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1)Topic: Tips for how to exercise effectively

Reason why I chose this topic: To highlight how an individual's mindset influence
their attitude towards exercise and fitness. I am planning to tell the reader how to
exercise effectively,and to encourage the reader to prioritise self-care.

2)Article I chose to read about the topic: “Here to help; I hate running.I trick my
brain into doing it anyway.”
Author: Erick Vance
Date: May 4, 2024
Publication: The New York Times Company

3)Three thing I want to tell the reader:

Tip One: “Reprogram your brain”.Erick Vance.(May 4,2024)
I plan to tell the reader that the key to effective exercise and fitness is to first
reprogram your mind beforehand. This helps to create a positive attitude towards
exercise and fitness. I plan to highlight the psychology of exercise and fitness to
the reader.

Tip two: Get a friend or a family member to do the exercise routine with you.
-I plan to tell the reader how, from personal experience, exercising with a friend or
a family member has helped me to have a fulfilling exercise routine and experience
in my life. I will also highlight how having a friend or a family member to exercise
with boosted my morale.

Tip three: Set a constant reminder beforehand

-I plan to tell the reader how keeping electronic calender helps towards effective
exercise and fitness. Psychologically, the mind will eventually get used to the
constant reminders, making the exercise routine enjoyable and fulfilling.

What I want the reader to know before they move to read the next paper:
Conclusion: The reader needs to recap the main points I highlighted in the outline;
reprogram your brain, get a friend or a family member to do the exercise routine
with you, and set a constant reminder beforehand. Most importantly I want the
reader to understand the psychology of exercise and fitness.
The middle statement taken from the article is tip one: reprogram your brain.

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