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Las 100 palabras en inglés más usadas

Artículos más Pronunciación Traducción Ejemplo


The /ðiː/ el/la/los/las The best experience

of your life.

A /ə/ un/una Have a good time in


An /æn/ un/una Malta is an island.

Verbos más Pronunciación Traducción Ejemplo


Be /bi/ ser o estar Will you be my


May /meɪ/ poder (posibilidad) I may see you


Can /kæn/ poder / saber Can you drive?

Do /du/ Hacer / v. auxiliar Do you want to

come to Malta?

Say /seɪ/ decir Say goodbye

Go /ɡəʊ/ Ir We go shopping

Get /ɡet/ conseguir / comprar He stopped to get

some food

Make /meɪk/ hacer / producir You make a

chocolate cake

Know /nəʊ/ saber I don't know.

Think /θɪŋk/ opinar / pensar I think Vivirse is the

best agency.

Take /teɪk/ llevarse / tomar You have to take it.

See /siː/ ver I can see you!

Come /kʌm/ venir Come to Malta and

live this experience!
Want /wɒnt/ querer I want to live

Look /lʊk/ mirar Look at these blue

mediterranean sea

Use /juːz/ usar / utilizar Use your mobile to

take the best photo

Find /faɪnd/ encontrar We find a new life in

the island

Give /ɡɪv/ dar Vivirse gives me

good prices

Tell /tel/ decir / contar Tell me about your

experience in Malta

Adverbios más Pronunciación Traducción Ejemplo


When /bi/ ser o estar Will you be my


Now /naʊ/ ahora Get your English

course now!

How /haʊ/ Cómo How do you learn


Also /ˈɔːl.səʊ/ también I'm cold, and I'm

also hungry

Not /nɒt/ no He's not fat!

As /æz/ tan / de She works as a


Up /ʌp/ (hacia) arriba Put those books up

on the top shelf.

Here /hɪər/ aquí Vivirse is waiting for

you here in Malta.

There /ðeər/ allí, ahí Put the chair there.

So /səʊ/ muy, tan Malta is so cool

Very /ˈver.i/ muy Thank you very


Too /tuː/ demasiado/también I like her too.

Sustantivos más Pronunciación Traducción Ejemplo

Time /taɪm/ tiempo Time passes so


Year /jɪər/ año This year I go to


People /ˈpiː.pəl/ personas / gente In Malta you will

meet new people

Day /deɪ/ día Today is the day you

make the decision

Man /mæn/ hombre The man in the

green jacket

Thing /θɪŋ/ cosa What's that thing

over there?

Woman /ˈwʊm.ən/ mujer She's a really nice


Work /wɜːk/ trabajo I've got so much

work to do.

Child /tʃaɪld/ niño / niña / hijo / As a child I didn't eat

hija vegetables.

Life /laɪf/ vida The best experience

of your life

World /wɜːld/ mundo Malta is the best

country in the world

Back /bæk/ (hacia) atrás If you take the pen,

then put it back.

Way /weɪ/ camino / manera Follow Vivirse’s

students way.

Pronombres más Pronunciación Traducción Ejemplo


I /aɪ/ Yo I love you.

My /maɪ/ mi My travel to Malta

Me /miː/ mí, a mí, me Malta is waiting for

You /juː/ tú, ti, a ti, You look nice

vosotros/vosotras, a
vosotros/a vosotras,
usted, a usted,
ustedes, a ustedes,
lo/la, le, los/las, les,

Your /jɔːr/ tu, su, vuestro Is this your bag?

He /hiː/ él He won't know.

His /hɪz/ su The bull tossed his


Him /hɪm/ él, a él, lo, le If you see Kevin

give him my love.

She /ʃiː/ ella She loves me

Her /hɜːr/ ella, a ella, la, le, su She lives her best
night in Paceville

It /ɪt/ Ello It was on my desk

Its /ɪts/ su The dog hurt its


We /wiː/ nosotros/as We help you

Our /aʊər/ nuestro/a This is our work

Us /ʌs/ nosotros/as, nos, a Contact us and let

nosotros/as the adventure begin

They /ðeɪ ellos/ellas They’re in Malta

Their /ðeər/ su, de ellos/de ellos Their home is in


Them /ðem/ ellos/ellas, a ellos/a Invite them to the

ellas, los/las, les Vivirse’s event

This /ðɪs/ este Can you sign this


That /ðæt/ ese, aquel How much are those

tickets to Malta?

These /ðiːz/ estos I found these photos

of Valletta

Those /ðəʊz/ esos, aquellos Can I help you with

those bags?

Who /huː/ quién Who is having fun in


What /wɒt/ qué What is “mela”?

Which /wɪtʃ/ que / cuál Which is the best

beach in Malta?

Adjetivos más Pronunciación Traducción Ejemplo


Good /ɡʊd/ Bueno/a Life in Malta is really


All /ɔːl/ todos/as All the maltese cities

are beautiful

Even /ˈiː.vən/ hasta, ni siquiera I don't even know

where it is.

Just /dʒʌst/ ya, inmediatamente I'm just coming

First /ˈfɜːst/ primero This is my first time

in Blue Lagoon.

Many /ˈmen.i/ muchos Many students trust

in Vivirse

One /wʌn/ uno He had two slices

and I only had one.

Some /sʌm/ algo de, algunos There's some cake

Like /laɪk/ gustar I like Malta

Other /ˈʌð.ər/ otro I want to visit other


More /mɔːr/ más Would you visit

more cities?

New /njuː/ nuevo I’ve bought a new


Any /ˈen.i/ algo (de), nada (de), Is there any of that

algún lemon cake left?

Down /daʊn/ (hacia) abajo Is this lift going

Conjunciones más Pronunciación Traducción Ejemplo

And /ænd/ y You and Vivirse.

Or /ɔːr/ o Is it Tuesday or
Wednesday today?

If /ɪf/ si (condicional) if you contact us,

you won't regret it.

Because /bɪˈkəz/ porque We help you

because you’re
important for us

But /bʌt/ pero She works hard but

doesn’t earn a lot of

Than /ðæn/ que Malta is better than


Preposiciones más Pronunciación Traducción Ejemplo


Of /əv/ de The smallest

country of Europe

In /ɪn/ en Is Mark still in


To /tuː/ para / por / a This my ticket to


For /fɔːr/ para / por Best offers for you

With /wɪð/ con Travel with us

On /ɒn/ en / sobre There's blood on

your shirt.

By /baɪ/ por We were amazed by

what she told us

Out /aʊt/ fuera He leaned out the


Into /ˈɪn.tuː/ en Let's go into the


About /əˈbaʊt/ sobre What's that book


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