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MATAR LTRs MODERN HORROR FIND CONSPIRACY \ AVAIL AU Ab Mc TIT) ADAM SCOT GLANCE TMs) REL dS CAT DENNIS DETWILLER bei han RM Aey ie AU oA MOT De hen Te a ee eae Eo ac area ned Oe race Pore UE an uae rte ten a Reto ear ena meses en length to get every little detail right Scott Haring, Pyremid game reviews bi eee a ee a is A NE an geome the shelf chitter that takes his name in vain, Lovecraft would have been pleased to be een arr Ta Ray Winhinger, designer of Underground SINK LA €) foe tele cee eee ree at PR ase ere Te ene Rte cenin a long time Richard Dansky, developer, Wraith: Th: Oblivion atd Mind's Eye Theatre COE Rtn cct OM En Meece ure iy nappy With Delle Green een te ea ee ‘Delitt Gieen takes sourcebooks to a new ee er Gr ieomece te cr ieee hat. went into this book is beyond impres. am cavern ener: neces Mark Awenault, president, Gold Rush Games The absolute finest roleplaying game book aren eer eta ‘Kenneth Hite, Nephilir line Peon nr) Meme ad STM TEER NON MCT a ea Gd ea ea me oe en ry 199) ahinp: se 0700 e kun sure vere) 2 bette us. stronger than us. end vorst s their offices and debate tne nccord wi an denn in echange for steetth tech Priest prunciples, They've Lest SU wor. they've Fargocten vby th rest Un, glass ond ev yes ore halts (ov ronsters vho Laugh wre a gene thinks that evil died ink that {n they think the spocalupse, isn’t going to he 8 ‘ord and don't go to church it FuLth on cracks and the ere he rank and Fle oF human . tn the folds of enister hey nanifest, and all has ever understood vices oF our ity. 've been there. z've 9 re c's i he acta Oot. only this is me nolL nem Ledtneafit® Or pure destruction: Tie ns ee se tpl tae Re retire in 1970 shen comy and 2'n not sti Men--ané women, for @ fot it don to a science PODETHOK is Filed, and the Bich to their routine and ro sone nove. the on the edges of couldn't care Less $8 I've been Fighting UP to, but wajestic J arrive. they'Lt cone tramp (out. of erder” for hour thet kup. generator rasan minutos they" LL ct “The sime would be easy o know, for then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evi, with laws and morals thrown aside ‘and al men shouting and kiling and reveling in joy” ELE. Lovecapi, “Ube Call of Cbulbu” by Dennis Detwiller, Adam Scott Glancy, and John Tynes f iddiional Material by John H. Crowe, iM, and Robert McLaughlin ‘Mustrated by Toren G. thinsoa, Dennis Detwiter, Heather Hodson, and Jone T. Snyder PAGAN PUBLISHING PRESENTS DELTA GREEN BY DENNIS DETWILLER, ADAM SCOTT GLANCY, AND JOHN TYNES DEVELOPER/EDITOR JOHN TYNES ART DIRECTOR DENNIS DETWILLER COVER ARTIST BLAIR REYNOLDS ILLUSTRATORS TOREN ATKINSON + DENNIS DETWILER + HEATHER HUDSON + JOHN T: SNYDER GRAPHIC DESIGNER C. BRENT FERGUSON ‘TYPESETTER JOHN TYNES FROOFREADERS BRIAN APPLETON ‘+ BOB KRUGER TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATION JOHN TYNES MEGO DESIGN TOM KALICHACK GREY & DEEP ONE DESIGN DENNIS DETWILLER ADDITIONAL MATERIAL JOHN H. CROWE, Ill + ROBERT (MCLAUGHLIN: PLAYTESTERS BRIAN APELETON + JEFT BARBER + LARRY BRACKNEY » LEANN BRACKNEY + STEPHEN BUCK + JETF CAREY + CHARLIE CONLEY + DENNIS DETWILER » JIM FERRY + SCOTT HARING + PETER LINK + JIM LONGSTER + MARY LONGSTER + CHRIS MANTERIA + DRAKE MOGUINNIS + SCOTT (MILLER + DARI MORRIS + CRAIG PETTUS + DANIELRAAB + BLAIR REYNOLDS + DON RICE « CHRIS STANLEY ‘SPECIAL THANKS TO JOHN H. CROWE Ill + JOFIN GALLANT « ADAM SCOTT CLANCY + ALLAN T: GROHE JR, * FLORIAN HANKE » JONAS HEDKVIST « JONATHAN KEIM + TOM KRONHOFFER + RICARDO MENDEZ. + KEITH POTTER + GRAEME PRICE « COREY SMITH DELTA GREEN CREATED BY JOHN TYNES SAUCER. WATCH & KAROTECHIA CREATED BY ADAM SCOTT GLANCY THE FATE CREATED BY DENNIS DETWILLER “Third Priming. Delta Gren is published by Paean Publishing forthe Call of Chidnd™ roleplaying wame. ‘This is & work of fiction. Any simiriy with seteal people or even, pastor present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except for those people and events desebed in historical contex. Call of Culh™ is Chaosium, Ins trademarked game of horror and wor der, and is used with their kind permission. Cover arwork ©1996 Bhi Reynolds, Interior arwork ©1996 by the respective iuserators Published in associason we the Deka Green Parmershp. “big Brother fiom Then to Now,” “Timeline: Big Brother from Then w Now,” "Timeline: Deka Green,” “important Individuals: Delta Green,” “Tamline: Mastict2,” “Karotechi” “im portant Incividuab: Karotechia." “SauceiWotch,” “Important Individuals: SaacerWatch,” “Bibliography.” “Glossary,” “Puppet Show and Shadow Pay,” "Feder Agencies,” Inamducton,” “The Big Pictur,” “The Mythos in the 0s” “Comengence.” Creating lovesigaton,” ‘Delta Green” “Important Individuals: Mast,” “The New Age,” “The Fang from Yuggoth,’ “The ate; “Important Individual: The Fat,” “Mysterious Manuscripts,” and “Majestc-12" are ©1996-97 the Delta Green Parmer. ship. The intellccnal property known as “Deka Green” is © and ™ the Delta Green Parmership and is used by permission. “Modern Firearms” and "New Skills" ©1996-97 John H, Crowe lll. “Securay Clasifcaton” ©1996-97 Robert McLaughlin, ‘Quotations from other sources are © che respective amthors, Except for purposes of review, a0 pontions ofthis work may be reprecicedby any means wihout peciision of the tekxont copyright holders withthe exception of these pages marked! “This [Page mar be photocopied for personal use only” Al rights reserved workdwide by the copyright holders. IFyou kave questions oF ‘comments or would lke a fce cxtaog, wrt eo: Pagan Publishing $6 sth Ave Nt, Seale, WA 98105. IS: or sen email 0: REV ‘@TCCORRGON: oF cll (206) pens to be a contact for the Karotechia, and who can pass the investigators contact information once the investigators have kicked his ao around the block or threstened him with an audit. Set up entry points like this appropriate to your ‘campaign, so thatthe investigators can start knocking on the right doors and making prowres if theyre doing the right things. As part of this, consider constructing a flowchart showing how various cues (or even types of cues, such as airplane tickets, telephone records, or what have you) will connect the investigators to an entry point, and from there to someone ese, and from thereto the bad guys, or what- ever. Leave the cue paths general (“Talk to a junkie” rather than “Talk to Ray Giteiman, the junkie im Chicago") so that ‘you can simply add specific details (name, afiiation, locale) ‘on the spot without blowing your structure or having to snake up a whole new path of hues ‘You may also want to locate additional published mate- rials to help flesh out your campaign. Modemday Call of ‘Cthulna scenatios can be found in Chaosium's The Stars ‘Are Right! and At Your Door, as wel as back issucs of The Unspeakable Oath and other magazines you can also adapt scenarios from other contemporary horror/conspiracy games into your campaign. Source material on this sort of thing can also be useful; you might look at GURPS Imi. ‘nati, Compinary X. Hidden Invasion. the World of Darke ness RPGs, and other similar products for additional ideas. Finally, the lst thing you need to decide is whether the in. vestigators in your campaign will already be members of Delta Green of whether they should experience the process of recruitment and indoctrination firsthand. Ifthe former, you can just hit the ground running with whatever scenario you cc 49 wes IF the later, we suggest chat you Brot run “Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays” for only one or two of your players, who should be FBI agents; they should then (as, ewcibed in the erenarin) he recrited by Dela, Green ‘Then, for the next scenario (probably one of your devising, ‘or else “Convergence”) the newly minted Delta Green inves: ‘tigator would recruit the other investigators into the organi- zation (or pethaps some of them could already be mem- bers). This tactic is interesting since it reinforces Delta Green's conspisay structure-some investigators might even be kept in the dark about Delta Green fora scenano or Wo before the truth is revealed! All sorts of nifty things can be done along these lines, with the goal being to impress on. ‘everyone dhe inpurtans uf Delun Gress avseey and met ‘ds, and to encourag the players to think lke paranoid com spirators. (For more information on choosing investigators sed Deching out thee hackgrovinde, ene Creating, 2 Dalia Green Investigator on p. 236.) With your opening gambit picked out, your scenario primed and ready to go, and your plotlines and entry points set up, it’s time to cook with gas. Get reading, friend, and get busy: there’ a war on, of a sort, and we necd all the help we ean get. ‘Who is "we"? “That would be telling, Be seeing you! THE AATOS WHE TTS TENG PCT John Tynes MES HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE 19205, WHEN ‘enlightened investigators fought against the forces of the unknown to stave off the eventual end of human jig, The wotkl las laungg, nd the Clay Mythos has changed with it. Once, isolated encounters with insidious, noisome terrors in remote areas were the stuff of horror. Now, the horror f the Mythos works in a very different way. As we rocket closer towards the End Times itis the decay of society and human order thats truly fightening. (ur belief in monsters receded as the century sped by. and with it went the monsters themsehes, scutting back into the shadows. In their place stood serial killers, geno-