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Step Into a Digital World


1.2.a. Cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of
the permanence of their actions in the digital world.
1.2.b. Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology,
including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
1.2.d. Manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are
aware of data-collection technology used to track their navigation online.


How can elementary students protect themselves online?


What do young students need to know about ways to keep their information safe
and private?
How can students protect their digital footprint?


Students will decide what is safe and unsafe to share online.

Students will demonstrate knowledge by creating a footprint displaying safe

information about themselves.

● Video : 6 Ways Your Kids Can Protect Their Online Identities

● Canva
● Vocabulary Cards
● Footprint template
● Video: Follow the digital Trail
● Pre/post assessment
● Digital Footprint Sort: Safe or Unsafe


Prior to the Lesson (The day before): Students will complete a pre test on their
knowledge of digital footprint.
Attention Grabber (2nd grade):
The students will enter the classroom and observe that there have been different
colored footprints left all around the classroom leading to different paths. The
teacher will divide the class into color groups that match the footprints to
examine the envelope left behind on each. Each envelope will contain a very
important digital vocabulary word. Students will be instructed to say the word
and determine the meaning. The students will present their word to the class and
reveal what they think the word means. Students will hold a thumbs up or down if
they agree or disagree with the meaning. The teacher will reveal that the
meanings will be discussed further in the lessons. Words include: Reputation,
personal information, safety, digital footprint, permanent.
The teacher will share a Video by Common Sense Media referencing the meaning
behind leaving a digital footprint. The students will be asked to pay close
attention to the things they should and should not share online. Following the
video, the teacher will ask guiding questions such as: How can you decide
something is safe or unsafe online? Who can you share your information with?
What are examples of safe things one might share? Why do you think it’s
important to keep your information safe? What would you do if you revealed
something unsafe online? Students will partner to complete a Jamboard or
Google Slides of safe and unsafe items to share online. A class discussion will
follow as the teacher displays the safe/unsafe template on the smart board, while
students reveal which category they should go in. If students disagree, then two
students will conduct a fun debate to prove why the student believes in his/her
response. Examples and/or evidence will be provided to support his/her claim.
The teacher will reveal how she keeps her digital footprint safe by sharing the
following Video. The teacher will showcase a digital footprint that she has created
as an example displaying images of ways to create a positive online digital
The students will then create their own digital footprint using the template
provided. The final footprints will be displayed on a bulletin board entitled: Step
Into a Digital World!
Students will complete the post test on digital footprints.


Students will participate in a Kahoot game or Nearpod activity to review what it

means to practice safe online behavior.
Students will partner to create a Canva presentation that teaches K-1 graders the
meaning of digital footprint.
Students will provide tips to practicing good digital citizenship via the morning
announcements for one week and create posters that engage the younger
students to act responsibly online.


Teachers will note that this is an introductory lesson for lower elementary
Teachers will need to gather copies of the pre/post test, along with the footprint
Teachers will need to prep ahead of time to paint the footprints around the room
(washable paint) and prepare the envelopes containing the vocabulary words.
Teachers will need to create a Jamboard or Google Slides presentation and post it
to the students’ Learning Management System so that the students may have
Teachers can share communication with parents regarding digital safety topics
that have been addressed and encourage them to continue the discussion at
Teachers can reach out to the media specialist to see if she has lessons to support
this topic.

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