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Received: 14 November 2020 Revised: 30 April 2021 Accepted: 20 June 2021

DOI: 10.1111/vec.13230


Use of vasopressors for treatment of vasodilatory hypotension

in dogs and cats by Diplomates of the American College of
Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care

Kellyann M. Murphy DVM1 Mark Rishniw BVsc, MS, PhD, DACVIM2

Deborah C. Silverstein DVM, DACVECC1

Department of Clinical Studies and Advanced
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Abstract
Veterinary Medicine, Philadelphia,
Objective: To identify the most common practices of Diplomates of the American Col-
Pennsylvania, USA
Veterinary Information Network, Davis,
lege of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (DACVECCs) as they relate to the
California, USA recognition and treatment of hypotension in dogs and cats, particularly concerning the
use of vasopressors in vasodilatory shock states.
Kellyann Murphy, Ryan Veterinary Hospital, Design: A survey regarding vasopressor use was sent to all active DACVECCs using the
University of Pennsylvania, 3900 Spruce
Veterinary Information Network. Questions focused on respondent characteristics,
Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.
Email: method of recognition of hypotension, triggers for initiation of vasopressor therapy,
first- and second-line vasopressor choice, and methods of determining response to
Subjects: A total of 734 DACVECCs were invited to participate, and 203 Diplomates
(27.7%) completed the survey.
Results: For both dogs and cats, the most common first-line vasopressor was nore-
pinephrine (87.9% in dogs and 83.1% in cats). The most common second-choice
vasopressor was vasopressin (44.2% in dogs and 39.0% in cats). Cutoff values for
initiating vasopressor therapy varied between species and modality used for blood
pressure measurement. In general, most DACVECCs chose to initiate vasopressor
therapy at a Doppler blood pressure <90 mm Hg or a mean arterial pressure of <60 or
<65 mm Hg when using oscillometric or direct arterial blood pressure measurements
in dogs and cats.
Conclusions: Most DACVECCs adhere to published human guidelines when choosing
a first-line vasopressor. However, there is significant variability in blood pressure mea-
surement technique, cutoffs for initiation of vasopressor use, and choice of second-line

blood pressure, critical care, norepinephrine, perfusion, vasopressin

Abbreviations: DABP, direct arterial blood pressure; DACVECCs, Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care; DBP, Doppler blood pressure; ER, emergency
room; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SAP, systolic arterial pressure; SSC, Surviving Sepsis Campaign.

© Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2022.

714 J Vet Emerg Crit Care. 2022;32:714–722.

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1 INTRODUCTION conventionally established based on previous research in both human

and animal medicine that not only determined normal ranges but also
Hypotension is a common problem in critically ill small animal veteri- defined hypotension for prognosis or intervention.1–4,10–14
nary patients and can lead to significant morbidity and mortality if The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics; no inferential
not promptly corrected. The mortality rate for hypotensive dogs that statistical analyses of the data were performed. For questions that
present to the emergency room (ER) is higher if the hypotension does were not answered by all respondents, percentages were calculated
not respond to fluid administration.1 While there is no widely accepted out of the total number of actual responses received. For the ques-
definition of hypotension in veterinary medicine, other studies have tions regarding the specific blood pressure measurements at which
used a Doppler blood pressure (DBP) or systolic arterial pressure they would consider initiating vasopressor therapy, respondents were
(SAP) ≤90 mm Hg in dogs.1,2 Ruffato et al3 defined intraoperative offered choices of specific critical MAP or SAP values, an option of
hypotension in dogs as SAP < 87 mm Hg or mean arterial pressure “I use a combination of MAP and SAP,” or an option of “I use either
(MAP) <62 mm Hg. Critically ill cats with a DBP ≤ 90 mm Hg are sig- a critical MAP or SAP.” The option “I use a combination of MAP and
nificantly less likely to survive to discharge than normotensive cats. SAP” indicated they would require both of the measurements to have
Additionally, hypotensive cats that respond to treatment are 4 times reached a critical value, while “I use either a critical MAP or SAP” indi-
more likely to survive than nonresponders.4 cated they would initiate vasopressor therapy when 1 or the other of
Treatment of hypotension depends on the suspected underlying these values reached a critical value.
cause. Hypotension due to vasodilation most commonly occurs in
sepsis, although prolonged and severe hypotension of any cause can
ultimately result in vasodilatory shock. Other disease states that 3 RESULTS
have been proposed to cause vasodilation include nitrogen intoxica-
tion, carbon monoxide intoxication, metformin intoxication, certain A total of 734 active Diplomates were invited to participate in the
mitochondrial diseases, cyanide poisoning, anaphylaxis, liver failure, survey. Of these, 219 DACVECCs responded to the survey. Six-
and glucocorticoid deficiency.5 For patients with vasodilatory shock, teen responses were excluded because they were incomplete, leaving
vasoactive substances are commonly employed to correct decreased 203 analyzable responses (27.7% of DACVECCs contacted). Eight
arterial blood pressure. Currently, there are no published guidelines respondents (3.9%) reported working exclusively in an ER, 97 (47.8%)
for the treatment of hypotension in veterinary patients. In people reported working exclusively in an ICU, and 98 (48.3%) reported work-
with hypotension, early goal-directed therapy in which central venous ing in both. The majority of respondents (67.5%, n = 137) worked in
pressure, MAP, and central venous oxygen saturation are used as end- private specialty referral practices. The remainder worked in a univer-
points to guide therapy has been proposed as a superior protocol to sity teaching hospital (30.0%, n = 61), an ER-only practice (2.0%, n = 4),
treating severe sepsis and septic shock.6 There is conflicting evidence, or a general practice (0.5%, n = 1).
however, as to whether or not this algorithm provides a benefit over
conventional therapy.7–9 Due to the lack of clinical studies evaluating
treatment protocols for hypotension in dogs and cats, current thera- 3.1 Dogs
pies are largely clinician dependent and based on extrapolations from
human literature as well as clinical experience. All 203 respondents reported that they treat dogs with hypotension
The goal of this survey was to identify the most common practices in their practice; however, 3 respondents reported that they never
of Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Emergency and treated patients similar to the one in the survey question and thus
Critical Care (DACVECCs) as they relate to the diagnosis and treat- were not asked to respond to subsequent survey questions. The 200
ment of hypotension in dogs and cats, particularly concerning the use remaining respondents were invited to continue with the survey. Five
of vasopressors in vasodilatory shock states. respondents (2.5%) reported treating similar patients on a daily basis,
54 (27.0%) treat every week, 80 (40.0%) treat every month, 39 (19.5%)
treat every 1–3 months, and 22 (11.0%) treat similar patients less than
2 METHODS every 3 months.
A total of 198 responses were received regarding DBP monitor-
A survey was created using a web-based survey enginea and was ing in dogs. Eighty-one (40.9%) respondents would consider using a
distributed to all DACVECCs via an email listserv. The survey was vasopressor when the measurement is <90 mm Hg. Fifty-nine (29.8%)
open from July 1, 2019 to July 22, 2019. The questions were created would treat when the measurement is <80 mm Hg, 28 (14.1%) when
by one of the authors (D.C.S.) and tested internally prior to release the measurement is <70 mm Hg, 21 (10.6%) when the measurement
to the DACVECCs. Questions focused on respondent characteristics, is <100 mm Hg, and 5 (2.5%) when the measurement is <60 mm Hg.
method of diagnosis of hypotension, triggers for initiation of vasopres- Four respondents (2.0%) stated that they would not use DBP measure-
sor therapy, first- and second-line vasopressor choice, and methods of ment in dogs (Figure 1).
determining response to therapy (Supporting Information). The blood A total of 199 responses were received regarding oscillometric
pressure targets presented as possible answers in the survey were blood pressure monitoring in dogs. One hundred and nineteen (59.8%)
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F I G U R E 3 Cutoff DABP value for initiating vasopressor therapy

in dogs among Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary
Emergency and Critical Care. *Other includes respondents who
indicated that they would use either an SAP or MAP or a combination
F I G U R E 1 Cutoff diastolic blood pressure value for initiating
of SAP and MAP. DABP, direct arterial blood pressure; MAP, mean
vasopressor therapy in dogs among Diplomates of the American
arterial pressure; SAP, systolic arterial pressure
College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care

Of the 200 respondents, 21 (10.5%) stated they did not use

direct arterial blood pressure (DABP) measurement in dogs. Most
respondents (60.5%, n = 121) chose to treat based on a direct MAP
(MAP < 70 mm Hg, n = 20, 10.0%; MAP < 65 mm Hg, n = 60, 30.0%;
MAP < 60 mm Hg, n = 41, 20.5%). Only 29 (14.5%) chose to treat based
on SAP (SAP < 100 mm Hg, n = 4, 2.0%; SAP < 90 mm Hg, n = 18, 9.0%;
SAP < 80 mm Hg, n = 6, 3.0%; SAP < 70 mm Hg, n = 1, 0.5%). Twenty-
two respondents (11%) stated they use a combination of direct MAP
and SAP when diagnosing hypotension, and 7 respondents (3.5%) use
either a critical MAP or SAP (Figure 3).
Regardless of the monitoring method, 29 (14.5%) respondents
reported starting treatment based on 1 blood pressure measure-
ment, while 171 (85.5%) respondents reported requiring multiple
measurements before initiating treatment. For those who use multiple
measurements, 167 provided an answer regarding how many measure-
ments they use. Eighty-six (51.5%) respondents use 3 measurements,
F I G U R E 2 Cutoff oscillometric value for initiating vasopressor 74 (44.3%) use 2 measurements, 1 (0.6%) uses 4 measurements,
therapy in dogs among Diplomates of the American College of 5 (3.0%) use 5 measurements, and 1 (0.6%) uses 6 measurements.
Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. *Other includes respondents Of those who use multiple measurements, 170 provided an answer
who indicated that they would use either an SAP or MAP or a regarding how long they wait between measurements. A plurality of
combination of SAP and MAP. MAP, mean arterial pressure; SAP,
respondents (44.1%, n = 75) reported waiting 2–5 minutes between
systolic arterial pressure
readings. Thirty specialists (17.6%) wait 1 minute between readings, 34
(20.0%) wait 6–10 minutes, 20 (11.8%) wait 11–15 minutes, 6 (3.5%)
respondents reported using the MAP value as their treatment trigger wait 16–20 minutes, and 5 (2.9%) wait 21–30 minutes.
(MAP < 70 mm Hg, n = 20, 10.1%; MAP < 65 mm Hg, n = 49, 24.6%; All 200 respondents answered the question regarding their first-
MAP < 60 mm Hg, n = 50, 25.1%). Only 18 (9.0%) respondents reported choice vasopressor. The majority of respondents (87.5%, n = 175)
using an SAP to determine treatment (SAP < 100 mm Hg, n = 4, 2.0%; reported choosing norepinephrine as their first-choice vasopressor
SAP < 90 mm Hg, n = 10, 5.0%; SAP < 80 mm Hg, n = 4, 2.0%). Twenty- for the dog described in the survey. The second most common first-
nine respondents (14.5%) stated they use a combination of MAP and choice vasopressor was dopamine (11.0%, n = 22). Phenylephrine and
SAP when diagnosing hypotension, and 11 (5.5%) stated they use either vasopressin were each chosen as first choice by 1 respondent (0.5%
a critical MAP or SAP. Twenty-two respondents (11.1%) stated that each). One respondent (0.5%) chose “Other” and stated that they would
they would not use oscillometric blood pressure measurement in dogs choose either dopamine or norepinephrine depending on the case
(Figure 2). (Figure 4).
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F I G U R E 4 First-choice vasopressor for vasodilatory shock in dogs

among Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Emergency
F I G U R E 5 Second-choice vasopressor for vasodilatory shock in
and Critical Care
dogs among Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary
Emergency and Critical Care

In determining response to treatment, 126 respondents (63.0%)

consider an increase in SAP > 10 mm Hg as a positive response, 102
(51.0%) consider an increase in MAP > 10 mm Hg a positive response, monly dobutamine (6.0%, n = 11) or epinephrine (4.9%, n = 9). The 15
63 (31.5%) consider normalization of SAP a positive response, and 51 respondents who reported switching to a different vasopressor most
(25.5%) consider normalization of MAP a positive response. Twenty- commonly chose dopamine (40.0%, n = 6), followed by vasopressin
three respondents (11.5%) stated that they use “Other” parameters to (26.7%, n = 4), norepinephrine (26.7%, n = 4), and phenylephrine (6.7%,
determine a positive response (either in addition to or in place of one of n = 1).
the previously mentioned options). A total of 199 respondents provided an answer to the question
Approximately one-third (31.5%, n = 63) of respondents wait 6– regarding their second-choice vasopressor in dogs. Overall, regard-
10 minutes before deeming the response inadequate, 30.0% (n = 60) less of whether or not the respondent chose to add in or switch to a
wait 11–15 minutes, 15.5% (n = 31) wait 1–5 minutes, 13.0% (n = 26) second drug, the most common second-choice drug was vasopressin
wait 16–20 minutes, 9.5% (n = 19) wait 21–30 minutes, and 1 (44.2%, n = 88), followed by dopamine (30.7%, n = 61), norepinephrine
respondent (0.5%) waits more than 30 minutes. (12.1%, n = 24), dobutamine (5.5%, n = 11), epinephrine (4.5%, n = 9),
If the initial response is deemed inadequate, most respondents and phenylephrine (2.5%, n = 5). One respondent (0.5%) chose “Other”
(n = 169, 84.5%) reported that they would titrate up the first-choice and indicated their choice would depend on various other factors
vasopressor to a maximal dose before adding in a second vasopres- (Figure 5).
sor. For these respondents, if they reach the maximum dose of the
first vasopressor and there is still an inadequate response, the majority
(91.7%, n = 155) would add in a second vasopressor, while the remain- 3.2 Cats
der (8.3%, n = 14) would switch to another vasopressor. Thirty (15.0%)
respondents would add in a second vasopressor before reaching the Of the 203 total included survey responses, most respondents (72.4%,
maximum dose of the first vasopressor, and 1 respondent (0.5%) would n = 147) stated that they would treat a cat with a similar clinical
switch to a second vasopressor rather than increasing to a maximum scenario the same way as they would a dog; 1 of these respondents
dose of the first vasopressor. reported that they did not treat patients similar to the one in the sur-
Of the 185 respondents who chose to add a second vasopres- vey and was not invited to answer the subsequent survey questions.
sor (regardless of whether or not the first drug was titrated to a Only 56 respondents (27.6%) stated they would use different proto-
maximal dose), 184 responded to the question regarding their second- cols for a cat. In order to assess the most common practices used
choice vasopressor. Approximately half (45.6%, n = 84) of respondents to treat hypotensive cats, the 56 responses describing feline-specific
would use vasopressin as their second-choice vasopressor, followed approaches were combined with the 146 responses regarding canine
by dopamine (30.4%, n = 56), norepinephrine (10.9%, n = 20), and patients for those specialists who reported treating both species
phenylephrine (2.2%, n = 4). Twenty respondents (10.9%) indicated the same way for a total of 202 responses regarding treatment of
that they would choose another vasopressor not listed, most com- hypotensive cats.
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F I G U R E 7 Cutoff oscillometric value for initiating vasopressor

therapy in cats among Diplomates of the American College of
Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. *Other includes respondents
who indicated that they would use either an SAP or MAP or use a
combination of SAP and MAP. MAP, mean arterial pressure; SAP,
F I G U R E 6 Cutoff diastolic blood pressure value for initiating systolic arterial pressure
vasopressor therapy in cats among Diplomates of the American
College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care

A total of 200 responses were received regarding DBP monitoring in

cats. Seventy-seven respondents (38.5%) would consider using a vaso-
pressor at a pressure of <90 mm Hg. Fifty-eight (29.0%) would treat
when the DBP is <80 mm Hg, 36 (18.0%) when the DBP is <70 mm Hg,
11 (5.5%) when the DBP is <60 mm Hg, and 16 (8.0%) when DBP
is <100 mm Hg. Two respondents (1.0%) stated that they would not use
DBP measurement (Figure 6).
A total of 200 responses were received regarding oscillomet-
ric blood pressure monitoring in cats. One hundred and seven
(53.5%) respondents use MAP value as their treatment trigger
(MAP < 70 mm Hg, n = 15, 7.5%; MAP < 65 mm Hg, n = 43,
21.5%; MAP < 60 mm Hg, n = 49, 24.5%). Only 18 (9.0%) respon- F I G U R E 8 Cutoff direct arterial blood pressure value for initiating
dents use SAP to determine treatment (SAP < 100 mm Hg, n = 3, vasopressor therapy in cats among Diplomates of the American
1.5%; SAP < 90 mm Hg, n = 9, 4.5%; SAP < 80 mm Hg, n = 3, 1.5%; College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. *Other includes
SAP < 70 mm Hg, n = 3, 1.5%). Thirty-two respondents (16.0%) stated respondents who indicated that they would use either an SAP or MAP
or use a combination of SAP and MAP. MAP, mean arterial pressure;
they use a combination of oscillometric MAP and SAP when diagnos-
SAP, systolic arterial pressure
ing hypotension, and 10 (5.0%) stated they use either a critical MAP or
SAP. Thirty-three (16.5%) respondents stated that they would not use
oscillometric blood pressure measurement (Figure 7). Twenty-seven (13.4%) respondents would start treatment based
Of the 202 respondents, 26 (12.9%) stated they did not use DABP on 1 blood pressure measurement; 175 (86.6%) respondents require
measurement in cats. Most respondents (59.4%, n = 120) chose to treat multiple measurements. For respondents that use multiple measure-
based on a direct MAP (MAP < 70 mm Hg, n = 18, 9.0%; MAP < 65 mm ments, 170 clinicians provided an answer regarding how long they
Hg, n = 58, 28.7%; MAP < 60 mm Hg, n = 44, 21.8%). Direct SAP wait between measurements. Most wait 2–5 minutes (44.7%, n = 76)
is used by 25 (12.4%) respondents (SAP < 100 mm Hg, n = 3, 1.5%; between readings. Twenty-nine specialists (17.1%) wait 1 minute
SAP < 90 mm Hg, n = 16, 7.9%; SAP < 80 mm Hg, n = 4, 2.0%; between readings, 37 (21.8%) wait 6–10 minutes, 19 (11.2%) wait
SAP < 70 mm Hg, n = 2, 1.0%). Twenty-four respondents (11.9%) 11–15 minutes, 4 (2.4%) wait 16–20 minutes, and 5 (2.9%) wait
stated they use a combination of direct MAP and SAP when diagnos- 21–30 minutes.
ing hypotension, and 7 respondents (3.5%) use either a critical MAP or A total of 201 responses were received regarding the first-choice
SAP (Figure 8). vasopressor in cats. Most respondents (83.1%, n = 167) would choose
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F I G U R E 9 First-choice vasopressor for vasodilatory shock in cats

among Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Emergency
and Critical Care F I G U R E 1 0 Second-choice vasopressor for vasodilatory shock in
cats among Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary
Emergency and Critical Care

norepinephrine as the first-choice vasopressor for the cat described in

the survey. The second most common first-choice drug was dopamine A total of 180 respondents stated they would choose to add a
(14.4%, n = 29). One respondent chose phenylephrine, and 1 respon- second vasopressor (regardless of whether or not the first drug was
dent chose vasopressin as their first-choice drug (0.5% each). Three titrated to a maximal dose). The most common second-choice drug was
respondents (1.5%) chose “Other,” and all 3 stated that they would vasopressin (40.6%, n = 73). The next most common second agent was
choose epinephrine as their first-choice vasopressor (Figure 9). dopamine (32.2%, n = 58). Norepinephrine was the second agent of
In determining response to treatment, 134 (66.3%) respondents choice for 24 (13.3%) respondents, and phenylephrine was the second
consider an increase in SAP > 10 mm Hg as a positive response, 98 choice for 4 (2.2%) respondents. Twenty-one respondents (11.7%) indi-
(48.5%) consider an increase in MAP > 10 mm Hg a positive response, cated that they would choose another vasopressor not listed. Write-in
59 (29.2%) consider normalization of SAP a positive response, and 50 answers included dobutamine (6.1%, n = 11), epinephrine (5.0%, n = 9),
(24.8%) consider normalization of MAP a positive response. Twenty- and esmolol (0.6%, n = 1). Twenty-one clinicians chose to switch to
one respondents (10.4%) stated that they use “Other” parameters to a different vasopressor, but only 20 provided an answer to the ques-
determine a positive response (either in addition to or in place of one tion regarding their second-choice vasopressor. Eleven respondents
of the previously mentioned options). (55.0%) chose dopamine, 5 (25.0%) chose vasopressin, and 2 (10.0%)
Two hundred and one respondents provided an answer to the ques- chose norepinephrine. One respondent (5.0 %) chose “Other” and
tion regarding how long they wait before evaluating if the response to wrote in epinephrine.
the initial drug is adequate. Sixty-four (31.8%) clinicians wait 6–10 min- A total of 200 responses regarding second-choice vasopressor in
utes, 54 (26.9%) wait 11–15 minutes, 30 (14.9%) wait 16–20 minutes, cats were received. Overall, regardless of whether or not the respon-
31 (15.4%) wait 1–5 minutes, 19 (9.5%) wait 21–30 minutes, and 3 dent chose to add in or switch to a second drug, the most common
(1.5%) wait more than 30 minutes. second-choice drug for cats was vasopressin (39.0%, n = 78), followed
If the initial response is deemed inadequate, most respondents by dopamine (34.5%, n = 69), norepinephrine (13.0%, n = 26), dobu-
(84.2%, n = 170) stated they would titrate up the first-choice vaso- tamine (5.5%, n = 11), epinephrine (5.0%, n = 10), phenylephrine (2.5%,
pressor to a maximal dose before adding in a second vasopressor. For n = 5), and esmolol (0.5%, n = 1) (Figure 10).
these respondents, 169 provided an answer to the question regard-
ing whether they would add in or switch to a second vasopressor if
they reach the maximum dose of the first vasopressor and there is 4 DISCUSSION
still an inadequate response. The majority (89.3%, n = 151) stated they
would add in a second vasopressor, while the remainder (10.7%, n = 18) Most respondents of the survey work in an ICU, either exclusively or in
stated they would switch to another vasopressor. Twenty-nine (14.4%) combination with time in an ER. Almost all respondents (97.5%) work in
respondents stated they would add in a second vasopressor before either a specialty referral practice or university teaching hospital. Most
reaching the maximum dose of the first vasopressor, and 3 respondents clinicians (68.5%) indicate that they prescribe vasopressors at least on
(1.5%) stated they would switch to a second vasopressor rather than a monthly basis. All of the survey respondents are board certified in
increasing to a maximum dose of the first vasopressor. Emergency and Critical Care medicine and thus are expected to have
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a high level of knowledge in treating hypotension and prescribing vaso- MAP > 65 mm Hg in patients requiring vasopressors (strong rec-
pressors. However, despite similar training there was still significant ommendation, moderate evidence).31 A survey of physicians in the
disagreement about diagnosis and treatment of hypotension in these European Society of Intensive Care Medicine found that the major-
theoretical patients with fluid-refractory vasodilatory shock. ity of respondents (70%) targeted an MAP of >60–65 mm Hg.10 Our
The method of blood pressure measurement used to recognize results show that veterinary criticalists tend to choose similar MAP val-
hypotension varied widely among respondents. DBP was most con- ues of <60 or <65 mm Hg for initiating vasopressor therapy in dogs and
sistently used, with only 4 respondents stating they would not use cats. There are no current veterinary guidelines to support any given
DBP in dogs (compared to 22 and 21 who would not use oscillomet- cutoff value. Additionally, most human guidelines are based on MAP.
ric and DABP, respectively); this was similar to the pattern seen with Our survey respondents were more likely to state that they would not
responses for cats. While it is widely accepted that DABP measure- use oscillometric or DABP in dogs and cats compared to DBP, suggest-
ment is the gold standard for diagnosing hypotension,15–17 placement ing a preference for DBP for diagnosing hypotension in small animals.
and maintenance of an arterial catheter is technically difficult, has DBP is generally thought to best reflect SAP in dogs; however, there is
greater inherent risks, and is not always possible in clinical veteri- conflicting evidence as to whether it is more indicative of SAP or MAP
nary patients; this is likely the reason for its less common use. It in cats.32 Further studies are warranted to determine the optimal blood
is interesting that respondents were less likely to use oscillometric pressure cutoffs for initiation of vasopressor therapy using different
blood pressure in dogs compared to DBP. Multiple studies have com- blood pressure monitoring techniques in small animal patients.
pared various noninvasive blood pressure monitoring techniques to The most common drugs used to treat hypotension in both human
invasive blood pressure monitoring techniques. While some studies and veterinary patients include catecholamines (eg, norepinephrine,
have shown that there is good agreement between DBP and inva- epinephrine, dopamine, phenylephrine) and nonadrenergic vasopres-
sive blood pressure monitoring,18,19 more recent studies have shown sors (eg, vasopressin). The catecholamines work by binding to adren-
that DBP is unreliable for detecting hypotension in dogs.20–22 Some ergic receptors, which are divided into 2 major types (α and β), with
reports suggest that oscillometric methods may be more reliable,23,24 at least 9 different subtypes (α1A , α1B , α1D , α2A/D , α2B , α2C , β1 , β2 , and
but another paper found them to be inaccurate when compared to β3 ).33 Table 1 summarizes the differential effects of commonly used
direct measurements.25 There are few studies evaluating noninvasive vasopressors and their actions on these receptors. Dopamine also stim-
blood pressure monitoring in cats, but results suggest that both oscil- ulates specific dopaminergic receptors (D1–5 ) that are located in the
lometric and DBP in cats are unreliable.26,27 One study comparing smooth muscle of renal, coronary, splanchnic, and cerebral vascular
oscillometric and DBP to direct pressures suggested that oscillometric beds.34 Vasopressin is a nonadrenergic vasopressor that binds to spe-
methods may be better for measuring SAP, while DBP is better for MAP. cific vasopressin-1 (V1 R) receptors present in vascular smooth muscle,
In both cases, however, agreement with direct pressures was poor, and which causes vasoconstriction when activated.34,35
the authors suggest that indirect methods are better for documenting There was little disagreement about which vasopressor to use as a
trends in blood pressure rather than specific values.27 first choice, with the overwhelming majority of respondents choosing
Respondents showed similar disagreements about what blood pres- norepinephrine for both dogs and cats. Interestingly, a similar survey of
sure cutoffs would prompt them to initiate vasopressor therapy. When DACVECCs from 2014 showed that there was an approximately 50:50
using DBP, most respondents would start vasopressor therapy in dogs split between norepinephrine and dopamine as a first-line vasopressor
when the value fell below 90 or 80 mm Hg (40.9% or 29.8%, respec- for both dogs and cats (unpublished data). There is still limited evidence
tively); similar cutoffs were reported for cats. When using oscillometric supporting the use of 1 vasopressor over the other in both human and
or DABP measurements, most respondents use MAP to determine veterinary medicine. A 2016 Cochrane Review compared the use of
when to start vasopressors with a similar percentage of respondents norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, phenylephrine, vasopressin,
using a cutoff value of <60 mm Hg and <65 mm Hg for both dogs and terlipressin in critically ill patients with shock. No difference in
and cats. This fits with the general definition of hypotension as an mortality was found in patients being treated with any of the vaso-
MAP of <60–65 mm Hg; below this level, autoregulation of renal and pressors. The incidence of arrhythmias was higher with dopamine as
cerebral blood flow is lost; therefore, perfusion of these organs is compared to norepinephrine, but no other significant differences were
dependent entirely on systemic blood pressure.28 There is still, how- found among any of the 6 vasopressors for any measure of morbidity.36
ever, much debate as to the optimal blood pressure target when using Despite this, the SSC recommends norepinephrine as the first-choice
vasopressors. One recent retrospective in people showed that MAP vasopressor to treat persistent hypotension in septic shock.31 There
thresholds <85 mm Hg were associated with higher risks for mortal- are no guidelines for vasopressor choice in veterinary patients. A 2015
ity, acute kidney injury, and myocardial injury.29 Another meta-analysis, review attempted to look at vasopressor choice in animals with sep-
however, found that higher blood pressure targets (75–80 mm Hg) tic shock but concluded that there is insufficient evidence to make
may increase mortality in patients treated with vasopressors for definitive recommendations.37 Clearly, additional studies comparing
more than 6 hours when compared to lower blood pressure tar- different vasoactive drugs are needed in veterinary medicine but, until
gets (60–65 mm Hg). Additionally, those in the lower blood pressure then, veterinarians will likely continue to follow human guidelines.
target group did not have an increase in adverse events.30 The Sur- If initial vasopressor therapy did not provide an adequate response,
viving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) recommends an initial target of an most respondents (84.5%) stated they would titrate their first-choice
14764431, 2022, 6, Downloaded from by David Alzate - Universidad Ces , Wiley Online Library on [09/01/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

TA B L E 1 Receptor activity, cardiopressor effects, and dosages of commonly administered vasopressor drugs

Receptor activity Effect ona

Cardiac Vasomotor Blood
β1 β2 α1 and α2 Contractility Heartrate output tone pressure Dosage
Dobutamine ++ + + ↑↑ ↑ ↑↑ ↓ Variable 5–20 μg/kg/min
Dopamineb ++ + ++ ↑↑ ↑↑ Variable ↑↑ ↑↑ 5–20 μg/kg/min
Epinephrinec +++ +++ +++ ↑↑↑ ↑↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑↑ ↑↑↑ 0.05–1 μg/kg/min
Norepinephrine + 0 +++ ↑ Variable Variable ↑↑↑ ↑↑↑ 0.1–2 μg/kg/min
Phenylephrine 0 0 +++ 0 ↓ ↓ ↑↑↑ ↑↑↑ 0.5–5 μg/kg/min
Vasopressin 0 0 0 0 ↓ ↓ ↑↑ ↑↑ 0.5–5 mU/kg/min

Note: Modified with permission from Haskin SC. Catecholamines. In: Silverstein DC, Hopper K, eds. Small Animal Critical Care Medicine. 2nd ed. St. Louis,
MO: Elsevier Saunders; 2015:830. Activity ranges from no activity (0) to maximal activity (+++). Possible cardiopressor effects include a decrease (↓), mild
increase (↑), moderate increase (↑↑), or marked increase (↑↑↑).
Effects are estimated for the higher dose ranges.
Dose-dependent effects ranging from dopaminergic at low doses, β-agonist at mid doses, and α-agonist at high doses.
Dose-dependent effects ranging from β-agonist at low doses, mixed α and β at mid doses, and α-agonist at high doses.39

drug to a maximal dose before adding or switching to a different There are several limitations to this study. Only 27.7% of contacted
vasopressor; most of these respondents (91.7%) chose to add in a DACVECCs responded to the survey, thus introducing response bias
second vasopressor rather than switching to a different drug (8.3%). as these results only reflect the preferences and practices of those
The current SSC guidelines recommend adding either vasopressin who chose to respond. Additionally, results were not separated by type
or epinephrine to norepinephrine to reach a target MAP or adding of institution or clinical practice setting, which may influence which
vasopressin to decrease the norepinephrine dose. There are no spe- vasopressors are available to clinicians and how they are used. The
cific recommendations regarding when to start a second vasopressor. nature of the survey also does not necessarily differentiate clinician
According to the guidelines, dopamine should only be used in spe- preference versus actual practice, which may skew results, especially
cific patients due to its risk of causing tachyarrhythmias. Dobutamine for those practices that are limited by cost or feasibility in veterinary
is recommended in patients with persistent hypotension despite ade- patients. The question regarding determining a positive response to
quate fluid resuscitation and the use of vasopressors.31 In our survey, vasopressor therapy offers normalization of SAP or MAP as a possible
vasopressin was the most common (44.2% for dogs; 39.0% for cats) answer, but this is not explicitly defined. Clinicians may have differ-
second-choice vasopressor, which adheres to these guidelines. How- ent definitions for what normalization means, thus affecting how they
ever, almost a third (30.7% for dogs; 34.5% for cats) of respondents might answer this question. Nevertheless, these survey results suggest
chose dopamine as their second-choice vasopressor. The high cost of that most veterinary criticalists adhere to published human guidelines
vasopressin is likely a significant barrier to its more widespread use in when choosing a first-line vasopressor. However, there is significant
veterinary medicine. Epinephrine and dobutamine were not listed as variability in how to measure blood pressure, cutoffs for initiation of
choices in this survey, but respondents wrote these answers in under vasopressor use, and choice of second-line vasopressors. Clinical trials
“Other” for both cats and dogs. While more research is still needed to in dogs and cats with vasodilatory shock that examine adverse effects
determine the best first- and second-choice vasopressors in veterinary and outcomes are neded to determine best practice guidelines for use
patients, human guidelines suggest that epinephrine is preferable to of vasopressors in critically ill small animals.
dopamine in refractory hypotension, but only a small number of veteri-
nary criticalists seem to use this in practice. It is possible that a lower CONFLICT OF INTEREST
number of respondents chose epinephrine because it was not listed as The authors declare no conflict of interest.
a choice and those that did choose it had to write it in. It is also impor-
tant to note that definitive research documenting the risks of dopamine ORCID
seen in human patients is absent in the veterinary literature, and it is Kellyann M. Murphy DVM
possible that this drug is a safe and acceptable alternative for critically
ill small animal patients. Esmolol was also not listed as a choice in the ENDNOTE
survey but was written in by 1 respondent for cats. While there is some a
Survey Gizmo;
evidence that esmolol may be of benefit in a subset of human patients
with vasodilatory shock,38 it is generally not considered to be a vaso- REFERENCES
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