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ENG250: 1st Semester

Assignment 4
Name: Abdulaziz Salem Almaliki
ID: s200064294
CRN: 11905
Grade: /8
Action Items:
1. Choose ONE topic of the following:
A. Descriptive essay (The house you spent your childhood in)
B. Cause and effect essay (Depression among college students)
C. Problem and solution essay (Poverty - how can we reduce the number of people
living in poverty?)
D. Analysis essay (A particular culture ‘ex. Saudi culture’)
E. Argument essay (Is physical health more important than mental health?)

2. Write an essay about it, (3 to 5 paragraphs; 400 words at least). Pay attention to
thesis statement, topic sentences, grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
Your essay:
Reducing global poverty, affecting billions, demands a comprehensive approach to address its
diverse causes: inequality, unemployment, low wages, natural disasters, and conflict. The key
lies in collaborative efforts to invest in education and healthcare, establish social safety nets,
promote sustainable development, redistribute wealth, and foster economic growth. Through
concerted action, a world where everyone has the chance to lead a fulfilling life becomes
To alleviate poverty, practical steps can be taken. Providing micro-loans to entrepreneurs in
developing countries empowers individuals economically. Donating to charities focused on
enhancing education and healthcare in these regions significantly contributes to poverty
alleviation. Volunteering time to assist those in need is a tangible way to combat poverty on a
personal level. Moreover, raising awareness about poverty and its root causes is crucial for
garnering support. Supporting policies that prioritize economic growth and social justice also
plays a pivotal role in poverty reduction.
By implementing these measures, we can actively contribute to the battle against poverty. It is
imperative to recognize poverty's complexity, necessitating a multifaceted strategy. However,
through collaborative efforts and concrete actions, we can pave the way for a world where every
individual has the opportunity to lead a satisfying life.

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