom on the first or second floor?
Don’t stop running.
You can’t get to the village by train.
I’m too embarrassed / estoy muy avergonzada.
Your painting is blank. / tu pintura está en blanco.
You always forget to do your homework. / siempre plvidas hacer tut area.
Is she a waitress? / es una camarera?
Can you put them on the table?
Don’t tell her anything.
We like them very much.
Ben has a wife, and he loves her.
He’s saying something, but I can’t hear him.
I’m giving a guitar to her.
Well, she’s going to class with him.
My family is important to me.
He’s having dinner with us.
I’m buying this sandwich for them.
Sorry, I don’t have a sandwich for you.
I don’t want to talk to him.
Can you show the garden to her?
Are you buying a car for them? Are you buying them a car?
I’m buying some coffee for her.
He likes his job because it’s easy.
This is my chair. They can put it in my room.
Is that you cat? Does it have a fish in its mouth?
It is cold and dark today.
She likes this bread because it is sweet.
It’s raining hard / esta lloviendo mucho.
In my country, it’s always hot and sunny.
He has a coat, but he never wears it.
It’s fall and it’s very cold.
She sees us, and we see her.
I’m listening to you.
This room is for us.
We can buy a hat for you. We can buy you a hat.
Sarah likes this class because it is interesting.
I only have ten dollars.
Is the bookstore near here?
Go into the train station and buy a ticket.
What pages do we have to read?
Emma goes out every Friday.
I’m taking a Spanish course.
I need a bigger bookcase.
I come home late and my mom worries.
Bob has to read a question, and you have to tell him the answer.
Luis walks his cat in the morning.
Can you carry these books up to Mrs. Jackson’s class? Her classroom is on the
second floor. Thank you!
We never worry about that class.
There are no classrooms on the first floor.
I worry about my job sometimes.
My sister is taking an English test right now.
There are no bathrooms on the third floor.
I’m going up to the second floor.
He always carries his guitar to class.
All the whiteboards are too small.
My friend Peter worries about our classes a lot, but I never worry about them.
My daughter takes singing lessons.
I come home late sometimes, and my mom worries.
How many new words are in this lesson?
I want to tell my friend the answers.
Juan and I have to go home.
Both pens are in my bag.
Don’t tell them your address.
Please, put the dictionary in the bookcase.
Each of you has to read something.
I need a bigger bookcase.
Please, give each of them a pencil.
The lesson is on page twelve.
I cannot say the second word in this sentence.
I have to tell you something.
Don’t tell them the answer.
It will be more fun to make a pizza / Será más divertido hacer una pizza.
The dough isn’t ready yet / la masa no esta lista todavia.
When will it be ready? / cuando estara lista?
I love watching television with my mom on weekends.
We usually practice dancing on Saturdays.
He really enjoys watching movies.
My children don’t like reading books.
He’s practicing guitar in his bedroom.
My brothers don’t enjoy singing.
Do you like sports? No, but some of my friends like soccer.
Some of my friends love playing soccer.
I like listening to guitar music.
Where do you like to go fishing, Mr. Bear?
We go fishing every summer.
I go running every day.
I enjoy fishing with them.
I go running every day.
Mike goes swimming every morning, he swims in the evening sometimes, too.
Anna always goes swimming with us.
Emma loves playing soccer. She plays every day with a group of her friends.
Some of my friends go dancing every week.
Mary and I like to go out for dinner sometimes.
Are you going out for dinner?
Watching the news is boring.
Learning English is interesting.
Playing basketball is more fun than running.
I want to stop smoking.
They often go out for lunch.
Learning English is important to me.
I want to take a dance class.
Carolina goes out for coffee at a little café every Saturday.
I love listening to this band.
Where can we buy chocolate?
I always buy coffee at that café.
The soccer game is on the radio.
We need to practice the dance.
Michael really loves swimming at the beach.
I want to buy some chocolate for my husband.
Swimming is more fun than running.
Would you like some chocolate?
The bookcase is next to the whiteboard.
We have to take that course.
We never worry about that class.
What’s the first sentence on page four?
Each of you has to read something.
I love singing in the shower.
Learning is difficult for him.
Some of the girls play with dolls.
I love watching television with my family.
She always carries these books to school.
The lesson is on the page twelve.
He’s practicing guitar in his bedroom.
They’re enjoying the game.
When do you practice dancing?
It’s sunny today,
How’s your English? / Que tal es tu inglés.
Sleeping indoors is safer.
Having a picnic indoors2 is boring.
We never have good weather.
He enjoys swimming outdoors3.
We like eating outdoors when the weather is nice.
I don’t go to the beach in the winter.
When do you spend time with your sister?
Do you often spend time in your garden?
Do you like spending time outdoors?
Do you like spending time with him?
It’s raining hard.
Is it snowing hard there?
The bus stops here.
The bus never stops in my town.
Oh, the bus is stopping!
There aren’t any clean cups!
Look at the birds in that tree.
There isn’t a TV in this bedroom.
There aren’t any dolls in Julia’s bedroom.
I don’t like taking a shower when it’s cold.
Oh, there’s a big bird near the river!
Is hiking4 a sport?
Hiking in the spring is lot of fun!
Let’s start making dinner!
Do fish usually have lunch?
Do many people have lunch in the park?
Let’s go to the park later!
Indoors: adentro
Outdoors: al aire libre
Hiking: senderismo
There isn’t a patio at my house.
Do people have breakfast early here?
There aren’t any mountains near here.
I’m having lunch with some people from work.
My children are having breakfast in the garden.
Oh, I need5 to wash my pants later!
There are only a few books about plants!
Where would you like to stay?
When would you like to go home?
Are there any big cities there?
Are there any good dictionaries in the library?
There are so many beaches here!
There are so many glasses on the table!
The plane leaves at five o’clock.
Our class takes a trip every year.
He usually takes a trip in the summer.
Let’s take a trip to the mountains!
Where would you like to go this weekend? I want to take a trip to see my sister.
I would love to stay, but the bus is leaving.
The bus is leaving, are we ready to go?
There isn’t a window in Mike’s bedroom!
How’s the weather here in winter?
I usually buy new plants in the spring.
When do you spend time together?
Here, people have breakfast at six o’clock.
There isn’t much noise in this bedroom.
There aren’t many trees in these mountains.
There aren’t any clocks in this house.
Can you show me your homework?
Her job is important to her.
I love him and he loves me.
Is he your brother?
Are you giving the hat to him?
Are you giving him the hat?
He talks me, I talk him.
Don’t tell her anything.
John, you can tell me everything.
Can you put them on the table?
He never calls me.
She has a computer, but she never uses it.
She’s giving her a computer.
In my country, it’s always hot and sunny.
He has a coat, but he never wears it.
Is it fall or winter, right now?
Always is Need to or want to
I don’t want to talk to him.
They need to go to school.
Sarah likes this class because it is interesting.
Is it raining now?
He is important to her.
He’s having dinner with us.
I am buying this sandwich for them.
Sorry, I don’t have a sandwich for you.
Is she going to class with him?
I’m giving a book to him.
We need a new toilet.
They have a bird, but it doesn’t like me.
He’s giving her a guitar.
I’m buying some tea for him.
We can buy a hat for you.
We can buy you a hat.
I really like you.
It’s a nice day today.
This is my chair. They can put it in my room.
I like that dog. It has three legs.
They’re buying some pizza for us.
It is cold and dark today.
Excuse me, you need to buy him pants.
Is it summer now?
It is a beautiful day.
Duo wants to teach us.
Can you show the garden to her?
They like this movie because it is funny.
Can you help me with this?
She sees us and we see her.
I’m listening to you.
The coat is expensive. I can’t buy it.
I’m giving them a pizza.
He’s singing to her.
Ben has a wife, and he loves her.
I’m buying some coffee for her.
Is it a red or blue shirt?
Hiking is difficult when it’s windy.
The children have breakfast at school.
Mom, can we start eating now?
My dog usually feels awful in the summer.
There isn’t a patio at this hotel.
Are there any family at the park?
Do you like spending time outdoors?
He enjoys swimming outdoors.
When do you spend time together?
Do you want to play basketball later?
Does the train stop in that town?
How’s the food in your country?
Mr. Brown give us a lot of homework, but we like his class.
I’m taking a test today / estoy haciendo un test hoy.
Could you give me some paper?
Let’s start making dinner!
There aren’t any mountains in this country.
When do you spend time together?
I don’t like taking a shower when it’s cold.
What’s the first sentence on page four?
Do you want to take a trip to New York?
Do many people have lunch in the park?
When would you like to go home?
Does this city have any universities?
Do the work, and you can go out later.
He’s writing a question on the whiteboard.
Some of the lessons are boring.
I want to take guitar lessons.
I need something to write with / Necesito algo con que escribir.
Each of the students has to answer a question.
Please give each of them a pencil.
How many new words are (there) in this lesson?
Ms. White gives us a test every Friday.
Our teacher always gives us homework.
You can be a teacher.
I work as a professor.
I work as a waitress sometimes.
Which school is better?
Does Maria want to be a teacher? No, she wants to be a soccer player.
My cat is a better driver than me.
Do you want to be a waiter?
We need more money.
I want a smaller car.
Both houses are nice.
I don’t want any salt.
Mom, can I have some money? Sorry, I don’t have any.
Where can I get a cheap cellphone? / Donde puedo comprar un celular barato.
He likes his job because it is easy.
We like all of these houses.
Can I buy some ice cream?
Michael really loves swimming at the beach.
I love you very much.
Does she like Mike? No, she doesn’t like him very much.
I can see it in your eyes.
Monica likes coffee, but she can’t drink it.
Both teachers are friendly.
We love our teachers very much.
DO you know any good doctors?
Which city has better schools?
We want to find good schools for our children.
I don’t want any juice.
What are you buying?
Don’t get any bananas / no compre ningun platano.
I’m not doing anything.
What is she buying? She’s not buying anything.
Can you get milk as well? / Puedes comprar leche tambien?
He always thinks about money.
She never thinks about money.
What kind of beer are you drinking?
He’s drinking coffee because he’s tired.
I want to buy ice cream as well.
She works as a waitress as well (too).
There aren’t any good hospitals near here.
He wants to get a smaller guitar.
Fernanda likes ice cream, but she can’t eat it.
How do you say goodbye in Portuguese?
Parents always worry about (for) their children.
What’s the first sentence on page four?
Which cellphone do you want to get?
I always carry my lunch to school.
Can you get milk as well?
I work as a professor.
Can you be my driver today?
We want to find good schools for our children.
They aren’t any hospitals near here.
I don’t want any cake.
The waiter’s name is Pedro.
I come home late sometime, and my mom worries.
She doesn’t want to be a taxi driver.
I don’t have any money.
We like both schools very much.
Which cake is sweeter?
It’s never sunny in this country.
Playing tennis indoors is more difficult.
How’s the food in your country?
Do you like spending time with him?
When do you spend time together?
We like eating outdoors in the summer.
Spain usually has sunny weather.
We have very hot weather here.
Mom, Ben doesn’t want to take a shower.
Cool there aren’t any men on this farm.
It’s raining hard, we can’t go outdoors.
The bus stops here.
Those birds are flying to a warm country.
It’s raining hard, I can’t see the road.
Oh, this train stops in the wrong town.
I don’t like taking a shower when it’s cold.
Today my husband Charlie and I are hiking in the Montserrat mountains near
Barcelona, Hiking is fun when the weather is nice!
I’m having lunch with some people from work.
There aren’t any mountains on the mountain.
Start putting the dishes on the table.
My children are having lunch in the garden.
Do many people have lunch in the park?
I would like to see my sister Emma, but she lives on a big, cold mountain, would
you like to take a trip to the mountains with me?
Where would you like to go this weekend?
He usually takes a trip in the summer.
The train leaves in a few minutes.
Julien is taking a trip to Spain, The plane leaves in a few minutes. There are so
many seats on a plane, but there are only ten people!
Are there any big cities there?
We always take a trip in the spring.
There are so many boxes on your patio.
There is only one problem.
Does your town have any factories?
Who has the biggest car?
The biggest factory in the country.
John has the easiest job.
Elisa is my oldest child.
There are many small countries in Europe. Really? Which is the smallest?
Jennifer has the nicest car.
It’ is the nicest hotel in the city.
Ta tallest boy in the class.
Thank you for the meal.
Who has the most dangerous job?
The most dangerous city in the US.
There are many famous things in this museum. Really? Which is the most
The most exciting part of the trip.
Having a nice meal together is my favorite part of the day.
It’s the most exciting game of the year.
It’s the most dangerous part of the trip.
They’re taking a trip to Germany.
Which country is richer?
Bruno Mars is richer than me.
Joseph is my youngest son.
His family is richer than her family.
Which bananas are cheaper?
The tallest building in Mexico.
Which pair of glasses is better?
The red skirt is longer than the black skirt.
This is the funniest part of the movie.
It’s the cheapest cellphone in the store.
What is the longest river in the world?
Is this the only door?
Marco is my only child.
Which course is harder?
Which dance is harder to learn?
The best part of my day.
Where’s the closest bank?
Where’s the closest restaurant?
Are any banks open today?
There aren’t any banks in this part of the city.
Winter is colder than fall.
What’s the coldest part of China?
Their oldest child is fifteen years old.
What’s the longest river in the world?
It’s the cheapest cellphone in the store.
They’re taking a trip to Germany.
Mary is younger than Maria.
My grandparents are from the oldest city of China.
Who’s the richest person in the world?
The pencils are cheaper than the pens.
What’s the most dangerous part of your job?
How old is your oldest child?
Which pair of glasses is smaller?
Which bananas are cheaper?
There isn’t a table in my room.
There aren’t any clocks in this house.
Is it snowing hard there?
There are four banks on this street.
What’s the most difficult part of the trip?
There isn’t a table in my room.
It’s never sunny in this country.
But mom, riding a bike indoors is more fun.
New York is a big city, but it isn’t the biggest city in the world.
It is the nicest hotel in the city.
Which sport is the most dangerous?
The tallest boy in the class.
We like eating outdoors in the summer.
Which apple is the smallest?
He usually takes a trip in the summer.
Which class is the easiest?
Marco is my only child.
What would you like to do today?
My wife and I are staying in the nicest hotel in the oldest city in France. The city is
beautiful, and we love our room.
This is the most dangerous place in the city.
We always take a trip in the spring.
He wants to be the richest person in Spain.
When do you spend time with your sister?
What’s the tallest building in China?
There are so many boxes on your patio.
What’s the coldest city?
What’s the coldest month of the year?
The youngest girl in the group is seven years old.
The red skirt is longer than the black skirt.
Ta tallest building in Mexico.
I don’t like sleeping outdoors.
Which lesson is the most boring?
Hector is my oldest brother.
The youngest girl in the group is seven years old.
We usually have bad weather in the fall.
My doctor is very young. I think that she’s the youngest doctor at the hospital.
I’m working as a waiter right now, but I want to be a famous actor.
Which classroom is bigger?
My son wants to be a basketball player when he’s older.
Which course is harder (more difficult)?
Please give her the books, and she can put them on the bookcase.
What’s the coldest city?
The chocolate cake is a little sweeter than the other cake, but both cakes are
really sweet.
This is the most interesting thing at the museum. It’s more interesting than those
olds books and pictures.
I work as a waitress sometimes.
Lisa is very funny, she’s the funniest person in our family.
What do you think? / que te parece?
Alberto, are you busy? Can you be my driver today?
He always thinks about money.
The most expensive part of the meal.
He’s thinking about dinner.
The train leaves in a few minutes.
Can you stop the car, please?
Can you get (buy) bananas as well?
I want to get (buy) both pens.
Both schools are good, but we think that this school is better.
Our city has very good banks. I think that First Bank is the best.
We have some good Chinese restaurants here, but the best Chinese food is only
in China.
Which city has better schools?
I want to get this cellphone because it’s small.
Fred isn’t drinking anything.
What time would you like to arrive?
Read each of the examples.
It’s the only thing on the wall.
I can see it in your eyes.
The most dangerous city in the US.
Where’s the closest bank?
The most expensive part of the meal.
Thank you for thinking of us.
Which schools has better teachers?
I don’t want any ice cream.
There are two good hospitals in this city, but the older city has better doctors.
There are no hospitals near here / There aren’t any hospitals near here.
I have a job, but I don’t enjoy it.
Would you like any chocolate ice cream?
Fred isn’t drinking anything.
Don’t put the bananas in the fridge.
Would you like anything to drink?
He always thinks about money.
I want to be a doctor as well.
My son wants to be a basketball player.
What are you thinking about?
I’m not thinking about anything.
Taxi ride / viaje en taxi
It’s a sunny day! Don’t stay indoors!
Spain usually has sunny weather.
Do you like spending time outdoors?
But mom, riding a bike indoors is mor fun.
What kind of bird is Duo?
Is this a good place for hiking? No, there aren’t any mountains near here.
These men are having lunch at their favorite restaurant.
She is a good guitar player.
These oranges are sweet.
The movie is better than the book.
I want to be a good teacher.
Daniel wants to get a smaller camera.
Sleeping indoors is safer.
There are so many boxes on your patio.
Tomorrow morning / Mañana por la mañana
How are you going to pay?
I’m going to get up at 5 am.
Patricia is going to visit you at 10 am.
Monica is going to sing at 8 pm.
We’re going to play tennis at 2 pm.
I’m going to visit them next week.
Sofia is going to travel in January.
I’m going to go to the beach in Brazil next January! It’s going to be warm and
sunny there!
My friend Peter is working in Africa right now.
Paul is going to star working at 7 am.
I’m going to stop working at 6 pm.
I’m going to take a class in January.
Do it again.
Today is March third.
Today is January fourth.
Studying is going to be fun.
It’s going to be warmer tomorrow.
Oh, when is the weather going to be warmer again?
When is it going to be warmer again?
When are you going to begin working?
When is Stephanie going to begin studying?
When does the course begin?
We’re going to have a party on February second.
We’re going to have a party on February fourth. Would you like to come?
It’s May second.
What’s the date? / cual es la fecha?
Parties are fun.
March fifth is my birthday.
My big brother’s birthday is May fifth.
When is your birthday?
Are both birthdays in April?
It’s about 10 pm.
A quarter past five.
It’s a quarter to nine.
I’m not going to study in June.
After class, I’m going to go home.
What is the hottest month of the year?
It’s going to be hotter in the afternoon.
ON >June second, Daniel is going to take an important test.
When is it going to be warmer again?
Today’s date is January fifth.
It’s about a quarter past twelve.
Mr. Turner is going to fly to Spain on May first.
When are you going on vacation?
It’s not going to be warmer in February.
We’re going to the nicest restaurant in the city.
Who is the tallest basketball player in the world?
What’s the biggest city in France?
How old is your oldest child?
Julia has the smallest bedroom.
My oldest sister lives in the UK,
Which apple is the smallest?
John has the easiest job.
The biggest factory in the country.
It’s the nicest hotel in the city.
Who is the tallest basketball player in the world?
This is the most dangerous place in the city.
I love beautiful things.
It’s the most exciting game of the year.
Which trip is the most expensive?
It’s the most exciting part of the game.
What’s the most dangerous part of your job?
What’s the most difficult part of the trip?
My doctor is young, I think that she is the youngest doctor at the hospital.
Joseph is my youngest son.
The pencils are the cheaper than the pens.
Who is the richest person in the world?
Which pair of glasses is cheaper?
His family is richer than her family.
Juan is the youngest person in the class.
My homework is too hard.
Where’s the closest hospital?
What’s the coldest place in China?
Which course is harder?
The best part of my day.
Winter is colder than fall.
Which dance is harder (more difficult) to learn?
This is my best pair of shoes.
All banks are closed today.
It’s going to be hotter next month.
I have time tomorrow morning.
We’re going to go to a lot of parties in May.
I’m going to begin working on January fourth.
My grandparents are from the oldest city in China!
It’s the best movie of the year.
What’s the tallest building in New York?
When is Stephanie going to begin studying?
Dancing isn’t hard.
It’s not going to be warmer in February.
They’re going to visit us in January.
It’s about a quarter to eleven.
Which hospital has better doctors?
Jennifer doesn’t want any wine.
Does Lucas want to be a music teacher?
Which waitress is friendlier?
Is she a good guitar player?
Which cake is sweeter?
Many great doctors work at the two hospitals in our city.
Do we have any apple juice?
I would like to get a beer as well.
He’s a very famous basketball player.
I will help you.
The beach will be nice in July.
Can you help me please? Yes, of course I will help you.
Bye, see you soon6.
Don’t work too hard.
Today is April sixth.
The party will be on February sixth.
I need to make tomato sauce.
I will cook the tomatoes.
We need to pay on March ninth.
I won’t play tennis this summer.
Will Maria be here tomorrow? No, she won’t.
The weather will be nicer in September.
I will give you the money on July seventh.
The course will begin on September seventh.
The test will be on August eighth.
I love the month of September when the trees are yellow, red, and orange!
You’ll be OK!
You’ll have to drive for about an hour.
I’ll go with you.
Sorry, the store isn’t open yet. Ok, I’ll wait outside.
She’ll be here soon.
She’ll buy a ticket for you.
He’ll help you later.
I’m inviting Hand to the party. OK, but he’ll eat all the pizza!
Is your birthday in October?
Mr. Smith will come on July tenth.
My son’s birthday is on November eighth, He’ll be twelve years old.
Hasta pronto
Are there any holidays in October?
Is your birthday in October?
Yes, it’ll be fun.
Do you want to go running this evening? Not, it’ll be too cold.
They’ll come later.
They’ll eat at the restaurant tonight.
Will it be cold then?
Do your homework first!
Will it snow in December?
It’ll be cold in December.
We’ll make soup for dinner.
Ok, we’ll take again on Saturday, see you then.
We need to call them before 5 pm.
We’ll go to a lot of parties in December.
No, we won’t be at the party on Sunday.
The test will be on Monday, September ninth.
We’ll be busier in August.
The pigs will eat all the tomatoes.
The weather will be nicer in September.
No, I won’t tell him.
Will the party be on February seventh or eighth?
What are you thinking about?
Yes, of course I will come.
She’ll begin working on August seventh.
What kind of beer are you drinking?
I’ll think hard about this problem.
Will Jose take guitar lessons in November?
Anna works hard for her family.
My parents will visit us in August or September.
The trip will begin on June ninth.
He’ll get the tickets before Friday.
You’ll have to wait for about thirty minutes.
Will it be cold then?
How much money do you need?
He’s going to take a trip to Mexico next month.
Sarah is going to leave at 9 pm.
Paul is going to start working at 7 am.
They’re going to eat breakfast at 8 am.
Sofia is going to travel in January.
What are you going to do next Saturday?
They’re not going to sing again.
When is it going to be warmer again?
The weather isn’t very warm in February.
We’re going to fly to Brazil on March fourth.
He’s going to begin studying tomorrow.
When is Patrick going to begin studying again?
My mom’s birthday is on January fifth.
There are more than forty-three minutes in one month. / hay mas de 43 mil
minutos en un mes.
The movie is going to start at a quarter past eight.
It’s about 6 pm right now.
After dinner, I’m going to do my homework.
A quarter past five
A quarter to five.
On June second, Daniel is going to take an important test.
What’s the hottest month of the year?
What are you going to do after lunch?
It’s about 10 pm.
Mr. Turner is going to fly to Spain on March first.
This is a photo of my children. That’s Alex, Anna, and Paul. Who is the oldest?
There are many big cities in Mexico. Which is the biggest?
What is the biggest city in Mexico?
Which cup is the smallest?
There are many dangerous animals in this country. Wow, which is the most
Many students think that this is the most interesting thing at the museum.
The most expensive part of the meal.
The richest people in the country.
Which course is harder?
Which course is hardest?
It’s the nicest café in our town.
There aren’t any banks in this part of the city.
The most famous band in the UK.
It’s after 5 pm / son mas de las 5 de la tarde.
It's going to be hotter in the afternoon.
When is Stephanie going to begin studying?
What are you going to do after lunch?
Who has the most dangerous job?
It’ll be possible soon.
Mary is younger than Melina.
How much money do we have?
Which movie is funnier?
They’ll call early tomorrow.
My daughter won’t go to the party tomorrow.
I’ll talk to him then.
The parties aren’t going to be in May.
The building will be closed on January tenth.
He’ll be your teacher next year.
It’ll will be really hot in August.
We’ll get new coats before December.
Sorry, It’s not possible.
That won’t be possible.
I’ll always love you.
He’s not going to come again.
They’ll go fishing again.
It’s after 5 pm.
You’ll be a good teacher.
No, I won’t tell him.
She doesn’t want to be a taxi driver.
Will you visit your parents in October?
You’ll be a good father.
We’ll have breakfast first.
One hundred thousand.
It’s a quarter past ten.
You’ll never be hot in November.
Will the store be open then (later)?
The game will be on November tenth.
The trip will begin on June ninth.
I’ll come home soon.
It’ll be possible soon.
I will think hard about this problem.
Who has the most dangerous job?
What are you going to do next Saturday?
The weather will be nicer in September.
He’ll get the tickets before Friday.
It’ll be possible soon.
Don’t ask for too much / No pida demasiado
Ask for a nicer doctor / Pida un doctor más agradable.
I need to ask for your passport.
Do you have any medicine?
Mrs. Lee, please wait here.
Please call us again tomorrow, Mrs. Lee.
Please don’t worry, Mr. Turner.
Please go to the reception desk.
Please come to the hospital early.
These appointments are always too short.
Anne has to go! She has an appointment in fifteen minutes.
He never comes late to his appointments.
Please don’t open that door, Mr. Smith.
Do you understand me?
I’m sick, can you help me?
My ears are very warm.
My ears are too warm right now.
Can I have some water?
Can I have some orange juice, please?
Your hands are very cold.
My head is warm, but my feet are cold. I feel awful!
My feet are always cold in the winter.
His legs hurt every morning.
Does he take anything for his headaches?
Do you have anything for that problem?
He has a headache and he’s too hot.
I can’t sleep, my head hurts (I have a headache)
Wait for about an hour.
Does she sleep for about ten hours every night? No, she doesn’t.
The doctor can see you now.
We want to see again next week.
My son usually goes to sleep late.
He never goes to sleep in the afternoon.
I can’t go to sleep, my feet are cold.
I always go to sleep at the same time.
Does your doctor listen to you?
Does he go to sleep early?
Andrea always goes to sleep very early.
Please children, mom has a bad headache.
Poor Junior! He has a bad headache, and he feels very sick.
He doesn’t have a stomachache right now.
He doesn’t have stomachaches very often.
I’m allergic to eggs.
Sorry, I can’t eat this, I’m allergic to fish.
How long can we sit here?
How long do you have to wear that thing on your legs, Bruno?
I get emails from my doctor.
Doctors don’t get much money there.
My doctor is in a Europe for a few weeks.
I can’t travel to Europe when I’m sick.
I often get letters from the hospital.
I help you, and you help me.
Do you think that I’m allergic to cats?
My baby only has one tooth, but it’s big.
Studying is hard, but it’s important.
Don’t have (drink) too many beers!
In Europe, people often have (drink) wine with lunch.
Coffee often gives me a bad headache.
She doesn’t want to have a stomachache later.
He doesn’t have stomachaches very often.
He doesn’t have a stomachache right now.
Me feet are often too warm at night.
Anna works hard for her family.
David will leave soon.
July is usually a nice, hot month here!
I’ll think hard about this problem.
There is a holiday on July fourth.
The trees will be beautiful in September.
You’ll love the tomatoes from our garden.
She will begin working on August seventh.
My daughter won’t go to the party tomorrow.
No, I won’t catch the tomato.
The trip will begin on June ninth.
His birthday is on January eighth.
You’ll never be hot in November.
He’ll help you later.
The school will be closed on November tenth.
I’ll call you later.
She’ll visit us next month.
I need a thousand dollars before January 1st.
Will it be cold then?
We’ll get new coats before December.
They’ll call early tomorrow.
They’ll be really tired then.
I’ll talk to him then.
Fernanda’s birthday party will be on May seventh.
Are you allergic to any medicines?
Does he take anything for his headaches?
Is medicine cheaper in Europe?
The doctor needs to get this message.
My feet are always warm when I wear boots.
But I don’t want to have (eat) a salad.
Your hands are really cold.
Look, I know you, and you know me.
I have an appointment with the doctor.
Does he take anything for his headaches?
Do you have any medicine?
Don’t work too hard!
Will you be home then?
Please go to the reception desk.
Will you take a class in November?
I need to buy food before the party.
It’ll be really hot in August.
He doesn’t have a bad stomachache.
Will you go to the supermarket and get some bread?
Can I have some orange juice, please?
How often do you take this medicine?
He’ll get the tickets before Friday.
Doctors don’t get much money there.
What time are you going to start working tomorrow?
I’m going to visit Patrick tomorrow.
He’s going to start working next week.
They’re going to eat breakfast at 8 am.
They’re going to visit us in January.
I’m going to stop working at 6 pm.
I’m going to visit them next week.
Oh, when is the weather going to be warmer again?
When are you going on vacation?
When are you going to begin working?
Studying is going to be fun.
We’re going to need ten thousand dollars.
What time is it now? A quarter to three.
Oh, you have to go? See you later.
What time is it in Spain right now? A quarter past four.
It’s after 5 pm.
After class, I’m going to go home.
The movie is going to start at a quarter past eight.
It’s about 11 am.
Madonna is not going to invite us to her party again.
This isn’t the hottest month of the year.
I come from France.
What are their names?
Please write your first and last names.
He comes from the US.
Hans comes from Germany.
Where do you come from?
Do you remember that trip?
Emma, do you remember this word in English?
Are you using this computer?
Duo is using his laptop to study Spanish.
Remembering that trip is fun.
From Spain to France.
German music
Is Hans German? Yes, he comes from Germany.
Is French cheese expensive?
Marco comes from Italy.
Maria doesn’t speak Italian.
Speaking other languages is easy!
Is he speaking Italian right now?
Maria does an English lesson every day.
My husband always does a lot of work in Italy.
We’re having pizza for dinner right now.
Having (Eating) eggs for dinner is very French!
Please sit down.
She’s helping us.
He’s not helping me.
Put down this box! / Deja esta caja.
Put down your bags.
I wake7 up at 5 am.
I wake up and take a shower.
He wakes up at about 6 am.
He wakes up and makes coffee at about 5 am.
She’s not Japanese.
I’m studying Japanese because I want to live in Japan.
A million people.
Japan is in Asia.
The bus arrives at 3 pm.
Their train arrives at 10 am.
She’s traveling in Asia right now.
Ben often flies to Germany.
Alberto often flies to Asia.
There are many countries in Africa.
What day do we arrive to Africa?
My brother often flies to Japan.
The driver is helping me with my bags.
I’m traveling from France to Italy right now.
My sister wakes up at about 10 am.
My husband always does a lot of work in Italy.
He wakes up at about 6 am.
We’re going to take a trip to Italy next year.
They’re having dinner at a German restaurant right now.
When does their plain get here? It arrives at 10 am.
Mr. Turner is going to fly to Spain on May first.
Do you like Japanese food?
Are you going to travel to Brazil again?
We’re having breakfast at a French café right now.
I’m going to the airport now.
They’re going to have a picnic tomorrow.
Where’s the biggest airport in Asia?
Marco is not German.
It’s going to be hotter in the afternoon.
What are you going to do after breakfast?
He usually does a lot of work in France.
Forty million dollars.
Sarah is going to leave at 9 pm.
I don’t know their names.
Put down your things.
Wake up = despierto, get up = levanto
When are you going on vacation?
I’m using a Spanish dictionary.
What’s the tallest building in France?
I wake up at 5 am.
Are you going to play baseball in March?
Are you going to study in Germany?
He’s going to start working next week.
It’s a quarter past seven.
Their train arrives at 10 am.
What are you going to do after lunch?
There are many countries in Africa.
We’re going to go to a lot of parties in May.
Antonio flies to France every month.
What day do we arrive in Africa?
Michael always does a Duolingo lesson after breakfast.
Please put down the pencil.
He’s not going to come again.
It’s about a quarter to elven.
They’re having dinner at a German restaurant right now.
I’m allergic to eggs.
I’ll be home soon.
Coffee often gives me a bad headache.
I’m sick, can you help me?
The doctor needs to call you later.
Mr. Lee, please don’t smoke here.
She doesn’t want to have a stomachache later!
I understand you, but you don’t understand me.
These appointments always are too short!
Don’t come late to your appointment.
Studying is hard, but it’s important.
He’ll eat a lot of pizza.
He never goes to sleep in the afternoon.
Is medicine cheaper in Europe?
Tom isn’t helping us with the bags. Tom, please help us!
I often get letters from hospital.
Does dad have an appointment to see the doctor? Do you have an appointment,
Do I have to take that awful medicine again? Does Hans have to take it, too?
I can’t hear you; can you hear me?
This is my daughter. Her heat really hurts, she feels awful.
It’s going to be hotter in June.
Don’t have (drink) too many beers!
He doesn’t have stomachaches very often.
My ears are very warm.
Do you have a headache?
Your hands are really cold!
You need to ask for an appointment.
Please, put your bags here.
Do you want to have some hot tea?
Do you take this medicine every day? Does it help you?
It’s not going to be warmer in February.
He doesn’t have a stomachache.
Do you have a headache?
His legs hurt every morning.
These appointments are always too short.
This is boring, I want to go to sleep!
I always go to sleep at the same time.
Do you have anything for that problem?
I’ll wait outside.
What time does the bus arrive?
After the movie, we’re going to have (eat) dinner.
Come to the hospital at nine o’clock.
Dad isn’t helping me with my homework. Can you help me, mom?
I have to wait for about a week.
Having (eating) eggs for dinner is very French!
My doctor is in Europe for a few weeks.
Wait for about an hour.
They’ll go fishing again.
We’re having breakfast at a French café right now.
Does your doctor listen to you?
Can I have your pen, please?
Albert often flies to Asia.
It’ll be cold then.
My daughter won’t go to the party tomorrow.
Rosa takes a trip to Africa every year.
How long can we sit here?
I won’t play tennis this summer.
Will is snow in December?
The professor learns German.
Will it be cold then?
My sister wakes up at about 10 am.
Do your homework first.
My son usually goes to sleep late.
I wake up early, but she wakes up at about 11 am.
We come from Germany.
Don’t work too hard.
Please tell us your first name, Mrs. Lee.
Where do you come from?
There are more than one hundred million people in Japan. Ninety-nine percent of
them speak Japanese.
Fifty million people.
Please, go to the reception desk.
Are you going to play baseball in March?
This is Mr. Smith. He’ll to be your teacher next year, He’s from England.
You’re using Duolingo right now.
Come inside and sit down.
John comes from the UK.
He comes from a village in China.
Sit down and eat breakfast.
This hospital is very good. Also, it’s close to my house.
Maria doesn’t speak Italian.
We need to call them before 5 pm.
Paul is going to start working at 7 am.
I need a thousand dollars before January 1st.
Mrs. Turner, please stop talking.
Please ask the man at the reception desk.
He never comes late to his appointments.
Do I have to take this medicine every day?
Ask for a room with a big window. / Pida una habitacion con ventana grande.
You need to come early to your appointment.
Don’t come late to your appointment.
Ask for a nicer doctor.
Please, ask the woman at the reception desk.
Can I have an appointment for today, please?
My hands are warm, but my feet are cold.
Does you father take anything for his headaches? I can give him some medicine
His legs hurt every morning.
Can I have some water?
Does he take anything for his headaches?
My teeth hurt when I eat ice cream.
Hans has a bad stomachache.
Bob sleeps for about ten hours every night.
The doctor can see you now.
He doesn’t have stomachaches very often.
Lisa drinks about six coffees every day.
Does your doctor listen to you?
Our child doesn’t like to go to sleep, but she goes always to sleep when we sing
to her.
They need about two hours for the test.
I’m allergic to eggs.
How long do I need to wait?
Doctor don’t get much money there.
Oh, this phone can’t get text messages.
My baby only has one tooth, but it’s big.
Do you think that I’m allergic to cats?
How long do I need to wait?
It’s windy today, and my ears are cold.
Kevin’s voice is giving me a bas headache.
I have a bad headache because my head is cold.
My feet are always cold in the winter.
We want to see him again next week.
Coffee often gives me a bad headache!
George is working very hard!
Could I have something to drink? Yes, of course.
Is it possible?
It’ll be possible soon.
Don’t study too hard.
The test will be on August eighth.
Daniel will get (buy) some tomatoes.
The course will begin on September seventh.
Paul won’t start working at the bank this month.
Will dad watch the singing competition? No, he won’t.
Sorry, the store isn’t open yet. Ok, I’ll wait outside.
How many days are in October?
When will Rosa get here? She’ll be here soon.
I’ll always love tomatoes.
The game will be on November tenth.
He’ll have to take the bus again.
She’ll make a chocolate cake for your birthday.
Jennifer will take singing lessons in October.
You’ll never be hot in November.
We’ll go fishing again next summer, right mom?
They’ll call early tomorrow.
Yes, it’s cold now, but it’ll be much colder in December!
I’ll go to the bookstore first.
A lot of people are coming to the party! Yes, it’ll be fun!
Maria needs to buy some food before she can cook dinner.
Will it be cold then?
I’ll talk to him then.
What are you going to do first?
It’ll be warm then.
We need to call them before 5 pm.
It’ll be really hot in August.
I’ll go to the bookstore first.
You’ll have to drive for about one hour.
Will the store be open then?
No, we won’t be at the party on Sunday.
Fernanda’s birthday party will be on May seventh.
I need a thousand dollars before January first.
Are you allergic to any medicines?
I often get letters from the hospital.
The building will be closed on August tenth.
We can’t go to the store, it’s closed.
You’ll have to wait for about thirty minutes.
I’ll give you the money on July seventh.
How often do you take this medicine?
I worked in the UK for a year.
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
I lived in Australia for a year.
Do you like Italy? Yes, I lived it for three years.
Sorry, I called the wrong number.
All your friends called yesterday.
Madonna called you yesterday.
Is Maria from Spain? No, but she lived there for five years.
We started our Italian class in March.
Arthur is happy because he started his new job this morning.
The teacher talked to them after class.
Yes, I called Mr. Turner, and I talked to him about it yesterday.
I talked to Emma last week.
Ben worked in Asia last year.
Who needed help?
I needed more food.
Sorry, I used a pen.
Who used the car yesterday? I used it to go shopping.
Who wanted more juice?
Eduardo really wanted to eat something before lunch.
He asked me about you.
Who asked that question?
Who showed you the answer?
The driver showed me the city.
I really liked the ice cream.
All my friends liked that movie.
Some of his friends helped him.
She helped me because she’s nice.
Was it cold? / Estaba frio?
Were you tired? Estabas cansado?
Who studied for the test?
Debbie studied all night, but now she’s going to be late for her test.
I stopped smoking last year.
He stopped playing the guitar.
I stopped watching the movie because it was boring.
My dad carried my bags for me.
She carried the baby in her arms.
I lived in Australia for a year.
She worried about her baby a lot.
Were they worried about their trip? Yes, they were.
My mother worried about my trip to Australia.
Were you angry?
My food wasn’t hot.
The band wasn’t famous in Asia.
Our house wasn’t big, but it was a happy home.
These boots weren’t cheap.
Who has the most dangerous job?
Some of the lessons weren’t important.
Were your parents angry? No, they weren’t.
It rained hard last night.
It rained for about two hours.
I really enjoyed that meal.
We really enjoyed our trip to Australia.
The children played games inside.
Jennifer studied in Europe last year.
Klaus and I enjoyed hiking in Europe last summer.
My brothers played basketball, and soccer.
We weren’t hungry at eleven o’clock.
The oranges were not sweet.
She wasn’t married then.
The book was not interesting.
She worried about the ice cream in the hot car.
Alberto played the flute on Wednesday.
Where does she come from?
He comes from a village in China.
Are you going to study in Germany?
Where do you come from?
What’s the tallest building in France?
What language are they speaking right now?
They’re speaking German right now.
Marco speaks French and Italian.
My husband always does a lot of work in Italy.
We’re having (eating) pizza for dinner right now.
He usually does a lot of work in France.
Having (eating) eggs for dinner is very French.
Is French cheese expensive?
Do you need to sit down?
He’s going to take a taxi to the airport tomorrow.
Who are you helping? / Who is helping you?
She’s traveling in Asia right now.
What say do we arrive in Africa?
He wakes up and makes coffee at about 5 am.
The doctors weren’t friendly.
Fred used your camera again.
Some of the bananas were green.
The black horse wanted to run faster.
Was he at school?
I asked my friend about her English class.
It wasn’t warm yesterday.
She worried about her baby a lot.
Mary liked the blouse as well.
I talked to my mom on the phone yesterday.
It rained every day last week.
I wasn’t busy yesterday.
Anne wanted to dance with him.
Ice cream doesn’t give me a stomachache.
My brother studied Japanese.
Max showed me a thousand photos.
My dad carried my bags for me.
I stopped watching the movie because it was boring.
My dad wasn’t angry yesterday, but he isn’t very happy today.
I can’t remember his last name.
I need to ask for your passport.
His head hurts.
My grandparents were not rich.
Mary liked the blouse as well.
I’ll always love the tomatoes.
My son was sick yesterday.
My mother played the flute on Sunday.
She enjoyed dancing with her husband.
Some of tests were easy.
You’ll be an adult soon.
Oh, I wanted to go shopping with you.
Where does she come from?
I carried my guitar in my hands.
She carried the baby in her arms.
The man at the reception desk is awful.
It rained hard last night.
Do you take medicine every day?
Please ask the woman at the reception desk.
Do you have an appointment, Mr. Lee?
There’s a message for you at the reception desk.
Don’t ask for too much!
You need to ask for an appointment.
Poor David, his leg really hurts!
It’s very hot, and I have an awful headache.
Does he take anything for his headaches?
Do you want anything from the store?
Does Julia have a bad headache? No, she doesn’t.
Poor Junior, He has a bad headache and feels very sick.
Bob sleeps for about ten hours every night.
Do they have good hospitals in Europe? Yes, they do.
The doctor needs to get this message.
Do they often have wine with lunch in Europe?
I get emails from my doctor.
It’s cold in that part of Europe.
How long do I need to wear this?
How long can he wait for the test?
Do you think that I’m allergic to cats?
I have a bad headache because my head is cold.
This is boring, I want to go to sleep.
Please boys, mom has a bad headache.
It’s windy today, and my ears are cold.
Is your headache really bad?
Don’t ask for too much. / No pidas mucho.
What did you do at the office?
Did she buy a bicycle?
Why did you leave early?
Which song did you like?
Did they clean the apartment?
My brother really liked his old apartment. Why did he like it?
How much did the ticket cost?
How much did the building cost?
How much did those flowers cost?
I did not laugh.
I can’t believe it.
I didn’t believe him.
Did Cindy believe Hans? No, she did not.
The men did not cry8.
The fish did not die.
Did the grass die in the winter? No, it didn’t.
The bear did not cry.
I didn’t wake up on time. / No desperté a tiempo.
The students didn’t agree / Los estudiantes no estuvieron de acuerdo.
He did not agree with his friends.
She did not agree with her husband.
Why is the bear laughing? Is something funny?
He didn’t laugh.
Did she stay home?
Why did you stay at that job?
My parents said9 no.

said – say – will say.
She didn’t stay at the same college.
He said something, but I didn’t hear him.
He had10 an exciting job.
I hat (ate11) a sandwich for lunch.
What color did you choose?
What color were you choosing?
What color do you choose?
What color are you choosing?
What color will you choose?
What color are you going to choose?
What color would you choose?
What color would you like to choose?
I stayed home on Saturday.
I stayed home last night and studied for the test.
Did you play any sports in college?
Did Carolina choose to go to college in Chicago or New York?
Why did you choose that college?
The bear wanted more honey.
I saw12 a bear.
I saw him at the office yesterday.
The bear saw a fish in the river.
Don’t forget13 me!
Did you forget to check your email?
Oh, I forgot to buy milk.
Oh no, I forgot to buy the tickets.
She didn’t want any presents.
He got14 a letter from his mom.
The little girl got a lot of presents.
He didn’t choose an expensive toy.
She didn’t want any presents.
Albert and Charlie didn’t go to the game, they stayed home and watched it on TV.
He got a great job at a zoo in Argentina. / consiguio un gran trabajo en un
zoología en argentina.
We saw a lot of animals at the zoo.
I saw him at the office yesterday.
The bear didn’t drink your beer.
I saw a bear.
My parents said no.
Where did you get (buy) that bicycle?
My parents didn’t laugh.
Did she stay home?
had – have – will have.
ate – eat – will eat.
saw – see – will see.
forgot – forget will forget.
got – get – will get.
She didn’t cry very much.
He didn’t agree with his friends.
I need an appointment for this morning.
My feet are often too warm at night.
Have (eat) some bread.
My friends didn’t believe me.
Do you take this medicine every day?
Which college did she choose?
They need about two hours for the test.
He had an exciting job.
The bear didn’t like that song.
Sorry, I forgot your name.
In Europe, people often have (drink) wine with lunch.
Did you forget your cellphone?
Come to the hospital at nine o’clock.
My plants didn’t die.
Ask for a nicer doctor.
Oh, I forgot to get (buy) milk.
These appointments are always too short.
We didn’t cry at the airport.
Do I have to take that medicine again?
Can you tell me your first name?
Your dad called yesterday.
All my friends liked that movie.
Who wanted more juice?
Who helped you with your homework?
He really needed help with his homework.
Michael called us because he needed help.
Michael called us because he needed our help.
Michael called us because he needed to help us.
The children asked too many questions.
I showed them part of the museum.
Some of his friends helped him.
The game was in Australia.
My husband and I were sick last week.
He was rich, but now he is poor.
She carried the plant outside because it rained yesterday.
He really wanted to go to Europe with us.
We weren’t hungry at eleven o’clock.
We enjoyed working together.
Was he at school?
Bob likes to sit down and work on his laptop when he’s waiting at the airport.
Which waiter is helping you?
Come inside and sit down.
I can’t remember any Italian.
How can I get to the airport?
Were you playing the flute in the morning?
How did you get to the office? / Como llegaste a la oficina?
Did the bear eat the honey?
How much did that bike cost?
What time did they leave the office?
Did your mom like her present?
She did not get to the airport on time.
Why did you stop playing?
The children played games inside.
The bear had (ate) fish for lunch.
Eduardo started his class last month.
The doctors wanted to dance last night.
We visited our parents last month.
She talked to Emma last week.
My sister visited me last summer.
Did you talk to her yesterday?
Did you take the bus to work last Friday?
My dad believed me, my mom didn’t believe me.
He cooked, she checked.
Alberto didn’t laugh yesterday.
The dogs listened to his music.
My daughter painted a picture of our family.
She walks in this park every Sunday. She walked there last Sunday.
They didn’t enjoy the concert last night.
Did she work at home?
Eddy is standing on the street. / Eddy esta de pie en la calle.
He closes the trunk15 of a car.
Vikram walks past Eddy.
Where did you get (buy) that bicycle?
Why did you put the keys in the fridge?
Did you ride a bicycle to work? / fuiste en Bicicleta al trabajo?
Which song did you like?
Do apartments cost a lot here? Did your apartment cost a lot?
Did you work in the same office?
Did she have a nice apartment?
How much did your cellphone cost?
We didn’t cry at the airport.
I didn’t wake up on time.
She didn’t believe him.
We stayed home and played a game.
Did you get (buy) any toys?
Each child got a toy.
Did the bear eat the honey?
Trunk: baul
He got a great job at a zoo in Argentina.
Which apartment did they live in? / En que apartamente vivian ellos?
Which apartment building did you like?
What was his favorite toy?
They had a really nice apartment.
He didn’t at the office.
Did you ride a bike to work?
Why did Rafael paint this picture?
Did she have a nice apartment?
I talked to my mom on the phone yesterday.
They closed the restaurant in 2018. Oh no, I wanted to eat there this weekend.
I asked my friend about her English class.
I really liked the ice cream.
Clara helped me with this lesson.
My dog wanted to go outside.
The students worried about the test.
The game was in Australia.
He really wanted to go to Europe with us.
She played the guitar at a little café.
The bookstore wasn’t open.
The lessons weren’t too hard.
Mary liked the blouse as well.
He worried about his dog because it was sick.
Jennifer worked as a waitress for seven months.
Were you playing the flute in the morning?
I never met them.
Her grandfather was sick.
The students arrived late.
She helped her grandmother.
My grandmother and grandfather met at this park when they were twenty years
We arrived on June eleventh.
The bus left at nine thirty.
Where is the bus? It left at eight thirty.
We went to Europe last year.
My grandfather went to the museum with us.
I was so happy!
What a nice woman! Yes, she’s so friendly!
He only wanted chicken.
We ate a big meal together.
They ate chicken and rice for dinner.
She was hungry and thirsty.
She gave me a glass of water.
We gave the cat some water because she was very thirsty.
Ben’s grandmother gave him money.
My sister came home at six thirty.
I wasn’t in Spain on March twelfth.
He came to the airport and gave her flowers.
Monica came to the hotel on May twelfth.
The duck swims in the morning.
He looked at his watch.
She looked in the mirror.
The chicken looked in the mirror too.
The duck looked at the pig.
Was there a light on the bus?
He took a shower in the hotel.
Who took a shower last night? I see cat hair in here!
Who wrote that letter?
Who wrote your favorite book?
Was his life difficult? / su vida fue dificil?
Who drove to the party?
Was you uncle worried? Estaba preocupado tu tio?
My uncle worked on a farm all of his life.
We worked slowly yesterday.
She drove so slowly.
The ducks walked to the airport.
Last summer Julia walked to work every day.
The duck walked slowly to the mirror.
My aunts drink black coffee in the morning.
My uncle met my aunt in school.
I wrote a letter to my aunt.
The bus left at nine thirty.
My aunt was so excited about the trip.
My mom left the farm when she was sixteen, but my uncle lived there all his life.
We weren’t thirsty at breakfast.
He walked very slowly to his grandmother’s house.
We looked at some of the photos.
She was a teacher all of her life.
The ducks weren’t thirsty.
His birthday party was on January twelfth.
Anne wanted to dance with him.
The ducks walked to the airport.
The chicken walked slowly to the bookstore.
There were so many ducks.
They left the restaurant at eight thirty.
Was she sick?
There was a light next to the desk.
We were so tired.
It wasn’t possible then.
It wasn’t warm yesterday.
I met a lot of people at the party yesterday.
How many ducks were there?
What took you so long? / que te tomo tanto tiempo?
We arrived on June eleventh.
I wasn’t busy yesterday.
They worked in Australia last year.
My uncle’s life was hard.
She carried the plant outside because it rained yesterday.
My grandmother never drove a car.
Where was your grandfather yesterday?
Was there a light in the bathroom?
Marco called because he was angry.
Was she angry with him?
Their grandfather enjoyed his trip to Europe.
Was there a light on the bus?
Was he angry about something?
She wanted her sister’s toy.
We ate chicken and potatoes.
She didn’t stay at the same college.
The ducks wanted to stop swimming.
My aunt and uncle weren’t tired.
Was your uncle worried?
Hans writes books, Last year, he wrote a book about baseball.
We said goodbye at the airport.
They weren’t from Australia.
These boots weren’t cheap.
Both ducks looked in the mirror.
There weren’t any mirrors.
I arrived in Italy on February twelfth.
We saw a lot of animals at the zoo.
He got a letter from his mom.
We enjoyed working together.
She was a teacher all of her life.
It was cloudy yesterday.
I liked the ice cream a lot.
Who walked with you to the museum?
She went to Japan on July seventh.
I stayed home on Tuesday.
The boys wanted to go swimming.
My brother took a shower last night. He’ll take a shower this morning as well.
What time did he get up?
I had (ate) a sandwich for lunch.
The bus arrived at seven fifteen.
She drove so slowly.
My grandfather gave me his watch.
He is waiting for me now, He waited for me yesterday.
Did you work yesterday?
Did you start a Duolingo course yesterday?
John talked a lot yesterday.
The cats didn’t listen to us.
It rained on Monday, but it didn’t rain on Tuesday.
The bear didn’t stay in the house.
We didn’t dance, they danced.
I didn’t watch the news last night.
He didn’t clean the kitchen. He cleaned the bathroom.
Did the doctor call you last week?
He usually stays here, but last month he stayed with his aunt.
They love the show. / A ellos les Encanto el espectáculo.
We didn’t want to go to the concert last night.
She worked in the garden this morning.
You didn’t remember my birthday.
Did they wash the dishes yesterday?
Did you like the apartments next to the office buildings?
Which apartment building did you like?
Please don’t cry Duo! We’ll do our English lessons!
She didn’t get to the airport on time. / No llegó al aeropuerto a tiempo.
The bear didn’t drive the bus.
The man said something in French, but his dogs didn’t understand him.
He had an exciting job.
What’s wrong, Mr. Bear? Did you forget something?
The boy got a present on his birthday.
Which apartment did they live in?
Oh, I forgot to call the office.
He got a present from his wife.
He took the toys to his bedroom.
I didn’t agree with the doctor.
She didn’t want any presents.
I think so / Yo pienso que si
Does your father speak Spanish well? I think so.
How was the movie?
Hi Lisa, how was your birthday party?
I don’t think so, Peter.
I’m going to start again.
Tell me about the concert! / cuentame sobre el concierto.
Can you tell us about the game?
I like your present better. / Me gusta mas tu regalo
Which bag do you like better? I like the yellow one. / Cual bolsa te gusta mas?
Me gusta la amarilla
The Shakira concert was great.
She’ll be a great player in a few years.
That movie was good, I’m going to see it again.
Yes, you’re right! / Si tienes razón.
We’ll buy it later.
We are the next ones / Somo los proximos
How rich is that woman? / Que tan rica es esa mujer?
How angry will your mom be? Que tan enojada estara tu mamá?
Of course, I’d like to be rich!
I’d like to buy this yellow one, please. / me gustaria comprar esta amarilla, por
How famous is Shakira in your country?
Is this dress longer than the blue one?
She has the greenest eyes in the world.
This hat is bigger than the other one.
You’re right, the blue ones are nicer!
This is the coolest (greatest) store in the world.
This isn’t the safest street in the city.
He liked my review. A el le gusto mi reseña.
Oh, we have so much food.
There’s so much cheese on the pizza.
I’m going to get an answer / voy a obtener una respuesta.
She’s going to get so much money.
Let’s order the biggest pizza! / Pidamos (ordenemos) la pizza mas grande.
What do you think about the cake?
What do you think about this coffee shop?
Can I have a bigger knife, please?
This is much nicer than the other café.
What do you think about this restaurant? It’s much better than the other
This restaurant is going to get good reviews.
What do you think about this Italian wine? It’s much nicer than the English wine.
Work’s not bad / El trabajo no esta mal
This actor’s not bad, what’s his name?
You work too much / trabajas demasiado
I think that Amy is laughing too much.
Can we order something else? Podemos pedir otra cosa (más)?
After this movie, we’ll watch something else.
He’s too tall to ride a horse.
He’s a little young to ride a horse.
Is Beyoncé more famous than Elvis?
Baseball’s not bad, but soccer is more exciting.
Basketball is more interesting than baseball.
Teachers have the most difficult job.
That’s the most important thing in the world.
Our company will be the best in the world.
This company will be famous very soon.
The hotel’s not bad, and it’s cheap.
You’ll get a job at a great company.
They get eggs from my friend’s farm.
I’m so angry, I’m going to write a bad review.
This is the greatest store in the world.
You’re right! The bigger coat is better.
She went to Japan on July eleventh.
The plane arrived at four fifteen.
They left the restaurant at eight thirty.
The students came (arrived) late.
My parents went to Australia on October eleventh.
We went to Europe last year.
Where was your grandfather yesterday?
They left their country on November eleventh.
I ate so many tomatoes.
The flowers were so beautiful.
I wasn’t in Spain on March twelfth.
My brothers came home for the holiday.
I was so happy.
There were no mirrors.
Who drove to the party?
The duck walked slowly to the mirror.
She was a teacher all of her life.
The ducks were so friendly.
The ducks weren’t thirsty.
What took you so long? / que te tomo tanto tiempo?
You all are the first ones. / Ustedes son las primeras.
I left Japan on December ninth.
The duck looked in the mirror as well.
My aunt and my uncle took a trip to Europe.
How expensive is that store?
My job is more boring than your job.
You new coat is nicer than the old one.
My husband always worries too much.
My grandmom showed me old photos.
How did you get to the office?
Can you tell us about the game?
Was your uncle worried?
My uncle drove too fast.
Andrea didn’t come on time.
I want to order your best wine.
Why did you leave early?
There is so much sugar in this coffee!
I’d like to sit down for a few minutes.
Let’s order the sweetest thing in the café.
How was your trip, Sarah?
How was the movie?
This is boring, let’s do something else.
He had an exciting job.
The weather’s not bad this winter.
I think that Amy is laughing too much.
Can I have a colder beer, please?
I need to know I’m going to call again.
Can I have a glass of juice, please?
Can I have a different one, please?
They are much busier than yesterday.
I think that you’ll like this song better.
Which do you like better?
What do you think about the food here?
I am much hungrier than Paul.
Here’s a pen. / aqui hay un bolígrafo.
Ads can be funny / los anuncios pueden ser graciosos.
I changed my answer.
Our walls were white, but Arthur changed the color. Now they’re blue!
I hated that apartment / odiaba ese apartamento.
Did you enjoy your first job? No, I hated it.
Why do you hate your job?
I work for a shoe company.
Emma is going to change her name.
Did you change your email address?
Here’s an ad for a job at a bank. / Aquí hay un anuncio para un trabajo en un
Carmen hates working at that company / Carmen odia trabajar en esa compañia.
Who made coffee?
Who made this cake?
I made eggs for breakfast.
Who told16 you that? / quien te dijo eso?
I told Marco about the job ad.
I work for a large company.
Do you want to sell your car?
The don’t sell beer or wine / No venden cerveza ni vino.
The cook wanted a larger knife.
He sold17 his car for five thousand dollars.
We sold thirteen thousand bottles of beer.
What’s the largest (biggest) company in Europe?
Here’s the calendar / aqui tiene el calendario
We ran18 to the train.
The students ran to the classroom.
told, tell, will tell
sold, sell, will sell
ran, run, will run
Here’s the document.
He wanted to be a secretary.
Don’t be late to the meeting.
She wanted to be an office worker. / Ella queria ser una empleada de oficina.
The company began doing business in China. / la compañia comenso a hacer
negocios con china.
She began the meeting on time.
All the workers were late.
The secretary wasn’t at the office.
Can you send me the documents?
Ms. White is my boss.
That’ll be OK.
Who’s that man?
Who’s that and why is she sitting on my desk?
Check the schedule. Revisa el horario.
Well, I don’t know.
The company is going to give us all new laptops. Well, that’ll be great.
The secretary knew19 our names.
The boss knew about the problems.
He needs to make an appointment. / necesita hacer una cita.
The secretary knew the schedule.
I have an appointment at four o’clock.
I don’t think that’ll be OK.
Well, what did the boss say?
I was a cook for about one year.
The bears had a meeting about the honey.
Here’s a larger bottle.
The meeting was at a quarter to ten.
Can I have a large glass of water?
My boss is angry about the cold coffee.
I have to run because I have a meeting. Oh no, don’t be late.
The book is great, you have to read it.
I like your present better.
When will you tell him about the problem?
Is this dress longer than the blue one?
You’re right! These jeans cost too much.
These stores are better than the ones in Paris.
A good meal costs so much money.
They are much busier than yesterday.
Don’t order the smallest cake in the café.
She’s going to get so much money.
Can I have a different one, please?
My company will finish the work on time.
Can we order something else?
knew, know, will know
It’s too hot to ride a horse today.
How long will Lisa stay at that company?
The black skirt is the shortest of all.
Is baseball really the most exciting sport?
The cook was angry because there was no butter.
The green one is cheap, but the red one is cheaper.
You are the first ones / ustedes son las primeras.
Where were those documents?
All the workers were late.
Let’s order the sweetest thing in the café.
You never told me about your trip.
Which of these two shirts do you like better?
My birthday is more important than work.
How rich is that woman?
The weather’s not bad this winter.
The company began doing business in China.
Here’s an interesting job ad!
She began the meeting on time.
He’s always late for meetings.
These shoes are smaller than the other ones.
We changed the time of the picnic.
I arrived in Italy on February twelfth.
The ducks left the farm and went to the city.
Jose looked at his cool new pants in the mirror.
There were so many ducks.
Hector studied last night and wrote some notes in his book.
She was a teacher all of her life.
Wrist: muñeca de la mano
Did you call the police?
We called the police for help, and they came ten minutes later.
There’s a fire / hay un incendio.
Is this the exit?
I had an accident.
Was there an accident?
Is this the entrance?
I think so too / yo Tambien creo eso.
Do you think so?
Don’t worry about it.
Don’t forget the keys.
All right / bueno
Sure / por supuesto
How’s it going? / como te va?
Get ready for school. / preparate para la escuela.
Charlie can get ready for school in only five minutes.
Thanks so much for coming. / Muchas gracias por venir.
Thank you so much for listening to me.
The bear ate honey all day.
No, I’m not her daughter, I’m her little sister.
You need to help your little sister.
I’m listening, but I don’t understand.
My little sister is really tired.
It was really nice to meet you / Fue realmente un gusto conocerte.
Are you going to stay home all day?
Where’s the fire?
Please, show me the exit.
Was your grandmother at your birthday party?
Why do you want to change your hair color?
I hated that apartment.
What company do you work for?
My grandfather was a factory worker.
I saw a job ad in the newspaper.
There was a car accident.
I didn’t sell anything yesterday.
Sorry, I didn’t see (look at) the calendar.
Would you like to make an appointment?
Look at the schedule / Mira el horario.
The ducks were late for the meeting with the chickens.
He’s always late for the meetings.
My aunt changed her hair color, and now my mom is changing her hair color, too!
Um, I have to tell you something else.
Good luck at work.
Good luck on your test.
I’m much hungrier than Paul.
My wife hated that movie.
The company changed its name.
Here’s an ad for a job at a bank.
I changed my answer.
Why do you hate your job?
Who made this cake?
The cook was angry because there was no butter.
He told me to sell the car.
She began the meeting on time.
The students ran to the classroom.
Is the meeting on the calendar?
The secretary will be you the documents.
How many workers do you need?
There was an important meeting on January eleventh.
Would you like to make an appointment?
The secretary knew the schedule.
All right, you can’t change the schedule.
Mr. White doesn’t want to change anything.
Are there any ads for waiters?
Tell us about your trip to Japan.
The book is great, you have to read it.
Oh, here he comes, it’ll tell you later.
Now, he’s the happiest person in the store.
He’s much faster than the other waiter.
She’s going to get so much money.
Um, did you eat too much again, Peter?
Tomorrow, I’ll be more tired than today.
These stores are better than the ones in Paris.
I agree, the green ones are nicer.
When will you tell him about the problem.
I have never studied French.
We have never worked together.
Have you ever played tennis?
Have you ever worked as a cook?
I have worked for some big computer companies. Cool. Have you ever worked
for Microsoft?
Has Marco ever had a job?
Has he ever worked in an office?
Have you ever had a million dollars?
Has Maria ever played the guitar?
Marco has never studied so much in his life.
I have always loved you.
We have always wanted to travel.
I have known Peter for one year. Yo conozco a Peter desde hace un año.
Has Luigi always lived in Italy?
She has always been a good worker.
I have been a secretary for two years.
It has been hot for a long time. Ha hecho mucho calor por un largo tiempo.
Patricia, I have wanted to tell you something for a long time, I love you.
I have known Elisa for a long time! We met at school.
He has worked there for a short time.
Has John always lived in Italy? No, he has only lived there for a short time.
She has only known him for a short time. Solo lo conoce desde hace poco tiempo
We’ve closed two of our offices. Hemos cerrado dos de nuestras oficinas.
He’s already gone.
Sarah has already gone to the airport.
Would you like some lunch? No, we’ve had lunch already.
I’ve been to London already / Yo ya he estado en Londres.
Have you seen that movie yet?
Have you gone to the store yet?
I’ve already seen the garden.
Has she done this lesson yet?
I haven’t had breakfast yet.
He hasn’t come to work yet.
Marco hasn’t come to class yet.
She hasn’t told her boss yet.
He hasn’t finished his meal yet.
Charlie hasn’t gone home yet because he hasn’t finished all of his work.
They’ve never had a boring party.
They’ve started the movie, but they haven’t finished it yet.
They’ve always wanted a pet duck.
You’ve worked there for a long time.
You’ve come to a meeting on time.
You’ve been in the shower for one hour.
I haven’t had breakfast yet.
The police haven’t come yet.
We haven’t had an accident yet.
All right, see you on Thursday.
I need thirty minutes to get ready.
I’ve already been to the zoo.
Has she always loved tomatoes?
Have you ever worked in Europe?
I’ve a secretary for two years.
They've been in the Netherlands for three weeks.
The black skirt is the shortest of all.
I’ve never worked as a secretary.
The meeting wasn’t on the schedule.
Here’s your work schedule.
Do you think that this is a good movie? I think so.
Have you seen the newspaper yet?
Marco hasn’t come to class yet.
We changed the time of the picnic.
The police haven’t come yet.
The workers knew about the meeting.
He’s not come to work yet. He hasn’t come to work yet.
She’s going to take a shower and get ready.
That waitress has so much work.
I have always wanted to go to Africa.
We’ve always wanted to travel.
We made too much rice.
Have you ever studied Japanese?
Has Luigi always lived in Italy?
I have known you for a long time.
We’ve never played baseball.
Thank you so much for waiting.
Has he gone to the office yet?
We’ve already seen both places.
I haven’t told my family yet.
No, Luis, it costs too much.
I haven’t had breakfast yet.
I have always loved you.
He has always loved her.
My uncle hated driving in that part of the city.
Who’s the boss talking to? Con quien esta hablando el jefe?
This meeting wasn’t on the schedule.
There is a lot of snow outside. Walk slowly, or you are going to fall.
Look at the lights up there in the tree.
My mom took this photo last Christmas.
The children were too excited to have dinner.
Who did you agree with?
My two uncles never agree with each other. Mis dos tios nunca estan deacuerdo
entre si.
Uncle Bob breaks the toilet every Thanksgiving.
We made turkey sandwiches for brunch.
I missed you so much.
We made brunch on Easter.
He gave me a flower, but my dog ate it.
There was a chocolate egg in the garden.
But you didn’t answer my question.
Don’t worry, it didn’t cost much.
They’re speaking with each other now.
It’s cold up here in the mountains.
Which toy did Fernanda ask for? Que juguete pidio Fernanda?
All the children are playing with each other.
He took a toy, but he didn’t pay for it.
I have never had a pet.
Has Tom ever studied Italian?
Have you ever played tennis?
Wendy has never worked at a zoo.
We’ve never worked together.
She has always loved dogs.
Claras has always wanted to be famous.
They have lived in Europe for a long time.
I’ve been a secretary for two years.
She has only known him for a short time.
She’s already gone to work.
Have you seen the newspaper yet?
We’ve closed two of our offices.
Has Stephanie done her homework yet?
We’ve had dinner already.
Pedron hasn’t told his wife yet.
I haven’t told my family yet.
Marco hasn’t come to class yet.
They’ve never had a boring party.
The boss hasn’t told the workers yet.
Anna hasn’t finished her homework yet.
You’ve never told me about the accident.
We’ve not had an accident yet.
They’ve always wanted a pet duck.
You’ve already had seven bottles of water.
Has he ever played American Football?
Have you had breakfast yet?
Charlie can get ready for school in only five minutes.
Thank you so much for helping us.
Thanks so much for visiting us.
Are you going to stay home all day?
Thank you so much for listening to me.
How’s it going at work?
We’ve already seen both places.
Hans, you’ve been in the shower for an hour!
They’ve been in the Netherlands for three weeks.
I need to get ready for work now.
We’ve already been to the museum.
The police haven’t come yet.
The boss knew about the problems, but he didn’t know what to do.
Those Christmas lights are going to fall. Esas luces navideñas van a caerse.
I want to pay for the meal. Quiero pagar la comida.
I miss you. Te extraño
Where did you have dinner?
I missed you so much.
We needed to break a window.
You’re going the break that glass.
Would you like to make an appointment?
He said it a million times, lo dijo un millon de veces.
The secretary wasn’t at the office.
She made an appointment with the doctor.
Did Adam know about the meeting? We all knew about it.
They’re speaking with each other now.
They need to speak with each other more often.
Who did you stay with? Con quien te quedaste
What did you talk about? De que hablabas
Have you always wanted to travel?
Well, what did the boss say?
His uncle lived on the fifth floor.
I didn’t travel last November.
Sarah has already gone to the airport.
Who took this photo? Did you take it, Charlie?
She hasn’t told her boss yet.
Thanksgiving is in November.
I didn’t go home last Thanksgiving.
Has she seen these photos yet?
It’s cold up here in the mountains. Hace frio aqui arriba en las montañas.
You’ve never come to a meeting on time.
How long have you known them?
Yes, but who is going to pay for it?
We had dinner, and we went to sleep.
Is it snowing up there in the mountains?
I love clothes, but I hate paying for them.
What toy did Ben ask for? Que juguete pido Ben?
Which store did you go to? A que tienda fuiste?
What did you talk about last Thanksgiving?
The turkey was bigger last Thanksgiving.
Don’t worry! It didn’t cost much.
There was a chocolate egg in the garden.
There was some fruit on the table.
We made brunch on Easter.
I missed you so much, but now you’re here.
He took a toy, but he didn’t pay for it.
We left because there was no food at the party.
We saw that movie four times.
We came home, there was no wifi at the hotel.
Why was there so much noise last night?
That was your fourth turkey sandwich.
Was there a concert for Chinese New Year?
Did you go out on New Year?
Your dad forgot my name four times, Sarah.
That was your fifth meal of the day.
There was no dinner, but we had (ate) cake.
Did you take a trip last Easter?
Who’s going to pay for dinner?
Excuse me, which cake did you pay for?
Have you ever had a tomato plant?
How long have you been in Spain? I have been here for a long time.
Did you meet Bob last year? No, I have known him for a long time.
My uncle has been a doctor for sixteen years.
Yes, I’m ready, I have been ready for a long time.
He has always loved music.
I have only known Maria for a short time, but I know her family very well.
They have only been in Brazil for a short time.
Is Caroline here? No, she has already gone.
You’ve never told me about the accident.
They’ve already seen all of these movies.
He hasn’t come to work yet.
It has been hot for a long time.
She has always been a good worker.
We went up to the fourth floor. Subimos al cuarto piso.
Last Christmas, dad made a delicious cake.
There were more questions than answers. Habia mas preguntas que respuestas.
David took a taxi to his mother’s house.
You’re going to break that glass.
I missed you so much.
We’ve already been to the museum. Ya hemos estado en el museo.
I’ve been to London already.
How far can Duo fly?
A train went through the tunnel.
We drove through the city.
Were you alone?
An owl is a bird with large eyes that is active at night.
Why is the sky blue? Por que el Cielo es azul.
Owls are large birds.
Duo was alone in the forest.
Duo is a green owl.
We looked up and saw an owl in the sky.
The grass is wet because it rained.
My hair is wet.
I was wet and cold all day.
Planes fly over my house because I live by the airport.
There’s a bird on the roof.
The wooden table is by the wall. La mesa de madera esta junto a la pared.
An owl is flying over the roof.
I see a wooden building by the river.
How many bridges are there in New York?
The fields need rain.
The fields were wet after the rain. Los campos estaban humedos despues de la
I can hear the rain on the roof. Puedo oir la Lluvia en el techo.
Is there a bridge over the river? Hay un Puente sobre el rio?
I can’t find the path.
The farmers looked at the sky.
We’re driving around the forest. Estamos conduciendo alrededor del bosque.
An owl is flying around my head.
Do you know the name of that star?
Why is the dog running around that tree?
There’s an owl on the top of the tree.
I am at the top of the mountains. I see a beautiful panorama.
This is the path to the top of the mountain.
We need to go down the mountain soon.
Don’t go down the mountain on your bike.
Has she always wanted to be a farmer?
The horses went down the mountain slowly.
There is a great view from the top of the mountain.
This is a great view of the stars.
He doesn’t enjoy nature.
Did you see the rabbit?
What color was the snake?
The bear is afraid of the snake.
We heard a noise in the forest.
Have you ever seen an owl?
I walked on the path to the river.
She draws pictures of things in the nature.
You can see the moon in the sky.
The doctor hasn’t called us yet.
We’ve never made a cake.
You came to the meeting late! You have never come to a meeting on time.
She has lived here for many years.
Why are you running around the table?
There were horses in the field.
I’m afraid of bears. Tengo miedo de los osos.
Owls can see very far.
We drove far from the city.
The moon is beautiful tonight.
I heard the sound of rain on the roof.
How many stars can you see?
She lived alone in the forest.
Rabbits eat plants.
She heard the sound of the river.
You can see the moon in the sky.
Is there a path around the village?
There’s an owl on the top of the tree.
I have always loved nature.
But you didn’t answer my question.
I forgot about our conversation. Me olvide de nuestra conversacion.
You can’t drive on that bridge.
Why was there so much noise last night?
Why are you afraid of rabbis?
Please, walk on the path. Por favor camina por el camino.
There isn’t a good view from here.
Were you scared?
I wasn’t afraid.
The farmer walked around the building.
The river is not far from here.
They haven’t closed all their stores yet.
It’s so beautiful when it snows up here in the mountains.
Don’t run in the house, you’re going to fall.
Did the children play with each other?
We always have turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.
No, I didn’t break it! It was the dog!
Which toy did Fernanda ask for? Que juguete pidio Fernanda?
There were twenty people at my house.
Was there a big brunch? No, there wasn’t.
Daniel met my grandmother on Easter.
I made a cake, but you didn’t have it.
Come home soon, we miss you.
Were there a lot of presents under the tree? No, there weren’t.
I said ten times, but you didn’t hear me.
We went up to the fourth floor.
Was Easter in March or April last year?
She never takes medicine.
When you break your leg, you can’t walk.
Did he break his leg?
My ear hurts. / Me duele la oreja.
My finger hurts.
Do you have a cold? Tienes un resfriado?
When you have a cold, you should take medicine, eat soup, and sleep.
You should sleep more. Deberias dormir más.
Does your eye hurt?
You should stop smoking. Deberias dejar de fumar.
My toe hurts. Me duele el dedo del pie.
His back hurts.
I broke20 my finger.
The pain is not bad. El dolor no es fuerte.
There is more pain today than yesterday. The pain is worse.
Which accident was worse?
Poor Gustavo, He feels worse today than yesterday.
You shouldn’t swim there.
You shouldn’t work so much.
I hurt my toe again. You shouldn’t kick your brother.
Legs, arms, and eyes are parts of the body.
Eat well because your health is important.
How’s your health?
You should have a good reason for a meeting, or people will think it isn’t
important and won’t go.
I don’t know the reason.
Bosy soap. Jabon de cuerpo.
What did the nurse say?

Broke, break, Will break.
Antonio felt21 sick all day.
I felt really angry after the meeting.
Vegetables are good for the body.
Staying outside in cold weather isn’t good for the body.
Do you have any health problems?
Smoking isn’t good for your health.
Bye, take care / Adios, cuidate.
You need a blood test.
There’s blood on the doctor’s jacket.
When you take medicine, you usually feel better.
Feel better soon! Que te sientas major pronto
We know the baby’s age because we know her date of birth.
What’s your date of birth?
Does your neck hurt? Te duele el cuello?
They’re studying the brain. Ellas estan estudiando el cerebro.
Do you have any heart problems?
Has he ever had heart problems?
Don’t forget to use soap!
She felt very tired when she had a cold. Ella se sentia muy cansada cuando tenia
un resfriado.
You should not play basketball today.
Don’t forget to wash your hands with soap and water.
You shouldn’t drive when you’re tired.
This bed is worse than that bed.
My grandfather is in good health. My abuelo esta con Buena salud.
This medicine is for back pain.
Did you break your arm?
There was an Easter party at my school.
Have you ever studied the brain?
This is Pedro’s fourth year in college.
You should take the medicine.
Duo was alone in the forest.
The horses walked slowly through the river.
The moon is very, very far from us.
Why is the sky blue?
The bridge over the river is closed.
The wooden table is by the wall. La mesa de madera esta junto a la pared.
The white horse isn’t in this field.
The fields were wet after the rain.
I see a wooden building by the river.
There was an old, wooden desk by the window.
The fields need rain.
I was wet and cold all day.
An owl is flying over the roof.
Felt, feel, Will feel
We saw a bear in the mountains.
Please walk on the path.
This is the path (road) to the fields.
Has she always wanted to be a farmer?
Do you know the name of that star? Do you know that star’s name?
An owl is flying around my head.
The farmers looked at the sky.
There’s an owl on the top of the tree.
Don’t go down the mountain on your bike.
We need to go down the mountain soon.
The farmer heard a noise outside.
I’m afraid of snakes.
I heard the same sound again.
Did you see the rabbit?
Rabbits have big ears.
Are you afraid of owls?
Is there a good view from that window?
Did you hear that sound?
I’ve always loved nature.
What color was the snake?
This is the path to the top of the mountain.
How can we get to the top of the mountain?
Are your boots wet?
Fred works as a farmer. His farm is on top of the mountain.
She’s always loved looking at the stars.
Is the bridge far from here?
My girlfriend gave me a box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day.
I can’t go out with you on Tuesday! Why don’t we meet on Wednesday?
Sailing22 is a water sport. I go sailing on my boat on windy days.
Why don’t we go sailing? Porque no vamos a navegar?
Sure, I’d love to. Por supuesto, me encantaria.
Sure, I’d love to go out with you. Why don’t we go to see a movie or something?
We’re going to meet at the theater.
My girlfriend loved going to concerts.
What time is the concert? A que hora es el concierto?
Why don’t we meet at the movie theater?
Carol wears beautiful clothes and shoes. She looks pretty every day.
You look so pretty.
I can buy Fred a watch or shoes for his birthday. What do you think? I’m not sure.
Are you sure?
This hotel is popular with families. Este hotel es popular entre las familias.
I don’t want Italian food, how about Chinese food?
How about a movie? Que tal una pelicula?
We’re going to meet at a bar.
Sailing: navegar
This bar is very popular on weekends.
Marco and I had a nice chat at the bar. I learned a lot about him.
We had a nice chat after the concert.
Did you have a chat with my dad?
I go for a walk with my girlfriend every weekend.
Let’s go for a walk. Vamos a dar un paseo.
If you like Monica, invite her to the theater.
If it’s sunny, we’ll go swimming.
Carmen is such a nice person. I really like her. Carmen es una persona tan
agradable. Me gusta mucho.
He’s such a funny person. Él es una persona tan Graciosa.
You’re such a nice person.
I don’t love you Rafael, I want to be with someone nicer. No te amo Rafael,
quiero estar con alguien mas agradable.
Oh, someone is calling me.
We can help each other. Podemos ayudarnos.
Jenna and Chris really like each other. They can’t stop talking. Jenna y Cris se
gustan mucho.
I’ll give you a call later. Te llamare despues.
My girlfriend doesn’t like motorcycles.
Have you ever had a motorcycle accident?
I won’t get married because I don’t want a husband.
He doesn’t want to get married.
I took my boyfriend to a special restaurant last night. Anoche lleve a mi novio a
un restaurante especial.
That was a special day.
My girlfriend and I come here for a special dinner every year!
We have been together for almost one year. Next month is our first anniversary.
It is almost morning. Ya casi es mañana.
Are the children ready to go? Almost. They need to put on their shoes.
Is everything OK?
The party was so much fun. Everything was perfect.
The cake was perfect.
I got married23 in 2013.
My grandparents got married in 1948.
My brother got married in 2016.
My boyfriend works every day except Mondays.
Everything was good except the fruit.
She wants to get everything except the hat.
She’s wearing a very special dress.
That’s such a pretty dress.
We have a special plate for the cake.
If it’s raining, we’ll go to a movie theater.
I’m giving her a call right now.
Got married, get married, Will get married
If it’s sunny we’ll go swimming.
That was a such exciting game.
I don’t want the sun to wake me up.
OK, but I wake up at sunrise every morning. Me despierto al amanecer cada
She always looks pretty. Ella siempre se ve bonita.
She loves riding her motorcycle.
The roof was wet after the rain.
There were horses in the field.
They meet at the bar on weekends.
That’s such a popular color.
She draws pictures of things in nature.
That present is perfect for him.
She wanted almost everything in the store.
How about next Saturday?
I wasn’t afraid.
You can’t fly through the window.
How many stars can you see?
We can help each other.
That snake is not dangerous.
We go sailing every weekend.
Let’s go for a walk by the river. Vamos a dar un paseo junto al rio.
He doesn’t want to get married.
He said it a million times.
Amy, you got so many presents on Christmas.
Yesterday was the fifth day of my vacation.
Is it snowing up there in the mountains?
What is that sound?
The parts of the body. Body parts.
The pain is really bad.
Which foods are good for the body?
The woman goes for a walk in the morning.
Does your neck hurt?
Why was there so much noise last night?
Do you have a cold?
Can you give them a call soon? Can you call them soon?
Has she always wanted to be a farmer?
My girlfriend loves going to concerts.
My boyfriend gave me flowers.
I wasn’t afraid.
The fields need rain. It hasn’t rained for a long time.
Oh, all my books are wet!
Were you afraid? Were you scared?
My son broke his arm.
Our trip was almost perfect.
We had (ate) Chinese food at the party.
I see a wooden building by the river.
Do you have any health problems?
See you next week, take care.
There was some fruit on the table.
She’s dancing with someone.
We made brunch on Easter.
You shouldn’t have ice cream so fast.
Which accident was worse?
It’s almost eleven o’clock.
That was your fifth meal of the day.
He takes photos of nature.
She wanted almost everything in the store.
How about a picnic? Que tal un picnic?
Do you want to go sailing with me?
I didn’t go home last Thanksgiving.
This hotel is popular with families. Este hotel es popular entre las familias.
Did you do anything special?
Luis eats chocolate when he is sad.
This photo is special to me.
How far can Duo fly?
Call me when you get home.
They love each other very much.
Look at the lights up there in the tree.
If you ride your motorcycle, I’ll go with you.
You should drink more water.
She never takes medicine.
Adults in the US usually have two or three colds every year. The children have
more colds than adults because they are at school together.
How did you break your leg?
I’ve had a cold for two days.
Does his back hurt today?
This medicine is for back pain.
You shouldn’t take that medicine.
Is the pain worse than yesterday?
How did Clara break her toe?
The nurse gave us more soap.
Smoking isn’t good for your health.
To take care your brain you should eat lots of fish, broccoli, and nuts. Dark
chocolate and coffee are also good for your brain.
There’s blood on the doctor’s jacket.
My grandfather is in good health. Mi abuelo esta con Buena salud.
You should ask the nurse for help.
Where did you see the owl? Not far from here.
Is the forest near here? Ye, it’s not very far.
Do bears like to live alone or in groups?
I’ve never gone into the forest alone. I always go with a friend.
How we get to the old wooden house? Go over the bridge and turn right.
We stayed in a small wooden house by the forest.
Excuse me, where is the wooden bridge? Walk to the end of the field and turn
Where does this path go? To the top of the mountain.
He doesn’t enjoy nature.
Are you afraid of any animals? Yes, I’m afraid of snakes.
She heard the sound of the river.
She has always loved looking at the stars.
How can we get to the top of the mountain?
Have you ever seen a pink owl?
This is my motorcycle. It belongs to me.
The red car belongs to my aunt. El carro rojo le pertenece a mi tia.
That is not my pen. Is it yours?
Is this your blanket? Esta es tu manta?
This sofa is the perfect color. Este sofá es del color perfecto.
This watch belonged to my father.
I put more soap in the bathroom yesterday.
The pink blanket belongs to my daughter.
Can you get your comb? Puedes traer tu peine?
You should keep your money in a safe place.
Where do you keep the sugar?
Where do you keep your winter clothes?
This is ours too.
This is fine too.
Which ones are your children? Cuales son tus hijos?
Which of these toothbrushes is yours?
Which of these cups are ours?
I want the other one. Quiero el otro.
Those knives are ours.
Are the knives in this cabinet? Los cuchillos estan en este gabinete?
We chose24 the bigger one.
She chose the prettiest one.
The professor kept25 the key.
My grandfather kept those documents on the refrigerator. Mi abuelo guardó esos
documentos sobre el refrigerador.
My dad kept his books in this room.
Why did their wives stay home? Por que sus esposas se quedaron en casa?
Both men got presents for their wives.
She loves animals, especially horses.
Frida really enjoyed her meal, especially the fish.

Chose, choose, Will choose
Kept, keep, Will keep
If something is heavy, you need help to carry it.
This box is not heavy. Esta caja no es pesada.
If you have nothing to do, you are not busy.
Nothing is perfect. Nada es perfecto.
I washed my hair.
The cook washed his hands.
The glasses are not dry. Los vasos no estan secos.
Are the spoons dry yet? Las cucharas ya estan secas?
There’s a lamp by the bed.
The forks will be dry soon. Los tenedores estaran secos pronto.
I washed the spoons and forks.
Are there any knives and forks? No, There’s nothing in the cabinet.
Which one did you buy? Cual compraste?
I got the green one especially for you.
Why do you keep so many things in here? Look there’s my pink comb.
I enjoyed everything, especially the concert.
The bear had a pink toothbrush.
Our wives will come to the party later.
Have you ever seen a pink owl?
There’s something under the sofa.
You shouldn’t keep your toothbrush in the kitchen.
It doesn’t hurt. No duele.
This is a great view of the stars.
The heart is an important part of the body.
She keeps her pens in her desk.
Don’t be afraid. No tengas miedo.
No, I didn’t break my back. I broke my leg.
The white horse isn’t in this field.
Which of this color is better?
Well, nothing will be the same. Bueno, nada sera lo mismo.
Why don’t we go sailing?
His girlfriend has not come yet.
How about a movie? Que tal una pelicula?
She’s having a chat with her little sister.
Someone is sitting next to him.
Let’s go for a walk.
I had such a fun evening with Michael! He’s going to give me a call tomorrow. If
the weather is nice, we’ll go for a walk in the park.
My boyfriend got such a cool motorcycle, but it was so expensive.
Yesterday, Luis was chatting with a man in a bar. They like each other, but Luis
forgot to ask him for his phone number.
Will you meet with someone here?
Can you give them a call soon?
That was such an exciting game.
Why don’t we go for a walk?
We often look at each other and laugh.
My girlfriend wants a very expensive motorcycle.
We’re going to get married in May.
My wife and I got married in London in 2010. That was a special day. Everything
was perfect, except for the weather.
He doesn’t want to get married.
She’s wearing a very special dress.
This place is very special to us.
Our trip was almost perfect.
It’s almost morning (tomorrow).
That’s such a pretty dress.
He’s such a funny person.
Call me when you get home. Llamame cuando llegues a casa.
You should take this medicine for pain.
Can we have some more chocolate? Sorry, too much chocolate isn’t good for
What’s the reason for this meeting?
After a long day, Dr. Marco felt very tired.
He felt sad for no reason. Se sentia triste sin ninguna razon.
I feel a little sick right now, but I felt worse this morning.
My grandfather is in good health.
You’ll feel better tomorrow.
Please write your place of birth.
The heart sends blood to different parts of the body.
Yes, the pain in my neck is really bad.
You should ask the nurse for help.
My aunt has many health problems.
Mary’s neck hurts when she reads.
Let’s go for a walk by the river.
Those pink flowers are so pretty.
This is too heavy for me.
You can see the moon in the sky.
Which one did she choose?
Why are you afraid of rabbits?
That bag is not yours.
When you were a child, this heavy sofa belonged to your aunt. Now it belongs to
The glasses are not dry.
Are the knives in this cabinet?
What’s the reason for your appointment?
Sorry, I broke your lamp.
The woman goes for a walk in the morning.
Did you break your foot?
That fork isn’t yours.
This watch belonged to my dad.
I’m waiting for my boyfriend.
Can you get the comb from the bathroom?
Which of these spoons is mine?
I washed the spoons and forks.
Do our wives know each other? My wife is talking to yours right now. Nuestras
esposas se conocen? Mi esposa esta hablando con la tuya ahora mismo.
My wife chose the blue one.
He eats almost everything.
The pink blanket belongs to my daughter.
I already washed that spoon. You don’t need to wash it again.
Nothing is too heavy for him.
Someone ate all the cake.
Which ones are your children?
There’s blood on the nurse’s shirt.
She wanted almost everything in the store.
Duo is flying through the forest.
That’s such a popular color.
We chose the bigger (biggest) one.
She chose the prettiest (nicer / nicest) one.
I got the green one especially for you.
This photo is special to me.
He swam faster than me. Nado mas rapido que yo.
I rode my motorcycle home. Fui en moto a casa.
They rode their motorcycles on the path.
Michael swam so quickly. Michael nadó tan rapido.
I rode on my friend’s motorcycle.
She only danced with Eduardo.
We cried when we said goodbye.
He cried when he broke his toe.
Julia cried when she got home.
You get your college degree after graduation. Obtienes tu titulo Universitario
despues de graduarte.
I was born in 2010. My birthday is June 5, 2010.
They got a taxi ten minutes ago.
When was your daughter born? One year ago.
Willian Shakespeare died more than four hundred years ago. William
Shakespeare murió hace mas de cuatrocientos años.
My son loves history.
I bought a new car last week. Compré un nuevo carro la semana pasada.
We bought some clothes for our summer vacation. Compramos algo de ropa
para nuestras vacaciones de Verano.
He got a degree in History. Obtuvo un titulo en historia.
My uncle visited us last year.
You have to take another test.
Who sent26 this message?
I sent another email an hour ago.
He spoke27 five languages.
When I called, I spoke to the secretary.
The boss agreed with us. El jefe estuvo de acuerdo con nosotros.
We never agreed with anything.
She checked her answer again.
I didn’t take any history classes.
She finished work fifteen minutes ago.
The floor looked dirty. El piso se veia sucio.
Who cooked dinner?
She cooked some potatoes for dinner.
He cooked the chicken an hour ago.
She knows what she did. Ella sabe que hizo.
Who cleaned my bedroom?
He cleaned the shower because it was so dirty.
Have you cleaned the kitchen? Yes, I cleaned it this afternoon.
I slept28 for eight hours.
Kristy did her homework, and then she slept for three hours.
I watched it this morning.
We had dinner, and then we drank coffee.
I drank two cups of coffee, and then I started working.
Did Billy fall down? Billy se cayó?
Michael swam so quickly.
The little girl is going to fall down.
Marco did fifteen German lessons last week.
She ate her dinner quickly.
I swam to the boat quickly.
I cried because I was so happy. Llore porque estaba tan Feliz.
That toy doesn’t belong to him.
This is ours too. Esto Tambien es nuestro.
Go to your bedroom and get your comb.
She keeps her pens in her desk.
Can you get your comb? Puedes traer tu peine?
You shouldn’t keep your toothbrush in the kitchen.
Where do you keep your bike?
Which of these cups are ours?
There’s nothing under the sofa.
He was especially angry about the money.
Why did their wives stay home?
He’s carrying something heavy.
Take you dirty boots outside, and then help me clean the floor! Saca tus botas
sucias afuera y luego ayudame a limpiar el piso.
Sent, send, Will send.
Spoke, speak, Will speak.
Slept, sleep, Will sleep
When did she get her college degree? Two years ago.
What happened? Que pasó?
We finished the meeting an hour ago.
He checked Facebook fifteen minutes ago.
Which classes were the most difficult?
I slept very well last night.
We visited a friend at the hospital yesterday.
My son was born in 2016. Mi hijo nació en 2016
I want to take another history class.
It was hot, and we swam all day.
Did you work for another company?
When did the accident happen? Cuando pasó el accidente?
My mom agreed with my dad.
Einstein was born in Germany.
This sofa is the perfect color! Este sofa es del color perfecto.
I spoke with my boss at the meeting.
Do you want to go sailing with me?
Miss Brown is very popular with the students.
We had a nice chat after the concert.
They haven’t finished yet, but the food is almost ready.
Would you like to go for a walk?
I’ve never been to a Madonna concert.
He’s on the third floor, he can’t see us down here.
Duo doesn’t like flying in the rain.
Put the shoes into that box.
Why are there papers on the floor? Could you pick up the papers, please?
He never mops when it’s hot. Nunca trapea cuando hace calor.
My dad mops the floor so quickly.
This room should be yours, not mine.
Marco mops the kitchen floor every Sunday.
He sweeps the kitchen floor every morning. El barre el piso de la cocina cada
You should clean the mess in your room before you go out to play with your
Rachel should help you with this mess. Rachel deberia ayudarte con este
I use a mop to clean the floors every Saturday.
Use a broom, not a mop. Usa una escoba no un trapeador.
If your apartment is dirty, then you should clean it.
Dad, you’re sweeping the floor wrong.
I’m sweeping the floor! Can you cook dinner?
You do the dishes after every meal to have clean plates and glasses.
Should we take this cake to George’s house? I think that he’ll like it.
Should I take these bags to your room?
Should we take this letter to the office?
Look, Daniel is doing the dishes.
Is she really doing the dishes at 2 am?
You shouldn’t sweep with the mop.
You shouldn’t sell this picture, it’s beautiful.
I don’t know how to wash the window.
I’m twenty years old, I should know how to make a cake.
It’s a TV show about beautiful houses.
This time, Fred has to sweep the floor. Esta vez, Fred tiene que barrer el piso.
When I cook, my boyfriend does the dishes.
I have to help my mom do the cooking at our family’s restaurant. Tengo que
ayudar a mi mama a hacer la comida en el restaurante de la familia.
It’s kind of late. Es un poco tarde.
The car is kind of dirty. El auto esta un poco sucio.
I do laundry every weekend because I need clean clothes for work on Monday.
I need to do laundry! Necesito lavar la ropa.
Bruce often forgets to do laundry. Bruce a menudo olvida lavar la ropa.
Don’t go anywhere. No vayas a ningun lugar.
The dog is so dirty, we can’t take him anywhere.
If you feel like sleeping, go to bed. Si tienes ganas de dormir, ve a la cama.
I don’t feel like cooking.
Shopping is so boring.
For some people, shopping is very important.
Can I get a broom, please? Me puedes traer un escoba por favor?
This mop is old, I need another one.
Duo feels like playing games right now, not cleaning the house.
This cake is great, can you make another one?
Then you can’t help? Entonces no puedes ayudar?
If you have another broom, I’ll help you.
Fred, could you pick up your clothes, please?
I feel like witching some TV shows later.
Then who cleans the bathroom every week?
How about next Saturday?
He sweeps the floor, and then he mops.
What can be happening? Que puede estar pasando?
His grandmom died a long time ago.
How did this happen? Como paso esto?
Duo keeps his books in this bookcase.
Luis why is your room so messy?
I’d like to buy a new laptop! I bought this one seven years ago.
I rode on my friend’s motorcycle.
Can you see the cat down there in the garden?
Is shopping on the internet cheaper? Comprar en internet es mas barato?
Don’t fall, the floor is kind of wet.
Is this cup good or you want another?
There are special flowers for this table.
I rode my motorcycle home.
Everything happened so quickly. Todo pasó tan rapido.
They rode their motorcycles on the path.
We bought this house seven years ago.
My son got his college degree in 2010.
My husband has a degree in history.
We never agreed about anything.
We cooked too much rice.
Who cleaned my bedroom?
She knows what she did. Ella sabe que hizo.
How did this happen?
When did the accident happen? It happened early in the morning, right?
The nurse came and put a cup of water on the table. La enfermera vino y puso
una taza de agua en la mesa.
Look inside the cabinet in the bathroom. We have more toothbrushes in there.
Did you ask your classmates?
If you don’t know what a word means, you can use a dictionary.
Nobody answered me.
What does that mean? Que significa eso?
The teacher answered all of our questions.
She sat29 near the blackboard.
My cat sat by the window all day.
We sat next to each other. Nos sentamos uno al lado del otro.
Geography is too difficult for me because there are so many countries and rivers
to remember.
I’ve always loved geography.
Is that clear? Esta claro eso?
If the teacher gives clear instructions, you will know what to do.
I can’t explain that. No puedo explicar eso.
Nobody understood30 that.
Did you understand the instructions? Yes, I understood them.
Mr. Brown taught31 history.
Who taught that class last year?
He taught science. El enseño ciencias.
Charlie understood the sentence better when his teacher explained it.
She explained the instructions again.
I enjoy all of my science classes, but I especially like physics.
He taught chemistry and physics.
When you take a book from the library, you are only borrowing it.
Who taught your physics class?
Ronaldo didn’t do well on the test because he made a lot of mistakes.
You must do you physics homework if you want to go to the moon one day.
You must buy the textbooks.
Sat, sit, Will sit
Understood, understand, Will understand.
Taught, teach, Will teach
We’ll star class when everyone is here.
I borrowed a pen from my classmate. Pedí prestado un lapicero de mi
compañero de clase.
I haven’t finished my geography project yet.
You must finish your project tomorrow.
What kind of project t do you want to do?
Marcel, Remy, and Ava are a few friends that I sit with at lunch.
Does anybody know the answer?
Students put their pens and pencils in a case. Los estudiantes ponens sus
lapiceros y lapices en un estuche.
Is this pencil case yours?
Can you draw a circle?
I drew32 a green owl.
Who drew that picture?
We painted the walls blue. Pintamos las paredes de azul.
Andrea painted a picture of a famous artist for a school project.
They painted the classroom white.
We drew animals in art class.
I took a few art classes there.
David is working on a special art project at school.
Our class will go to an art museum on Wednesday.
I’ll explain the homework when everyone is listening.
Science is the most difficult subject for me.
Could I borrow your textbook this afternoon?
My son drew a picture of our family.
You must another physics course.
I bought a skirt for the party.
What color is your pencil case?
A little fish swam around me.
Can you put this box into the car?
I can’t see anything down there on the floor.
Then why do I need to clean my room? Entonces por que necesito limpiar mi
If you have another broom, I’ll help you.
He doesn’t know how to answer the question.
Should we take this letter to the office?
I don’t feel like cooking.
I swam to the boat quickly.
Will the tree fall down on a windy day?
We rode the train from Paris to Frankfurt. Tomamos el tren de paris a fráncfort.
Diego and Laura’s second child was born a week ago. El Segundo hijo de Diego
y Laura nació hace una semana.
She is ninety years old and mops every day.
Did you make a mistake? Cometiste un error?
Drew, draw, Will draw
Can I borrow your Physics book?
What does this mean? Que significa esto?
Some of my classmates are from Japan.
He rode his motorcycle to work.
I rode my motorcycle home.
Everyone will go home when they finish class.
There’s nothing in the fridge.
I understood all the instructions.
Which classes did you enjoy the most? Cuales clases disfrutaste más?
Does anybody know anything about this subject?
I’m not going to go alone.
They’re having a meeting at noon. Ellos van a tener una reunion a medio dia.
They aren’t coming tonight.
Her flight is arriving at midnight. Su vuelo va a llegar a media noche.
She’s traveling to Egypt next summer.
They won’t tell me the answer.
Nobody answered her.
You should ask one of your classmates.
We sat next to each other. Nos sentamos uno al lado del otro.
The teacher’s instructions were not clear.
I borrowed a pen from my classmate.
Did you make a mistake on your project?
You must come the class on time. Debes venir a clase a tiempo.
We didn’t make any mistakes.
We’ll start class when everyone is here.
The children drew pictures of their pets.
He had a few problems with the computer. Tuvimos algunos problemas con la
I made a few mistakes on the test.
Did anybody understand the instructions?
There were some mistakes in our textbook.
I’m not taking any science classes this month.
Could you pick up these toys? I’ve asked you three times. Sorry, I’ll do it right
Did you look under the bed? The cat is down there.
What a mess, he should buy a better broom.
Her room is a mess, she should clean it.
Can I get some more soap to wash the dishes, please?
Cindy does laundry at her mom’s house on Sundays.
Shopping is popular in every country in the world.
He’s on the third floor, he can’t see us down here.
It’s warmer down here on the first floor. Esta mas calido aqui abajo en el primer
I’m taking the tour at 10 am. Voy a hacer el tour a las 10 am.
My brother’s flight is leaving at 2 pm. El vuelo de mi hermano va a partir a las 2.
When you rent something, you pay for use it, but you don’t buy it.
They’re renting a car next week. Ellas van a alquilar un carro la semana proxima.
The ship is leaving in one hour.
Is he staying in the capital next week?
I’m staying at the hotel in the capital tonight.
Duo is flying to the castle next Monday.
My friends and I are playing volleyball later.
My history class is taking a tour of the castle on February second.
What are we doing afterward? Que vamos a hacer despues?
A club is a place where you can dance and drink alcohol.
When is the show starting tonight? Cuando va a empezar el espectaculo esta
Americans eat lunch around noon.
We’re having lunch at noon.
Midnight is the time when one day finishes and next day starts.
We are leaving at midnight.
We’re going to a jazz club tonight.
They’re going to a jazz club afterward.
A jazz band is playing here at eleven o’clock.
She’s taking the earliest flight to the UK tomorrow.
Are we too early? Llegamos demasiado temprano?
We’re going to the earlier show tonight because it’s cheaper.
I might go to the club tonight, but I don’t know yet. Puede que vaya a la discoteca
esta noche pero aun no sé.
We’re going to Egypt next year.
We might visit the pyramids in Egypt next summer.
We might go to Egypt next year.
I might take my green backpack.
When is he traveling to South Korea?
The flight from South Korea is arriving in ten minutes.
I’m going to the flower shop at noon.
What time is the flight to the island?
They’re going fishing in the sea on Sunday. Van a ir a pescar en el mar el
I might visit one of the islands near here.
We might rent an apartment downtown. Puede que alquilemos un apartamento
en el centro (de la ciudad).
When are we going to the market?
When we travel to a new city, we go sightseeing and take photos. Cuando
viajamos a una nueva ciudad vamos a hacer turismo y tomar fotos.
I might to go sightseeing in Seoul. Puede que vaya a hacer turismo en Seúl.
Let’s go snowboarding soon. Vamos a hacer snowboard pronto.
Why don’t we go snowboarding?
Is she going anywhere tonight?
We might go to the pool tomorrow.
I go to the gym every day.
Duo is going downtown for a meeting later.
Her flight is arriving at midnight.
We might go sightseeing downtown tomorrow.
Are you taking an early flight tomorrow? Vas a tomar un vuelo temprano
We might go to a club afterward.
Our group is staying in the capital for three days next week.
He is taking an early vacation this year. El va a tomar vacaciones anticipadas
este año.
We’re going to a party after the show, I don’t know what will happen afterward.
Vamos a ir a una fiesta despues del espectaculo, no sé que pasará despues.
Put the chairs in a circle.
You should ask one of your classmates.
I made a lot of mistakes on my test.
Wow! You didn’t any mistakes on your test.
I didn’t see anybody in the office.
Who ordered sausage? Quien ordeno salchichas?
We might have cream in the fridge.
Don’t forget to buy onions.
I’ll have a glass of orange juice. Quiero un vaso de jugo de Naranja.
I’ll have toast with jam. Quiero tostadas con mermelada.
If something is alright, it’s good but not great.
Let’s get a melon as well. Vamos a comprar un melon Tambien.
If there are enough tables at the restaurant, we can sit down and order quickly.
Do we have enough bread? Temenos suficiente pan?
Our chickens give us fresh eggs every day. Nuestros pollos nos dan huevos
frescos todos los dias.
The fruit is not very fresh, but it’s alright.
Anything else? Algo mas?
Do you need anything else?
What can I get you? Que te puedo traer?
Can I get you anything else, miss?
Can I get you more coffee?
Let’s get (buy) more mangos. Vamos a comprar mas mangos.
Could I get more ice?
This mug is mine. Este tazon es mio.
Do bears like pears? A los osos les gustan las peras?
Which bowls are bigger?
He didn’t eat the mushrooms.
She likes tea more than coffee. A ella le gusta el té mas que el café.
My daughter likes cereal more than omelets.
I can’t pick up that box of mangoes.
This cook isn’t great, but she’s alright.
If the fish isn’t fresh, he won’t eat it.
There are enough pears for everyone.
Why are there mushrooms in my jam?
Let’s meet for breakfast tomorrow.
I only understood some of the answers.
There isn’t enough cream in this coffee.
Don’t forget to pack your pajamas. No olvides empacar tus pijamas.
They flew33 to the capital city. Ellos volaron a la capital.
The turtles packed their suitcases. Las tortugas empacaron sus maletas.
The bear learned to play the guitar.
Has the monkey packed the drums yet?
The monkey quickly learned to play the drums.
The bear paid too much for that shampoo.
Nobody wanted the seats next to the bathroom.
The monkey had fun with his friends today. El mono se divirtió con sus amigos
Some mice are selling tickets outside the theater.
The bear paid for two seats on the plane.
The bear has the heaviest suitcase. El oso tenia la maleta mas pesada.
The other mice wanted leather pants as well.
Has the mouse packed its suitcase yet?
Where did you put the coffee mugs? Donde pusiste los tazones de café?
I’ll have toast with jam. I want toast with jam.
The mouse doesn’t have any red sneakers. El raton no tiene zapatillas rojas.
That trip was a great adventure. That trip was such an adventure.
There’s no sausage on the menu.
I’m not visiting any islands on my next trip.
Did you make a mistake?
There is nothing better than a fresh mango.
The mouse loved the stage. Al raton le encantaba el escenario.
The mouse wanted to ride a scooter. El raton queria ir en escúter.
They rode a scooter to the beach.
Thanks, but I don’t want anything else.
They left Morocco and flew to Argentina.
The chicken will only dance to hip-hop music.
We don’t have enough ice.
The animals went sightseeing in India. Los animals hicieron turismo en India.
He traveled alone around the world.
We’re having lunch at noon.
I can pick up that box for him.
We haven’t seen the menu yet.
Which mangoes should we buy?
These melons are fresher than those.
There are enough pears for everyone.

Flew, fly, Will fly.
Have you ever eaten omelet? Have you ever had an omelet? Algunas vez has
comido omelet?
My history class is taking a tour of the castle on February second.
We enjoy spending time at the pool in the summer.
My friends and I might go snowboarding on Thursday.
We’re meeting our friends at the pool later.
Where ca I find the white mushrooms?
Which furniture is ours? Cuales muebles son nuestros.
Elizabeth sits in her armchair and watches TV. Elizabeth se sienta en su sillon y
mira la television.
How much does this armchair cost?
I put my jeans and shirts in my dresser.
The wooden dresser is so heavy. El tocador de madera es tan pesado.
Please put your dirty plates in the sink. (fregadero)
The sink looks dirty.
How much is the rent?
How much will the rent be?
I had two roommates when I was in college.
Do you want to share the rent?
That lamp is his. Esta lampara es del él.
Is the building on the left? El edificio esta a la izquierda?
The mug on the right is yours.
My son’s room is on the right.
There’s no furniture in the new apartment. It’s empty.
The fridge is almost empty.
Pick up your socks. Recoge tus medias.
Where does she keep the pillows?
We might sell our old couch. Sofa.
Don’t turn off the computer. No apagues la computadora.
You should turn off the TV when you finish watching it.
Could you turn off the radio?
Let’s sit in the living room. Vamos a sentarnos en la sala.
Which closet is his?
My closet is smaller than yours.
Is the garage empty?
Did someone turn on the computer?
Could you turn on the light?
If the elevator working, we don’t need to use the stairs. Escaleras.
This curtain is dirty. Esta cortina esta sucia.
That’s such a big rat.
Come up the stairs and turn right.
I borrowed some chair from my neighbor.
All right, both elevators are working now.
They repaired the TV, and it’s working now.
The closet on the left is hers.
My daughter’s room is on the left.
The field on the left belongs to them.
How old are these stairs?
She might fall down the stairs.
The animals went sightseeing in India.
The mysterious monkey never traveled in groups. It liked to travel alone.
She had a lot of friends, but always traveled alone.
I watched a great movie about monkeys in Argentina.
Riding a scooter is more fun than walking.
The lions are brothers, but they don’t look like each other.
Why is a lion sitting in my seat on the plane?
The bear paid for two seats on the plane.
The mice have a lot of fun in Argentina. They met interesting people and ate
delicious food. After their adventures, they flew home.
Where did he get (buy) these shower curtains?
Why are the pillow on the floor?
The closet on the left is hers.
Who sat next to the monkey on the plane?
I can’t find my other sock!
He doesn’t want to share a room.
Starting a band will be a great adventure.
She shared a room with her little sister.
We might sell our old couch (sofa).
Which mug is hers?
The field on the left belongs to them.
That lamp is his.
This store sells office furniture.
The bear packed a lot of honey into its suitcase.
Well, the pink pajamas aren’t mine.
Put the mugs in the sink.
Riding the scooter was a lot of fun.
The scooter was too big for the mouse.
Tom thinks that these socks are his. Is he right?
Come up the stairs to the third floor.
The ducks shouldn’t be on the couch.
Put the car in the garage.
We haven’t seen the menu yet.
The bear didn’t want to wear the black leather jacket.
All right, both elevators are working now.
My closet is smaller than yours.
That armchair belonged to my parents. Ese sillon le pertenecio a mis padres.
They repaired the TV, and it’s working now.
Here’s some shampoo. Aqui hay un poco de champu.
When will he repair the roof?
The turtle family didn’t have any shampoo.
They’re cleaning the pool at noon.
Don’t sit on the little suitcase.
Let’s sit in the living room.
I have seen her apartment, but not his. He visto el apartamento de ella, pero no
el de él.
Their furniture looks old.
The mice pay fifty dollars for a ticket to the show.
Don’t forget to turn off the lights.
He explained the map to me.
We plan to go to a party later. Planeamos ir a una fiesta despues.
That man gave us bad directions. Ese hombre nos dio malas indicaciones.
My husband planned to help them, but he couldn’t.
There is a lot of traffic when everyone leaves work at 5 pm to drive home.
A guidebook can help you plan your vacation.
Maybe there’s a lot of traffic.
Did we miss the train? Perdimos el tren?
Did someone lose a glove? Alguien perdio un guante?
We lost our passports in London.
I lost my ticket, so I couldn’t go to the concert.
We missed our flight to Barcelona.
I missed the bus, so I was late for work.
There aren’t any taxis, so I have to walk instead. No hay taxis asi que, en cambio
tengo que caminar.
Juan couldn’t drive, so I drove instead.
They lost my luggage, Now I have no clothes. Perdieron mi equipaje ahora no
tengo ropa.
Have you seen my luggage?
We nearly miss our flight, but we ran and arrived on time.
We nearly missed our flight.
Don’t forget to bring your passport to the airport. No olvides traer contigo tu
pasaporte al aeropuerto.
Did you bring the map? Trajiste el mapa?
Let’s bring an extra bottle of water.
My boyfriend left his wallet at the airport. Mi novio dejo su billetera en el
Did you leave your wallet at the hotel?
You’re so wet, did you forget your raincoat?
I’m cold because I left my sweater on the train.
We remembered to bring the map.
Mr. Bear remembered to bring his raincoat. Impermeable.
I brought34 some cash for the taxi. Traje un poco de efectivo para el taxi.
My father brought an extra umbrella.
All the works wore35 pink T-shirts.

Broguht, bring, Will bring.
Wore, wear, Will wear.
He wore the same sweater nearly every day.
We brought our raincoats, but it didn’t rain.
She’s leaving now, so tell her goodbye.
My son lost a pair of black gloves on the subway.
Have you seen a pair of pink gloves?
We lost all of our luggage.
Maybe we should bring an extra pair of gloves.
Sometimes she washes her clothes in the sink.
The furniture isn’t mine.
How much will the rent be? Cuanto costara el alquiler?
Could you open the garage door?
I keep all my shoes in this closet.
The sofa isn’t his, it’s mine.
Go down the stairs and look to your left.
This dresser is going to be too heavy.
There was a lot of traffic downtown.
She couldn’t find a taxi, so she missed the flight.
There was only one counter open, so I had to stand in line for twenty minutes.
The waiter says I can only pay with cash here, so I need to go to the ATM.
I read in the newspaper that right now is a good time to buy a house.
We can go to the ATM another time. Podemos ir al cajero automatico en otro
Well, everybody else is wrong! Bueno, todos los demas estan equivocados.
Why is the everybody else at the other ATM?
You’ll get another call later today. Recibiras otra llamada mas tarde hoy.
Is someone from the bank going to call us? Yes, we’re going to get a call today or
Are you standing in line for the ATM?
Dad, you’re going to lose your wallet.
How long are you going to be in Brazil? Cuanto tiempo vas a estar en Brasil?
How long is the bank going to be closed?
The bank is closing in a few minutes. But the line is short, so we have enough
I’m buying a new car in a few weeks.
I gave you twenty dollars last week, so remember you owe36 me that money!
If you pay for lunch, I’ll owe you ten dollars.
They don’t take debit cards at that store, so you’ll have to pay with cash.
Does this store take cash? Esta tienda acepta efectivo?
That’ll be twelve fifty please. Eso será doce con cincuenta por favor.
How much will his new car cost him? Cuanto le costara su nuevo carro?
How much will it cost us to open our new restaurant?
Our next apartment will cost us more.
You’ll need about a hundred dollars.
You’ll only have to pay about three dollars.
Owe: deber, adeudar
This sofa is small, let’s buy the big one.
I don’t want the long skirt, I want the short one.
That’ll be twenty dollars and fifty cents. All right, do you take one-hundred-dollar
Tom needs a new car, I’d love to lend (prestar) him some cash, But I don’t have
much money right now.
I’m going to lend him fifty dollars.
That letter from the bank might be important, so you should keep it.
It costs four dollars, and I gave you five. So, you owe me one dollar in change.
You can keep the change. Puedes conserver el cambio.
Is it a coin from Germany?
Can I borrow twenty dollars? Me prestas veinte dolares?
Can I borrow some money, Dad? Of course, I can lend you fifty dollars.
There will be time for questions later.
When you arrive at the bank, there will be two large bags outside.
There will be a long line at the bank later.
Don’t bring (lleves contigo) your wallet, you won’t need it.
Tomorrow, I’m bringing more coins.
I’ll bring some change for the bus.
This is my last quarter.
That’ll be seven forty-five, please.
Max owes us money, we’re not sure when he’ll pay us.
Does this store take cash?
You’ll need two quarters.
No, Lisa, we can’t bring the dog to the bank.
Do you have a five-dollar bill?
Don’t forget your debit card on the counter.
If I say a bad word, I have to pay Mom a quarter.
Don’t worry if you owe them money, they are rich.
Did you have more fun in India or Morocco? Te divertiste mas en India o
Next time, you’re paying for dinner.
The monkey rented a scooter, and the mouse rode on the back.
It’s a special quarter, you need to keep it.
I won’t lend her the money because, she already owes me a lot.
I left my wallet in the taxi.
I’m going to stand in line. Voy a hacer fila.
How much will it cost to repair it? Cuanto costara repararlo?
My husband planned to help them, but he couldn’t.
Is this the line for the bathroom?
My sister is going to Asia in a few weeks.
If there’s no tea, I’ll have coffee instead.
Their rent is more than ours because they’re renting a bigger house.
Could you turn on the light in the living room?
Can you give us directions to the subway?
She’s leaving now, so tell her bye.
We plan to go to a party later.
Maybe this is the wrong train.
He’s at the end of the line. Esta al final de la fila.
There’s no subway, so I’ll take the bus instead.
I left my wallet in the taxi.
This luggage isn’t ours.
He was nearly late to our meeting.
All the workers wore pink T-shirts.
I borrowed one of your sweaters.
We had to pay for dinner with cash.
Who remembered to bring cash for the train?
My wife remembered the flight number.
I couldn’t fine my umbrella, so I wore a raincoat instead.
My uncle makes wooden furniture.
I like to look outside when I’m doing the dishes at the sink.
My grandfather sat in his armchair and read the newspaper.
There’s a pink comb on my dresser.
How much will the rent be? Cuanto costará el alquiler?
The bowls are in the cabinet on the right.
There’s a snake in the garage.
Could you open the garage door?
Will these curtains look good in the living room?
His room is clean, but hers is not.
Some of the furniture is theirs.
All the furniture is hers.
Where do we get (pick up) our luggage?
I remembered to check the weather before the trip.
I think that I’m in love with him.
She said that she was interested in me.
She’s mad about the bad weather.
I think that someone else wrote the email.
I’m not mad anymore. Ya no estoy enojado.
She doesn’t love him anymore. Ella ya no lo ama.
I’m still mad at you. Todavia estoy enojada contigo.
How crazy! Que loco!
Lucas is still had at his ex-boyfriend.
He said that she was his ex-girlfriend.
I don’t think there are any single guys here. No creo que aqui haya tipos solteros.
I tried to tell you that he was a bad person, but you didn’t listen.
He gave me Emma’s phone number. So, should I text her? Or should I call her?
He said that he was single, but that’s not true. I know his wife.
Sometimes she tells people that she’s married, but she’s actually single.
What actually happened? Que pasó en realidad?
Yeah, her boyfriend is actually nicer than mine.
Is that guy your ex?
You could ask them about it. Podrias preguntarles sobre ello.
We could get married at the beach.
Yeah, I’ll try to remember it.
I think that she’s texting someone else. Creo que ella le esta enviando un
mensaje de texto a otra persona.
Are you still mad at your ex?
My grandmom has a new boyfriend. It’s true that you’re never too old to fall in
They have two children, a big house, and a nice car. So, I suppose they’re happy,
Yeah, I suppose so. Si, supongo que si.
Yeah, we had a good time. SI, pasamos un buen rato.
I’m happy, my health is good, and I have great friends. So, I think I’m very lucky.
They’re so lucky! Son tan afortunadas.
You look amazing.
I’m so mad at my ex. I hope I never see him again.
I hope you have a good time.
I hope you will come with us.
Is he seeing anybody?
If he falls in love with his ex again. He is crazy. Si él se enamora de su ex de
nuevo, esta loco.
Well, I suppose that could happen. Supongo que eso podria pasar.
I suppose it is true.
I suppose that you’re talking about your ex.
I’m not seeing him anymore. Ya no estoy saliendo con él.
A glass of juice only costs a quarter.
Next time, we’re buying better tickets.
Will you pay with a debit card?
You’ll get the letter the day after tomorrow.
This is not a good time to lose your debit card!
It’s Sunday, who is going to answer your call?
I’ll make a call, and you’ll get the money soon.
It’s busy now, we’ll go back another time.
Are you standing in line for the ATM?
We’ll need five hundred dollars more.
Oh no, they don’t take debit cards.
He always pays for things. I owe him so much money.
Are you going to bring your laptop on the plane?
Wait, can I really keep this money?
If we lend them the money, what will we get?
I’m going to make a call to my bank.
It’s not a coin from Poland. No es una moneda de Polonia.
Are you still mad at your ex?
Don’t lend her money, you won’t see it again.
You could try to call her again.
You’ll only have to pay about three dollars.
Luis was my ex, but now we’re getting married. A lot of exes actually get back
together because the two people still love each other.
Yeah, I think that could be fun.
Maria is still single.
I think that someone else wrote the email.
Yeah, I think he’s attractive.
Thanks, I had a good time. Gracias, pasé un buen rato.
Sorry, I don’t have any change today.
I hope we can still be friends. Espero que podamos ser amigas.
I didn’t actually talk to him.
I like your hat! I’m going to buy the same one.
She can pay this time, and we’ll owe her the money.
She showed us a map and explained the directions to us.
I think that they’ll take cash at the bar.
Mike’s very hungry today, He ordered extra meat on his sandwich.
Someone might have an extra ticket for the show.
We missed our flight, so we had to drive instead.
Rosa doesn’t live near her parents, so she calls them nearly every week.
I nearly made a terrible mistake.
I left all my cash in the hotel room.
He wore the same sweater nearly every day.
I missed the bus, so I was late to work.
She couldn’t wear her favorite sweater because it was dirty.
They went to the library every Saturday last year.
Were you alone last night?
They took an English class together.
They haven’t said where they want to go.
She has paid many times. Ella ha pagado muchas veces.
Have they said thank you yet?
She’s kept that toothbrush for twelve years.
To go, I went, I have gone.
Last month we were in Mexico, we have been to Mexico many times.
How long have you known Mary?
She’s mad about missing the flight. Ella esta enojada por perder el vuelo.
Alex is still mad at me. Alex todavia esta enojado conmigo.
I don’t miss him anymore.
We shouldn’t talk about this anymore.
I didn’t actually talk to him.
What I am saying is true. Lo que digo es la verdad.
Do you think it’s true?
She’s not ready to fall in love again.
They’re falling in love.
Angela is such an amazing singer.
I think I’m falling in love with you.
I know that Marco is crazy about her. Se que Marco esta loco por ella.
There was a lot of traffic downtown.
Yeah, they’re really mad at us.
We had to pay for dinner with cash.
She doesn’t love him anymore.
I think that you’re still in love with your ex-girlfriend. Creo que segues enamorado
de tu exnovia.
I’m not mad anymore.
What he said isn’t true.
I'm falling in love with him. Me estoy enamorando de el.
I'm in love with him. Estoy enamorada de el.
Maybe they went to the wrong place.
This will be my last time in this awful hotel.
Next time, you’re paying for dinner.
He’s getting some cash tomorrow. He’ll get more cash the day after tomorrow.
If I say a bad word, I have to pay Mom a quarter.
Why is everybody else at the other ATM?
But everybody else is standing in line.
I’m getting a new debit card in a few days.
We’ll need about a thousand dollars to repair it.
Amy’s mom is going to lend them the money.
I’m going to lend her fifty dollars.
Is everybody else going to wait here, too?
How long is the bank going to be closed?
Everybody will know you when you become famous.
I don’t want to become famous. No quiero hacerme Famoso.
When I become rich, I will buy a house for my parents.
I’ve always wanted to be an actress.
We might win this game.
Eddy’s team will win the game tomorrow because they’re the best.
Our team never wins.
Have you taken the photo yet?
We have just sold our house. Acabamos de vender nuestra casa.
I’ve just sold one of my photos.
Duo have just taken a few photos of his friends.
Sorry, he’s just sold that photo.
I’ve just taken the best photo in the world.
Look at Duo’s feet, he’s a great hip-hop dancer.
Why did you become dancer? Por que te hiciste bailarin?
He’s always wanted to be a dancer.
When a friend gets a new job, we say “congratulations”.
Who won the game?
Did you get a prize? Recibiste un premio?
The competition prize is one hundred dollars.
He’s only worked as an actor one time. Solo ha trabajado como actor una vez.
He has worked as an actor a few times.
Are you going to enter the competition? Vas a entrar en la competencia?
Why did I enter this competition? Albert always wins first prize.
How many times have these actors worked together?
The actress hasn’t entered the stage yet.
I’ve danced on stage twice. The first show was terrible, but the second show was
Tom has taken this class twice. Tom ha tomado esta clase dos veces.
You can see the Mona Lisa, a very famous painting, at a museum in Paris.
Why is this painting so famous?
He’s only been on stage once. Solo ha estado en el scenario una vez.
I won a competition once. It was the best day of my life.
I’ve never won a competition.
The artists work in the morning.
She is a famous photographer in Europe.
Chiara is a great photographer. He has won many prizes for her work.
Have you been to her restaurant before?
She’s been on television once before.
The artist doesn’t want to sell this painting.
How old is that photograph?
The band recorded their new song in the studio last week.
She’s recorded that song twice.
Duo has made a lot of friends since 2011. Duo ha hecho muchos amigos desde
How long has he been an actor? Desde cuando es (ha sido) actor?
How long has she been on the team?
How long have you been in the band? Since last month.
He’s kept that photo for six months. Ha conservado esa foto desde hace seis
She’s kept that photograph for fifteen years.
I haven’t played the piano since 2018.
They haven’t sold an album since 2019.
Jordan and his band haven’t sold a new album since 2012.
The singer hasn’t recorded an album since the accident.
He’s entered the eating competition five times. Ha entrado en la competencia de
comer cinco veces.
Who won the dance competition?
Tomorrow, I’m paying for lunch with these coins.
The ATM isn’t working, so I don’t have any cash.
Which team is winning? Cual equipo esta ganando?
I’ve seen that actor on television many times. I didn’t know that he works in the
theater, too.
We’ve won every game since August.
She’s been at this company since January.
Yes, we have danced together once or twice before.
I won’t lend her the money because she already owes me a lot.
She has won fifteen competitions since 2016. She has been the best player in the
country for many years.
She’s mad about missing the flight. Ella esta enojada por perder el vuelo.
She tried to look interested. Ella trato de parecer interesada.
They’re so lucky!
She doesn’t actually have a boyfriend.
I’m the luckiest guy in the world.
That didn’t actually happen.
My wife remembered the flight number.
Maybe it’s too late to call.
I didn’t bring enough cash.
Have they met? They met yesterday.
My parents kept all of my old clothes.
She doesn’t remember me anymore. Ella ya no me recuerda.
I think your ex-girlfriend is still mad at us.
Emily and Eduardo only talk online. They have never actually met.
You could try to text him again.
I hope we can still be friends. Espero que todavia podamos ser amigos.
She thinks that Marco sent her that letter.
Can you text me the address? Puedes enviarme un mensaje de texto con la
I suppose that you’re talking about your ex.
We shouldn’t talk about this anymore.
I don’t think it’s true.
I could make pasta for dinner.
How much sugar do you want in your coffee? A little or a lot?
How much milk did you buy?
Should I mix everything together? Deberia mezclar todo junto?
How many eggs are in this omelet? It’s so big.
Let’s make some cookies.
I bought too many carrots.
How many onions do you need for the soup?
How do you make this sauce?
One cup of sugar is too much! Half a cup is good.
Put half a cup of water in the sauce.
Could I have a piece of that? I love chocolate.
Could I have another piece of cake? trozo
A gallon of milk. Un galón de leche.
Half a gallon of soda. Medio galón de refresco.
This lemonade is too sweet.
We made a bottle of lemonade for the party.
How many liters of water should we buy?
A gallon is about four liters.
Cook the pasta in about five liters of water.
What drinks should I get for the party? Two liters of soda and a gallon of
It’s an oil can. Es una lata de aceite.
My mom hates garlic. Mi mama odia el ajo.
This bag of rice is so heavy. How much does it weigh?
How much does this melon weigh?
Of course, you can have another slice of cake. Rebanada.
This tea doesn’t have enough sugar! Can you add more, please?
Add more water. Añade mas agua.
You should add more oil.
Julia’s cake is so delicious because there’s a pound of butter in it. Libra.
That’s five pounds of sugar.
The cook bought a few kilos of sugar.
She tried to put a kilogram of sugar in my coffee.
Roast the chicken for half an hour, and then add the vegetables. Asar.
That looks delicious! How long did you roast the chicken?
Use less garlic. Usa menos ajo.
I eat less salt now than when I was younger.
My dog loves ham. Jamon.
Can I have more salad? Me puedes dar mas ensalada?
Add five grams of salt.
Add eight ounces of water. Onzas.
I’m roasting a chicken for dinner.
Mom said you should eat fewer cookies.
Please put fewer onions in the salad.
These cookies have fewer grams of sugar.
You could make it with less butter.
Let’s have a ham sandwich for lunch.
There’s too much garlic on the pizza.
How much soup did you make?
This song is becoming very popular.
Your brother took a shower an hour ago. Have you taken one yet?
That actress has been in a lot of movies.
If the movie becomes popular, she will be famous.
I’ve just taken the best photo in the world.
He has always played for that team.
Nobody has won this competition twice.
I like almost all of this artist’s painting. Me gustan casi todas las pinturas de este
Debbie works for the newspaper as a photographer.
They’ve danced together twice before.
She hasn’t played the piano since July.
This photograph might become famous.
I can’t remember that actress’s name.
I’ve been at that restaurant twice before. I went with my sisters two times.
These bags of potatoes weigh five kilos.
Could I have a piece of that apple?
Cook the garlic in oil.
How much pepper did you put in this sauce?
Cook the rice for half an hour.
She’s not going to the club because her ex will be there.
That didn’t actually happen. Eso no pasó en realidad.
He wasn’t playing golf all day.
I was working until noon yesterday. Estuve trabajando hasta mediodia ayer.
They drove until midnight, so the roads were very dark.
There were playing golf until five o’clock, so they didn’t come home until six.
How long were you playing golf yesterday?
What were you guys doing last week? We were playing golf.
How long were you camping there?
Everybody was speaking French during the meeting yesterday.
Everybody was talking at the same time during our last meeting.
Everybody was working on that project for six months, but now it’s finished.
Don’t drive during the storm.
If you climb that tree, you might fall.
Climbing alone is dangerous.
I was riding my scooter when I fell37.
He was playing rugby when he broke his leg.
The rugby team was practicing until seven o’clock.
Mom, I’d like to play rugby for my school’s team. OK, but be careful.
There’s blood on your hand! Did you cut yourself?
Don’t cut yourself.
Be careful! You might cut yourself with that knife.
Don’t climb on those rocks.
I cut my toe on some rocks.
Monica cut her finger while she was making dinner.
I hurt my arm while I was dancing. Me lastime el brazo mientras estaba bailando.
Hockey is my favorite team sport. Hockey es mi deporte en equipo favorito.
He fell and hurt his head while he was playing hockey.
I hurt myself while I was trying to surf.
Wendy fell while she was skating in the ice.
She was skating really fast when she fell.
The nurse put a bandage on Pedro’s leg.
Do you have a larger bandage?
Help, he cut his arm.
How did he cut himself? Como se cortó.
Patrick fell and almost killed himself in the mountains.
I fell and almost killed myself.
Did she hurt herself while she was surfing?
Fell, Fall, Will fall.
While they were skiing, I was taking photos.
While we were camping, we saw a bear.
These bags of potatoes weigh five kilos.
One ounce is about thirty grams.
These cookies have fewer grams of sugar.
He was rock climbing when he almost killed himself.
I cut myself while I was cutting the potatoes.
There are fewer people in my family than yours.
While you were having breakfast, I was skiing.
You should put a bandage on your finger.
He cut himself on some rocks in the river.
She’s washing her face.
My husband and I are the same age.
What are you excited about? Que te emociona?
I’m taking a test today. Estoy hacienda una prueba hoy.
Can you give me an example?
Thanks for thinking of us. Gracias por pensar en nosotros.
Are any banks open today? Hay algun banco Abierto hoy?
He felt sad for no reason. El se sentia triste sin ninguna razon.
Who does this toothbrush belong to? A quien le pertenece este cepillo de dientes
I made a few mistakes on the test. Cometi algunos errores en la prueba.
What can be happening? Que puede estar pasando?
Perhaps you should leave work if you don’t feel well. Quizas deberias dejar el
trabajo si no te sientes bien.
Perhaps you should study more.
Nelson loves shopping, so he always spends too much. A Nelson le encanta
comprar, asi que siempre gasta demasiado.
Angela spends too much money at clothes stores.
If you want to buy a car, you need to save your money. Si quieres comprar un
carro necesitas ahorrar dinero.
You should save more money.
Should we save some money for our trip to Paris? Perhaps we should.
When you don’t know what to do, you can ask someone else for advice. Cuando
no sabes que hacer puede perdir a alguien mas un consejo.
That is good advice. Ese es un buen consejo.
Don’t do too much exercise. No hagas demasiado ejercicio.
It’s good to do a little exercise every day.
Make sure that you have your keys. Asegurate que tengas tus llaves.
Make sure to arrive on time to the show. Asegurate de llegar a tiempo para el
Make sure to arrive on time for your appointment.
In India, don’t eat with your left hand.
In Canada, drive on the right side of the road.
In the US, don’t drive on the left side of the road.
I’m standing on the bus because I gave my seat to an old man.
Why are you standing so close to me? Porque estas de pie tan cerca de mi?
It’s polite to say “please” and “thank you”. Es cortes decir…
Students, it isn’t very polite to sleep in class.
He brought her a ring.
Perhaps we should go to New Zealand.
It might be fun to go to Nez Zealand.
Make sure that you take off your shoes when you visit a Korean home.
Please take off your shoes.
When you meet the president, make sure that you take off your hat.
In Ireland, it’s useful to carry an umbrella. En Irlanda es util llevar un paraguas.
You can’t smoke inside restaurant in Ireland.
Before you visit a foreign country, you should learn about the culture.
Make sure that you take oof your dirty raincoat before you go inside.
Before we leave, we should buy gifts for everyone.
When can we open our gifts?
We received a gift from our friends in Brazil.
I’ve just received a postcard from a friend in Australia.
It’s fun to receive postcards from foreign countries.
I’ve never been to a foreign country. Nunca he estado en un pais extranjero.
Great idea, Jenna.
Let’s ask the tour guide. Vamos a preguntarle al guia turistico.
That’s not the latest schedule. Ese no es el ultimo horario.
He always drives very carefully. Siempre conduce con mucho cuidado.
In the US, most schools start in August. En los EE.UU. la mayoria de escuela
incian en Agosto.
Most people in this part of Africa speak French.
You should talk to your family before you decide. Deberias hablar con tu familia
antes de que decidas.
Think carefully before you decide. Piensa con cuidado antes de que decidas.
I’ve decided to study in Ireland.
In the US, most married people wear a ring on their left hand.
Do we have the latest information about the trip?
I was working until noon yesterday. Estuve trabajando hasta el mediodia ayer.
We were sharing a book during class yesterday.
Was she sleeping all day yesterday?
We were talking until midnight last night.
Last week, he was camping alone in the mountains.
How long were you camping there?
Everybody was talking at the same time during our last meeting.
Be careful, don’t cut yourself. Ten cuidado, no te cortes.
He was going down the stairs when he fell.
Can you believe a helicopter had to take Tom to a hospital? He fell and broke his
leg while he was climbing a mountain.
Did you hurt yourself during the rugby game?
My dad was working on the roof when he fell and broke his arm.
What were you doing when the storm started?
I was climbing a tree when I fell.
I cut my leg while I was climbing a tree.
The hockey team was practicing until seven o’clock.
I hurt myself while I was trying to surf.
Don’t climb on those rocks.
I cut my toe on some rocks.
Be careful, there might be a snake under that rock.
Can you take me to the hospital? I cut myself.
I cut myself while I was cutting the potatoes.
Did she hurt herself while she was surfing?
Help, my friend fell into the river.
Did Julien hurt himself while he was skiing? Esquiando.
The girls were skating until nine o’clock.
The nurse put a bandage on his leg.
I fell, and almost killed myself. Me caí y casi me maté.
He was rock climbing when he almost killed himself. Estaba escalando rocas…
It’s difficult to save money.
Can you cut this bandage for me?
Why don’t you send them a postcard?
It’s useful to know another language.
Don’t spend too much money.
Maske sure that we have the latest guidebook.
It’s fun to learn a foreign language.
Can I give you some advice?
In Ireland, it’s useful to carry an umbrella.
Perhaps you should take piano lessons.
Don’t use too much pepper.
Could you buy some more carrots at the store? Sure, how many more should I
I’m only going to eat one cookie.
How many people are coming? How much pasta do we need to make?
Do we need a gallon of milk or only half? Necesitamos un galon de leche o solo
medio galon?
Do you want ice in your lemonade?
Should we add more oil? Yes, let’s add little more.
How many people will eat chicken? How much does this chicken weigh?
You could make it with less butter.
How many sausages did you cook?
What street is the shoe store on? En que calle esta la zapateria?
Daniel, get my bag from the car. Daniel saca mi bolsa del carro.
Can you get some money from my wallet? Puedes sacar un poco de dinero de mi
This conditioner has changed my life. Este acondicionador ha cambiado mi vida.
Have you used conditions on your beard?
Yes, we’ve already answered your email.
People usually buy medicine at the drugstore.
I only use conditioner twice a week. Solo uso acondiconador dos veces a la
I always use lotion after a shower.
Do you ever use lotion? Yes, once a day.
Oh, you used that new body wash today! Oh, usaste ese gel de ducha nuevo hoy
I think I like this new body wash. I feel so clean.
After Gustavo washes his hair, he uses his favorite body wash.
Has he ever used floss in his life? Alguna vez ha usado hilo dental en su vida?
Have you seen my floss? If you want clean teeth, you should use it too.
My hair has become a problem.
This has become my favorite shampoo.
You should brush your teeth in the morning and at night.
Mom, Lisa hasn’t brushed her teeth yet.
It’s important to take care of your teeth, because going to the dentist is very
My shower isn’t working, so I have to take a bath instead. Bañarme.
I can’t take a bath if there’s no hot water.
I take a bath almost every night. The warm water feels great.
I love myself.
I saw myself in the mirror and cried.
You only love yourself.
Love yourself, then try to love everybody else.
Michael only listens to himself.
You should listen to yourself more.
She taught herself how to cut hair.
You need a different bag for your toiletries. Articulos de aseo personal.
Lisa, you’ve taken three showers today.
She taught classes about how to cut hair.
He fell in the bathroom and hurt himself.
He’s ordered a special shampoo for his problem.
I love dressing up and putting on makeup. Me encanta ponerme elegante y
She’s putting on makeup before she goes out.
Oh, you’ve dressed up for the party.
Oh, I’ve never read this story before.
I can’t teach a class with messy hair.
I didn’t put on makeup, do I look OK?
I didn’t do it carefully, and I hurt myself.
You look amazing, have you seen yourself?
That’s the best story that I’ve ever heard!
Does David still tach classes at the gym?
Ben teaches a class about how to put on makeup.
I only have five minutes to put on makeup.
Thirty grams is about one ounce.
Frida has borrowed my dress for tonight.
He chose himself to be the boss.
First, Lisa had to learn to love herself.
You’ve always taken care of your hair.
The children haven’t taken a bath yet.
She was more careful after the accident.
I always put too much sauce on the pasta.
Put half a cup of milk in the sauce.
Be careful or you might kill yourself.
The girls were skating until nine o’clock.
Please make sure to do more exercise.
Perhaps we can go another time.
It’s easier to write with my right hand.
In some countries, it’s polite to arrive a little late for appointments, but in New
Zealand, It’s best to arrive on time.
In the US, it’s polite to arrive on time.
In Japan, it’s best to receive a gift with both hands.
Make sure to take oof your hat and make sure that your hair looks nice.
I’ve just received a postcard from a friend in Australia.
You don’t have to take off your shoes.
Before you go to a foreign country, it’s useful to study the language.
In the US, most schools start in August.
There’s a lot of useful information in the guidebook.
They were staying with us until yesterday.
What were you doing when the storm started?
She might think that you’re standing too close to her.
Let’s ask the tour guide. Vamos a preguntarle al guia turistico.
In Ireland, it’s nice to bring flowers when you go to someone’s house.
It’s not easy to learn a foreign language.
In the US, don’t stand too close to people.
I’m looking for a pair of gray shorts.
I need a bigger size. Necesito una talla mas grande.
You can’t try on clothes if you buy them on the internet. No puedes probarte
What size are these shorts?
I don’t want to try on any swimsuits. No me quiero probar ningun traje de baño.
These skirts are exactly the same color. Estas faldas son exactamente del mismo
The price is exactly twenty dollars.
A salesperson is someone who sells things. Often, this person works in a store.
I can’t find a salesperson.
The salesperson showed me a few dresses.
It’s Mom’s birthday. She likes jewelry, so maybe I’ll get her a ring. Joyas
Kristy loves gold jewelry.
At this store, costumers can only pay with cash.
We got a set of dishes for them.
If something is on sale at a store, it costs less than the normal price. En oferta.
Are these shorts on sale?
Your gold earrings look nice.
I know she will like these earrings.
If you help that customer, I’ll help this one. Si ayudas a ese cliente, yo ayudare a
I can’t decide if I want to buy the gold earrings or the silver ones.
Angela loves silver jewelry.
Those silver earrings were a gift from a friend.
I’m sure this watch is great, but I think I prefer that one behind the counter.
A scarf is something that you wear around your neck, usually when the weather
is cold.
That’s such a pretty scarf.
You should try on this scarf.
If you spend more than fifty dollars at our store, you’ll get a free bottle of wine.
Is it free? Es gratis?
Is this tie on sale?
Cookies are fifty cents each. Las galletas cuestan cincuenta centavos cada una.
Come and get an ice cream, they’re one dollar each.
Have you looked at the scarves? Bufandas
How many scarves did you try on?
This ring is beautiful, but she prefers that one.
Oh George, that camera is too expensive, and you’ll never use anyway. Oh
George esa camara es demasiado cara y nunca la usaras de todos modos.
I was sick, but I went to work anyway. Estaba enfermo, pero fui a trabajar de
todos modos.
Why is the price so low? Is it on sale? Por qué el precio es tan bajo?...
The prices are low at that store.
I hated the dress when I saw in the mirror at home, so I returned it. Odie el
vestido cuando lo vi en el Espejo en casa, asi que lo devolvi.
I returned the jewelry because it was too expensive.
I prefer shopping online.
Did you look at the prices online?
Where did I put my purse? Donde puse mi cartera?
Make sure you get a receipt. Asegurate de conseguir un recibo.
He spent one hundred dollars on those earrings.
If you want to return that, you need a receipt.
She’s a salesperson at a shoe store.
It’s cold outside, so wear your scarf.
It’s easier to buy it online.
I’d like to try on these jeans.
Have you ever used this sunscreen?
Why don’t you get your cellphone from your bag? Por que no sacas tu telefono
de tu bolsa?
Which shoe store was she talking about? Which one does she usually go to?
Daniel, get my bag from the car. Saca mi bolsa del carro.
Hans needs to use so much sunscreen.
Fred, she’s already answered that question.
Have you decided which floss to buy yet?
Stephen likes to take care of himself, he takes a bath twice a day and uses
French body lotion and a lot of expensive toiletries.
No, don’t look in my toiletry bag.
Your voice is great, have you heard yourself?
The dirty brown bear took a bath in the river. El oso pardo sucio se bañó en el rio.
Did you take those toiletries from the hotel? Te llevaste esos articulos de aseo
personal del hotel?
Marcel gave himself a Christmas present.
You’ve always taken care of your hair.
She taught herself hot to cut hair.
Have I told you the story about how Rachel hurt her arm? She saw a mouse in
her bathroom and fell in the shower. The mouse is fine.
Does Tom still teach tennis classes?
The cat has washed herself; the dog is still dirty.
That’s the best story that I’ve ever heard!
Oh, you’ve dressed up for my birthday.
Do you want to hear a crazy story?
I’ve saved a lot of money since January.
If you want to be at school on time, make sure to leave early.
What side of the street do people drive on in New Zealand?
It’s better to ask the tour guide.
The knives are cheaper if you buy a set.
Which tie do you prefer?
Id you receive a lot of money, you should save some.
I’m looking for some winter gloves.
I need to try on this shirt before I buy it.
Does Jenna usually wear gold or silver jewelry?
I’ve recorded myself cutting my hair. Me he grabado cortandome el Cabello.
I think the prices are lower online. Pienso que los precios son mas bajos en linea.
Let’s climb one of the mountains on the island.
He chose these gifts very carefully.
You shouldn’t spend so much money on shoes.
Are four slices of tomato enough? Maybe, but let’s add a few more.
Can I have some more pasta Dad? Sure, how much more would you like?
Why are you so lazy? Por qué eres tan perezoso?
Are you going somewhere? Vas a ir a algun lado?
Is the cook somewhere in the village? El cocinero esta en algun lugar de la aldea
The castle was somewhere in the mountains.
He traveled to the east. El viajó al este.
Perhaps there was a magic cup.
The king knows that the magic cup is somewhere in the east, but he needs a
The king had a very lazy horse.
The king knew about the magic cup.
There might be dragons in the east.
People say that dragons fly over villages in the east.
There was a queen who was very sick.
The king rode his horse through the woods.
They couldn’t see the road because the fog was so bad. Niebla
He rode a horse through the fog.
The forest was very big, and they didn’t have a map. They were lost.
I think we are lost.
There was a farmer who guided the king through the dangerous forest. Guiar
The king and his horse crossed the country in only three days.
The river is very deep.
The king rode a horse to the north.
The king had to cross a deep river.
We must cross this river.
The queen was very sick when the king left the castle. She might be dead before
he gets home.
Is the queen already dead?
The king was worried about his wife. Perhaps she was dead. He cried every
If you hurry, this means that you do something quickly or you go somewhere
The king must hurry. El rey debe apresurarse.
We need to find the golden key that opens the box.
Here’s the golden key that opens the box.
I found the magic cup. Encontré la copa magica.
He thought about the queen. El penso en la reina.
The king couldn’t see the bottom of the lake because the water was so deep. El
rey no pudo ver el fonde del lago porque el agua era tan profunda.
There was a box at the bottom of the lake.
The king swam to the bottom of the lake.
The king never forgot the king farmer. El rey nunca olvidó al amable agricultor.
The king gave the key to the kind farmer.
The queen got better immediately. La reina mejoró inmediatamente.
The queen got better immediately and could read her favorite books again.
The magic cup was famous everywhere.
People from everywhere visited the castle to learn about its amazing history.
He found the key that opened the box.
Nobody believed the story about the owl.
Everyone loved the king, even his lazy horse. Todo amaban al rey incluso su
caballo perezoso.
This yellow swimsuit is exactly what I’m looking for! It’s the right size, it’s looks
cool, and it’s a great price, too.
Your red tie looks better than the pink one.
Does the silver watch look better?
I already have too many scarves.
The lowest prices of the year. Los precios mas bajos del año.
They are returning the dress tomorrow.
I did all my shopping online. Hice todas mis compras en linea.
I returned the jewelry because it was too expensive.
He wasn’t sure, but he bought it anyway.
There was a queen who was very beautiful.
Were there actually dragons in the east? Habia en realidad dragones en el este?
Which shoe store are they interested in? En que zapateria estan interesados?
Have you decided which floss to buy yet? Ya has decidido que hilo dental
The girls have gone to a different store.
He’s trying to steal my cellphone.
She likes her occupation.
It took two years to build the school. Tomó dos años construer la escuela.
The built a bigger school.
Which department does she work in? En que departamento trabaja ella?
My colleague has a different plan. Mi colega tiene un plan distinto.
They built a railroad between the cities.
We have sixteen engineers on staff. Personal.
I’ve just completed my degree, and I’m looking for a job.
Is she a good pilot?
He became an engineer.
There were a lot of businessmen on the plane.
Why did you become a police officer?
The receptionist answered the phone.
The company isn’t very famous in the US, but it’s very well-known in my country.
La compañia no es muy famosa en EEUU, pero es muy conocida en mi pais.
Cindy is a very well-known photographer. Her photos are in many magazines.
He’s my favorite writer.
The painter isn’t well-known.
Who is the president of Brazil?
The man who lives with the queen is the king.
You are the laziest horse in the world.
There is a magic cup, and someone had to find it. It’s somewhere in the east.
Were there actually dragons in the east?
It was colder in the woods.
The king couldn’t see the path in the fog. He was lost. He was afraid until he met
an old farmer who guided him out of the woods.
In the fog, it was difficult to see. En la niebla, era dificil ver.
Hurry up. Apresurate.
People everywhere believed the story of Duo, the magic owl.
Many people believed stories that were not true. Mucha gente creia cuentos que
no eran verdad.
I will earn almost eleven dollars an hour.
She earns ten dollars an hour.
Which department does he work in? En que departamento trabaja?
We were discussing that problem during the meeting.
Have you discussed this with your wife?
Does she write for a magazine?
The staff at this hospital are so nice!
My colleague has a different plan.
There are many famous painters who visited Paris.
The engineer said the bridge was safe.
Tell the receptionist that you have an appointment.
The king couldn’t see the path, and he got lost. El rey no podia ver el camino y se
He teaches in the science department.
When will he become the manager?
How long did it take you to complete your degree? Cuanto tiempo te tomó
completer tu titulo?
The chef was angry with the kitchen staff.
He was an actor and also a writer.
He couldn’t earn enough money as a painter.
She’s a famous French chef.
The actress wasn’t well-known until that movie.
This is the wrong size.
I think I buy sunscreen about once a year.
Are you able to walk? Eres capaz de caminar?
I was wearing a hat that was too small for me, so now I have a headache.
Do you have any medicine for a headache?
Have you taken medicine for your headache?
I ate too much candy. Comí demasiados caramelos.
I’m kind of worried about Junior’s headache. Maybe I’ll take him to see a doctor.
Why were your so worried?
Dr. Brown talked to us already.
My sister only eats healthy food.
The worst dentist I’ve ever seen.
I think you need a rest.
Does your stomach still hurt?
You need to put healthy food in your stomach, not cake and soda.
I need to lie down. Necesito acostarme.
Mom, is it OK if I lie down? Of course, get some rest. Descansa un poco.
Could you fill out this form before you see the doctor? Here’s a pen.
Which form should I fill out? Cual formulario deberia llenar?
I’m ready for a change.
I can look after the baby if you want to lie down for a few minutes. Puedo cuidar
al bebe sit quieres descanzar por unos minutos.
Can you look after my cats?
She’s ninety years old, but she’s very healthy. I think she does more exercise
than me.
My regular doctor is on vacation, so my appointment today is with Dr. Lee.
Did they enjoy themselves? Se divirtieron?
How did they hurt themselves? Como se lastimaron?
They have to look after themselves.
We enjoyed ourselves at the concert.
I will come and live with you when you has a baby. Don’t worry mom, I can look
after ourselves. No te preocupes mama, nos Podemos cuidar solos.
I’m not able to sleep at night. No puedo dormir en la noche.
I wasn’t able to sleep.
Take this medicine twice daily.
My boyfriend was tired, so he decided to lie down.
There have been some changes to the schedule, so you won’t see your regular
doctor tomorrow. Dr. Fox or Dr. Smith will look after you instead.
Did I spell it wrong? Lo deletreé mal?
What grade is she in? En que grado esta ella?
How should I prepare for the test?
When is the vocabulary quiz? Cuando es la prueba de vocabulario?
I’m studying English grammar. Estoy estudiando gramatica inglesa.
Our first grammar test was the most difficult.
I spelled that word wrong.
Be careful when you use the scissors.
The workbook costs a lot of money.
If you want to be a doctor, don’t miss your biology classes.
Fred missed biology class again.
Wow you’re so good at painting. Your picture is amazing.
David did very well on the biology exam. Yes, he’s always been good at science.
I’m not good at math. No soy bueno para las matematicas.
I’m taking an advanced English course. Estoy tomando un curso de inglés
What is ten minus two?
I took a German class last semester.
A beginner is a person who has just started doing something or learning
Is this the most advanced level?
She says that she never studies, but I don’t believe her. She always gets good
This textbook is at the beginner level.
At school, I’m an average student. I wasn’t the best in the class, but I wasn’t bad.
My grades are average.
He usually gets average grades.
I studied a lot, but I still failed my math test. I’m so sad.
I failed the biology test.
How many students passed the grammar test?
If Chiara doesn’t wake up to go to her exam, she’s going to fail the class.
I always got average grades in biology.
You can lie down on the sofa.
My older sister had to look after me.
Our teacher didn’t prepare us for the test.
Does someone have an eraser?
Is she good at singing? Es Buena para cantar?
Hurry, or you will miss your biology class.
Did you get good grades last semester? Sacaste buenas calificaciones el
semestre pasado?
Is your son in eighth grade?
Mr. Brown has been the principal since 2019.
You’re trying very hard. Estas esforzandote mucho.
What am I doing wrong? Que estoy haciendo mal?
I’m in the beginner level class. Estoy en la clase de nivel principiante.
He’s good at explaining things. Es bueno para explicar cosas.
My stomach hurt, so I had to leave the party early.
To write, you wrote, you have written.
To give, they gave, they have given.
You haven’t written anything yet. I wrote two sentences.
What are you worried about?
How long does it take to become a pilot?
Don’t run with scissors in your hand.
My flight was delayed, so I didn’t get to Chicago until eleven thirty.
The game was delayed. El Partido fue retrasado.
They stole some of my jewelry. They took my gold earrings and a silver necklace.
I didn’t have time to bake a cake, so I bought one at the supermarket. Hornear
Nobody was hurt. Nadie fue herido.
One woman was hurt in the accident.
The ham was baked. El jamon fue horneado.
Nothing was stolen. Nada fue robado.
My gold necklace was stolen.
The message was never sent.
Yeah, probably. Si, probablemente.
I was not invited. No fui invitado.
Her ex was probably not invited.
Four centuries ago. Cuatro siglos atras.
The story was written by my son. La historia fue escrita por mi hijo.
The machines at the factory were not repaired.
The cathedral was built in the 18th century.
Is this made of wood?
This soup is made without salt.
The walls are painted in pink.
This was painted by hand in the fifteenth century.
The garlic is cooked with butter.
These desserts are made without butter.
A steak sandwich. Un sandwich de bistec.
What time is lunch served? A que hora se sirve el almuerzo?.
Where is Portuguese spoken?
Did you know that Arabic is spoken in more than twenty-five countries?
Are classes taught in Arabic?
That book was written by a famous chef.
Can I use your printer? Puedo usar tu impresora?
File, Archivo, Folder, carperta
Click on the photo. Haz clic en la foto.
I haven’t uploaded the video yet. Aun no he cargado el video.
Please make copies of these documents.
The secretary made a copy of the form.
I haven’t printed it yet.
My mom says I’m too young to have an Instagram account. Cuenta.
I broke the screen on my cellphone.
Where is Portuguese spoken?
Do you want to hear a crazy story?
He is using a program for recording music.
Should I click once or twice?
I haven’t printed it yet.
What are the ingredients for tomato soup? Cuales son los ingredientes para la
sopa de tomate.
Which are my recipes? Cuales son mis recetas?
Those ducks fly north every summer.
I haven’t told anyone about the recipe.
I haven’t told you about the cake’s special ingredient.
My grandma grows tomatoes in her garden. They’re so delicious. Cultivar.
I added some salt, so it’s tastier now. Yum, I’m going to have another bowl.
This recipe is from the west of Portugal.
Have you ever tried onion sauce?
The best coffee is from the south.
Mexico is to the south of the US, so it has better weather for growing bananas.
This French omelet is so tasty, yum.
How many pieces of cake have you had?
Have you tried wine from the south of Italy?
It bothers me that the restaurant is so far from my house. I’d like to eat
somewhere closer to home. Me molesta que el restaurant…
Could soup really bothers George.
She hasn’t asked anyone for help.
We watched a short TV show about cooking. Miramos un breve programa de TV
sobre cocina.
Which sauce would you like the pasta with?
What kind of bread would you like the ham on?
Dad, we made dinner by ourselves. Papa hicimos la cena solos.
We spent time by ourselves, it was nice.
Have you weighed the ingredients for the cake?
The haven’t explained the recipe to anyone.
Have you ever eaten such a tasty pizza?
Can you guys bring some fruit?
Max didn’t invite me to his party, but I don’t mind. I didn’t want to go anyway.
We missed the last train, so Fred’s mom had to give us a ride home.
I can give you a ride. Te puedo llevar.
That sounds great.
I’m giving Diego a ride home. OK, sounds good.
Are you going to the barbecue? Vas a la barbacoa?
We’re having a barbecue tomorrow. Vamos a hacer una barbacoa, mañana.
Can I join you? Puedo unimer a ustedes
I work until four o’clock, but I can join you after that. Will you guys still be there?
What a shame. Que pena.
Guess who I’ve just seen in the kitchen! Adivina a quien acabo de ver.
Guess what? Adivina que?
Grilled onions. Cebollas a la parrilla.
Did you do it by yourself? Lo hiciste tú mismo?
The burgers are fantastic.
He can’t walk by himself yet.
My husband carried the tables by himself.
Diego offered to help us.
Don’t sit in the sun.
I’m glad to see you. Estoy contento de verte.
Stay in the yard. Quedate en el patio.
Did anyone offer to bring lemonade?
Hey, call me when you’re free.
Do you mind bringing a salad? Te importa traer una ensalada?
Hey, guess who is here. Adivina quien esta aqui.
It bothers chefs when customers arrive late.
Forget the children and go out by yourself.
My parents couldn’t look after us. Mis padres no pudieron cuidarnos.
I don’t think that they will mind. No creo que les importe.
Unfortunately, she has a terrible headache.
How many people plan to join us?
She wants grilled chicken instead of a burger.
She offered to bring drinks and ice.
Perhaps John can give them a ride.
Is there anyone who can give me a ride? Hay alguien que me pueda llevar?
Can you show me the way? Puedes mostrarme el camino?
I don’t know the way to the castle.
Go upstairs. Ve arriba.
Our room is across the hall. Nuestra habitacion esta al otro lado del corredor.
Eduardo needs to know where the restroom is!
Where are the children? They’re all upstairs.
I’m sorry to bothers you. Siento molestarte.
I don’t want to bother her.
The restrooms are at the end of the hall. Corredor
The stadium is one hour from here.
If you don’t know how to get there. You can drive behind me and follow my car.
Why did you park the car so far from the store? Porque estacionaste el auto tan
lejos de la tienda?
Go downstairs for the party.
No, don’t turn here. The hotel is on this road, so we need to go straight.
Turn left at the corner.
There’s a no parking sign. Hay un letrero de no estacionar.
Go north on highway 10. Ve al norte por la Carretera 10.
It’s faster to take the highway.
Why are you going south?
Go south for about ten miles.
Walk to the middle of the block. Camina al medio de la cuadra.
First, go west, and then turn north.
Go straight for a kilometer, then turn left.
Am I almost to the village? Yeah, go south for one kilometer.
Why isn’t he here yet? Did he get on the wrong bus? Porque no esta aqui aun?
Se subió al bus equivocado?
I left my bag on the platform. Deje mi bolso en el anden.
The only people on the bus were the driver and three passengers.
The lake is an hour away.
You can get to the airport by bus or train, but it’s faster to take the tram. Puede ir
al aeropuerto por bus o tren, pero es mas rapido tomar el tranvia.
Let’s take the tram downtown. Vamos a tomar el tranvia al centro.
Get off the train in Barcelona.
It takes me an hour to get home.
It takes Diego ten minutes to get home from the airport.
She was the only passenger on the boat.
Get off the bus at the next stop.
How long does it take you to get home?
Monica has to go downstairs to do laundry.
It takes me half an hour to get home.
There’s an art show downstairs. Hay un exposicion de arte abajo.
Don’t bother him at work. No lo molestes en el trabajo.
There’s a park across the street. Hay un parque al otro lado de la calle.
I think Daniel went upstairs.
I don’t know where he is. No se donde esta.
Go straight to the end of the hall.
Is there a place to park the car?
The stairs might be wet, so be careful when you go downstairs.
Which highway is faster?
Marco has been away since Tuesday. Marco ha estado de viaje desde el martes.
The stadium is not far away, El estadio no esta lejos.
Sorry for the delay. Sentimos el retraso.
Is this seat available?
Our tickets were half-price. Nuestros boletos estaban a mitad de precio.
Do children eat for free? Los niños comen gratis?
I got this drink for free. Recibi esta bebida gratis.
The pilot said the plane will take off soon. El piloto dijo que el avion despegara
Did the plane take off on time?
The plan sounded great until they told me the cost. It’s so expensive.
What was the cost of the trip?
A guest is a person who is staying at another person’s home, or as a customer at
a hotel.
I checked the hotel website to find out how much their room cost.
Fin out who he is. Averigua quien es él.
You should contact the hotel and ask If you left your necklace in the room.
Did you contact the hotel? Contactasté al hotel?
I don’t know the details. No se los detalles.
Let’s ask for a discount. Vamos a pedir un descuento.
Is there a discount for traveling in the winter? I’m not sure, but I’ll find out.
We have wifi for our guests.
For further information, go to our website.
I need you to contact someone and find out further details. Necesito que te
contactes con alguien y averigues mas dellates.
There are further (more) details on the last page.
In the US, you need to be at least 21 years old to buy alcohol. Necesitas tener
por lo menos 21 años …
Cindy offered pay the tip. Cindy ofreció pagar la propina.
It will be at least ninety euros. Seran por lo menos noventa euros.
The normal price is thirty dollars, but you can get a discount if you’re a student.
How much is the tax? Cuanto son los impuestos?
You must be eighteen or over. Debes tener 18 o mas.
We need to know everything, including the cost.
What’s the price including tax and tip?
My driver’s license was stolen.
Do we need gas? Necesitamos gasolina?
The bill was paid. La cuenta fue pagada.
The bills were not paid on time.
I’m traveling by myself. Estoy viajando solo.
Twelve dollars per person.
It’s fifty euros per person without the discount.
The details are not important.
I don’t know where Anna is.
It’s difficult to find a place to park downtown, so I always take the bus.
The stadium is more than three hours from here.
It took me an hour and a half to get home.
How many passengers are on this flight?
It’s easier to take the tram.
There’s a sign on the corner. Hay un letrero en la esquina.
How long was the delay? Cuanto duro el retraso?
Have you tried to contact them?
The coffee only costs one euro.
Our boss is sorry for the delay. Nuestro jefe siente el retraso.
It’ll cost a euro to enter the park.
It’s normal to leave a tip on the table.
Steaks are served with potatoes. Los bistec se sirven con papas.
Why is the table painted in red?
They serve lunch at 12:30. Sirven el almuerzo a las 12:30.
She was looking at herself in the mirror all day. Se estaba mirando en el Espejo
todo el dia.
She was learning to ride a motorcycle when she almost killed herself.
A tablet is less heavy than a laptop.
I hope he doesn’t kill himself on that motorcycle.
I prefer the bigger screen.
You must create a username.
I haven’t uploaded the video yet.
Click to play the video. Haz click para reproducir el video.
This is the tastiest soup that I’ve ever had.
Oh I can see the stadium down the street. Oh, puedo ver el estadio por esa calle.
There’s a special discount for new members. Hay un descuento especial para
nuevos socios.
It was raining when we got to the tennis court. Estaba lloviendo cuando llegamos
a la cancha de tenis.
I’m not a member, I wasn’t invited. No soy socio, no fui invitado.
I got a cheap ticket because I’m a member.
Two players were taken to the hospital. Dos jugadores fueron llevados al hospital
Most of the words were spelled wrong. La mayoria de las palabras fueron
deletreadas mal.
I use your shampoo after the gym today, and now my hair smells like lemons.
Use tu champu despues del gimnasio hoy, y ahora mi Cabello huele como a
I listen to all kinds of music when I go running. Maybe rock, or hip hop, or even
jazz some days.
He loved all kinds of sports, especially golf.
One of the boxers was hurt. Uno de los boxeadores se lastimo.
Do you like to watch boxing? Te gusta mirar boxeo?
My kids taught me how to play soccer.
It smelled like dirty socks in that gym.
We went skateboarding together on Saturday.
It was too hot to go skateboarding.
I fell, and now my pants smell like grass.
The boxer walked a little and fell down.
Oh, that man dropped his wallet. Oh, a ese hombre se le cayó su cartera.
You have to be a member to use the pool down the street. Necesitas ser socio
para usar la piscina que esta por esa calle.
Kevin was feeling very thirsty, so he stopped for water.
Fred’s kids sat at the other side of the stadium.
We borrowed a tennis ball from the neighbor.
Oh, look, There’s a new gym down the street.
We got a set of dishes for them.
Everyone failed the physics exam. Todos reprobaron el examen de fisica.
Make sure they give you a receipt. Asegurate que te den un recibo.
Our team lost, and we didn’t talk anymore.
Julia and Mia were sitting by themselves when we arrived.
They were discussing the game when I arrived.
We didn’t want a tie we want to win.
Both players were contacted by the police. Ambos jugadores fueron contactados
por la policia.
I was feeling tired, so I stopped for a break. Me sentía cansada, asi que pare a
tomar un Descanso.
She was running and she dropped the ball. Estaba corriendo y se le cayó el
Most of the money was spent immediately.
The players were doing all kinds of exercises.
Most of the words were spelled wrong.
They weighed the two boxers at the same time.
It smelled like dirty socks in that gym.
It was snowing so we stopped for a hot chocolate.
My phone isn’t working because I dropped it. Mi telefono no funciona porque se
me cayó.
It was a long meeting, but we stopped for a coffee.
Oh, are these your boxing gloves? Oh estos son tus guantes de boxeo?
We were playing tennis on a grass court when I fell.
I was practicing volleyball at the beach when you called.
His hands were wet, and he dropped the ball. Tenia las manos mojadas y se le
cayo el balon.
It’s better to ask the tour guide. Es major preguntarle al guia turistico.
My cat is sleeping on the corner of the bed.
These cookies have fewer grams of sugar. Estas galletas tienen menos gramos
de azucar.
The train station is at least ten miles away. La estacion del tren esta por lo menos
a diez millas de distancia.
You must be eighteen or over. Debes tener dieciocho o mas.
It’s easy to contact them by email.
How long does it take you to get home?
She was more careful after the accident. Ella era mas cuidadosa despues del
This app is free, isn’t it? Esta aplicacion es gratis, verdad?
You are good at math, aren’t you? Eres bueno para las matematicas, verdad?
This coffee isn’t good. Yeah, it’s awful, isn’t it?
There is a quiz tomorrow, isn’t there?
Duo, there is a reason for life, isn’t there?
He is saving money to buy a car, isn’t he?
Juan is going to the UK to study English, isn’t he?
She is going to Ireland to visit her parents, isn’t she?
When I give my baby something to eat, he throws it on the floor. What should I
Don’t throw your toys! No lances tus juguetes.
You can wait, can’t you?
I can stay home, can’t I?
We should go home, shouldn’t we?
They should study more, shouldn’t they?
They should eat healthier food, shouldn’t they?
Who’s throwing tomatoes?
Which screen is wider? Cual pantalla es mas ancha?
You’re not mad, are you? No estas molesto, o si?
It’s not five o’clock yet, is it?
There aren’t any women here, are there?
The door isn’t wide enough. La Puerta no es lo suficientemente ancha.
You can’t go a little faster, can you?
If not, I can drive.
Is that real or not? Eso es real o no?
You can’t drive faster, can you?
There is too much salt in the soup, isn’t there?
You don’t know how to look after yourselves. No saben como cuidarse.
Is this the widest part of the river?
My cousins have lived here since 2010.
My cousins have been here since 3 o’clock.
We haven’t eaten since lunchtime.
This ticket is for visitors 18 or over.
The first time I met Nadia was in 2005. Ans we’ve been friends since then. We
laugh a lot when we’re together.
We have lived in Argentina since then.
I was off last Friday. Estuve fuera el Viernes pasado.
I have stayed at that hotel many times.
I think I’ve lost my keys again.
They waited for an hour and left. Esperaron una hora y se fueron.
I practiced soccer every day last summer.
He’s waited for years, but nor he’s ready.
I’ve practiced soccer every day since then.
I’ve never used this type of printer.
I’ve never gone surfing.
She’s never gone camping.
Has he ever ridden a horse?
Have you ever flown a plane?
They gave me a gold bracelet as a gift. It looks good next to my watch.
Has he left? Se ha ido?
The visitors left the day before yesterday.
Is Grandma still here?
I have read her book.
I’ve found my bracelet.
My grandpa left two hours ago. Mi abuelo se fue hace dos horas.
She waited there until one o’clock.
Her health is improving. Su salud esta mejorando.
Did you guys have fun at the concert? Did you enjoy yourselves at the concert?
You don’t know how to look after yourselves.
Anna’s jewelry isn’t real gold, is it? Las joyas de Ana no son de oro real, o si?
Did you pass the test or not? Pasate la prueba o no?
Children’s tickets have been on sale since Monday. Tickets for old visitors were
on sale last week.
Have you ever waited all day for a call?
She hasn’t asked anyone for help.
Talk to the engineer before you change anything.
Was anybody else invited? Alguien más fue invitado?
It’s 8 hours away. If we leave home at 4 pm. We will be driving till midnight. Esta
a 8 horas de distancia, Si salimos de casa a la 4 de la tarde, estaremos
conduciento hasta media noche.
Dad will be working till seven.
Today is December 31th, it’s New Year’s Eve, so there will be a lot of people
downtown tonight.
Rosa left a moment ago. Didn’t you see her when you were coming up the stairs?
Rosa salio hace un momento, No la viste cuando estabas subiendo las
In a momento, Angela will be leaving the office.
I will not be seeing him anymore. No lo veré mas.
His girlfriend will not be coming with him.
Our guests will be arriving soon.
How long will our guests be staying? Just till tomorrow. Solo hasta mañana.
Who will be looking after the garden? Quien cuidará el jandin?
Will they be having supper when I arrive?
The room will be available in a few moments.
What time will the post office be open?
Can you call me as soon as possible? I have some very important information for
you. Puedes llamarme lo antes posible?
There’s a big parking lot by the station. We can park there. Estacionamiento
We’ll be moving to Madrid. Nos mudaremos a Madrid.
I’ll be moving as soon as possible.
The plane will be taking off soon. El avion despegara pronto.
The plane will be taking off in five minutes.
There is going to be a meeting around noon. Va a haber una reunion alrededor
de medio dia.
There are going to be tables available around noon.
Is there going to be a crowd at the stadium? I don’t enjoy going to places with so
many people. Multitud.
Is there going to be a big crowd? Va a haber un gran multitude?
They’ll be playing against us.
Carol always loses when she plays against Anna.
Our team didn’t play very well, so we lost the soccer match. Nuestro equipo no
jugo muy bien, por eso perdimos el Partido de futbol.
I think he will lose this match. Creo que perdera este Partido.
Hit the ball. Golpea la pelota.
What will the winner receive? Que recibira el ganador?
The winner will get a prize.
Let me know if you’re free tomorrow. You have my phone number, right?
Let me know if there’s any delay. Avisame si hay algun retraso.
I’m thinking about the future. Estoy pensando en el futuro.
He still talks to his ex-wife.
They’ll be feeling better soon.
She’ll be feeling better by Saturday. Ella se sentira major para el sabado.
Can you complete the project by Saturday?
He will certainly win the match. Desde luego ganará el Partido.
He can certainly finish the project on time.
He’ll be leaving as soon as possible. Se ira lo antes posible.
I will not be doing anything special for my birthday.
Are there going to be many artists in the crowd?
Who will she be playing against?
Do you mind if I shut the door? Te importa si cierro la Puerta?
Oven temperature. Temperatura del horno.
The heat will turn off by itself. La calefaccion se apagara por si sola.
The exit door will open by itself.
The floor was covered with carpet. El piso estaba cubierto con alfombra.
The stove wasn’t working, and nobody felt like eating cold soup, so we ordered a
pizza. La estufa no funcionaba…
The baby is pulling my necklace. El bebé esta tirando de mi collar.
No, our stove isn’t electric. No, nuestra estufa no es electrica.
I shut the windows before I left. Cerré las ventanas antes de salir.
My clothes are in the dryer. Mi ropa esta en la secadora.
The washing machine is full. La lavadora esta llena,
The lamp in the corner is broken.
Why are you sitting in the corner?
He dried the dishes with that towel. El secó los platos con esa toalla.
The trash can is full. El bote de basura esta lleno.
We keep our spoons and forks in a drawer in the kitchen. Cajon.
Is anything missing? Falta algo?
The heat is off. La calefaccion esta apagada.
If nobody’s home, why are all the lights on? Si nadie esta en casa, porque las
luces estan encendidas.
Is the heat on?
There’s no space for the dryer. No hay espacio para la secadora.
This is the cleanest room in the house.
Which gas station has the cleanest restrooms?
What’s the average temperature in the summer?
The stove will not turn off by itself.
The electric stove is still hot.
I will be renting the car till Friday.
This parking lot is for staff only.
His ex-wife is married to someone else. Su exesposa esta casada con otra

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