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Skill builder: Parts of the face

Xirfad dhise: Qaybaha wejiga

Draw each part of the face in the empty rectangles.

Start by outlining the major parts very lightly. Use a
Ku sawir qayb kasta oo wejiga ah leydi madhan. light grid, if you like.
Ku bilaw inaad si fudud u qeexdo qaybaha waaweyn
Isticmaal shabag khafiif ah, haddii aad rabto.
When your drawing is finished, there should not be any
Build up the darkness in several layers in order to make
outlines. Remember that photographs capture the world
things black enough. Use your blender at the very end. If
by recording patterns and shapes of light and dark.
possible, do all of the smoothing carefully with your
Marka sawirkaagu dhamaado, waa inaanu jirin wax
tilmaamo ah Xusuusnow in sawiradu ay qabtaan aduunka
Ku dhis mugdiga dhowr lakab si aad wax uga dhigto madow
iyagoo duubaya qaababka iyo qaababka iftiinka iyo
ku filan Isticmaal blender dhamaadka dhamaadka. Haddii ay
suurtagal tahay, si taxadar leh u silcin dhammaan

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