Promote Your Memory, Sharpness, Wit, and Wisdom - With The Three Secrets To Optimum Mental Functioning

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Promote your memory,

sharpness, wit, and wisdom -
with the three secrets to
optimum mental functioning
Let the 28 safe, natural brain-boosting
ingredients in this powerful nutrient blend
roll back your 'mental mileage' by years!

Dear Health Reader,

The other day, I went to the library to return some books.

There was just one small problem...

I'd forgotten to take them with me when I left the house!

We've all done stuff like this, haven't we? Of course. And
while examples of mental short-circuitry like this one may
be commonplace, the long term importance of memory
and mental functioning is not to be taken lightly

Yet for all the power of modern medicine, there's still

nothing that conventional doctors can do - and nothing
pharmaceutical manufacturers have cooked up in a drug
lab - that can turn you into an 'instant Einstein,' make you
less forgetful, or help you suddenly remember long-
forgotten names and dates... 4/7/2005
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But here's the good news: There are some natural

substances you can safely use to promote sharpness,
memory, and cognitive function. Many of these have come
to light relatively recently, while others have been in use
for millennia. Some work in sophisticated chemical ways;
others in a more subtle, indirect manner that boost the
mind through their effects on the entire body.

But never before have they all come together in one safe,
affordable source...

Until right now-in NorthStar Nutritionals' new and

improved Sense of Mind formula.

Knock out the New York Times crossword

puzzle in 30 minutes flat

Now, you're probably thinking:

'I've seen so-called 'memory supplements' before - they're

basically nothing but overpriced ginkgo biloba. I can get
that at the grocery store. What's so special about Sense of

The answer to this question lies in the fact that industry -

leading biochemists working with NorthStar Nutritionals
know that there are actually three ways that nutrients can
contribute to enhanced brainfunction. Most garden-variety 4/7/2005
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mind and memory supplements rely on only one of these

all-important 'pillars.' But without the other two...

Well, the effects of these 'grocery-store' formulas just

aren't very memorable.

Here at NorthStar, however, our pioneering scientists

discovered what we call the 'three-legged

Without all of its supporting legs, it's virtually useless - it

tips right over! It's the same way with brain-boosting
nutrients: Only by using all three pillars (or 'legs') of
natural intellectual enhancement can the absolute
maximum benefits to your mind, memory, and mental
energy be realized.

What I'm saying is this: Our new Sense of Mind formula is

guaranteed to help you retain your memory, wit,
creativity, and alertness - using proven, high-quality
natural ingredients those other products lack. So if you'd
like to once again polish off a crossword puzzle over
breakfast, drive a car more alertly-or simply do your
shopping without a list, read on...

#1: Pump up your mind-power with the 'fuel' your

brain needs for clearer thoughts and memories.

As any car buff can tell you, the key to getting maximum
performance is to cram as much fuel into the engine as 4/7/2005
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possible. It's the same way with your brain-only the 'fuel'
isn't gasoline...

It's nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood.

And just like everything else in your body - your heart,

lungs, muscles, tissues, bones, hair, you name it - the
more of the red stuff you give the ol' noggin, the better it's
going to perform. It's just that simple. That's why our new,
improved Sense of Mind formulation contains a potent pair
of safe, natural circulation enhancers that will help to boost
cognitive function:

Vinpocetine - This side-effect-free natural wonder

increases cerebral blood flow (sometimes
dramatically) in as little as a single dose.

And the body of research backing up vinpocetine's ability

to promote blood flow to the brain is indeed impressive.

Ginkgo Biloba - The effects of this ancient far-

eastern secret for supporting memory and
concentration are among the most thoroughly
documented in all of medicine. As a powerful
vasodilator, ginkgo biloba enhances recall and mental
focus in much the same way as vinpocetine-by allowing
your blood vessels to transport as much nourishing,
oxygen-rich blood as possible to your gray matter...

And to ensure maximum potency and effectiveness, the 4/7/2005
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ginkgo biloba in Sense of Mind is of the highest quality

available in the industry - unlike the binder-laden versions
of this crucial nutrient that are in most 'grocery store'

Though oxygenated blood is what a healthy brain just can't

function without, special chemical 'messengers' called
neurotransmitters are what boosts cognitive performance
even higher. Among the various neurotransmitters
produced naturally by your body, acetylcholine is the most
powerful, and a lack of it can be disastrous. In fact, some
evidence suggests that effects of age on cognitive
functionhas been linked to a lower levels of acetylcholine in
the brain...

But NorthStar's Sense of Mind gives you a safe, all-natural

way to boost the brain system that makes acetylcholine:

Phosphatidylcholine (Lecithin) - Serving as a major

structural component of cerebral cells, lecithin plays
a vital role in supplying the nutrient 'raw materials'
your brain needs to maintain production of
neurotransmitters like acetylcholine.

Some preliminary research has indicated that lecithin can

dramatically aid in short-term memory-things like serial
learning, word recognition and recall-in healthy people of
all ages.

Together, the vinpocetine, ginkgo biloba, lecithin and other 4/7/2005
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supportive ingredients in newly improved Sense of Mind

work to enhance the flow of nutrient-rich, oxygenated
blood to your healthy mind - and also to retain your brain's
ability to produce the vital chemical messengers that can
address memory and cognitive function.

But this is just the first leg of the stool...

#2: Boost your mind/body energy for lightning-fast

thinking and recall.

Many people live in a kind of low-energy 'fog of the mind'

for the majority of their days - especially as they get older.
Why? Because of poor sleep quality, insufficient dietary
nutrients, or an overload of mental stress, which can tax
your mind into numbness and inefficiency. And while the
link between energy levels and mental acuity is an
undeniable one, so many of today's supplements aimed at
mind and memory enhancement completely ignore this
crucial 'second leg' of the stool...

But NorthStar's new and improved Sense of Mind formula

contains ingredients that are time-tested to safely and
effectively boost both mind and body energy levels:

DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) - Actually similar in its

effects to the acetylcholine - boosting lecithin, DMAE has
also exhibited memory-enhancing benefits. But what DMAE
has that other neurotransmitter - promoting chemicals
don't are some energy enhancement properties as well. 4/7/2005
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Also, DMAE is shown to have a positive effect on

communication between the brain's two halves, lending
your creative abilities a valuable boost - so don't be
surprised if you find yourself quoting
Shakespeare, or writing that novel you know is hiding in
there somewhere.

Trimethylglycine (TMG) - A potent form of the amino

acid glycine that plays a pivotal role in the respiratory and
energy production processes of all mammalian cells (called
the Krebs cycle), trimethylglycine enhances the blood's
absorption of oxygen - which spells a powerful boost of
energy to both your muscles and your brain. Remember-
what's good for the body is also good for the mind.

Used for years by professional athletes for side-effect-free

energy enhancement, TMG carries with it some great
fringe benefits - like protecting your liver cells from toxins,
and reducing blood - borne homocysteine levels for
optimum heart health. That's right: TMG not only boosts
your capacity for energetic exercise of the mind and body,
it also helps protect your ticker.

Pantothenic Acid - Well known in the alternative health

community and among athletes as a natural stamina-
enhancer, pantothenic acid also plays an absolutely crucial
role in aiding your body in the production of the vital
intelligence-boosting neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In
fact, it works hand-in-hand with both lecithin and DMAE in 4/7/2005
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this very same process. And pantothenic acid is essential

for your body's production of steroidal hormones (like
natural cortisone).

These are just a few of the energy-boosting, memory-

sharpening ingredients in Sense of Mind. But in order to be
truly complete, NorthStar Nutritionals' 'three-legged stool'
of total mental
support needs one final pillar...

#3: Banish the blues for optimum memory and

cognitive performance.

Don't we take stock of a person's mood before asking for

his or her opinion...or for a favor...or before assigning
them a task to complete?

Of course we do - but why...?

It's because we know instinctually that mood has a

profound effect on the mind. Think about it: Do you make
your best decisions when you're overwrought with the
stress or emotions of the moment? Or do you do your best
thinking and problem-solving when you're cool-headed,
detached, and emotionally serene?

You don't have to be a scientist to know about the

existence of this mood/mind relationship - it's as plain as
the nose on your face. Yet this basic truth is something
many supplement makers completely overlook when 4/7/2005
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putting together their mental enhancement or memory


But not the industry-leading biochemists at NorthStar


They've uncovered a surprisingly large body of virtually

unreported scientific evidence plainly illustrating this
strong link between mood and the mind - especially when
it comes to memory. That's why we've included in our
complete Sense of Mind memory and mental enrichment
formula a potent trio of safe, natural mood-balancers and

Inositol - This safe and effective natural depression-

buster helps you manage stress - so you can get some
real, clear-headed thinking done. Naturally present in your
body - and vital for the health of your entire nervous

As an added benefit, Inositol can promote energy


GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) - An important

amino-acid based neurotransmitter, GABA helps to
regulate brain and nerve cell functioning, producing a
calming and focusing effect that's widely known in the
mental health community. Within a well balanced nervous
system, GABA protects against overloads in the neural
pathways - and against over-excitement or impulsive 4/7/2005
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lapses in judgment.

N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine - An amino-acid building block, N-

Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is an important component in the basic
structure of all proteins in the body - and is also the
precursor to a pair of neurotransmitters (L-dopa and
norepinephrine) that are vital for optimum mental

By boosting production of these vital neurotransmitters, N-

Acetyl-L-Tyrosine functions as a natural stress-fighter-
especially if you're under any kind of duress.

It's well known that mood swings can be caused by lower

levels of neurotransmitters. As part of the often-
overlooked third pillar in the 'three-legged stool,' this trio
of mood-stabilizers can you conquer preoccupation and
stress-allowing the circulation-boosters and energy-
enhancers to unlock your brain and memory power to the

But so far, I've only told you about nine of the brain-
boosting vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in NorthStar's
Sense of Mind. Even if this new and improved formula
contained only these nine ingredients, it would still be the
very best mind- and memory-boosting product on the
market today, by far!

And it would definitely be worth every penny of the 66-

cents-a-day price, even without the ironclad NorthStar 4/7/2005
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Nutritionals money-back guarantee that accompanies

every supplement we sell...

Holding the 'three-legged stool' together:

The super-nutrient platform, nails, and glue...

You may have noticed that some of the ingredients already

mentioned have clearly proven benefits in more than one
of the three crucial 'legs' that make up our powerful brain-
boosting formulation...

But there is still more that Sense of Mind can offer you.

Because rounding out the field are some of the best and
most effective super-nutrients known to man. Every one of
these ingredients bring to the mix clinically proven benefits
that complement or directly contribute to one or more of
the 'three legs' I've already shown you-along with side
benefits that
help your overall health.

I'm talking about vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants - all

the major ones you need, plus a few 'secret weapons'
thrown in for good measure. Why? Because a healthy,
stress-free body paves the way for your optimum memory
and mental acuity. Need an example or two?

How about the grape seed extract that's one of the world's
most potent heart-healthy free-radical fighters... 4/7/2005
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Or the mixed tocopherols (also antioxidants) that can help

promaote the healing of all manner of tissues-including
those in your cranium...

Or the folic acid that can aid in digestion and help rebuild
strong, healthy bones (yes, even your skull)...

Or the more than 20 other precision formulated ingredients

manufactured and blended to the industry's highest
standards of freshness, purity, and potency. Just think of
them as the nails and glue that hold our 'three-legged
stool' of cerebral support together...

Now, here's how to use it to take a load off - of your

mind, that is...

If you want to retain your youthful creativity and wit,

renew your mental focus and concentration, and safeguard
your vivid memory - not to mention recharge yourself with
energy and a positive frame of mind - I urge you to try
our Sense of Mind daily dietary supplement right now.

But to allow these powerful brain - and body-boosters to

fully infuse your system - and to really notice a change in
your energy and outlook - it makes sense to give our
Sense of Mind supplement a good, honest try for at least 3

Which you won't pay a penny for unless you're completely

satisfied! 4/7/2005
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You see, here at NorthStar Nutritionals, our goal is to

make sure our customers RISK NOTHNG when trying our
revolutionary supplements. If this means offering a 30-day
money back guarantee (like a lot of our competitors), then
we'll triple it - just to make sure you have every chance to
experience all our product's benefits before parting with
one cent of your money...

You can try Sense of Mind for a full 60 days, RISK FREE.
That's triple the guarantee of most of our competitors.

So try Sense of Mind now - RISK FREE - and start rolling

back your 'mental mileage' for good... And never forget
those library books (or whatever) again!

Yours in sharp mental focus,

Karen Reddel

NorthStar Nutritionals

Two caplets contain: % Daily

Vitamin A (as natural beta- 1250 IU 25%
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 120 mg 200%
Vitamin E (as d-alpha 30 IU 100%
tocopherol with mixed
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine HCl) 15 mg * 4/7/2005
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Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) 15 mg *

Niacinamide 38 mg 190%
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine 15 mg 750%
Folic Acid 400 mcg 100%
Vitamin B12 (as 80 mcg 1333%
Biotin 230 mcg 77%
Pantothenic acid (as calcium 30 mg 300%
Selenium (from selenium 10 mcg 14%
PABA (para-aminobenzoic 150 mg *
DMAE 25 mg *
Lecithin (soya) 100 mg *
Phosphatidylcholine (from 24 mg *
Lipotropic Proprietary blend 200 mg *
(Trimethylglycine, choline
bitartrate, inositol)
N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine 10 mg *
Grape Seed Extract 15 mg *
(Standardized to 95%
Vinpocetine 10 mg * 4/7/2005
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GABA (gamma amino butyric 15 mg *

Ginkgo Biloba (leaf) 37.5 mg *

Supplement Facts
For use as a dietary supplement take 2 caplets daily
as a dietary supplement.
Serving size: 2 caplets - Serving per container: 30

Additional Information
Contains No: Sugar, salt, yeast, or artificial colors,
flavors, or preservatives.
Keep container tightly closed. Do not use if outer
seal is broken or missing. Keep out of reach of
children. Protect from heat, light, and moisture.
Store at room temperature (59°F-86°F).

** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and

Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
prescribe for, treat, prevent, mitigate or cure any disease.
Consumers are cautioned to read all labels and follow all directions.
You should always consult with your physician before using these
or any such products. Pregnant or lactating women, or anyone with
any illness should consult with their medical doctor prior to taking
this product. 4/7/2005

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