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1. They shall be the Executive(s) member(s) of the fund.

2. Shall attend executive meetings.
3. Shall be ready to assist any executive members when call upon to do so.


A. Each member shall pay once, an amount of five Ghana cedis (GH$5.00) as
registration fee.
B. Each member thereafter shall pay five Ghano cedis (GHC5.00) per month as
dues for the fund.
C. Payment shall be made through the financial secretary, chairperson, and
executives by the seventh day of each month.


The following shall constitute the signatories for the any money that is to be
kept at a recognized bank:

1". Chairperson
2. Financial Secretary
3. Treasurer
Any two of the above shall be valid for withdrawal of any amount of the


A. Fifty Ghqno Cedis (GHC5O.00/ shall be llept by the treasurer as impress.

B. This money shall always be made avoilable on demand.
C. The rest of the money shall be kept at a recognized bank.

A. The quorum shall consist of two-third of members present at any meeting.

B. Any decision taken by the quorum shall bind all members o/ the fund.

A. A three-member auditing teqm shall be oppointed at a general meeting of

members of the fund to audit the account of the welfare.
B. The auditing team shall be made up of only fully paid-up memhers.
C. Auditing of the welfare account shall be done every twelve (72) months
prior to the presentation of the state of affairs to members.

A. Seventy percent (70%) of the contribution of any member leoving the

congregation shall be given to him/her. This is applicable where the said
member has never benefited from the fund.
B. Those who have benefited thirty Ghana Cedis (C30.00) or less shall receive
fifty percent (50%) of their totol contribution when leoving the church.
C. (i) Naming ceremony are to be performed by church elders in the house and
thereafter the child may be brought to the chapel and members donate
money for the child.
(ii) Parents belonging to the fund shall enjoy one hundred Ghana Cedis
(GHC100.00) each during birth.
D. (i) A paid-up member shall benefit one hundred and fifty Ghanq Cedis
(G H C150.oo) during weddi ng.
(ii) The congregants shall also be asked to make contribution of five Ghana
Cedis (GHC1.OO) towards the wedding.
E. Whenever a member gets seriously sick for more than two (2) weeks,
he/she shall be entitled to the benefit of one hundred Ghono Cedis
(GHC100.00).The said member shall put into writing to inform the
executives of the church before benefiting.
F. Any member who fatts sick and is qdmitted at the hospital for one week or
more shall be given one hundred Ghona Cedis (GHC100.00).The above
payment shall be made upon presentation of receipts covering expenses
made atthe hospital.
G. (i) Two hundred Ghsna Cedis (GHC100.00/ shall be given to a member on
the death ofthe spouse.
(ii) Death of parents one hundred Ghqna Cedis (GHC100.00) and two
hundred Ghana Cedis (GHC200.00) for death of children.
(iii) lf q member dies, the following shall be made available. This is only
possible if the deceased was a fully paid-up member:
a) Two hundred and fifty Ghana Cedis (GHC250.001 for coffin.
b) One hundred. Ghana Cedis @HC100.00) for the children.
c) One hundred and fifty Ghana Cedis (GHC150.O0\ for spouse (if any).
d) Fifty Ghana Cedis (GUCSO.AO) to the family as funeral donation.
e) Each church member will be levied at least one hundred Ghana Cedis
(GHC100.00) to the funeral and burial service upon the death of a
church member.
f) IVlembers would enjoy benefits six months afterwards.

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