Three Kingdoms Quotes

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'd rather betray the world than let the world betray me. Cco Cco
The world can do wIthout Cao Hong, but not wIthout you, my lord! Cco Hony
What are you waItIng for: f , a leader of rank, can rIsk my lIfe, cannot you: 6cn Nny
8ut do not grIeve; so long as lIve, wIll not allow WeI to come and conquer Shu. 1cny We
f you wIll not, D |aster, what wIll become of the people: Lu 8e
The northern people are rIders and the southern people saIlors; It Is saId quIte true. Lu 8e
0o no evIlness because It Is a small one; do not leave a small deed undone because It Is just a
petty one. Lu 8e
You see everythIng from the poInt of vIew of brute courage. You seem not to know the prIncIples
of war laId down by Sun ZI and Wu QI. ThIs dIsplay Is only meant to entIce us Into fIght. You wIll see
the pretense yourselves In about three days. Lu Xun
f you could fInd eIther HIdden 0ragon or 8loomIng PhoenIx, you could restore order In the
empIre. Smc Hu
There are fIve possIble operatIons for any army. f you can fIght, fIght; If you cannot fIght, defend;
If you cannot defend, flee; If you cannot flee, surrender; If you cannot surrender, dIe. Smc Y
Your words, D WIse Dne, are as gold and precIous stones, but fear that my soldIers wIll not carry
out my commands unless myself share theIr dangers. Sun Ce
Cao Cao may have hIs Zhang LIao, but can match hIm wIth my frIend Can NIng. Sun Qucn
When a worthy person Is born Into a turbulent world, he has to be a soldIer and gIrd on a three
span sword to step on the mountaIns to mend the sky. have not rendered great servIce. Why must
dIe before have attaIned my desIre: Tcsh C
Essence of my father, blood of my mother, I cannot throw thIs away, and he proceeds to swallow
hIs own eye. Xchou 0un
t Is saId that the lord's honour Is the servant's glory, the lord's sadness Is the servant's shame. How
can turn my back on the famIly have so long served. Xn Pny
f had a son lIke Sun Ce, should dIe wIthout regret. Yucn Shu
Those who are skIlled In combat do not become angered, those who are skIlled at wInnIng do not
become afraId. Thus the wIse wIn before they fIght, whIle the Ignorant fIght to wIn. Zhuye Lcny
0o the unexpected, attack the unprepared. Zhuye Lcny
When a man Is In the world, D, He ought to do hIs best.
And when he's done hIs best, D. He ought to have hIs rest.
And when have my rest, D, 'll quaff my wIne wIth zest.
And when 'm drunk as drunk can be, D, 'll sIng the madman's lItany. Zhou Yu
D Cod, sInce thou made Zhou Yu, why dId thou also create Zhuge LIang: Zhou Yu
The noble person who has eaten of hIs lord's bounty should dIe In hIs lord's battles; to return to
one's home dead and wrapped In a horse's hIde Is a happy fate. Am the sort of people to brIng to
nought the grand desIgns of my country:
Zhou Yu
He who wIns people, prospers; he who loses them, faIls. Your present plan should be to seek
humans of hIgh aIms and farseeIng vIews, and you can establIsh yourself fIrmly. Zhou Yu

Romance Of Three Kingdoms
September 13, 2011

1hose who are skllled ln combaL do noL become angered Lhose who are skllled aL wlnnlng do noL
become afrald 1hus Lhe wlse wln before Lhey flghL whlle Lhe lgnoranL flghL Lo wln
Zhuge Llang

An enllghLened ruler does noL worry abouL people noL knowlng hlm he worrles abouL noL knowlng
Zhuge Llang

Cood generals selecL lnLelllgenL offlcers LhoughLful advlsors and brave subordlnaLes 1hey oversee
Lhelr Lroops llke a flerce Llger wlLh wlngs
Zhuge Llang

noLhlng ls harder Lo see lnLo Lhan peoples naLure 1he sage looks aL subLle phenomena and llsLens
Lo small volces 1hls harmonlzes Lhe ouLslde wlLh Lhe lnslde and Lhe lnslde wlLh Lhe ouLslde
Zhuge Llang

1o overcome Lhe lnLelllgenL by folly ls conLrary Lo Lhe naLural order of Lhlngs Lo overcome Lhe
foollsh by lnLelllgence ls ln accord wlLh Lhe naLural order 1o overcome Lhe lnLelllgenL by lnLelllgence
however ls a maLLer of opporLunlLy
Zhuge Llang
ueLach from emoLlons and deslres geL rld of any flxaLlons
Zhuge Llang

1he loss of any army ls always caused by underesLlmaLlng Lhe enemy 1herefore gaLher lnformaLlon
and waLch Lhe enemy
Zhuge Llang

?ou are harmed by decadence when [udgmenL ls based on prlvaLe vlews when forces are moblllzed
for personal reasons 1hese generals are Lreacherous and lmmoral
Zhuge Llang

1he flve skllls are sklll ln knowlng Lhe dlsposlLlon and power of enemles sklll ln knowlng Lhe ways Lo
advance and wlLhdraw sklll ln knowlng how empLy or how full counLrles are sklll ln knowlng
naLures Llmlng and human affalrs and sklll ln knowlng Lhe feaLures of Lerraln

1he four deslres are deslre for Lhe exLraordlnary and unexpecLed ln sLraLegy deslre for
Lhoroughness ln securlLy deslre for calm among Lhe masses and deslre for unlLy of hearLs and
Zhuge Llang (ln 1he Way of Lhe Ceneral)
l knew lL would be llke Lhls before Lhe baLLle sLarLed
"There is more to me than just strategy."
"Battles are not won on strength alone."
"This battle is as good as won."
"Strength is but one aspect oI power."
"OverconIidence leads to Iailure."
"You do not know your enemy or yourselI."
"War requires a victor."
"I shall do what I must."
"This deIeat is all part oI the plan."
"The mind conquers all."
"The enemy is strong. Exercise caution."
O "You will not get away with this!"
O "You are overextended! Control yourselI!"
O "I was... unable to repay you... my lord."
O "One soldier cannot make a diIIerence!"
O "II you value your liIe, leave now."
O "In battle, strength alone will not save you!"
O "This retreat is part oI the plan."
O "We will retreat to minimize the damage."
O "Your words are meaningless."
O "This is the outcome to all oI my strategies?"
O "Even a child could devise a better strategy!"
O "There is no greater weapon than a prepared mind."
O ""The opportunity we were waiting Ior has presented itselI. Begin the counterattack."
O "The opponent is Iormidable. However, we must not lose hope."

O "Retreat is merely yet another Iorm oI strategy."
O "It appears that even wisdom cannot alter Iate."
O "I shall deal with that one. Everybody else need only stick to our plan."
O "Protecting our bases is the most basic oI strategies. We must send reinIorcements at
O "I want the entire enemy to charge the main camp. It will take nothing less than that to
emerge victorious."
O "Concentrate on protecting the main camp. By holding oII the enemy, we can look Ior
an opening."
O "It is true that the best traps are usually the most simple."
O "Surprise attacks are low level strategy at best. You must aim Ior greater heights than
O "I am aware oI the danger oI my actions. However, it is all part oI my plan."
O "You Iell Ior my trap the moment you set Ioot on the battleIield."
O "There are limits to what a single man can do. You must remember to Iight within the
conIines oI our strategy."
O "You've been doing more than your share. I shall striIe to Iollow your example."
O "Battle is not only about how hard you Iight. You will learn that tactics trump brute
Iorce every time."
O "You use yourselI as the bait. Now you're thinking outside the box."
O "There is a weakness in those who believe themselves strong. So easily you are drawn
O "I have Iinally caught up with you. I have prepared a punishment worthy oI your
O "You show wisdom in seeking out the commander. However, it helps you not."
O "Despite knowing the enemy would send these reinIorcements, it does not make the
battle any easier."
O "Fate can sometimes be cruel, can it not?"
O II winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?
Vince Lombardi
O Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.
Vince Lombardi
O Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than to win and do the wrong
Tony Blair (09/11/2005)
O The Iirst step on the way to victory is to recognize the enemy.
Corrie Ten Boom
O Victorious warriors win Iirst, then go to war, while deIeated warriors go to war Iirst
and then seek to win.
Sun Tzu
O Winners never quit and quitters never win.
O A winner is somebody who goes out there every day and exhausts himselI trying to
get something accomplished.
Joe Torre
O The player with the boldest moves usually wins.
Jonathan Van Voorhees (23/10/2009)
O Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.
Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower
O I would rather lose in a cause that will some day win, than win in a cause that will
some day lose!
Woodrow Wilson
O I live to win, not to survive!
O A winner`s strongest muscle is his heart.
O Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.
Vince Lombardi
O Success is the ability to go Irom one Iailure to another with no loss oI enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill
O First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they Iight you, then you win.
Mahatma Gandhi
O Courage is not the absence oI Iear, but rather the judgement that something else is
more important than Iear.
Ambrose Redmoon
O Only two things are inIinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about
the Iormer.
Albert Einstein
O Our greatest glory is not in never Ialling, but in rising every time we Iall.
O The ultimate measure oI a man is not where he stands in moments oI comIort, but
where he stands at times oI challenge and controversy.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
O I can be changed by what happens to me,
I reIuse to be reduced by it.
Maya Angelou
Kong Ming`s Sixteen Strategies:
1. Governing a country
Be as "unerring as the North Star"
2. Ties between the ruler and subjects
Let respect and loyalty become the only set oI links between the ruler and his subjects.
3. Observing and listening
Be a leader with a good strategic understanding oI the situation at hand. Keep your
mind on the game and your eye on the target.
4. Acceptance oI advice
Be receptive and kind to other people's ideas.
5. Being perceptive
Be perceptive oI all details (large and small) and make a clear distinction between the
attribute oI right and wrong.
6. Managing people
In order to win people over to your side, educate them.
7. Selection oI people
Seek the worthy and employ the talented.
8. PerIormance evaluation
Promote the praiseworthy and dismiss the average perIormers and producers.
9. Military administration
Play the game eIIectively and win by sound strategy development.
10.Rewards and punishments
While you reward those who deliver a clean, eIIicient administration, you should
punish those who do not.
11.On emotion
Do not make decisions via emotion.
12.Controlling chaos
Be careIul when handling a chaotic situation.
13.Education and orders
RectiIy oneselI Iirst when issuing orders.
14.Dealing with diIIiculties
Act decisively to eliminate the cause oI chaos.
15.Looking ahead
Be Iarsighted and cautious when planning.
Commit one's selI to strive only Ior success.

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