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Name and Surname: Course: Date:

1st English Test: (Present Simple, Present Continuous and Simple Past) 1 /28
1. Match the rules with the correct present tense /6

1. to talk about daily routines PRESENT

2. to talk about actions happening around now SIMPLE
3. to talk about actions from the near future
4. to talk about habits PRESENT
5. to talk about facts CONTINUOUS
6. to talk about events happening right now

2. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Simple form. /6

a. He usually _______________________ (go) to work by bus.
b. Mr. Andrews _____________________ (not/ like) fast food.
c. They never _______________________ (pay) attention to my words.
d. Harry ____________________________ (play) tennis at the club on Fridays.
e. It rarely __________________________ (rain) in summer.
f. What time _______ you _____________ (get up) on Saturdays?

3. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Continuous form. /6

a. Jess ____________________________ (talk) on the phone now.
b. Be quiet! The baby ________________ (sleep) in the bedroom.
c. My sister ________________________ (study) Math at the moment.
d. My father ________________________ (watch) a documentary right now.
e. My friends _______________________ (play) the instruments in the studio.
f. What ________ she ________________ (do) this weekend?

4. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences. /5

a. Do you always play/ Are you always playing videogames after school?
b. We go/ are going on holiday with our parents in August.
c. You don’t need/ aren’t needing to bring any money for the school trip.
d. Why do you use/ are you using my computer right now?
e. I read/ ‘m reading a book every night before I go to sleep.

5. Complete the dialogue with the words in brackets. Use the present Simple or the Present
Continuous. /5
Sam: What _________________ (you/ do) this afternoon Ben?
Ben: I _____________________ (play /football) in the park with Joe and his friends.
Sam: Oh, ___________________ (they/ need) another player?
Ben: Yes, they do. _______________ (want) to play?
Sam: Yes, please.
Ben: Great! I____________________ (go) round to Joe’s house now. Come with me.

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