Disc Aba Update

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Char: Aokiji

Bio: *Is it too cold?*

Price: 2200

**1**. **Ice sword**- lets you make an ice sword, does 5 damage per hit but you can
only use it for temporary amount of time. Also, if he hits you he can use a combo
but then he will lose the sword (Unblockable, CD: 15 seconds)
**2**. **Ice dart**- lets you trow an ice dart at the opponent **(20 damage)**
*(Blockable, CD: 10 seconds)*
**3**.**Ice Ball**- with this move you can make an ice ball which can roll onto the
enemy and deal damage **(25 damage)** (Blockable, CD: 20 seconds)
**4**.**Ice block**- you already may know what this does. This move creates
several spears of ice by solidifying the cold air around him. It can be used as a
block, but also as an attack at the same time. (Unblockable, CD: 10 seconds)

*This stage is too early for you all*

**Awakening** Aokiji becomes half frozen and gets serious

**1**.**Ice ocean**- with this move you can freeze all players around you, it also
does damage. You can move freely and attack others with it**(does 2 damage each
second, but this only lasts for about 12 seconds)** (Blockable, CD: 25 seconds)
**2**.**Ice freezer**- if you touch a player he freezes and it deals 30 damage.
*(CD : 20 seconds, Unblockable)*
**3**.**Ice star**- you can fly into the air, and fire ice stars. (you can fire 6
stars every time you use it) But be careful, you may miss **(5 damage each star)**
*(CD: 15 seconds, Blockable)*
**4** **Ice Pheasant**- this move releases a massive wave of ice in the shape of a
pheasant in a single blast. **(Insta kill)** *(Unbreakable, Uses awakening)*

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