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(Beams Reinforced for


Presented by:
Engr. CS Mantawil
Uses of compression reinforcement

limited size to specific dimension thus

deflection control

increases ductility of the beam

holds stirrups

allowance for stress reversal
Strain and stress condition at nominal flexural strength for doubly reinforced beam
Rectangular beam with
compression reinforcement

Source: Structural Concrete

Theory & Design by: Hassoun
and Manaseer, 6th Ed.
strain diagram in doubly reinforced beam

ϵ ' s =0.003 ( c−d '

c ) and from Hook’s Law,

f ' s=E s ϵ s =200,000 (0.003) ( c )

c−d '
=600 (
c−d '
c )

Compression steel yields

Compression steel does not yield
Note that ACI requires that tension steel must yield
Case 1: Compression steel yields (fs’ = fy)

Compression steel yields when
fy a
ϵ ' s≥ϵ y= Mn1=( As− A ' s )fy (d− )
Es 2
with T 1=C c
As1 fy=0.85 f ' c ab Mn2= A ' s fy (d−d ')
As1 fy since compression steel
0.85 f ' c b yields,

if both T and C-steel f = 0.90

if C-steel in transition
region i.e. f < 0.90
since then
more accurately,

a= β 1 c= β 1 ( )d ' ρ 1− ρ ' > ρ max
(600− fy)

ρ − ρ ' ≥0.85 β 1 ( )( )(
f 'c
600− fy)=K (compression steel to yield)
C-steel in transition region,
ρ 1− ρ ' > ρ max with a limit of ρ − ρ ' ≤ ρ max
but T steel must always yield
Note that ϵ ' s =0.003 ( c−d '
c )
Case 2. Compression steel does not yield (f’s <fy)

ρ − ρ ' < 0.85 β 1 ( )( )(

f 'c
600− fy

Again, the equilibrium equation:

T = A s f y =C c +C s
C c =0.85 f ' c β 1 cb

[ ( )
c−d '
C s = A ' s ( f ' s −0.85 f ' c )= A ' s 600
−0.85 f ' c
[ ( )
A s f y =(0.85 f ' c β 1 cb)+ A ' s 600
c−d '
−0.85 f ' c
] rearranging, the terms gives

(0.85 f ' c β 1 b)c + [(600 A' s )−(0.85 f ' c A ' s )− A s f

y ] c−600 A ' s d ' =0
The equation leads to a quadratic equation with c to be determined.
after c is determined, we can now compute for a, f‘s, Cc and Cs
The equation can be resolved in quadratic form such that it is
similar to : A1 c 2 + A2 c + A3=0
A1=0.85 f ' c β 1 b
A2= A' s (600−0.85 f ' c)− A s f y
A3 =−600 A' s d '
Solve for c by: c=
2 A1
[− A2 ± √ A2 −4 A1 A3 ]

Once c is determined, f’s, a, Cc and Cs can now be calculated.

f ' s =600( c−d '

c ) a= β 1 c
C c =0.85 f ' c ab
C s = A' s( fs ' −0.85 f ' c) The term A’s (0.85f’c) can be ignored.
Alternately, some authors ignore the term A’s (0.85f’c):
Giving the revised equilibrium equation to be:

[ ( )]
A s f y =(0.85 f ' c β 1 cb)+ A ' s 600
c−d '
Results to quadratic equation to solve for c

then a= β 1 c
in terms of compression forces Cc and Cs,

M n = A s 1 f y (d − )+ A' s f ' s (d −d ' ) or
M n =0.85 f ' c ab(d − )+ A' s f ' s (d −d ' )
Note: The last two equations would not exactly be the same due to rounding off numbers.
Sample problems
1. Compute the practical moment (design
moment capacity) for a beam having a cross-
section as shown in the figure. Use f’c = 21
MPa and fy = 415 MPa
2. Determine the design moment strength for a
beam having a cross section as shown in the
figure. Use f’c = 34.5 MPa and fy = 415 MPa
Ex 3.
A rectangular beam has a width of 300 mm and an effective depth of d = 570
mm to the centroid of tension steel bars. Tension reinforcement consists of six –
#29M dia steel two rows, compression reinforcement consists of two -
#22M bars placed as shown in the figure. Calculate the design moment strength
of the beam if f’c = 28 MPa and fy = 414 MPa. Part of
A’s = 2 (387) =774 mm2
As = 6 (645) = 3870 mm2
As 3870
ρ= = =0.02263
bd (300 x 570)
A' s 774
ρ '= = =0.00453
bd (300 x 570)
ρ − ρ ' =0.01810 A s −A ' s =3096 mm2

for f'c = 28 MPa β 1 =0.85

Ex 4.
Determine the design moment strength of the beam section shown using f’c =
34.5 MPa and fy = 414 MPa.
Part of solution:

A’s = 3 (510) =1530 mm2

As = 6 (819) = 4914 mm2
As 4914
ρ= = =0.02463
bd (350 x 570)
A' s 1530
ρ '= = =0.00767
bd (350 x 570)
ρ − ρ ' =0.01696
A s −A ' s =3384 mm2
for f'c = 34.5 MPa β 1 =0.80

When Mu > fMn and the section size is to be
maintained, a doubly reinforced section is an

Design may be based on the rmax which is a certain
percentage of rb

Let Mu1 = fMn when it is a singly reinforced section
and so with As1

A beam section is limited to a width b = 250
mm, and a total depth h = 560 mm and has to
resist a factored moment of 307 kN-m.
Calculate the required reinforcement. Given : f’c
= 21 MPa and fy = 350 MPa.

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