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Recent activity that interest you

Icha: haiii nurulll!!

Nurul: hai icha
Icha: how are you?
Nurul: I'm good as you see
Icha: really? I think not cause your face is drawing that
Nurul: honestly, now im so boring cause i think my life is so flat. That makes my
self lazy.
Icha: oh my god . I think you must find something or do something that makes
you happy.
Nurul: i never think about that. I think now I have no interest in anything. So,
how are you? Do you interest with something?
Icha: yes alright. Now im interest with photography.
Nurul: wow amazing!! Someone like you interest with photography is suprise
for me!!
Icha: hey girll you don't believe me?
Nurul: no. So when did you start interesting with photography?
Icha: Recently. I started when i show my Instagram reels and There was so
many beautiful photos and then I feelt interest by them . And I knew that it's
was all the result of photography .
Nurul: oh i see. Thats good icha. Now what are you doing to develop your
Icha: for now i buy a camera which supports me in capturing good images and I
joined one of our campus UKM where in that UKM I could develop my interest
in photography.
Nurul: you are so great ichaa. and how your future plants for that activity?
Icha: i will always develop my interesting in photography so i think I'm going to
explore Indonesia next year to capture good pictures, as we know that our
country has good and beautiful scenery.
Nurul: wow thats a amazing plan. but I think it's a good idea for you to go
abroad after you explore Indonesia.
Icha: of course i will do! And nurul i hope you can find your interest with
something. Because if you have an interesting with something you Will feel
happy if you do it.
Nurul: i hope too ichaaa, by the way thanks for your suggestion and hope your
plans for explore Indonesia Will be come true.
Icha : yeahh, thanks Nurul.

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