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1. Degree of Work Values of the Teachers in San Julian Elementary School

1.1 Professional Growth

Table 2 shows the level of work values of the teachers along with professional

development. It could be deduced from the data presented on the table that among the

indicators, they registered “very high extent” in terms of utilizing class time well and

maximizing time (4.92). Teachers have this level of work values because considering

the volume of work they are to perform, they should have high time management skills.

The close link between the teachers' good time management and their actual

performance is highlighted by the findings of Khan et al. (2016). The authors found out

that a positive relationship between teachers’ time management techniques and their

class performance was found.

In the rest of the indicators, the teachers had “high extent” of professional

development in terms of having consistency in classroom rules / policies and makes

sure that the classroom is conducive for learning (4.00) and preparing visual aids/

digitized lessons well; makes use of ICT-enabled materials (3.84).

In summary, the grand mean of 3.60 indicates that the teachers perceived

themselves as having “high extent” of work values in terms of professional


Table 2. Professional Development

Indicators Mean
Very High
1. utilizes class time well; maximizes time 4.92
2. has consistency in classroom rules / policies 4.00 High Extent
and makes sure that the classroom is conducive
for learning
3. implements differentiated methods/strategies in Moderate
teaching considering the diversity of the learners Extent
4. uses practical or real situations in teaching 2.08 Low Extent
5. prepares visual aids/ digitized lessons well;
3.84 High Extent
makes use of ICT-enabled materials
Grand Mean 3.60 High Extent

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