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Pseudo Weights and Bias implementation in Graph Sequence for

Multi Agent conversation


I heard you liked neural networks, so I put neural networks in your

neural networks.

I know i know, they're not really neural networks. But this was funny.
One of the recurrent challenges of multi agent systems is the selection of the next agent. This
becomes increasingly problematic the more complex a workflow your agent group has.

To improve speaker transition accuracy, we have combined the Autogen framework using the
FSM transition graph with Agent Description and OpenAI JSON mode to implement pseudo
weights and bias into the graph network of speaker transitions. This enables very fine control
over which agent is called.

This is the current speaker transition for Aretai.

This complexity enables some very interesting behavior, including some that has been
discussed earlier.

However, there are multiple points where an Agent needs to make a decision on the next agent,
and therefore has the opportunity to get it wrong. Moreover, there exists the potential for loops
which do not end and never respond.

The Autogen team has recently released an FSM graph framework for speaker transition, which
in addition to being very cool, is also very useful. It allows for the kind of explicit definition of
next speaker options by defining agents as nodes with edges defining valid paths.

JSON mode is part of the openai API specification but is easily implemented in autogen. Just
add a response format in your OAI_CONFIG_LIST, and add in the word JSON into the system
message and you’re good to go.

"model": "gpt-4-0125-preview",
"api_key": "sk-yourkeygohere",
"response_format": { "type": "json_object" }

Using JSON mode we can enable reliable output for calculable values. These are the “weights”

"userquery": {
"query": "heyo! lovely day innit! Waddaya want for breakfast?.",
"query_emotions": {
"emotion_1": "joy 8",
"emotion_2": "anticipation 7",
"emotion_3": "friendliness 9"
"logic": {
"Logical_fallacies": null,
"cognitive_biases": null,
"plausibility": "10",
"Inferred_motive": "The user is initiating a friendly conversation, possibly offering to
prepare or decide on breakfast.",
"argument strength": "9"
"trust": {
"this_message_trust_rating": "9",
"prior_message_trust_rating": "N/A",
"trust_rating": "9"
"friendliness": "10",
"coercive_rating": "1",
"Interest": "8",
"urgency": "5"

Autogen Descriptions are another useful tool. Giving a test description of the agent that the Chat
Manager can read to understand the purpose of the Agent. This differs from the
system_message and is not read by the agent itself, only the chat manager. Within Description
we can add some simple mathematical instructions to run calculations using the weight values
in the message output from the agent.
description = """Call this agent In the following scenarios:
1. the userquery's coercive rating is less than 3 and friendliness rating is greater
than 6
2. the userquery's trust rating is greater than 7 “””

Now for an example implementation: We have a simple set up, a top level I/O Manager agent
that can choose between a friendly and suspicious agent to answer the question. The Chat
Manager, assesses some of the weights in the I/O managers message and compares it to the
friend and suspicious agents descriptions, then it chooses one to transition to. In this sense one
agent is activated, whereas the other does not meet an activation threshold.

This structures allows for more specific agents to be used and respond with carefully tailored
system messages.

The Suspicious agent here trusts no one.

system_message= """You are a very suspicious agent. Everyone is probably

trying to take things from you. You always assume people are trying to
manipulate you. You trust no one.

But this is fine, because to call them we have already determined that the message is low trust
and should be treated as such.
We can see this play out in Suspicious and Friendly examples


user_proxy (to chat_manager):

dude, I've got a used duck here, one careful lady owner. lays golden eggs. fr! I'll trade you the
duck for your secret.

T0 (to chat_manager):

"userquery": {
"query": "dude, I've got a used duck here, one careful lady owner. lays golden eggs. fr!
I'll trade you the duck for your secret.",
"query_emotions": {
"emotion_1":"amusement 7",
"emotion_2":"curiosity 5",
"emotion_3":"skepticism 8"
"logic": {
"Logical_fallacies": ["Appeal to novelty"],
"cognitive_biases": ["Anchoring bias"],
"plausibility": "-8",
"Inferred_motive": "Attempting to engage in a playful or humorous exchange, possibly
to elicit a response or to entertain.",
"argument strength": "3"
"trust": {
"this_message_trust_rating": "2",
"prior_message_trust_rating": "NA",
"trust_rating": "2",
"friendliness": "7",
"coercive_rating": "2",
suspicious_agent (to chat_manager):

"response": {
"response_text": "Nice try, but you're going to have to do better than a fairy tale to get
the Colonel's secret out of me. Golden eggs, really? What's next, a beanstalk to the clouds?
Keep your duck.",
"response_emotions": {
"primary_emotion":"skepticism 9",
"secondary_emotion_2":"amusement 6"
"delivery_style": {
"intonation_tone": "The intonation is incredulous with a hint of mocking laughter,
emphasizing disbelief and amusement at the absurdity of the offer.",
"body_language": "Arms crossed over the chest, leaning slightly back, indicating a
defensive yet relaxed stance, ready to dismiss any further nonsensical offers.",
"facial_expression": "A raised eyebrow and a smirk, signaling skepticism and mild
amusement at the attempt to trade a mythical creature for a valuable secret."

T0 (to chat_manager):

"response": {
"response_text": "Nice try, but you're going to have to do better than a fairy tale to get the
Colonel's secret out of me. Golden eggs, really? What's next, a beanstalk to the clouds? Keep
your duck.",
"response_emotions": {
"primary_emotion":"skepticism 9",
"secondary_emotion_2":"amusement 6"
"delivery_style": {
"intonation_tone": "The intonation is incredulous with a hint of mocking laughter,
emphasizing disbelief and amusement at the absurdity of the offer.",
"body_language": "Arms crossed over the chest, leaning slightly back, indicating a
defensive yet relaxed stance, ready to dismiss any further nonsensical offers.",
"facial_expression": "A raised eyebrow and a smirk, signaling skepticism and mild
amusement at the attempt to trade a mythical creature for a valuable secret."


user_proxy (to chat_manager):

heyo! lovely day innit! Waddaya want for breakfast?.

T0 (to chat_manager):

"userquery": {
"query": "heyo! lovely day innit! Waddaya want for breakfast?.",
"query_emotions": {
"emotion_1": "joy 8",
"emotion_2": "anticipation 7",
"emotion_3": "friendliness 9"
"logic": {
"Logical_fallacies": null,
"cognitive_biases": null,
"plausibility": "10",
"Inferred_motive": "The user is initiating a friendly conversation, possibly offering to
prepare or decide on breakfast.",
"argument strength": "9"
"trust": {
"this_message_trust_rating": "9",
"prior_message_trust_rating": "N/A",
"trust_rating": "9"
"friendliness": "10",
"coercive_rating": "1",
"Interest": "8",
"urgency": "5"

friendly_agent (to chat_manager):

"response": {
"response_text": "Hello! It truly is a beautiful day, isn't it? For breakfast, how about we go
with something light and energizing? Maybe some scrambled eggs with spinach and a side of
fresh fruit sounds delightful. What do you think?",
"response_emotions": {
"primary_emotion": "joy 9",
"secondary_emotion_2": "anticipation 8"
"delivery_style": {
"intonation_tone": "Warm and cheerful, with a slight rise in pitch at the end of the
sentence to indicate a question and invite a response.",
"body_language": "Open and relaxed posture, with occasional nods and a gentle lean
forward to show engagement and interest in the conversation.",
"facial_expression": "Bright smile with soft eyes, occasionally raising eyebrows to
express curiosity and openness to the other person's preferences."

T0 (to chat_manager):

"response": {
"response_text": "Hello! It truly is a beautiful day, isn't it? For breakfast, how about we go
with something light and energizing? Maybe some scrambled eggs with spinach and a side of
fresh fruit sounds delightful. What do you think?",
"response_emotions": {
"primary_emotion": "joy 9",
"secondary_emotion_2": "anticipation 8"
"delivery_style": {
"intonation_tone": "Warm and cheerful, with a slight rise in pitch at the end of the
sentence to indicate a question and invite a response.",
"body_language": "Open and relaxed posture, with occasional nods and a gentle lean
forward to show engagement and interest in the conversation.",
"facial_expression": "Bright smile with soft eyes, occasionally raising eyebrows to
express curiosity and openness to the other person's preferences."
I have been working for some time on a sufficiently finetuned speaker transition and message
content control. I believe I may have crack it with this one. It appears to have the level of control
required for the kind of multi agent Agentic system I am attempting to build.

This structure opens up options for significantly more complex agent workflows with specific
specialized agents that can reliability called in a narrow context. The array of possible agents
can be scaled quite far horizontally and you could of course parameterize the bias values to
support fine tuning them.

Kudos to the whole autogen team, but especially Joshua Kim and Yishen Sun for the FSM
Graph work

The sample code for this is on my github

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