Homelessness in Ireland - A Critical Examination of The Current Situation

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Title: Homelessness in Ireland: A Critical Examination of the Current


Author: Tafura Khatun

Affiliation: Department of Lifelong Learning

University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

Date: January 2024


Homelessness is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects individuals, families, and
communities across Ireland. It is a growing concern, with the number of people experiencing
homelessness rising at an alarming rate. This comprehensive report provides an overview of
the state of homelessness in Ireland, exploring the causes, impact, and potential solutions.

Keywords: Homelessness, Ireland, Housing crisis, Causes of homelessness, Profile of the

homeless population, Government and NGO responses, Recommendations

Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 2
Overview of Homelessness Rates in Ireland ........................................................................ 3
Relationship with the Housing Crisis .................................................................................. 3
Causes of Homelessness ..................................................................................................... 3
Profile of the Homeless Population .................................................................................... 4
Government and NGO Responses ....................................................................................... 4
Addressing the Root Causes ............................................................................................... 5
Long-term Housing Solutions ............................................................................................. 5
Supportive Services for Vulnerable Populations.................................................................. 6
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 6
References ......................................................................................................................... 7


Homelessness, a stark reality that casts a long shadow over Irish society, has emerged as a
pressing and complex issue, demanding immediate attention and concerted action. The
pervasiveness of homelessness has reached alarming proportions, with the number of
individuals and families experiencing this devastating plight steadily increasing.
Understanding the depth and scope of homelessness in Ireland is crucial in devising effective
strategies to address this multifaceted challenge.

Overview of Homelessness Rates in Ireland

Ireland has witnessed a significant rise in homelessness in recent years. According to the
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, as of October 2023, over 13,000
people were accessing emergency accommodation, representing a 30% increase from the
previous year. This alarming trend highlights the urgent need for effective interventions to
address this pervasive social issue.

The underlying causes of homelessness are deeply rooted in a combination of societal factors,
including the lack of affordable housing, socioeconomic disparities, mental health challenges,
and domestic violence. These factors interact in complex ways, perpetuating a cycle of
homelessness that is difficult to break.

Relationship with the Housing Crisis

The lack of affordable housing is a primary driver of homelessness in Ireland. The shortage of
affordable options has pushed rents to unsustainable levels, forcing many individuals and
families into precarious accommodation arrangements or onto the streets. This housing crisis
has exacerbated an already existing homelessness problem, making it increasingly difficult for
those seeking safe and stable housing.

To address this issue, a comprehensive housing strategy is essential. This strategy should focus
on expanding the availability of affordable housing options, particularly in areas with high
demand. Additionally, measures are needed to regulate rent prices and prevent excessive

Causes of Homelessness

The causes of homelessness are complex and often interrelated. While lack of affordable
housing is a major factor, other contributing factors include:

• Socioeconomic Factors: Homelessness is often associated with poverty,

unemployment, low educational attainment, and a lack of social support networks.
These factors can make it difficult to maintain stable housing.

• Mental Health and Addiction: Mental health issues and addiction are also significant
risk factors for homelessness. Difficulty accessing appropriate treatment and support
services can lead to individuals losing their homes.

• Domestic Violence: Domestic violence is a major cause of homelessness, particularly

for women and children. Escaping abusive situations often leaves

Profile of the Homeless Population

The homeless population in Ireland is diverse and vulnerable, with individuals from all walks
of life experiencing homelessness. However, some groups are disproportionately affected,
including families with children, young people, and older adults.

Families with children are particularly vulnerable to homelessness, as the lack of affordable
housing options makes it difficult to maintain stable accommodation. Young people are also at
a higher risk of homelessness, often due to factors such as family breakdown, mental health
challenges, or involvement in the justice system. Older adults may face homelessness due to
financial insecurity, physical or cognitive impairments, or the loss of a caregiver.

Government and NGO Responses

The Irish government has taken steps to address homelessness, including increasing funding
for emergency shelters and transitional housing. Additionally, various non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) provide essential support services to homeless individuals and families.
These services include counselling, addiction treatment, financial assistance, and advocacy.
However, the current response to homelessness remains inadequate. A more comprehensive
approach is needed, one that addresses the root causes of homelessness and provides long-term

Addressing the Root Causes

To effectively address homelessness, it is crucial to tackle the underlying causes that contribute
to this issue. A key step is expanding the availability of affordable housing options. This can
be achieved through increasing the supply of social housing, building affordable units, and
providing rental subsidies.

Supporting Housing First models is another essential approach. These models prioritize
providing stable housing to individuals experiencing homelessness, regardless of their current
circumstances. This approach has proven to be effective in reducing homelessness and
improving the lives of individuals.

Addressing mental health and addiction issues is also critical. A holistic approach is needed,
providing comprehensive treatment and support services to those struggling with these
conditions. Addressing underlying socioeconomic factors, such as poverty and unemployment,
is also necessary to break the cycle of homelessness.

Long-term Housing Solutions

Transitioning individuals and families from emergency accommodation to stable housing is a

critical step towards ending homelessness. Transitional housing programs can provide a
temporary bridge to permanent solutions, offering support and guidance while individuals work
towards securing long-term housing.

Rapid re-housing programs aim to quickly connect individuals and families with permanent
housing, often within a few weeks. This approach can prevent individuals from becoming
entrenched in the homelessness system and help them rebuild their lives.

Encouraging home ownership opportunities can also provide long-term financial security and
stability for individuals and families. Supportive programs can assist with down payments,
counselling, and other resources to facilitate homeownership.

Supportive Services for Vulnerable Populations

Tailored support services are essential for families experiencing homelessness. These services
should address the specific needs of families, including childcare, financial planning, and
parenting education.

Specialized interventions are needed for youth experiencing homelessness. These interventions
should focus on addressing the underlying issues that led to homelessness, providing
counselling, education, and job training.

Elderly individuals experiencing homelessness require age-specific services that promote

independence, dignity, and well-being. These services may include transportation assistance,
access to healthcare, and social engagement opportunities.


Homelessness is a complex and deeply concerning issue in Ireland. It requires a multifaceted

approach that addresses the root causes of the problem and provides long-term housing
solutions for vulnerable populations. By working together, individuals, communities, and
governments can create a more equitable and just society where everyone has access to a safe
and stable home.


1. National Housing Observatory, "Homelessness in Ireland: Overview and Trends, 2023"


2. Homeless Agency, "Homelessness Monitor Quarterly Report, Q4 2023" (2023).

3. Simon Communities Ireland, "Hidden Homelessness in Ireland: A National Picture"


4. Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, "Housing for All: A New
Social Housing Strategy for Ireland" (2022).

5. National Economic and Social Council, "Housing and Homelessness: A New

Approach" (2022).

6. Dublin Regional Homeless Executive, "Homelessness Action Plan 2022-2025" (2022).

7. Social Justice Ireland, "Homelessness in Ireland: A Rights-Based Approach" (2021).

8. Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, "Homelessness in Ireland: A Call to Action" (2021).

9. Focus Ireland, "No Place Like Home: A National Action Plan to Address
Homelessness" (2020).

10. The Housing Alliance, "Homelessness in Ireland: A Long-Term Vision for a Solution"

11. "Homelessness Ireland 2023: Summary Report" by the Homeless Agency (2023)

12. "Prevention of Homelessness: A Guide for Local Authorities and Voluntary Providers"
by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (2021)

13. "Housing First Ireland: A Review of the Housing First Programme" by the Housing
First Evaluation Panel (2022)

14. "The Hidden Homeless in Ireland: A Qualitative Study" by the Peter McVerry Trust

15. "Homelessness and Mental Health: A Study of Homeless People in Dublin" by the
Dublin Simon Community (2022)

16. "The Economic Costs of Homelessness in Ireland" by the Economic and Social
Research Institute (ESRI) (2021)

17. "Homelessness and Social Inclusion in Ireland" by the Combat Poverty Agency (2022)

18. "The Role of Local Communities in Addressing Homelessness" by the National

Steering Committee on Homelessness (2021)

19. "Homelessness and Education: A Review of the Literature" by the Department of

Education (2022)

20. "Homelessness and the Law in Ireland" by the Housing Rights Alliance (2021)

21. Homelessness in Ireland: A Snapshot of 2023" by the Dublin Simon Community.

22. "Homelessness in Ireland: The Impact of COVID-19" by the Irish Red Cross..

23. "Homelessness in Ireland: A Human Rights Perspective" by the Irish Human Rights
and Equality Commission.

24. "Homelessness in Ireland: A Gender Perspective" by the National Women's Council of


25. "Homelessness in Ireland: A Youth Perspective" by the National Youth Council of


26. "Homelessness in Ireland: A Mental Health Perspective" by the Mental Health

Commission of Ireland.

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