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Shot JlfflliJll u a •tbod ot surftce warlWI& metal '(IU'ta to 1-oft ftUpa .'\
reellltuc:e. JD cir.s.r to atv.ill - i s t c t ruulta 1t 1e mc:ea1MZ7 to CODtrol
.s...., obape, - - .. ot - - · .. WU. .. iatemlq - - ot 9hot;
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Prior to 'P""'"S• '111119ae otberV1H e-pec:U1e4 m t!ie bloepr1Jrt, .,..-t.1
•• Sball be Vithill 4iau1-1 - surftce tiDUb :nqld..-llta•

b. Sball blft - blat - t e 4 to blue pr1Dt .,.es..ticatlcml.

c. Ill ....., to be abot pemie4, 8llall ban all tillet. PLopcr~ taned, I

aU e4&e• brok.te, - all burni rao•e4.

11.. Wbere auc:b illepeetll'ID 1• :nq\llrff, •ball

:t;,alo illapecte4.
ha•• been 111.gDatl.ux or
2. PttD1.nJ• .,
Parta aball be peeDe4 1D • •cbill•
>lblcll IOball pr~ • - of propell1Ds
tbe epecs..tiell. •bot ap1Dat tbs - • of the i-rt 1111- Got 'P89ll1nc 1• re-
q111H4. Otber ...... •ball be properl:J ael<ell. 411r1J1c tl11a operation. \!!be
allowable nrlatiOD ill tbe boUDC!adea of _ . to be peened •ball bw + 1/8",
- 0 1 \lllleaa otbii'ViH ltpeC1tie4 OD tbe blllePL'illt•

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.3• -.uraeat at Peeng hteDlitz • C0!!H4!•
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•'tlall be weureO. ill acccd•- v1Ul C11411283·P1 Mttbo4 1 (rutilJI).
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u4 »"DiJIC CO"f'eftl•• 'fl>1I 1Dt-t1oe eboll appear OD piece s-rt .•

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tulet n411111 or ara to lie ,.._.i..
1/2 S w!n•-
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