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Land Use, Land Cover, and Climate Change Across the

Mississippi Basin: Impacts on Selected Land and Water

Jonathan A. Foley, Christopher J. Kucharik, Tracy E. Twine, and Michael T. Coe
Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE), Nelson Institute for Environmental
Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

Simon D. Donner
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, New

The Mississippi Basin is the third largest drainage basin in the world and is home
to one of the most productive agricultural regions on Earth. Here we discuss how land
use/land cover change and climatic variability may be affecting some key environ-
mental processes across the Mississippi and how these, in turn, affect the flow of
selected ecosystem goods and services in the region. Specifically, we consider the
recent history of land use/land cover change, crop yields, basin river flow and hydrol-
ogy, and large-scale water quality in the Mississippi Basin. We find that agricultural
activities may have had a profound influence on the basin and may have shifted the
flow of many ecosystem goods and services into agricultural commodities, at the
expense of altering many of the important biogeochemical linkages between atmos-
phere, land, and water.

1. INTRODUCTION so with only 20% of the world’s corn acreage [USDA, 2003].
In addition, the Mississippi Basin is a major producer of soy-
Covering roughly 3.2 million km2, the Mississippi River beans (with over 40% of global soybean production), wheat,
drainage basin is the third largest basin in the world (Plate cotton, and other important agricultural commodities [USDA,
1). Extending over more than 48% of the continental United 2003]. However, this impressive litany of agricultural pro-
States, the Mississippi Basin is home to roughly 70 million duction statistics does not come without significant environ-
people, plus a $100 billion per year agricultural economy mental costs. Soil erosion, the destruction of native habitats,
[Goolsby et al., 1999]. and a decline in biological diversity have all accompanied the
The Mississippi Basin also contains some of the richest transformation of the basin into a major agricultural region.
farmland found anywhere in the world. For example, the Agricultural practices have also had a profound impact on
region produces approximately 40% of the world’s corn and the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and phospho-
is responsible for about 70% of global corn exports, but does rus in the region. For example, agricultural land use has caused
significant environmental losses of soil organic material
Ecosystems and Land Use Change [Mann, 1986; Darmody and Peck, 1997; Paustian et al., 1997;
Geophysical Monograph Series 153 Kucharik et al., 2001], resulting in decreased soil “tilth,”
Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union increased sediment loading in rivers, and the transfer of soil
10.1029/153GM19 carbon to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Furthermore,


Plate 1. The Mississippi Basin. The Mississippi River Basin, the world’s third largest, is home to some of the most productive farmland on the planet.
The river drains some 3.2 million km2 and is home to 70 million people plus a $100 billion agricultural economy [Goolsby et al., 1999].

fertilizer use in the basin has led to increasing flows of excess We will examine the results of several modeling studies
nitrogen and phosphorus to surface and groundwater systems, that have been used to characterize the behavior of terrestrial
ultimately causing serious degradation of freshwater and ecosystems and freshwater systems across the Mississippi
coastal ecosystems [Goolsby et al., 1999; Donner et al., 2002; Basin, and how they respond to environmental and human
Donner and Kucharik, 2003]. drivers. In particular, we will focus our discussion on a few key
Altogether, land use and water management practices tied questions:
to agriculture have had a strong influence over much of the
basin. But understanding how the environmental systems and 1. How are the land use and land cover of the Missis-
natural resources of the Mississippi Basin may respond to sippi Basin changing?
agricultural land use and land cover change is difficult, because 2. How might land use/land cover change, combined with
of the complex linkages between different components of the climate variability, affect the production of crops in
earth system operating in the region. It is therefore necessary the region?
to understand the interactions between the atmosphere, ter-
restrial ecosystems, and aquatic systems of the basin, and 3. How might land use/land cover change, combined with
how they are affected by human activities (Figure 1). climate variability, affect the hydrology and water qual-
In this chapter, we will consider how the interactions among ity of the region?
the atmosphere, terrestrial ecosystems, and aquatic ecosys-
tem of the Mississippi Basin produce ecosystem goods and 2. HOW ARE LAND USE AND LAND COVER
services (e.g., “provisioning” services like food production, CHANGING IN THE MISSISSIPPI?
plus “supporting” services such as providing clean water and
the maintenance of regular water flows) that are of signifi- The Mississippi Basin covers a wide range of climatic and
cant importance to humanity. topographic regimes across the United States, ranging from
mesic temperate forests in the east to dry shrublands and irri-
gated agriculture in the west. If we consider the patterns of
precipitation across the basin (Plate 1), we note that the 600
mm isoline of mean annual precipitation divides the eastern
(semi-humid) part of the basin from the semi-arid western
portion. Rain-fed corn and soybean cropping systems, grass-
lands, pastures, and forests dominate the eastern half of the
basin. Rain-fed wheat, irrigated (corn, soybean) cropping
systems, grasslands, and shrublands dominate the western
portion of the basin.
The Mississippi Basin spans a range of ecological and cli-
matic zones, but one important feature is consistent through-
out: human land use, especially for agriculture, is very common
(Plate 1). Roughly 30% of the basin is currently covered in
croplands [Donner, 2003; Table 1].
While the Mississippi Basin has been one of the most pro-
ductive agricultural regions on the planet for many years, it has
also undergone major changes in the last several decades. The
increasing industrialization of agriculture since the 1950s has
led to a dramatic change in the diversity and distribution of
agricultural land cover and land use practices in the Mississippi
Basin, despite a small decrease in total agricultural land area
[Ramankutty and Foley, 1998, 1999; Hurtt et al., 2001; Don-
ner, 2003]. As the agricultural sector made large investments
in infrastructure, mechanical equipment, agrichemicals, and
genetic modification, Mississippi Basin croplands became
increasingly dominated by corn, soybean, and wheat cultiva-
Figure 1. Interactions among ecological, hydrological and climate tion. Today, these three primary crops comprise over 65% of
systems in the Mississippi Basin. all cropland area in the Mississippi Basin, up from 46% in

1950 [Donner, 2003; USDA, 2003]. The agriculture of the fertilizers. Total nitrogen fertilizer use in the U.S. increased by
basin has also become more specialized by region: for exam- almost 20-fold from the mid-1940s to the mid-1980s, despite
ple, since 1950, corn cultivation has become even more con- the slight decrease in total cropland area [Alexander and
centrated in the fertile “Corn Belt” states from Nebraska east Smith, 1990; Battaglin and Goolsby, 1996]. The rate of nitro-
to Ohio, at the expense of cultivation in the southeastern U.S. gen fertilizer application on high-yielding crops like corn,
[Hurtt et al., 2001; Donner, 2003]. cotton and rice leaped from negligible levels in the 1940s to
One of the most significant changes in Mississippi land cover over 150 kg N ha-1yr-1 on average and well over 200 kg ha-1yr-
during the last 50 years was the expansion in soybean cultiva- 1 in some Mississippi Basin states [USDA, 1994, 2003; Don-

tion at the expense of other, less popular and less profitable ner et al., submitted, 2004.]. Nitrogen fertilizer is even applied
crops [Donner, 2003]. The planted area of soybeans increased to a substantial proportion of nitrogen-fixing soybeans in
from only 3.5% of Mississippi croplands in 1950 to over 22% many states; for example, in 2002 North Dakota farmers
today [Donner, 2003; USDA, 2003]. Most of this change treated 64% of soybean lands with nitrogen fertilizer at an
occurred within the central U.S. and lower Mississippi Valley average rate of 30 kg N ha-1yr-1.
where soybeans could be cultivated in rotation with nitrogen- Today, the fertilizer practices of individual farm operators
demanding corn. During this same period, corn (from 22.1% vary widely within agricultural regions and even within states
to 22.6% of the total cropland in the United States) and wheat and counties, due to both crop demands and economic concerns.
(from 20.4% to 21.4%) cultivation remained fairly constant. For example, Shepard [2000] found that 14% of Wisconsin
The soybean plant is able to fix nitrogen directly out of the farmers regularly applied more than twice the surveyed mean
air through a symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria and, of 214 kg N ha-1 on corn crops, which was already greater
therefore, does not require agricultural nitrogen fertilizer than the average USDA recommended rate of 176 kg N ha-1.
(although, as noted below, many farmers still fertilize soy- In short, the last fifty years have seen several important
beans); this makes soybeans not only less expensive to produce changes to the land cover and land use practices in the Mis-
but also a potential source of soil nitrogen when grown in sissippi Basin. Overall, there has been a slight decrease in
rotation with other crops [Jaynes et al., 2001]. cropland during the last fifty years and a dramatic reduction
Farming practices in the basin have also changed dramati- in cropping diversity. Today, corn, soybeans, and wheat dom-
cally during the last several decades. One of the most impor- inate the basin. Over the last fifty years, corn and wheat areas
tant changes in farm management has been the explosive have remained roughly constant, while soybeans have dra-
increase in industrial fertilizer use, such as particular nitrogen matically increased in area, at the expense of less profitable

crops. There has been a geographic consolidation of crops as lies where there is an adequate growing season and the amount
well, with corn production increasingly concentrated in the of precipitation is sufficient and coincides with the time period
central “Corn Belt” states. Another major change in farming (July) when corn plants are experiencing rapid leaf area expan-
practices has been the massive increase in fertilizer use across sion, reaching the silking stage, and progressing into the begin-
the basin, particularly nitrogen fertilizers. Corn has seen a ning reproductive (grain fill) stages [Thompson, 1986, 1988].
nearly 20-fold increase in fertilizer application rates, and soy- Next, we may ask how recent changes in climate might be
beans (which do not necessarily require fertilizer) also showed influencing yields across the basin. Work by Lobell and Asner
significant increases in fertilizer application rates. Taken [2003a,b] demonstrated that there were significant correla-
together, there has been a massive net increase in fertilizer tions between observed variations of corn/soybean yields and
application. Today, the land use of the basin is much more temperature between 1982 and 1998. They found that nearly
specialized and intensified than ever before from following a 20% of the yield increases occurring across the central U.S.
highly industrialized agricultural model (see DeFries et al., may have been linked to changes in climate, and not through
this volume. changes in farm management. Lobell and Asner went on to
suggest that, in a historical context, long-term gains in crop
3. HOW ARE CROP YIELDS IN THE BASIN productivity, which previously have been attributed to con-
CHANGING? tinually advancing technology and management should be
reduced by approximately 20%.
Crop yields in the Mississippi Basin have been steadily While Lobell and Asner [2003a,b] concluded that changes
increasing over the last several decades. While changes in in temperature potentially influenced corn and soybean yields
yield are not evenly distributed over space and time, and there- during their 17-year study, they were unable to determine
fore remain difficult to characterize with a simple statistic, it whether these trends were the result of “direct” physiological
is useful to note that mean U.S. crop yields have increased effects of climate on crops or of “indirect” farmer management
from 1.6 to 8.5 T ha-1 over the past century [USDA, 2003]. adjustments to a changing climate. Following this work,
Most of the yield improvements are likely due to changing Kucharik [in preparation] used a physiologically based–crop
farm management behaviors—including the introduction of yield model [Kucharik and Brye, 2003; Kucharik, in press] and
improved cultivars (better plant genetics producing high yield- historical USDA county-level corn yield data to further inves-
ing varieties), increased fertilizer use (to enhance soil nutri- tigate how decadal-scale climate changes may have affected
ent status), higher planting densities (closer row spacing), corn yields across the Mississippi Basin from 1958 to 2001.
increased reliance on irrigation (to reduce water stress), and Kucharik’s [in press] analysis shows that the optimum spring-
agrichemicals (to reduce losses to pests and diseases)—and time corn planting dates (as determined by climate) have
through the use of improved farm machinery [Thompson, become earlier and earlier by as much as 6 to 16 days between
1988; Naylor et al., 1997]. However, climatic and geograph- the 1960s and the 1990s (or up to 0.4 days per year) (Plate 3).
ical factors still exert an overarching influence on crop yield This result is in general agreement with satellite observations
across the Mississippi Basin, where precipitation (timing and showing an advance in the growing season of approximately
magnitude), temperature (extremes, and seasonal accumula- 8 days across the northern hemisphere between 1981 and
tion of growing degree-days), soil fertility, and irrigation 1991 [Myneni et al., 1997]. Furthermore, other studies have
strategies are the dominant controls [Ramankutty et al., 2002]. indicated that the growing season has lengthened by over 10
An important question to ask is whether recent changes in days in Europe since the early 1960s [Menzel and Fabian,
crop yield are entirely due to management changes or whether 1999] and that the growing season in Illinois has increased
changes in climate have had any effect. This dynamic rela- [Robeson, 2002]. Likewise, compilations of spring flower
tionship is particularly important in helping us understand bloom data as well as records of the arrival of migratory birds
the potential for future climate change to change the agricul- by Schwartz and Reiter [2000] and Bradley et al. [1999] have
tural production of the region. suggested that 5- to 7-day earlier spring onsets have also taken
First, we can consider how the present-day climate affects place during the mid- to later portions of the 20th century.
yield. Plate 2 depicts the average USDA reported corn yield However, this degree of springtime warming appears to
over the central U.S. for the 1990–2001 period. Several pat- decrease significantly towards the southern boundaries of the
terns are clearly illustrated in this map. First, there is a cen- Corn Belt, as optimum planting dates actually shifted later in
tralized area of high yield across southern Minnesota, the year by 1 to 5 days from eastern Kansas through Missouri
Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, with yields and central Illinois and Indiana. We note that these two distinct
decreasing to the north, northwest, and south. This region of regions roughly correspond with the division of where cooler
high corn production—the so-called “Corn Belt”—generally and warmer temperature trends are significant in the Lobell and

Asner [2003a] analysis, even though the periods of consider- Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and southern Illinois. The
ation do not exactly correspond between the two studies. increasing use of irrigation in the Great Plains has translated
Using a mechanistic crop growth and yield model, Kucharik into a widespread 10–30% decrease in interannual variability
[in press] found that there was a significant change in corn while simultaneously boosting yields by greater than 50%
yields between the 1960s and the 1990s, entirely driven by compared to rain-fed corn.
changes in climate (considering both changes in temperature Taken together, these studies suggest that the dominant
and precipitation) and the optimal springtime planting dates changes in crop yield in the Mississippi Basin are caused by
(Plate 3). The earlier planting dates over much of the north- changes in farm management. However, a careful analysis of
west portion of the study region coincided with a simulated historical climate and yield data—combined with process-
0.25 to 3 Mg ha-1 increase in corn yield. If corn had not been based crop modeling—suggests that changes in climate also
planted earlier (in response to the earlier springtime temper- contribute to increasing yield trends. Interestingly, the changes
atures) the increases in yield would have been much smaller. in climate appear to affect yield “indirectly” through farmer
Kucharik [in press] hypothesizes that the region of the behavior; for example, warmer temperatures allow farmers
Northern Great Plains that was delineated by Lobell and Asner to plant corn earlier in the spring than they otherwise could,
[2003a] with significant correlations between warmer tem- thereby enhancing yields for the entire season. Analyses of
peratures and increasing yields has likely seen significant historical crop yield data also suggest that the variability of
changes in management over the past several decades, most crop yields is increasing but not necessarily due to increasing
likely through changing choices of corn hybrids (which affect climatic variability. Instead, it appears that yields are reaching
the degree-day requirements to silking and maturity), plant- a “ceiling” in some regions where variations in weather appear
ing dates, or a combination of the two in response to spring- to have larger negative impacts.
time warming. Therefore, in this region, farmer adaptation to
climate (an “indirect” response of crops to shifting climate 4. HOW IS THE HYDROLOGY OF THE BASIN
patterns) may have taken precedence over the “direct” eco- CHANGING?
logical effects of warmer temperatures towards increasing
corn production. Changes in climate during the last few decades have had a
There are also indications that the instability (or year to significant impact on the water balance and river hydrology
year fluctuations) in U.S. corn yield has escalated since the of the basin. For example, stream-gauge data indicate that the
1950s [Naylor et al., 1997; Kucharik and Ramankutty, pers. annual mean discharge of the Mississippi River has increased
comm.] and that yield growth (annual increases in produc- by almost 30% between the 1950s and the 1990s [Goolsby et
tion) at the national level have fallen to a rate that will be al., 1999; Donner et al., 2002]. This trend has been attrib-
unable to keep up with future population growth [Duvick and uted to an increase in precipitation and runoff, particularly
Cassman, 1999]. These studies suggest that as yields approach during the spring and early fall, in the northern and central parts
potential ceilings across the U.S. Corn Belt, they may be at a of the Mississippi River Basin [Baldwin and Lall, 1999;
higher risk for catastrophic losses. Naylor et al. [1997] pointed Goolsby et al., 1999; Donner et al., 2002]. At the same time,
out that as yield ceilings are approached, poor weather years the seasonality of runoff and discharge has decreased due to
can have a much more significant impact on yield than do an increase in the fall and winter streamflow (Lettenmaier et
favorable weather years, primarily because yields have fur- al., 1994; Lins and Slack, 1999). This decrease in the sea-
ther to fall from a perceived average threshold. Additionally, sonality, despite an increase in the annual mean, is likely a
as yield growth rates plateau, interannual variability due to result of more diffuse spring snowmelt and increased late
weather fluctuations are easier to detect and separate from autumn and winter precipitation in much of the basin [Let-
the overall trend. Therefore, this may leave a false perception tenmaier et al., 1994; Baldwin and Lall, 1999; Donner et al.,
that the frequency of extreme weather occurrences (e.g., submitted].
drought, early frost, spring flooding) that are detrimental to Land use and land cover change may also cause important
crop production may also be increasing. changes to the hydrology of the basin through their impacts on
Kucharik’s [in press] analysis of historical USDA corn yield the land surface energy and water balance. In particular, land
data and crop modeling results found that significant changes cover change (e.g., from a natural landscape to an agricul-
in crop yield variability can be detected on decadal time scales. tural system) can alter evapotranspiration, soil moisture, water
In agreement with Naylor et al. [1997], Kucharik finds that yield, and river discharge [Bruijnzeel, 1990; Sahin and Hall,
interannual variability in yield has increased by approximately 1996; Wang and Eltahir, 2000; Costa et al., submitted, 2004].
5% to 20% between the 1950s and the 1990s over a large por- Furthermore, changes in land use practices (e.g., irrigation, fer-
tion of the Corn Belt, with the exception of portions of South tilization, and crop rotation) can affect both the quantity and

Plate 2. Average USDA-reported corn yield over the central United

States for the 1990–2001 period. Several patterns are clearly observed
in the geographic patterns of corn yield across the central United
States. First, there is a centralized area of high yield (the so-called
“Corn Belt”) across southern Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois,
Indiana, and Ohio, with yields decreasing to the north, northwest, and
south. This region of high corn production is generally where there
is an adequate growing season, and the amount of precipitation is suf-
ficient and coincides with the time period (July) when corn plants
are experiencing rapid leaf area expansion, reach the silking stage,
and progress into the beginning reproductive (grain fill) stages.

Plate 3. Changes in optimal corn planting date (a) and simulated corn
yield (b): 1990s versus the 1960s. (a) Using a process-based crop
model, Kucharik (in preparation) demonstrated that the optimal
planting date (defined by climatic parameters) for corn has shifted
substantially earlier since the 1960s in a large portion of the basin.
These earlier spring optimal planting dates may lead to increases
in yield. (b) Kucharik also illustrated that corn yield may have under-
gone substantial changes between the 1960s and the 1990s. In this
study, modeling results suggest that earlier springtime planting dates
(made possible by warmer springtime temperatures) can lead to
increasing yield. This may be an “indirect” response of corn yield
to climate, as it acts largely through the springtime planting date
(and a farmer decision), rather than directly through temperature
effects on crop photosynthesis.

Plate 4. Patterns of fertilizer use and nitrate leaching across the

Mississippi Basin. Donner et al. [submitted, 2004] used a process-
based terrestrial ecosystem model, combined with climate and fer-
tilizer application data, to estimate the rates of nitrate leaching in the
Mississippi Basin. Interestingly, the rates of leaching are dependent
on fertilizer application (top panel), plus characteristics of rainfall,
soil texture, and crop selection [Donner et al., submitted, 2004).

quality of water (see Eshelman, this volume). In fact, land Mississippi during the late 20th century and the subsequent
use and land cover change may significantly affect the avail- channelization of streams that occurred may be largely respon-
ability and chemistry of surface and ground waters on conti- sible for the observed increase in large flood frequency and
nental scales, ultimately contributing to changes of aquatic mean annual discharge in many of the tributaries of the Illi-
and coastal ecosystems [Turner and Rabalais, 1994; Vörös- nois River system.
marty et al., 1997; Frink et al., 1999; Goolsby, 2001; Coe At the scale of the whole Mississippi Basin, Twine et al.
and Foley, 2001, Donner and Kucharik, 2003]. However, we (pers. comm.) used a process-based land surface model, linked
still do not fully understand how the complex interactions to a spatially distributed hydrological routing model, to exam-
among land cover, land use, and climate have contributed to ine how changes in land use and land cover affect the hydrol-
changes in water flows and the dynamics of large watersheds. ogy of the Mississippi Basin. In this study, the models were
Land cover and land use changes may affect the seasonal used to simulate changes in water balance and river hydrology
variability and magnitude of runoff and discharge through a across the Mississippi River Basin resulting from the con-
number of interconnected processes. Changes in vegetation version of natural vegetation (pre-European settlement) to the
cover directly alter total evapotranspiration and hence runoff current mosaic of natural and agricultural landscapes that
through differences in the water requirements of different includes significant areas of corn, soybeans, and winter wheat.
plant communities. Additionally, changes in land cover and use (Corn and soybeans—summer crops—are mainly grown in
alter the rate at which water runs off the land surface and the eastern half of the basin that was formerly deciduous for-
infiltrates the soil column (e.g., through soil compaction, cre- est and temperate savanna, while winter wheat is mainly grown
ation of impervious surfaces, straightening and lining of stream in the southern plains that were formerly grasslands.) Both
channels, etc.) and how rapidly water is removed from the simulations were forced with the same climate so that effects
soil column (e.g., through tiling and ditching of fields). from land cover change were isolated.
Observational studies of small watersheds (10s of km2) in The Twine et al. modeling results suggest that the effects
tropical, temperate, and boreal regions [as summarized in of land cover change on the water balance of the Missis-
Bosch and Hewlett, 1982; Bruijnzeel, 1990; Sahin and Hall, sippi Basin are strongly dependent on the location in ques-
1996] have shown that, in general, a decrease in vegetation den- tion and on the particular land cover transition (e.g., from
sity (e.g., from forest to grassland or crops) can be expected forest to summer crops, or from grasslands to winter crops).
to increase annual mean water yield and discharge, while an According to Twine et al., in the eastern part of the basin, con-
increase in vegetation density tends to reduce water yield and version from forests to summer crops causes significant
discharge, consistent with alterations to the total evapotran- decreases in evapotranspiration in late spring, summer, and
spiration and soil infiltration rates. Costa et al. [in press] con- early fall and corresponding increases in runoff and river
firmed this process in a very large tropical river basin (the flow. The large rates of transpiration from trees are greatly
176,000 km 2 Tocantins River in Brazil), finding that an reduced upon conversion to summer crops. (Even though
increase from 30% to 50% of the land used for crops between crop transpiration rates may approach or exceed those of
1960 and 1995 is coincident with a 25% increase in annual trees, the crop-growing season is shorter.) The opposite
mean discharge, despite no change in the mean precipitation. effects are found in the northern plains where grasslands
Analyses in the Upper Mississippi River basin (draining were replaced with summer crops. The residue layer of dor-
large portions of Minnesota and Wisconsin) suggest that the mant grasses is eliminated upon conversion to crops and the
conversion of the natural landscape to a crop, pasture, and bare crop fields evaporate more water than the former dor-
urban mosaic is partially responsible for an increase in the sea- mant grass cover. Spring and summer evapotranspiration
sonal variability and the magnitude of the annual mean runoff increases and runoff and river flow decrease. Conversion of
and discharge in the late 20th century. For example, Knox grasslands to winter wheat in the southern plains causes sea-
[2001] showed that the conversion of forests and grassland to son-dependent changes that eliminate any annual change.
crops and pastures in the Upper Mississippi River basin is (The spring growing season of the winter wheat causes
consistent with changes in seasonal and annual mean dis- greater evapotranspiration rates in spring when natural grasses
charge rates of the tributaries and main stem of the Upper are dormant, and lower evapotranspiration rates in summer
Mississippi: conversion to croplands and pastures since Euro- and fall after the winter wheat harvest.) Correspondingly,
pean settlement has resulted in more rapid runoff from the total runoff decreases in spring and increases in summer
land surface and less soil infiltration and has also probably and fall.
contributed to an observed increase in the number of large The results from Twine et al. paint a more complex picture
floods. Additionally, a number of studies [e.g., Chagnon and of how land use and land cover change affect water balance and
Demissie, 1996] have shown that urbanization in the Upper river hydrology. The exact land cover transition is extremely

important, as is the particular geographic setting. Interest- fueled the increase in nitrate flux by the Mississippi River
ingly, these land cover changes, integrated over the entire [Goolsby and Battaglin, 2001; McIsaac et al., 2001; Donner
basin, cause an annual increase in river flow (at the outlet of et al., 2002; Justic et al., 2003; Donner et al., submitted, 2004].
the basin in Vicksburg, Mississippi) of roughly 2%. The increase in the rate of nitrogen fertilizer application
Comparing the small-scale catchment hydrology studies to on the major crops, particularly corn, has left more nitrogen
the large-scale modeling analyses illustrates an important in the soil available for leaching to rivers and streams across
point. The effects of land use and land cover change on hydrol- the Mississippi Basin [Goolsby and Battaglin, 2001; Donner
ogy are strongly dependent on the scale, and geographic con- et al., 2002; Donner et al., submitted, 2004]. Agricultural
text, of the place in question. For example, deforestation of research in the Mississippi Basin has demonstrated a non-lin-
small watersheds in the wetter portions of the basin will typ- ear relationship between nitrogen fertilizer use and nitrogen
ically lead to increasing runoff and river flow. However, con- losses from the soil [Randall and Mulla, 2001; Donner and
verting dry grassland regions (in the Northern Plains regions) Kucharik, 2003; Kucharik and Brye, 2003]. Beyond a thresh-
to a winter cropping system may actually lead to decreasing old, the proportion of applied nitrogen leached from the soil
runoff and river flow. Only by considering multiple land cover column (before it can be used by the crop) can increase expo-
transitions (e.g., from forest to corn, from grassland to win- nentially [Donner and Kucharik, 2003].
ter wheat) superimposed onto a large watershed with strong As the amount of nitrogen on the landscape across the Mis-
climatic gradients do we see the rich, complex response of sissippi Basin increased, the leaching of very soluble nitrate
the whole system. also became increasingly sensitive to climate and hydrology
[Donner et al., 2002; Donner and Kucharik, 2003]. As a result,
5. HOW IS THE WATER QUALITY OF THE BASIN the increase in runoff across the Mississippi Basin from the
CHANGING? mid-1960s to the mid-1990s (Figure 2) may alone be respon-
sible for a quarter of the observed increase in nitrate export by
As the Mississippi Basin has become dominated more and the Mississippi [Donner et al., 2002; Justic et al., 2003].
more by large-scale production agriculture, there have been The increase in fertilizer application may also have influ-
several important changes in water quality across the basin. A enced the seasonality of nitrate export by the Mississippi
particularly serious consequence of agricultural activities in River. The annual peak in nitrate export has shifted by over a
the Mississippi Basin is the increase in nutrient pollution, month since the 1960s from late March or early April to mid-
both in the groundwater systems (where it poses a significant May [Donner et al., submitted, 2004]. Most nitrogen fertilizer
human health threat) and in aquatic ecosystems (where it can application occurs at the time of planting in the spring [Padgitt
lead to eutrophication and hypoxia). The largest example is the et al., 2001], often coinciding with the annual peak in sur-
emergence of the “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico, which face runoff. The leaching of recently applied fertilizer and
has been tied to the flow of excess nitrate from the Mississippi residual soil nitrate in April and early May in the central por-
River system. tions of the Mississippi Basin likely fueled the large late spring
Nitrate export by the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mex- peaks in nitrate export during the 1990s [Donner et al., sub-
ico almost tripled from 1955 to 1999, primarily due to a six- mitted, 2004]. Climate-influenced changes in planting dates
fold increase in fertilizer application and an increase in runoff may further alter the seasonality of nitrate export by the Mis-
[Goolsby et al., 2000; Goolsby and Battaglin, 2001; Donner sissippi in the future.
et al., 2002; Donner et al., submitted, 2004]. This has been Today, highly fertilized croplands in the central Corn Belt
blamed for a major increase in the severity and extent of bot- and along the lower Missouri and Mississippi Rivers now act
tom water hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico [Turner and Rabal- as “hot spots” of nitrate leaching, particularly during the late
ais, 1991; Turner and Rabalais, 1994; Rabalais et al., 1996], spring [Donner et al., submitted, 2004; Plate 4]. The relative
which may contribute to increased benthic mortality and fish- contribution of these croplands to the nitrate exported by the
eries decline. In 2001, U.S. federal and state authorities Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico is even greater dur-
designed an action plan, using voluntary measures and exist- ing wet years due both to high leaching losses and reduced in-
ing laws, to reduce nitrate export by the Mississippi and stream retention [Donner et al., submitted, 2004]. The removal
Atchafalaya Rivers by 20–40% by the year 2010, in hopes of of in-stream nitrate via processes like denitrification depends
reducing the average size of the hypoxic zone [Mississippi on the opportunity for nitrate to diffuse into aquatic sediments
River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force, 2001]. and, therefore, tends to be inversely related to water residence
Several studies have clearly demonstrated how the increase time [Peterson et al., 2001; Seitzinger et al., 2002]. Conse-
in nitrogen fertilizer application across the Mississippi Basin, quently, nitrate leached from croplands adjacent to higher-
along with changes in cropland distribution and hydrology, order rivers, and during periods of high river discharge, is

Figure 2. Simulated and observed changes in nitrate flux in the Mississippi River, 1960 to 1995. There has been a dra-
matic increase in the nitrate flux from the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico during the last several decades. Here
we show three different estimates of this flux: one from river flow and nitrate concentrate measurements (USGS estimates),
and two from computer model simulations of Donner et al. [submitted, 2004].

more likely to be transported to the Gulf of Mexico [Donner of evidence now suggest an earlier springtime (from the
et al., submitted, 2004]. This further demonstrates how the 1960s to the 1990s) may be affecting agricultural sys-
application of fertilizers, the distribution of croplands, and tems, largely through changes in farmer management
patterns of climate can all influence the biogeochemical cycles (especially planting dates)—not directly on the crops
of nitrogen and other nutrients. themselves. There has also been an important change in
crop yield variability: In much of the basin, variability
6. WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED SO FAR? has been increasing since the 1950s, even though cli-
matic variability has not changed appreciably.
In this chapter, we have considered how land use and land
cover change can affect the timing and geographic distribution • The hydrology of the basin has also seen significant fluc-
of different ecosystem goods and services across the Missis- tuations during the last several decades, mainly driven
sippi Basin. In order to address these issues, we have had to by variations in climate. On smaller spatial scales, the
consider some of the relationships between the atmosphere, ter- impacts of land use/land cover change can introduce very
restrial ecosystems, and aquatic systems—at scales ranging large impacts on runoff and river flow. Analyses suggest
from individual fields all the way to the entire basin. A syn- that the effects of land cover change on water balance
thesis of observations, combined with hypothesis-testing mod- and hydrology is strongly dependent on the land cover
eling frameworks, can provide some important insights into transition (e.g., from forest to summer crops versus from
these issues. grassland to winter crop) in question and the underlying
We have noted several important factors that shape the flow climate.
of ecosystem goods and services in the Mississippi region:
• There has been a significant deterioration in water qual-
• The basin is heavily dominated by agriculture. During ity across the basin, especially in terms of nitrate con-
the last few decades, cropping systems have become less centrations of groundwater, surface water, and river flows.
diverse and are now strongly dominated by corn, soy- A major increase in nitrate outflows from the Mississippi
beans, and wheat. Soybeans have seen the largest increase is largely responsible for the hypoxic “dead zone” in the
in cultivated area in the last few decades. Fertilizer inputs Gulf of Mexico. Spatial patterns of climate (especially
(especially nitrogen) have also increased dramatically. precipitation and precipitation variability), soil texture,
and fertilizer application work together to produce “hot
• Crop yields have increased substantially during the last few spots” of nitrogen leaching, which have a disproportional
decades. Most of this increase appears to result from impact on the flow of nitrate into the Mississippi river
changing management practices, especially increasing system.
fertilizer inputs and irrigation. However, a substantial
portion of the crop yield increase appears to be related to This chapter has reviewed how changes in climate and land
changing climatic patterns over the basin. Several sources use/land cover can exert strong influences on the natural

resources of the Mississippi Basin. Further study of how envi- REFERENCES

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