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List of difficult vocabulary

1. chimera
a grotesque product of the imagination

2. panegyric
formally expressing praise

3. ardour
feelings of great warmth and intensity

4. ardent
characterized by intense emotion

5. asseveration
a solemn, serious statement of something

6. countenance
the appearance conveyed by a person's face

7. embark
set out on, as an enterprise or subject of study

8. alchemist
one who tried to change ordinary metals into gold; one who tried to turn ordinary
metals into gold.

9. enounce
speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way

10. palpable
capable of being perceived

11. insurrection
organized opposition to authority

12. resolution
a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner

13. resolute
firm in purpose or belief

14. mien
a person's appearance, manner, or demeanor (one's manner or conduct)
15. affable
diffusing warmth and friendliness

16. contempt
lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike

17. indefatigable
showing sustained enthusiasm with unflagging vitality

18. affectation
a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display

19. deference
courteous regard for people's feelings

20. procure
get by special effort

21. discriminate
marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions

22. physiognomy
the human face

23. dogmatic
pertaining to a code of beliefs accepted as authoritative

24. dogma
a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative

25. pedantry
an ostentatious and inappropriate display of learning

26. ostentation
pretentious or showy or vulgar display

27. abstruse
difficult to understand

28. facile
performing adroitly and without effort

29. entice
provoke someone to do something through persuasion
30. enticement
something that seduces or has the quality to seduce

31. seduce
lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct

32. seducer
a bad person who entices others into error or wrongdoing

33. beguiler
a person who charms others

34. beguilement
magnetic personal charm

35. beguiled
filled with wonder and delight

36. beguile
attract; cause to be enamored

37. infallible
incapable of failure or error

38. proficient
having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

39. protract
lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer

40. phenomenon
any state or process known through the senses

41. thenceforth
from that time on

42. recourse
act of turning to for assistance

43. irksome
tedious or irritating

44. corrupt
dishonest or immoral or evasive
45. corruption
use of a position of trust for dishonest gain

46. apparition
an act of appearing or becoming visible unexpectedly

47. charnel house

a vault or building where corpses or bones are deposited

48. causation
the act of making something happen

49. rapture
a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion

50. consummation
the act of bringing to completion or fruition

51. obliterated
reduced to nothingness

52. glimmer
a slight suggestion or vague understanding
(also, a flash or twinkling of light)

53. precept
a rule of personal conduct

54. acquirement
an ability that has been acquired by training

55. aspire
have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal

56. multitude
a large indefinite number

57. incessant
uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
(something that just won't stop)

58. bore
a person who evokes tedium
(also, from the root "to bear" meaning to carry)
59. torrent
an overwhelming number or amount
(also like a flood of something, such as water, thoughts, events, etc.)

60. unremitting
uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
(like incessant, something that won't stop or cease)

61. hallowed
worthy of religious veneration

62. acuteness
a sensitivity that is keen and highly developed

63. profane
grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred

64. luxuriant
produced or growing in extreme abundance

65. vintage
a season's yield of wine from a vineyard
(or something that is old and classic, as in a wine, a car, or something exemplary)

66. ascribe
attribute or credit to

67. alloy
a mixture containing two or more metallic elements

68. engrossed
giving or marked by complete attention to

69. incipient
only partly in existence; imperfectly formed

70. offal
viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal

71. deprecate
express strong disapproval of; deplore

72. disquisition
an elaborate analytical or explanatory essay or discussion
73. despondence
the state of being hopeless or in despair

74. sublime
of high moral or intellectual value

75. imbue
spread or diffuse through

76. abhor
feel hatred or disgust toward

77. abhorrent
offensive to the mind

78. sagacity
the trait of having wisdom and good judgment

79. supplication
the act of communicating with a deity

80. succour
assistance in time of difficulty

81. imprecate
wish harm upon; invoke evil

82. augment
enlarge or increase

83. alleviate
make easier

84. desolate
cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

85. requisition
an authoritative demand

86. requisite
necessary for relief or supply

87. insurmountable
not capable of being overcome
88. sirocco
a windstorm that lifts up clouds of dust or sand

89. exordium
the introductory section of an oration or discourse

90. dissipate
cause to separate and go in different directions
(disperse and fade away)

91. candor
the quality of being honest and straightforward

92. infirmity
the state of being weak in health or body

93. dilatory
wasting time

94. impediment
something immaterial that interferes with action or progress
(anything that interferes with the progress of an endeavor)

95. intimate
marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity

96. machination
a crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends

97. sedulous
marked by care and persistent effort

98. indolence
inactivity resulting from a dislike of work

99. variegated
having an assortment of colors

100. dogmatism
laying out ideas as undeniably true without considering other opinions or facts

111. fetter
a restriction on someone's freedom; a chain

112. ignominious
worthy of shame, or causing shame or embarrassment
113. prognosticate
to predict or foresee a future event

114. slake
to quench (a thirst)

115. timorous
timid, lacking confidence

116. torpor
a state of laziness or lifelessness

117. uncouth
uncivilized, lacking manners or politeness

118. verdure
green vegetation

119. ennui
a feeling of boredom or melancholy
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