LPT For Erosion Modelling in OpenFOAM

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LPT for erosion

modelling in
Differences between solidParticle and KinematicParcel
and how to add erosion modelling
Alejandro López
PhD Student
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, UK
Theoretical background
 Lagrangian Particle Tracking

- Eulerian-Eulerian models

Particles treated as a continuous phase

Conservation equations are solved for the particulate phase

-Euler-Lagrange approach

Eulerian continuum equations solved for the fluid phase

Newton´s equations for motion solved for the particulate phase


 Erosion

Finnie´s equation
Implementation of LPT in
 solidParticle Class

cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR/src/lagrangian/solidParticle

solidParticle.C -> Foam::solidParticle::move

Carrier phase properties: rhoc, nuc and Uc

solidParticleCloud.C –> definition of particle properties -> rhop, e & mu

 The intermediate library

 CollidingParcel
 ReactingParcel
 ReactingMultiphaseParcel
 ThermoParcel
 KinematicParcel

cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR/src/lagrangian/intermediate
The intermediate library
particleForces injectionModel
 cellZoneInjection
 Drag
 coneInjection
 Lift  coneNozzleInjection
 Gravity  fieldActivatedInjection
 Paramagnetic  inflationInjection
 injectionModel
 PressureGradient  kinematicLookupTableInjection
 VirtualMass  manualInjection
 NonInertialFrame  noInjection
 patchInjection
 patchFlowRateInjection

 exponential
 fixedValue
 general
 multiNormal
 normal
 RosinRammler
 uniform
The intermediate library
- ClounFunctionObjects
- facePostProcessing: Records particle face quantities on user-specified face

- particleCollector: Collects the parcel-mass and mass flow rate over a set of
polygons, defined as a list of points

- particleTracks: Records all particle variables one each call to postFace

- particleTrap: Traps the particles within a given phase fraction for multiphase

- patchPostProcessing: Standard post-processing. It outputs the desired

information a the user-specified patches.

- voidFraction: Creates the particle void fraction on the carrier phase

- particleErosion: This function creates the particle erosion field on the user-
specified patches
new volScalarField //Calculate magnitude of the particle
velocity at impingement
( const scalar magU = mag(U);
IOobject //Udir is the velocity unitary
( vector, i.e, the direction of the
this->owner().name() + "Q", particle at impingement.
mesh.time().timeName(), const vector Udir = U/magU;
// determine impact angle, alpha
mesh, const scalar alpha =
IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, mathematical::pi/2.0 - acos(nw &
IOobject::NO_WRITE Udir);
), const scalar coeff = p.nParticle()
mesh, const label patchFaceI = pp.whichFace
dimensionedScalar("zero", dimVolume, (p.face());
0.0) scalar& Q = QPtr_->boundaryField()
) [patchI][patchFaceI];
if (tan(alpha) < K_/6.0)
Q += coeff*(sin(2.0*alpha) - 6.0/
Q += coeff*(K_*sqr(cos(alpha))/6.0);
Templating in OpenFOAM
Templates are functions or classes that are written for one or more types not yet specied.

Function templates template<class ParcelType>

template<class CloudType>
template <typename T> inline const
inline T const& max (T const& a, T const& r>&
b) Foam::KinematicParcel<ParcelTyp
{ oInterp() const
return a<b?b:a; return rhoInterp_();
template<class ParcelType>
The template parameters have to be announced with a template<class CloudType>
syntax like: inline const
template<parameters separated by commas> ctor>&
e>::UInterp() const
return UInterp_();
Templating in OpenFOAM
 Class templates :

template<class T>

class Item

The firrst one defines the template type specification, and the second

one is the C++ class declaration

The implementation of a template class function must be in the same file as its declaration

 Template specialization

template <> class myclass <char> { ... };

This allows the definition of a specific implementation when the argument is of type char.
Coupling of the kinematicCloud
Class and an incompressiblesolver
 Uncoupled LPT

Copy and recompile the intermediate library:


mkdir -p src/lagrangian/

cp -r $FOAM_SRC/lagrangian/intermediate $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/

- In case a faster compilation is desired modify Make/files & Make/options by deleting the
entries relative to other types of parcels and clouds

- LIB = $(FOAM_USER_LIBBIN)/libkinematiclagrangianIntermediate
- wclean lib
- wmake libso
Coupling of the kinematicCloud
Class and an incompressible solver
 pimpleKinematicFoam LIB_USER_SRC = $(WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR)/src

-I$(LIB_SRC)/turbulenceModels/incompressible/turbulenceModel \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/transportModels \
 Create the solver directory -I$(LIB_SRC)/transportModels/incompressible/singlePhaseTransportModel \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/meshTools/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/fvOptions/lnInclude \
cd $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR/ applications/solvers/ -I$(LIB_SRC)/sampling/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/lagrangian/basic/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/regionModel/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_USER_SRC)/lagrangian/intermediate/lnInclude \ # -I$(LIB_SRC)/lagrangian/intermediate/lnInclude \
mkdir pimpleKinematicFoam -I$(LIB_SRC)/lagrangian/distributionModels/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/specie/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/basic/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidMixtureProperties/lnInclude \
Copy pimpleFoam into user´s directory -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidProperties/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidMixtureProperties/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/reactionThermo/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/SLGThermo/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/lnInclude \
cd pimpleKinematicFoam -I$(LIB_SRC)/dynamicFvMesh/lnInclude \

cp -r $WM_PROJECT_DIR/ applications/solvers/ EXE_LIBS = \

incompressible/pimpleFoam/* . -lincompressibleTurbulenceModel \
-lincompressibleRASModels \
-lincompressibleLESModels \
-lincompressibleTransportModels \
-lfiniteVolume \
Change name of pimpleFoam into desired one -lmeshTools\
-lfvOptions \
-lkinematiclagrangianIntermediate \ # -llagrangianintermediate \
-lthermophysicalFunctions \
mv pimpleFoam.C pimpleKinematicFoam.C -lsurfaceFilmModels \
-ldistributionModels \
-lregionModels \
-lspecie \
-lfluidThermophysicalModels \
-lliquidProperties \
-lliquidMixtureProperties \
-lsolidProperties \
-lsolidMixtureProperties \
 Modify Make/files & Make/options -lreactionThermophysicalModels \
-lSLGThermo \
-lradiationModels \
 Files -lLESdeltas \
-lcompressibleTurbulenceModel \
-lcompressibleRASModels \
-lcompressibleLESModels \
pimpleKinematicFoam.C -lregionModels \
-lsurfaceFilmModels \
-ldynamicFvMesh \

Coupling of the kinematicCloud
Class and an incompressible solver
createFields.H: At the beginning of the file add: Add density and dynamic viscosity fields Add the constructor for the
volScalarField rhoInf
kinematicParcel class
Info<< "\nReading transportProperties "rho", word kinematicCloudName
\n" << endl; runTime.timeName(), ("kinematicCloud");
IOdictionary transportProperties mesh, args.optionReadIfPresent
( IOobject::NO_READ,
IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ("cloudName",
IOobject ), kinematicCloudName);
( mesh, Info<< "Constructing
"transportProperties", rhoInfValue kinematicCloud " <<
runTime.constant(), );
kinematicCloudName << endl;
mesh, And just after: basicKinematicCloud
IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED, kinematicCloud
IOobject::NO_WRITE autoPtr<incompressible::turbulenceModel>
turbulence (
) ( incompressible::turbulenceModel::New kinematicCloudName,
); (U, phi, laminarTransport)); add: rhoInf,
dimensionedScalar rhoInfValue U,
( volScalarField mu
( mu,
transportProperties.lookup("rhoInf") IOobject g
); ( );
Coupling of the kinematicCloud
Class and an incompressible solver
pimpleKinematicFoam.C : Then, after #include "createMesh.H”:

After #include "IOMRFZoneList.H” copy #include "readGravitationalAcceleration.H"

#include "basicKinematicCloud.H" Finally, just before runTime.write();

Include after int main(int argc, char *argv[]) Info<< "Evolving kinematicCloud.name() <<
the following lines: endl;

argList::addOption kinematicCloud.evolve();

"cloudName", And compile with:

"name", wclean

"specify alternative cloud name. default is wmake


Coupling of the kinematicCloud
Class and an incompressible solver
 Coupled Lagrangian Particle Tracking (
TrackData& td,
const scalar dt, // timestep
const label cellI, // owner cell
 Term responsible for the coupling is Su() : const scalar Re, // Reynolds number
const scalar mu, // local carrier
const scalar mass, // mass
//- Calculate new particle const vector& Su, // explicit particle
velocity momentum source
vector& dUTrans, // momentum transfer
to carrier
template<class TrackData> scalar& Spu // linearised drag
const vector calcVelocity ) const;
Coupling of the kinematicCloud
Class and an incompressible
Inside createFields.H the following line is added after the density is read And recompile with:
from the particleProperties dictionary:

dimensionedScalar invrhoInf("invrhoInf",(1.0/rhoInfValue)); wmake

If the solution is properly coupled, the solver will write out two fields:
Then, in order to create the coupled version of the solver is to include this nameoftheCloud:Ucoeff It is of type
momentum transfer into the UEqn.H, so the file will look now like: volscalarField::DimensionedInternalField
// Solve the Momentum equation
tmp<fvVectorMatrix> UEqn It is a nonuniform List<vector>
( nameoftheCloud:Utrans It is of type
+ fvm::div(phi, U) volVectorField::DimensionedInternalField
+ turbulence->divDevReff(U)
== It is a nonuniform List<scalar>
volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn().A());
if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
 Geometry
 Simple Geometry
created with
 9000 hex cells
 Cuadrangular pipe
with a 90º bend

kinematicCloudProperties dictionary
find tutorials/ -name kinematicCloudProperties
 LPT in Paraview

– foamToVTK and – Postprocess

then open the VTK cloud directly in
file with paraview paraview
Erosion in Paraview
 Display erosion: kinematicCloudQ field

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