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Site-Specific Variable-Rate Irrigation as a Means to Enhance Water Use


Article in Transactions of the ASAE. American Society of Agricultural Engineers · February 2016
DOI: 10.13031/trans.59.11165

46 1,394

6 authors, including:

Susan A. O'Shaughnessy Steve Evett

Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture


Manuel Alejandro Andrade J. A. Price

University of Nevada, Reno Texas A&M University


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S. A. O’Shaughnessy, S. R. Evett, M. A. Andrade, F. Workneh, A Tribute to the Career of
J. A. Price, C. M. Rush Terry Howell, Sr.

ABSTRACT. The majority of irrigated cropland in the U.S. is watered with sprinkler irrigation systems. These systems are
inherently more efficient in distributing water than furrow or flood irrigation. Appropriate system design of sprinkler irri-
gation equipment, application methods, and farming practices (e.g., furrow diking) enhance crop water use efficiency
(WUE) by minimizing irrigation losses and improving soil water storage. For years, the paradigm for best irrigation
management practices included uniform application over an entire field, even though abiotic (soils, slope, aspect, etc.)
and biotic (insect pressure, plant disease) factors often cause spatial variations in water use and yield potential. However,
emerging technologies such as wireless communication coupled with soil water and plant sensors, commercially available
variable-rate irrigation (VRI) equipment, and the development of algorithms for computational data processing are shift-
ing this paradigm toward variable-rate management as a means to enhance crop WUE. This article focuses on the poten-
tial of site-specific VRI management (SS-VRIM) as a tool for enhancing WUE and the challenges encountered.
Keywords. Irrigation management, Moving irrigation systems, Prescription maps, Sensor networks, Variable-rate irrigation.

prinkler irrigation was developed in the 1890s by moving irrigation system can be used as a platform to
Charles Skinner, a farmer from Ohio, and soon mount sensors, thus providing a means to monitor large
afterward the merits of providing overhead irriga- areas of a field with a relatively limited number of sensors
tion were realized. Beginning as early as 1917, the and with temporal frequency; and (2) now that all sprinkler
first patents were granted for designs related to key con- irrigation manufacturers offer auxiliary equipment for re-
cepts for the development of mechanical move sprinklers mote communication, monitoring, and control of sprinkler
(Morgan, 1993). Since then, moving sprinkler systems have operations (Kranz et al., 2012), the infrastructure of and
evolved into large-scale mechanized systems that are criti- farmers’ exposure to added technological advancements in
cal to production agriculture. Across the U.S., 57% of irri- irrigated agriculture are more conspicuous and widespread.
gated cropland (fig. 1) is accomplished with sprinkler irri- The focus of irrigation systems in the past has been effi-
gation systems, of which 84% are center pivots (USDA- ciency and uniformity of application (Howell et al., 2012).
NASS, 2013). Center pivots are popular because they re- Howell’s (2001) discussion of field water use efficiency
quire minimal manual labor to operate, are easy to main- (WUE) (eq. 1) clearly indicates the roles of agronomic,
tain, can be designed to irrigate over small areas as well as engineering, and management technologies toward enhanc-
large areas, and can travel over flat fields as well as over ing WUE:
rolling hills. The growing inventory of moving irrigation
sprinkler systems is encouraging for two reasons: (1) a

Submitted for review in January 2015 as manuscript number NRES

11165; approved for publication by the Natural Resources Environmental
Systems Community of ASABE in June 2015.
Mention of company or trade names is for description only and does
not imply endorsement by the USDA. The USDA is an equal opportunity
provider and employer.
The authors are Susan A. O’Shaughnessy, ASABE Member,
Research Agricultural Engineer, Steven R. Evett, ASABE Member,
Research Soil Scientist, and Manuel A. Andrade, ORISE Post-Doctoral
Fellow, USDA-ARS Conservation and Production Research Laboratory
(CPRL), Bushland, Texas; Fekede Workneh, Senior Research Scientist,
Jacob A. Price, Senior Research Associate, and Charles M. Rush, Plant
Pathologist, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension, Amarillo,
Texas. Corresponding author: Susan A. O’Shaughnessy, USDA-ARS Figure 1. Percent of irrigated acres by method in the U.S. Of the
CPRL, P.O. Drawer 10, 2300 Experiment Station Rd., Bushland, TX 22.37 Mha irrigated in the U.S., 57% is irrigated with sprinkler sys-
79012; phone: 806-356-5770; e-mail: susan.oshaughnessy@ars.usda.gov. tems, of which 84% are center pivots (USDA-NASS, 2013).

Transactions of the ASABE

Vol. 59(1): 239-249 2016 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers ISSN 2151-0032 DOI 10.13031/trans.59.11165 239
(HI )(DM ) Although SS-VRIM systems are not commercialized
(1) yet, VRIM is helping to shape a new paradigm for enhanc-
  E 
T (1 − WC) 1 + 
ing WUE in production agriculture. The first part of this
  (P + I + SW − D − Q − E )  article describes a conceptual framework for SS-VRIM
systems. The second part summarizes three applications for
where HI is harvest index, DM is dry matter above ground, the utility of SS-VRIM based on the different objectives of:
T is transpiration, WC is water content, E is soil water (1) optimizing application depth as a function of soil tex-
evaporation, P is precipitation, I is irrigation, SW is root ture and slope, (2) managing crop water stress at deficit
zone soil water depletion, D is deep percolation, and Q is irrigation levels and controlling crop WUE, and (3) im-
runoff. Engineering technologies such as properly designed proving irrigation WUE by spatiotemporal detection of
sprinkler systems (Scherer et al., 1999), irrigation applica- disease and disease severity for irrigation control of winter
tion methods, and implementation of cropping systems that wheat. The last section of this article provides a discussion
improve the capture and infiltration of rainfall and irriga- of future work.
tion (furrow diking, crop residues) enable farmers to mini-
mize spray and evaporative losses during and after irriga-
tion events, decrease deep percolation, and improve soil SS-VRIM SYSTEMS
water storage from rainfall and irrigation. Irrigation man- SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT AND PERFORMANCE
agement (IM) technologies can enhance crop WUE by The backbone of an SS-VRIM system is a moving
maximizing T relative to other soil water balance compo- sprinkler system (e.g., center pivot or linear move) outfitted
nents. An example is a deficit irrigation scheduling scheme with a VRI package (King and Wall, 1998; Han et al.,
that ensures adequate amounts of water are applied at criti- 2009; Chavez et al., 2010). The five major irrigation com-
cal crop growth stages, with application of limited amounts panies (Pierce, Reinke, T-L, Valmont, and Lindsay) offer
otherwise. Fundamental engineering and management some type of sprinkler zone control to vary application
technologies are critical toward achieving optimal irrigation depths along the lateral pipeline of a moving irrigation sys-
management practices. However, given the current con- tem as well as in sectors along the arc of travel of the sys-
straints of limited high-quality water supplies for agricul- tem (Kranz et al., 2012). Commercial VRI packages can be
ture and regulatory restrictions on water use, producers added onto existing moving irrigation systems and are ad-
may be searching for additional means to enhance WUE vertised as cross-compatible with other manufacturers’
and more effectively use water supplies (Almas et al., sprinklers. With sprinkler zone control, variable amounts of
2010). water can be applied radially as well as concentrically as
Today, noteworthy increases in WUE will require ad- the lateral moves across a field. As such, prescription maps
vances in irrigation technology that go beyond the for zone control can be effectively customized to address
achievements of the past 20 to 30 years. Examining tech- within-field spatial variability. As a practical matter, pro-
niques to advance WUE at the field scale requires a closer ducers should choose low-elevation spray application (LE-
look at the factors that impact crop evapotranspiration SA) or low-energy precision application (LEPA) (Lyle and
(ETc). Evapotranspiration is contingent on a number of Bordovsky, 1983) rather than high-impact sprinklers or
factors, including crop type, irrigation application method, mid-elevation spray application (MESA) to minimize drift
soil properties (e.g., salinity, soil water holding capacities, between the borders of field management zones
slope, and soil bulk electrical conductivity; Camp and Sad- (O’Shaughnessy et al., 2013b). However, LEPA should
ler, 2002; Sadler et al., 2002; Tolk and Howell, 2008; only be considered if the application volume does not ex-
Thompson et al., 2010), weather, abiotic and biotic stresses, ceed the soil storage volume. Soil storage volume on non-
agronomic practices (e.g., fertigation amounts and timing, sloped fields could be improved with alternate-furrow basin
planting geometry), crop development stage, and external tillage (Lyle and Dixon, 1977; Schneider and Howell,
factors such as chemigation drift (Howell, 1990). These 2000).
factors or their effects can be highly variable within a sin- Additionally, the VRI system should include a means
gle field and result in non-uniform crop ET, making it dif- for remote monitoring and communication, as well as a
ficult to maximize economic returns at the field scale differential correction-enabled GPS receiver for spatial
(Yang et al., 2002). With site-specific variable-rate irriga- precision, rather than relying on the center pivot angular
tion management (SS-VRIM), there is potential to optimize rotation resolver.
transpiration spatially and temporally for timely detection
of abiotic and biotic crop stress. By integrating commercial SENSOR NETWORK SYSTEMS
VRI systems with economical plant and soil water sensors, A number of different types of sensors, either in situ or
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems above ground, have been used to assess soil water or plant
should be able to implement variable-rate irrigation man- status and can be used to provide useful data for SS-VRIM.
agement (VRIM) to adapt to within-field problems Numerous sensors have been used for agricultural applica-
(O’Shaughnessy et al., 2013b). With these emerging tions, including infrared thermometers, soil water sensors,
SCADA systems, it is reasonable to expect that advanced optical sensors, imaging sensors (thermal and RGB), ultra-
engineering and irrigation management technologies will sonic sensors, and computer vision sensors (table 1). Many
address within-field variable crop water needs to optimize of these sensors are becoming more economical, e.g., FLIR


Table 1. Sensors and sensor network systems appropriate for integration with variable-rate irrigation management systems.
Sensor Measurement Role within SS-VRIM Reference
Infrared thermometers Radiometric surface Direct irrigation management based Wanjura et al. (1992); Peters and Evett (2008)
temperature on detection of crop water stress
Soil water sensors Soil water content Detect soil water depletion level; Kim et al. (2009); Hedley and Yule (2009)
closed-loop feedback
Optical sensors Canopy reflectance Detect nitrogen deficiency Sui and Thomasson (2006)
Simulate Kc using NDVI Hunsaker et al. (2003)
Estimate percent canopy cover Trout et al. (2008)
Detect disease or pestilence Mirik et al. (2007); West et al. (2003)
Meteorological station Solar radiation, RH, Tair, Normalize canopy temperature data; Peters and Evett (2007)
wind speed calculate amount of water to apply.
Ultrasonic Plant height Detect abiotic stress Sui and Thomasson (2006)
Computer vision RGB image acquisition Detect disease Casanova et al. (2014)

has just released a miniature thermal imaging system on a irrigation equipment are typically not made by the same
chip (SOC) for less than $400, and are easier to acquire on manufacturer and do not share the same communication
the retail market. Other critical criteria for sensors and sen- standard, data formatting at the sensor level, application
sor network systems include measurement accuracy, capa- programming interfaces (APIs), or hardware interfaces. In a
bility for wireless communication, reliable data throughput, SCADA system described by O’Shaughnessy et al.
a small form factor to facilitate mounting on irrigation sys- (2013a), the embedded computer running the SCADA sys-
tems, durability against outdoor elements and time, reason- tem had two distinct telemetry modems: one for data col-
able sampling frequency enabling sensors mounted on a lection from the wireless sensor network of infrared ther-
moving platform to capture an ample number of measure- mometers transmitting in the range of 2.5 GHz, and the
ments as the system moves across the field, and minimal second polling data from a nearby weather station (CR1000
maintenance throughout an irrigation season. datalogger, Campbell Scientific, Logan, Utah) in the
Several previous studies have integrated IRT networks 900 MHz bandwidth. Additionally, there was a direct
with moving irrigation systems to monitor canopy tempera- communication link between the embedded computer and
ture, detect and map crop water stress, and schedule irriga- the control panel of the center-pivot system, allowing for
tions at the field scale (Wanjura et al., 1992; Sadler et al., data exchange in both directions and control of the VRI
2002; Peters and Evett, 2007; O’Shaughnessy and Evett, system by the embedded computer. Beyond data collection,
2010a, 2010b; O’Shaughnessy et al., 2012). Networks of the embedded computer also processed information based
soil water sensors strategically placed in management on control algorithms, crop models, pre-established set
zones can offer information relative to maximum allowable points, and constraints. The output could be structured as
depletion targets or soil water flux. Optical sensors measur- informational, i.e., providing quantified levels, audible or
ing canopy reflectance have a wide range of utility for pro- visual alarms, or recommendations. Moreover, the SCADA
duction agriculture, including detection of nutrient stress, system was capable of controlling action at the system level
disease, and pest infestation and providing estimates of (e.g., VRI) or controlling a subprocess, which may be as
crop coefficients. Meteorological stations can be used to simple as turning on a pump (fig. 2). Of paramount im-
normalize temperature data maps over an irrigation season portance is the ability of the end user, farmer, or irrigation
or across seasons. It is also possible to use reference evapo- consultant to interact with the system by reviewing its rec-
transpiration (ETo) and crop water use (ETc) estimates from ommendations and either accepting, modifying, or rejecting
weather data to check against under- or over-irrigations or them. The overall goal of an SS-VRIM system is to detect
help determine irrigation amounts. Ultrasonic distance within-field variability (due to abiotic and biotic stresses)
measurements are becoming a popular means for estimat- over time and space, provide decision support for the next
ing crop stress since there is a negative correlation between optimal irrigation decision (i.e., instructions for where,
height and plant vigor, and between height and nitrogen when, and how much water to apply), and control the irri-
status (Sui and Thomasson, 2006). Finally, computer vision gation to optimize yield in return for water. In essence, SS-
sensors can provide whole images or the analysis of images VRIM systems aid in the management of spatiotemporal
to indicate percent disease within their field of view (FOV). control strategies (McCarthy et al., 2010) throughout the
Imaging sensors are rapidly becoming miniaturized and irrigation season.
less expensive, making the scalability of a computer vision Examples of such systems include a VRI linear move
network very promising for irrigation management in the system developed by Kim et al. (2009) that used distributed
near future. wireless sensor networks of in situ thermocouples and soil
water sensors to detect deficits in soil water levels to make
SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION irrigation decisions for each management zone. However,
(SCADA) SYSTEM the performance of the system was never characterized in
The integration of soil water, plant, and weather data terms of crop yield, ETc, or WUE, nor compared with a
with embedded computing systems and VRI sprinklers is conventional system. Work by ARS scientists at Bushland,
the basis for a SCADA system for production agriculture. Texas, demonstrated that a SCADA system using wired
Machine interfaces within such a SCADA system are com- infrared thermometers and a plant feedback algorithm, i.e.,
plicated because the sensors, embedded computers, and the time temperature threshold (TTT) method, was able to

59(1): 239-249 241

Figure 2. Basic concepts involved in a supervisory control and data acquisition system for site-specific variable-rate irrigation management
(SS-VRIM) using machine-to-machine (M2M) and human-to-machine (H2M) interfaces.

control irrigations for soybean, cotton, and sorghum (Peters Another approach to using VRI management to reduce
and Evett, 2007, 2008; O’Shaughnessy and Evett, 2010b; water wastage by optimizing application depth as a func-
O’Shaughnessy et al., 2012). More recently, the work has tion of soil properties was reported by LaRue (2011). In
evolved into the integration of a wireless network of infra- this case, a center pivot was outfitted with a commercial
red thermometers with a commercial VRI center-pivot sys- VRI system with the objective to reduce the effects of field
tem to build dynamic prescription maps based on spatio- variability by adequately watering the lighter soils (Cre-
temporal assessment of crop water stress, using thermal vasse sandy loam) without flooding the heavier clay loam
stress index thresholds to manage irrigation treatment lev- soils. Shallow and deep geo-referenced maps of apparent
els for cotton (O’Shaughnessy et al., 2015). The systems electrical conductivity (ECa) were developed for shallow
developed at Bushland are realizations of the SCADA sys- and deep EC using methods similar to those of Vories et al.
tem patented by Evett et al. (2014b). Although the progress (2008) and were the basis for a prescription map. Water
at Bushland has been incremental, the challenge remains to depths for an MZ classified as a heavy soil received 60% of
develop robust algorithms that synthesize information from the base application depth applied to an MZ classified as a
sensors other than plant and micrometeorological network lighter soil. Overall, 12% less irrigation was applied to the
systems, and to test these SCADA systems in a manner in field using VRIM. The percent of irrigation depth to apply
which farmers would operate them. relative to the base irrigation amount can be determined
using different methods. LaRue and Frederick (2012) sug-
gested using crop productivity ratings based on soil type, in
APPLICATIONS FOR SS-VRIM addition to geo-referenced soil data from the USDA-NRCS
OPTIMIZING APPLICATION DEPTH AS A FUNCTION (2015), to determine possible MZs and determine the bene-
OF SOIL TEXTURE AND SLOPE fits of VRI relative to applying a uniform irrigation depth.
The possibility of water savings at the field scale exists by One shortcoming with the use of soil properties as the basis
using SS-VRIM to adjust watering rates to address inherent for prescription maps is that the maps do not change over
topographical and physical soil differences, such as undulat- time, and therefore temporal variability is ignored.
ing slopes and variable soil textures, as well as any differ-
ences that cause variable available water holding capacity MANAGING CROP WATER STRESS AT DEFICIT
(AWHC) and actual plant-available water within a field. As IRRIGATION AND CONTROLLING CROP WUE
discussed by Evett et al. (2014a), a first step could be to di- SS-VRIM can be used to enhance crop WUE by imple-
vide the field into management zones (MZs) based on slope, menting an irrigation scheme that optimizes the ratio of
aspect, and soil texture and then install a soil water sensing economic yield to crop water use. This can be achieved by
system in each MZ, with the caveat that the system adequate- ensuring that irrigation is not limited during critical growth
ly represents the soil water content of each MZ. Soil bulk stages and not supplied at times that would result in luxuri-
electrical conductivity mapping, in conjunction with USDA- ant growth. Controlling crop WUE would enable a produc-
NRCS soil surveys (2015) and terrain features (Landrum et er to manage deficit irrigation schemes and maximize
al., 2015), may be useful in delineating MZs for fields in the WUE. Irrigation management studies to automatically con-
U.S. (Grisso et al., 2009). Hedley et al. (2013) defined MZs trol irrigation scheduling and crop WUE began in the 1990s
in fields in New Zealand based on geostatistical interpolation at the USDA-ARS laboratory in Bushland, Texas. Initial
from electromagnetic induction surveys as well as soil hy- studies were conducted by Evett et al. (1996, 2002, 2006)
draulic properties derived from soil core samples within each using a subsurface drip irrigation system, stationary infra-
MZ. An important shortcoming concerning the use of soil red thermometers, and a plant feedback algorithm (the TTT
water sensing is that soils are highly variable within short method) for irrigation management of corn and soybean.
distances, and soil water measurements are spatially variable Advances were made to adapt the TTT method to a moving
at any one time within the same MZ (Evett et al., 2008, irrigation system, as reported by Peters and Evett (2004,
2009; Hedley and Yule, 2009). 2007, 2008). Irrigation management, with the TTT method,


of cotton (O’Shaughnessy and Evett, 2010b) and sorghum 2012 for the plant feedback treatment plots, while the rela-
(O’Shaughnessy et al., 2012) demonstrated that irrigation tionships were curvilinear for the manually controlled plots
scheduling using the plant feedback method resulted in lint for the same year and for both methods of irrigation man-
and grain yields that were at least equal to or greater than agement during 2013 (fig. 3a). Although not significantly
irrigation scheduling with in situ soil water measurements. different, mean WUE for both years was numerically great-
Through 2010, VRI with moving systems at Bushland was er for the plant feedback-controlled treatment plots com-
accomplished by nozzling, and site-specific control was pared with the manually controlled treatment plots (fig. 3b).
accomplished by ARS-developed software that communi- It is also noteworthy that seasonal irrigation amounts rela-
cated with the pivot control panel. tive to the optimum WUE for the plant feedback method
In 2011, the two center-pivot systems at Bushland were bordered between the irrigation amounts applied to the
outfitted with commercial VRI systems, the plant feedback manual treatment plots for the I50% and I75% treatment lev-
algorithm was modified to incorporate an integrated crop els. This control is helpful, since a farmer may make the
water stress index (iCWSI), and the wired IRTs were re- rational decision to manage the crop with slight to moder-
placed with wireless IRTs. The commercial VRI systems ate deficit irrigation amounts to maximize WUE and then
provided the flexibility of randomly varying the irrigation reduce the planted area to cope with the supply limitation.
treatment levels and methods in an arcwise and radial di- With this system, additional work would be needed to con-
rection. In 2012, field studies were initiated to investigate trol irrigation WUE at lower irrigation treatment levels in
the short-term objective of building dynamic prescription case a more severe deficit irrigation scheme was needed.
maps from continuous measurements of canopy tempera- Severe deficit applications may be appropriate if a farmer
ture and meteorological data to control VRI at the field chooses to diversify risk by planting part of the field to a
scale. The challenge here is that the performance of the more drought-tolerant crop and provide minimal supple-
plant feedback method is scrutinized at a higher level, since mental irrigation. Another complication is that plant feed-
automatic irrigation scheduling for each plant feedback- back systems are limited to monitoring crop canopy tem-
controlled treatment plot is independent of every other plot. peratures in daylight hours. Because of this, the temporal
In 2012 and 2013, an SS-VRIM system consisting of a frequency with which a large center-pivot system (1/2 mile)
three-span (130 m) VRI center pivot and integrated wire- can complete one revolution may not be adequate for time-
less sensor network system for crop canopy monitoring, ly determination of whole-field crop water stress, which
similar to that described earlier in the SCADA section, was could inhibit dynamic prescription map building. Although
used to manage irrigation of cotton (Delta Pine, variety this has not yet been established as fact, possible solutions
1212RFBG2). The crop was planted in the southeast half of include modifying the control algorithm to include fore-
a 5.3 ha center-pivot field in 2012 and in the northwest half casting based on past crop status and weather since the last
in the second year. The field was divided into 28 treatment data were captured, and strategic placement of soil water
plots, consisting of seven sectors, 24° wide, and four con- sensors to compensate for this perceived deficiency.
centric plots, each containing 24 plant rows spaced 0.76 m
apart. Irrigation methods and treatment levels were ran- IMPROVING IRRIGATION WUE BY SPATIOTEMPORAL
domized radially and concentrically. Plots were arranged in DETECTION OF DISEASE IN WINTER WHEAT
a randomized complete block design in the arcwise direc- Another objective for SS-VRIM would be to improve
tion (O’Shaughnessy et al., 2015). Half of the plots were WUE by withholding water from areas within a field where
manually irrigated according to neutron probe measure- physiological damage from biotic stress has progressed to a
ments of soil water depletion. Manual irrigation treatment point where the economic value of irrigation is no longer
levels were 75%, 50%, and 25% replenishment of soil wa- justified. Winter wheat is a critical grain and forage crop
ter depletion to field capacity, while the corresponding for producers in the Texas High Plains region, where ap-
thermal stress index thresholds for the plant feedback- proximately 30% of the total acreage devoted to its produc-
controlled plots were 260, 290, and 344 (dimensionless). tion is irrigated from the declining Ogallala Aquifer (Co-
The SCADA system responded by irrigating a plant feed- laizzi et al., 2009). Like many crops in this semi-arid re-
back treatment plot when the mean calculated iCWSI ex- gion, winter wheat is subject to drought and hail stress,
ceeded its pre-established threshold. Mean lint yields com- high air temperatures, and limited precipitation, all of
pared between methods were not significantly different for which can cause significant yield reduction. However, of
the I75% and I50% irrigation treatment levels for both years. equal concern are economic losses resulting from biotic
Mean lint yield was significantly greater in the plant feed- stresses, i.e., when water and fertilizer are applied to dis-
back-controlled treatment plots corresponding to the I25% eased wheat for which there will be no profitable gain to
irrigation treatment level; however, mean seasonal crop the producer. Of particular interest in the entire Great
water use and mean irrigation amounts were also signifi- Plains region are wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV), Trit-
cantly greater for these plant feedback treatment plots (data icum mosaic virus, and wheat mosaic virus. These diseases
not shown). are vectored by the wheat curl mite (Price et al., 2010).
For each year, mean WUE was not significantly differ- Because mites occur naturally in various summer crops,
ent between irrigation treatments or irrigation methods (da- they can easily be transferred into fields planted early to
ta were analyzed with Proc Mixed, SAS 9.3, SAS Institute, winter wheat, since early planting is a common practice in
Inc., Cary, N.C.) (fig. 3). However, the relationship be- the Texas High Plains. The infection potentially becomes
tween WUE and seasonal irrigation amount was linear in more severe over time, leading to significant reductions in

59(1): 239-249 243

WUEM = -1E-06x2 + 0.0009x + 0.1155
r² = 0.86


WUE (kg m-3)


WUEA= -3E-07x2 + 0.0005x + 0.1106

r² = 0.95

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Irrigation (mm)

WUEA = -4E-06x2 + 0.0022x - 0.0493

r² = 0.94

WUE (kg m-3)

WUEM = -4E-06x2 + 0.0022x - 0.043

r² = 0.95

Manual plot (#12) (M25)

iCWSI suffered chemical damage

0 100 200 300 400

Irrigation (mm)

Figure 3. Relationship between water use efficiency (WUE) and seasonal irrigation amount (mm) for manually controlled plots (WUEM; black
circles) irrigated based on weekly in situ soil water readings and plant feedback-controlled plots (WUEA; open circles) for the (a) 2012 and
(b) 2013 cropping seasons. The mean WUE of the manually controlled plot that suffered chemical damage was not included in the quadratic
equation defining the relationship.

biomass and grain yield. Plants infected early in the season wheat fields (Workneh et al., 2009). However, there is a
do not recover, but suffer from necrosis or die (Price et al., significant relationship between diseased wheat and canopy
2014). Mites are also easily dispersed by the wind, and reflectance at the 555 nm bandwidth measured using a
their mobility can cause spatial changes in the incidence of handheld hyperspectral sensor (Workneh et al., 2009). Geo-
disease over the irrigation season. Factors associated with referenced reflectance measurements can be used to pin-
the timing of the infection and vector mobility result in point the location of the disease, and a model is being de-
gradients of disease severity in time and space in winter veloped to relate reflectance amounts and the time of


measurement to the severity level of the disease (F. Work- control limit. Absolute yield results were low due to a late
neh, personal communication, 13 January 2015). freeze and hail damage events; however, these results imply
Winter wheat fields under center-pivot irrigation and in- that SS-VRIM could be effectively applied to this problem.
fected with viruses present an opportunity to implement
SS-VRIM. The functions of a SCADA system customized
to address the above-mentioned variability would be detec- FUTURE WORK
tion of crop water stress, crop disease, and disease severity In the near future, we expect that commercialized
and provision of decision support as to which areas of the SCADA systems for production agriculture will function as
field should continue to receive water and from which areas “smart irrigation machines.” With input from multiple
of the field water should be withheld. It is estimated that types of sensors, these machines should be able to map
savings of $12 to $22 million in pumping costs alone could areas of a field spatially and temporally throughout the
be realized by reducing irrigation amounts by 1 in. growing season. The maps could indicate the level of crop
(2.54 cm) in the Texas Panhandle (the 26 northernmost stress, recommend irrigation scheduling schemes for each
counties of Texas). External benefits of minimizing water management zone, and be uploaded as a prescription for
losses when irrigating are the reduction in nonpoint-source irrigation control. Our vision is that a user would be able to
pollution from agricultural runoff (thereby improving water build a software package to control a SCADA system. The
quality), facilitating optimal fertigation applications, and software package would prompt the user for information
reducing energy costs to pump water. Appropriate sensor regarding inherent within-field variability and specifica-
network systems would include IRTs to measure canopy tions of the VRI hardware for zone control and sensor in-
temperature and indicate areas where ET is marginal. Opti- put. Another function of this software package could be to
cal sensors measuring canopy reflectance would be re- automatically delineate management zones for a specified
quired to detect disease and disease severity. Optical sen- field by importing existing geographic information system
sors are needed in addition to thermal sensors to help the (GIS) databases such as yields from spectral monitors or
system distinguish between abiotic (drought) and biotic soil types from the USDA-NRCS (USDA-NRCS, 2013;
(disease) stress. A network of soil water sensors could be Andrade et al., 2015). The benefit of automated delineation
deployed once a sizeable area of diseased plants was delin- would be savings in time management and optimization of
eated to help monitor the progress of disease, limit over- inputs (Basso et al., 2011). The delineation could be
irrigation, or decide when to withhold irrigation if soil wa- achieved using a number of approaches. For example,
ter levels at the root zone remain high. To further substanti- Pedroso et al. (2010) used a segmentation algorithm on
ate the potential economic value of a SCADA system for grain yield data, Cid-Garcia et al. (2013) used linear pro-
disease detection in winter wheat, it is worthwhile to look gramming on various soil physical properties, and Li et al.
at the effects of disease, the timing of the infection, the (2007) used semi-variance and cluster analysis on apparent
irrigation level, and the effects of the interaction of timing electrical conductivity (ECa) data.
and irrigation level on grain and biomass yields and crop Because many commercial companies provide services
WUE. and products that augment production agriculture through
A recent field study (2012-2013) involved VRI amounts technology, it would not be surprising if commercialized
of 100%, 67%, and 33% replenishment of soil water deple- SCADA systems were composed of multiple “add-on”
tion to field capacity (accomplished by nozzling), which packages, e.g., VRI, wireless sensor network systems, and
were applied to inoculated and non-inoculated wheat plots. software modules to accomplish the irrigation control strat-
The 72 treatment plots were arranged in a split-plot design egy. Sensor network systems could include a combination
with irrigation treatments applied concentrically, and the of weather, plant, and soil water sensors, although the op-
subplots were the inoculation treatment or control plots timal sensor combination and control strategy may depend
arranged in a randomized complete block design with six on the crop, well capacity, and amount of within-field vari-
replications. Each inoculated plot was inoculated once ability (McCarthy et al., 2014b). A software module could
based on a randomly assigned date: 1 October 2012, be composed of algorithms that use hard computing from
14 March 2013, 4 April 2013, 16 April 2013, 30 April direct measurements to signal an irrigation; Romero et al.
2013, or no inoculation (control plots). Irrigation amounts (2012) discuss several control theories. An example of hard
of 508, 340, and 168 mm were applied to each of the treat- computing for the SCADA system would be the integration
ment plots for the I100%, I67%, and I33% irrigation levels, re- of a soil water sensing network to check soil water status
spectively. The Proc Mixed model was used for statistical and qualify irrigation decisions. A software module could
analysis, and control charts of X-bar and R for grain yield also be an established crop model (e.g., Aquacrop, CERES-
(g) and crop WUE (kg m-3) (JMP ver. 10.0.0, SAS Institute, Wheat, Ozcot) that simulates an output, which in turn is
Inc., Cary, N.C.) were used to illustrate (fig. 4) the follow- used as feedback for decision-making (McCarthy et al.,
ing critical points: (1) irrigating wheat at the I33% irrigation 2014a), or the module could be an irrigation scheduling
level significantly reduced yields regardless of the inci- tool whose recommendations are used to control the VRI
dence of disease or its severity, and (2) the inoculation system (e.g., Irrigator Pro; Stone et al., 2015). The opera-
event on 1 October 2012 significantly impacted mean grain tion of any add-on package, hardware or software, must be
yields (fig. 4a) and WUE (fig. 4b) at the I67% and I100% irri- completely integrated so that the SCADA system appears
gation levels, as these means were well below the lower as a single system to the producer.

59(1): 239-249 245


Figure 4. Control charts for (a) grain yield and (b) water use efficiency (WUE) for 72 treatment plots receiving irrigation treatment levels of
I100%, I67%, or I33%, and inoculated on one randomly assigned date: 1 = 1 October 2012, 2 = 14 March 2013, 3 = 4 April 2013, 4 = 16 April 2013,
5 = 30 April 2013, and 6 = no inoculation (control plots).

Decision support algorithms for a SCADA system must Table 2. Examples of advanced decision support requirements
expected from supervisory control and data acquisition systems.
be flexible and adaptable (McCarthy et al., 2010;
Factor Assessment
Goumopoulos et al., 2014): flexible in that a farmer can Precipitation Measurement and decision to withhold or apply sup-
override a machine-based decision, and adaptable in that plemental irrigation.
the SCADA system can make recommendations based on Disease Detection (spatial and temporal); level of severity.
within-season climatic variability or physiological changes Crop growth Estimate stage, link to yield sensitivity, or in the case
stage of deficit irrigation schemes link to application depth
to the plant (brought about by abiotic and biotic stress). The
when an irrigation is triggered.
producer must have easy access to the SCADA system Soil texture Import USDA-NRCS soil maps, link to set points to
from any location (Bartlett et al., 2015), and the communi- check for over- or under-watering.
cation technology must be familiar (Howell et al., 2012). At Percent slope Combine with soil texture and ECa and link to irriga-
the same time, the SCADA system must provide useful tion amount.
Soil water Estimate spatial and temporal changes.
information that readily indicates problems and/or provides availability
recommendations that meet the producer’s end goal, e.g., Elevated canopy Distinguish between abiotic and biotic stress; irrigate
maximizing water savings and profits or optimizing crop temperature in the case of abiotic but non-severe biotic stress.
WUE. Importantly, the operation of the SCADA system
must not hinder daily on-farm operations (Kitchen, 2008). port (table 2), which will rely on input from several sources
To achieve this goal, the output of the SCADA system will and from data management by more than one algorithm.
undoubtedly be based on advanced levels of decision sup- For example, with an end goal to optimize crop WUE, the


system will need to estimate ETc, solar radiation, and crop control, easy operation of the SCADA system, and com-
growth stage as well as consider precipitation and other prehensive field testing. Testing must be performed in a
climatic measurements, and perhaps soil texture and per- manner that would be implemented by a producer. The
cent slope, to make a recommendation as to when to irri- demonstration of positive and cost-effective outcomes will
gate and how much to apply. In the case of irrigation man- be important in aiding the adoption of this emerging tech-
agement of winter wheat susceptible to disease, the system nology by producers.
will need to discriminate between crop water stress and
disease stress, as well as determine the severity level of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
disease prior to making a recommendation to irrigate or The authors appreciate the dedicated work performed by
withhold an irrigation. Decision support algorithms are Brice Ruthardt, Support Scientist, and Luke Britten, Re-
responsible for providing irrigation control, and a SCADA search Agricultural Technician, USDA-ARS Conservation
system could include multiple algorithms to accomplish and Production Research Laboratory, Bushland, Texas.
SS-VRIM, as in the SCADA system patented by Evett et al. Funding for this project was provided in part by the Ogal-
(2014b). The use of data from multiple types of sensor lala Aquifer Program, a consortium of the USDA-ARS,
network systems may necessitate the use of soft computing Kansas State University, Texas A&M AgriLife Research,
algorithms such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas Tech Uni-
genetic algorithms, and support vector machines to deter- versity, and West Texas A&M University.
mine which combination of data sets provide robust, cost-
effective, and reliable decision support for crop manage-
ment (Huang et al., 2010). REFERENCES
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