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Date of Publication: 06/03/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Legal and Political Tenets of the Nineteenth (19th) Amendment of the Constitution of the United

Legal and Political Tenets of Relation:

(1) As with Amendment Fifteen, the right to vote is emancipated further within the
Nineteenth (19th) Amendment and it articulates in explicit terms that there shall be no
discrimination amongst voters, those of [minimum] age, and that women as of the
electorate, equal in effect and standard procedure secured for employing no
discrimination in conducting the procedure as undelineated and of no separation, shall
be protected as fundamental to society,
(2) There shall be no law or policy, of any designation, which shall serve to mandate an
over-representation of men within any government space, of elected and unelected
public servants and officeholders,
(3) There shall be no law or policy which shall decide the power of any woman to cast her
vote, the time or place outside standards unbreachable for and by all, or the conditions
which she shall experience in committing to the nominal act,
(4) There shall be no power of any woman or any man to decide the fate of the electorate by
dictatorial means made hidden or expressed or to create any scheme which defrauds
the American society, of any sector of jurisdiction,
(5) Any and all laws and policies on the right and happiness of voters shall explain, via
technical inference or by discreet terminology, that there shall be no regression,
depreciation, or negation of the right of women to be equally happy in motivating change
by ethical, procedural, and social means not issued sanction(s) for breach or
unconstitutional abridgement,
(6) The federal government and all subordinates, meaning state, local, and, with time,
Associate State, in conceding that equal constitutional rights ought to be enjoyed by all
American nationals, citizens, and residents abroad in Associate States also, shall
express that women shall have the equal right to vote within all public/multi-public
constituencies and within all private corporations and councilships requiring registration,
exposition, or such,
(7) Public and multi-public jurisdictions, of American governance or its membership, shall
ensure that no element, debate, policy, or legislative output shall disparage in effect any
law protecting the equal rights and stature of women and girls, aside men and underage
male persons, toward electorate participation,
(8) There shall be no power asserted by any man or woman within or outside Government
which shall disqualify or discredit the traditional right of women to articulate the peculiar
interests of women or the popularizing right of women to cater to popular society of little
delineation in political philosophy, in campaign focus, and on diplomacy, and
(9) All persons in Civil Society, when partnering with Government via ⁸contract or social
endorsement, shall assist, protect, or secure the articulation of women's equal right to
vote and participate as a public servant and/or an Office holder, [whether] elected,
appointed, or contracted per law and standard of respect.

Notes of Relation:

(1) I, Shawn Dexter John, do have a financial account which is literally worth just over
$10,000,000 (USD), not crypto currency or EBT dollars, but conventional United States
dollars sealed by conventional but exceptionally secured means.
(2) There is no tax owed on (and no delinquencies associated with) the related financial
accounts in any segment of the world.
(3) Communication to CIA: I have infiltrated a prostitution scheme and I will audit and
report on the matter to immediately free related women from the industry into Agency
work per my procreation program, especially those already with my kids, toward raising
our kids together into speedy federal agents of international protection motivated to see
ethical and progressive change (though without any social, political, economic, or legal
detriment to me).
(4) The federal and state agents who placed my photo, clearly identifiable above, on the
arrest and/or conviction records of their ex-husbands, brothers, sons, fathers, and/or
ex-partners shall accept their wives and female partners and those of the related women
of Shawn Dexter John's procreation program (with respect to induction) being placed
under the protective custody of the Agency program detailed consistently as the federal
agents, all White, have refused without possible reversal to serving a ten year sentence
(with respect to incarceration within penitentiaries) rendered against the team of agents,
never including Shawn Dexter John.

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number: 1537WTYBUI5487

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